An Analysis on Equipments of Physical Education and Sports in India

A Comparative Study between Western and Indian Physical Education Systems

by Surender Kumar*, Dr. Ramesh Kumar,

- Published in International Journal of Physical Education & Sports Sciences, E-ISSN: 2231-3745

Volume 13, Issue No. 1, Jan 2018, Pages 105 - 110 (6)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Each individual has a basic right of access to physical education and sport, which are fundamental for the full improvement of his character. The opportunity to create physical, scholarly and moral powers through physical education and sport must be ensured both inside the educational system and in different parts of social life physical education and sports, we need to view some other between related parts of its field, on the grounds that physical education will be 'education through development' inside the structure of absolute education which is both mental and physical. Presently it has become an indivisible part of education and accentuation is laid on educational experience rather on simply muscle building. The improvement of educator education in physical education is likewise significant territory which should be talked about as instructor preparing foundations develop departments of physical education started to build up. It has had its conventional start in western nations over hundred years back, and the idea headed out to India by means of Britain. As a matter of fact the whole system of physical education experienced change alongside that of education bearing mainland impacts.


equipments of physical education, sports in India, access to physical education, educational system, physical, scholarly and moral powers, physical education and sport, education through development, mental and physical, teacher education, western countries


Physical Education for the most part centers around the development of Physical fitness and motor fitness through development of neuromuscular skills, enthusiastic soundness through development of character and character, social fitness through procedure of socialization and sustaining values. Physical Education makes an individual vigorous, eager, physically fit, decided and hopeful which has a long ramifications enduring for the duration of his life. As there are sufficient of chances in the field of physical education and sports to take it up as a calling and the students can become professional sportsmen, sports occasion director, mentor/educator/mentor, sports columnist, sports products maker/advertising official, reporters and so on. The Colleges being supporting spot of layman into a full-fledge sportsmen and have extension to show their abilities which can ascend to National and International Standards. The teachers will be mindful to support such characteristics among the students by legitimate preparing. Thus, they are planned to perform following obligations and duties to advance Physical Education and sports culture in Colleges. 1. Preparation of program of work (activity plan) and sports spending plan for every scholastic year and complete the equivalent. 2. To assemble sports advisory group gatherings. 3. To obligatorily lead determinations for students and structure groups and participate in different Inter-Collegiate, University and State level Sports and Games rivalries. 4. To assess basic fitness among students chose for various aggressive sports, toward the start of scholastic year according to standard fitness test standards. 5. To encourage preparing and training of chosen students for different Inter-College, University Inter-University games and sports rivalries. 6. Preparation of spending plan for each scholarly year. 8. Maintenance of equipment's and facilities. 9. To lead and help inter-university tournaments. 10. To help University in leading inter-university and inter-varsity sports programs. 11. To direct inter-class rivalries in sports and games for students. 12. To help the Principal in keeping up discipline and healthy air in the College. 13. Preparation and accommodation of yearly report toward the finish of each scholastic year. 14. Teach both hypothesis and commonsense classes according to the CBCS schedule/some other rules of Higher Education Department, Department of Collegiate Education and Affiliated University. 15. To advance character development and initiative characteristics among students. 16. To develop good and moral qualities among students. 17. Attend Physical Education related gatherings, workshops as required, attempts assignments if important. 18. To Maintain following Registers:- Day book, Indent book, Resolution book, Stock register, Damaged and Unserviceable products register, Memo book, Issue register, Work journal and records of students accomplishments and individual accomplishments. 19. Compliance with review reports, enquiry reports of the Department. 20. The nitty gritty report of the Physical Education department ought to be submitted to the IQAC cell toward the finish of consistently. Additionally assume a crucial role during NAAC and some other companion group visits to school 21. To help with sorting out national celebrations. 22. PED's can help perceived state associations/organizations as a group mentor, supervisor for National, International titles and directing and sorting out sports titles with earlier consent of DCE.

Parallel bars or similar apparatus Balance beams

gymnastics or the like Freely-suspended gymnastic apparatus Exercising apparatus combining several parts such as ladders, rods, beams, slides Hoop exercising apparatus List of Sports and Games Equipments


The procedure of development of person from early stages to development is education. In the process he responds and interacts with his social, profound and physical condition. Education in The expansive sense, mean groundwork for life and all round development of the Person. In this way education is cognizance, obtaining of information, healthy frames of mind and otherworldly and moral characteristics. Physical education programs are identified with the educational destinations. The necessities of the physical are inseparably identified with the activities of the psychological. Development doesn't occur without something happening to character and social conduct. Physical education through significant physical activities and it is an essential part of the general education. Facilities are fundamental for the development of physical education facilities in the collages, facilities like play ground, pools, exercise room corridors , horse riding and so forth. As of late every collages needs to exceed expectations in the challenge, so the collages expands the facilities. These facilities are basic for the development of the collages. Enormous measure of assets are given for improving the facilities to the collages by the overseeing body.


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Corresponding Author Surender Kumar*

Research Scholar of OPJS University, Churu, Rajasthan