Attitude of Parents toward Female Sports in Bhiwani – A Study

Changing Attitudes towards Female Sports in Bhiwani, Haryana

by Satish Kumar*,

- Published in International Journal of Physical Education & Sports Sciences, E-ISSN: 2231-3745

Volume 13, Issue No. 2, Apr 2018, Pages 54 - 56 (3)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


A research study was conducted to know about the participation of Bhiwani girls and women in sports and philosophy of Haryana. The population of this study was different school students’ parents of District Bhiwani. Total 400 respondents selected from within the population through convenient or available sampling technique. For the purpose of collection of data a structured questionnaire on five point Likert scale, ranging from strongly disagrees to strongly agree, was prepared and handed over to 400 respondents with the help of teachers in physical education of concerned schools. The main objective of the study was to know about the participation of girls and women in sports and philosophy of Haryana. The result of the study indicated that parents like sports and their opinion about women sports are good. The result of the study further confirmed that Haryana people philosophy about women sports is now changing day by day.


attitude, parents, female sports, Bhiwani, participation, girls and women, philosophy, Haryana, questionnaire, Likert scale


As women were supposed to be and in some areas of India are still thought to be cursed by some strata of society their birth was seen as a burden. Women In particular, women in sport leadership can shape personality towards women‘s capabilities as leaders, especially in traditional male areas. Women‘s participation in sport can create a substantial contribution to social life and tradition development. In all this procedure women do not have any say they induce to do according to the wish of their husbands even if she does not desire to abort her have any alternative. With the help of these social reformers, women of India slowly started seeing her true potential. She set about questioning the rules set down for her by the society. The Indian woman‘s focus of this is a new Olympic, constructed along a former industrial site at Stratford in the Next Olympic Sports. The Games also make employment of many venues which were already in place before the bidding. The participation of women and girls in sport challenges gender stereo-types and discrimination, and can therefore is a vehicle to promote gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls.


The population of this study was different school students‘ parents of District Bhiwani. Total 400 respondents selected from within the population through convenient or available sampling technique. Sampling Technique Convenient or available sampling technique was applied. Sample Size A Sample of 100 parents (total no-200) was selected from the population. Data Collection Instrument To examine the participation of Haryana girls and women in sports and physical activities a structured questionnaire with 12 statements on three point Likert scale, ranging from ―Strongly Disagree‖ to ―strongly agree‖ was developed for collection of data.

Table no- 1 Response of Women candidate on “Do you think that in India women do not have a career in Sports?” according to their socio-economic status

In response to the question ―Do you think that in India women do not have a career in Sports?‖ the strongly agree response of high socio-economic status women respondents 6 out of 58, middle socio-

and Low socio-economic status women 19 out of 37. the agree response of high socio-economic status women respondents 7 out of 58, middle socio-economic status women respondents 14 out of 105 and Low socio-economic status women 12 out of 37 the undecided response of high socio-economic status women respondents 11 out of 58, middle socio-economic status women respondents 16 out of 105 and Low socio-economic status women 4 out of 37. the disagree response of high socio-economic status women 22 out of 58, middle socio-economic status women respondents 20 out of 105 and Low socio-economic status women 5 out of 37. the strongly disagree response of high socio-economic status women 20 out of 58, middle socio-economic status women respondents 17 out of 105 and Low socio-economic status women 6 out of 37.

Graph-1 Graphical Representation o the Response of Women candidate on “Do you think that in India women do not have a career in Sports?” according to their socio-economic status Table no- 2 Response of Women candidate on “Should your daughter/daughters to participate in Sports?” according to their socio-economic status

In response to the question ―Should your daughter/daughters to participate in Sports?‖ the strongly agree response of high socio-economic status women respondents 25 out of 58, middle socio-economic status women respondents 23 out of 105 and Low socio-economic status women 5 out of 37. ?‖ the agree response of high socio-economic socio-economic status women respondents 23 out of 105 and Low socio-economic status women 4 out of 37 the undecided response of high socio-economic status women respondents 6 out of 58, middle socio-economic status women respondents 18 out of 105 and Low socio-economic status women 3 out of 37. the disagree response of high socio-economic status women 4 out of 58, middle socio-economic status women respondents 20 out of 105 and Low socio-economic status women 15 out of 37. the strongly disagree response of high socio-economic status women 3 out of 58, middle socio-economic status women respondents 21 out of 105 and Low socio-economic status women 10 out of 37.

Figure No-2 Graphical representation of Response of Women candidate on “Should your daughter/daughters to participate in Sports?” according to their socio-economic status


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Corresponding Author Satish Kumar*

Assistant Professor, Physical Education Government College, Jind, Haryana