Effect of Skill Abilities of Beginner Female Basketball Players

Assessing Physical Fitness and Skill Abilities of Beginner Female Basketball Players

by Jagjeet Kour*, Dr. Nilesh Nanasheb Bansode,

- Published in International Journal of Physical Education & Sports Sciences, E-ISSN: 2231-3745

Volume 13, Issue No. 2, Apr 2018, Pages 86 - 91 (6)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Basketball game has been described as an intermittent sport that needs a comprehensive ability together with physical, technical, mental, and tactical skills. It is believed that this game is physically very challenging and requires players to repeat series of intense actions, often like running, shuffling, jumping or short periods of recovery. Besides a high level of physical health, basketball players should also have developed the technical skills that showed a significant connection with the players ' physical fitness. The main objective of study to assess the status of physical fitness and skills ability as required for the success in basketball of female novice players.


skill abilities, beginner, female basketball players, intermittent sport, physical, technical, mental, tactical skills, physically challenging, recovery


Basketball Sport is known for its physical, tactical and mental abilities, because this sport requires players to perform intermittently in court. It is believed that this game is "physically very challenging and requires players to repeat series of intense actions, often like running, shuffling, jumping or short periods of recovery". There, the physical abilities of the participants have a significant effect on the ability of the teams as well as on team tactics, as this game frequently demands immense effort. Besides a high level of physical health, basketball players should also have developed the technical skills that showed a significant connection with the players ' physical fitness. If we think about physical fitness, it is described as "an individual's ability to conduct a task without undue fatigue." The basketball game involves a lot of physical stress due to intermittent on-field movements. It is essential that the players are in the best physical condition, agile and alert, and that they can also run well. Significant progress cannot be made if they are not intensively practiced for a considerable period of time and good training is given. The basketball game may require good physical fitness and concentration for successful performance. Although several techniques and tactics have been developed and explored for the performance of basketball players. However, very few research analysis are performed in relation to yoga and basketball player performance. The traditional system of Indian yoga is important and consists of different asana and pranayama techniques. It has been established that yoga brings a balance between physical and psychological aspects in human beings.


The game of Basketball originated in America about 75 years back. It is considered as the National game of America. Mr. James Smith was the originator of this game. He introduced it in 1891 in YMCA college of physical education. Springfield (USA). Initially this game was played as a mean of warming up activity but later on it become a full fledged game in itself. This game is played with tremendous speed hence provide strength, stamina, endurance, coordination, team spirit in the players. It is a most competitive game and had been carried in other countries by Americans. The rules of this game were first standardized in 1934 in America. The game was first included in Olympics in 1936 and the first International championship was held in 1950 in America.


In India Basketball game was introduced in 1904. YMCA college of Physical Education through its pupil teacher spread this game in cities, towns and even in villages. In 1950 the National Basketball Federation of India was framed. Women: Women Basketball was started in the United states in about 1900 by MrsSanda Abbot. It was then called ―Line Basketball‖. About 20 years back it was Shooting: Shooting like other skills is also very important because if the player don‘t shoot accurately the whole efforts are futile. It is the score only which makes a team winner ultimately. Shooters are of two types:- 1) Short shooter = The player who shoots from a short distance from the basket is known as ‗short shooter‘. Such shooter must be exceptionally good in dribbling, dodging in speed and taking rebounds apart from perfect shooting ability. Shooting is again of two types:- a) One hand shot = In one hand shot a player must have the shooting power, good practice and must be able to keep perfect balance both mentally and bodily and may shoot whenever he gets a chance with ease and confidence. b) Two hand shot = Two hand shooting is easy and precise. One can shoot with confidence and accuracy than one hand shot. The ball is just in front of the chest hence under control. The two hand shooter can withstand resistance of the opponents, obstructions, etc, even he can score with perfection


1. The basketball can be moved in any direction using one hand or both. 2. In the basketball game, the ball can be hit using either a hand or in any direction, but not using the punch. 3. The player may not run with basketball. You have to pull the basketball from the place where the player took the ball, an athlete who runs at a speed can make this effort. 4. Basketball ought to held in your hands. The body or arms should not be used to hold basketball. 5. Do not hold, push, push, stumble or hit any opponent during the game. If a basketball player breaks one of these rules, he is counted as a foul; If you repeat the infraction of any of the rules, you will be disqualified until another goal is reached. If a player attempts to wounded his opponent, he will be disqualified for the entire game. Replacement is not permitted. 6. If a player hits the ball with his fist, it is considered a foul. Furthermore, if Rules 3, 4 and 5 are violated, it is considered an error. team, however, does not have to make a foul. 8. If the ball is thrown or struck from the field in the net, a shot is considered legal, and the opposing team can not interrupt or strike the target. If the basketball is at the limit and the opposing player moves the basket, this will be considered as a goal. 9. In the event that the ball leaves the boundary of the field, it will be thrown back onto the field, ie towards the field and the player who touches it will play again. If there is any dispute, the referee launches the ball directly into the field. The launcher is authorized to hold the ball for 5 seconds. If you hold the ball longer than this, it will go to the opponent. If there is a delay in the game, the referee will make a foul on both teams. 10. The judge for this game is umpire who notes the fouls and notifies it to the referee if consecutively three fouls are made. The umpire can disqualify the player if he does fouls according to rule number five. 11. Referee will be the judge of basketball and will decide the different phases such as play in bounds and to which side the ball belongs and will keep the time. The umpire will declare whenever the goal is made and will keep an account of goals along with other duties to be performed by the referee. 12. The allotted time will be two 15 minutes halves with 5 minute break in between. 13. The team making most number of goals in the given time will be declared as winners.


• Shooting ability (Johnson ½ min shooting test) Johnson half minute shooting test was used to assess the shooting ability of subject. The subjects starting at any position on the court were asked to shoot as many baskets as possible in 30 seconds. The largest numbers of baskets made in two trials were recorded as final score. • Passing accuracy (Push pass test) A three-ring concentric target is drawn on the wall, with lower edge of the outer ring 24 inches from the floor, half inch lines are used are included within the diameter of each circle. The radii for the rings and inner ring, 10 inches; outer ring, 30 inches. The subject stands behind a restraining line 10 feet from the wall. The test consists in passing Basketball with a two hand chest pass to the target, recovering the inner, middle, and outer circle respectively. Line hits are counted from inner circle area.

• Dribbling (Johnson dribble test)

To assess the dribbling performance of players Johnson dribble test was used. To conduct the test six chairs were placed in a straight line. The first chair was 5 feet from the starting line, the rest of the chairs were 8 feet apart. The subject was asked to stand behind the starting line, and on the command ―go‖ he begins to dribble around the right side of the first chair, then to the left of the second, and so on alternately around the rest of the chairs and back to the starting line. The subject may dribble the ball with either hand, but he must use only legal dribbles. He must dribble at least once as each chair is passed. Two trials were allowed.


The better score from the two trials is recorded up to the nearest tenth of a second.


Data on central propensity and dispersion tests showed that the mean pretest scores in yoga and control groups were 7.32 (SD=±1.49) and 7.46 (SD=±1.51) respectively in shooting capacity (Johnson 1⁄2 minute shooting test). All the scores have been expressed in points (Table 4.2). The result indicates that the pretest scores of all the selected groups are mostly similar. The mean posttest scores in Shooting ability (Johnson ½ minute shooting test) of Yoga and Control groups were 11.84 (SD= ± 2.32) and 8.32 (SD= ± 1.49) respectively. The result indicates that the posttest scores are different, which helps to interpret that training intervention brought improvement in Shooting ability (Johnson ½ minute shooting test). In case of measures of central tendency and dispersion of Passing accuracy data revealed that the mean pretest scores in Passing accuracy (Push pass test) of Yoga and Control groups were 11.74 (SD=±1.67) and 11.39 (SD=±1.49) respectively. All the scores have been expressed in points (Table 4.2). The result indicates that the pretest scores of all the selected groups are mostly similar. The mean posttest scores in Passing accuracy of Yoga and Control groups were 16.13 (SD=±1.37) and 12.68 (SD=±1.41) respectively. The result indicates that the posttest scores are different, which helps to interpret that training intervention brought improvement in Passing accuracy. The result revealed that the mean pretest scores in Dribbling (Johnson dribble test) of Yoga and Control groups were 18.11 (SD=±1.89) and 17.91 (SD=±1.78) respectively. All the scores have been expressed in Yoga and Control groups were 13.43 (SD=±1.42) and 18.05 (SD=±1.49) respectively. The result indicates that the posttest scores are different, which helps to interpret that training intervention brought improvement in Dribbling.

Table 4.2: Results on Descriptive Data Analysis of Basketball Skills of Novice Female Basketball Players (M & SD)


Marco Correia (2017) et al. These days, fittingly structured and capably checked physical molding is generally viewed as a protected and compelling technique for building up schoolchildren's wellbeing related physical fitness. Notwithstanding, changes in dread of disappointment and in physical self-idea levels of school understudies because of an intercession of a fitness program are constrained and scanty. The motivation behind this investigation was to evaluate the momentary impact of a physical fitness program on dread of disappointment, physical self-idea and physical fitness components among school understudies. This was a trial 8-week program created in Physical Education (PE) classes. An example of one hundred and nine understudies, arbitrarily isolated in four gatherings (sixth grade control: M = 10.8 years, SD = 0.48; 15M/12F; sixth grade test: M = 10.86 years, SD = 0.45; 13M/15F; eighth grade control: M = 13.12 years, SD = 0.60; 16M/9F; and eighth grade exploratory: M = 12.93 years, SD = 0.53; 15M/14F), took an interest right now. Dread of disappointment (Performance Failure Appraisal Inventory), physical self-idea (Physical Self-Description Questionnaire) and physical fitness (FITESCOLA battery tests) were estimated toward the start and toward the finish of the physical fitness program. Illustrative and inferential examinations were made to distinguish potential contrasts across time and gatherings. Principle results feature an improvement in physical fitness in the two gatherings, being increasingly delicate in the exploratory gathering. Concerning of disappointment and physical self-idea, no noteworthy contrasts were found across time in the two gatherings. In any case, in the benchmark group, general dread of disappointment was firmly and decidedly connected with a few fitness scores, at the post-mediation assessment. Physical self-idea didn't present noteworthy relationship with fitness tests scores. Results exhibited right now to a) of disappointment and fitness testing scores and c) an adversely relationship between dread of disappointment and saw self-idea. Physical Education instructors ought to be familiar of these issues when arranging exercises and in-class fitness programs [1]. Mehmet Fatih yuksel, (2017) et al. Objective of this study is to examine some physical parameters of basketball players at elite level who are playing in different league levels. Total 24 sportsmen consisting of 12 sportsmen from Turkish Man Basketball 2nd League and 12 sportsmen from Turkey Men Basketball 3rd league whose training age is minimum 5, voluntarily participated to this study. To determine the physical properties of b-ball players, vertical hopping, 20 m speed running, hand grasp quality (right and left), adaptability, 30 sec do sit-ups, 30 sec push-up, 20 m transport running tests were carried out. It was agreed that b-ball players in the second coalition would do well to understand hand consistency (right-left), Max VO2 and anaerobic power esteems than b-ball players in the 3rd group[2]. Hooman Minoonejad (2018) et al. Visual skills are an invaluable component of most daily exercises and a persuasive predictor of competitors ' functional ability, especially in the fields of complex games such as soccer. Given the significant work in perception and the effect of visual practices on competitors ' useful skills, a few studies have been conducted right now. This examination, along these lines, aimed to explore the impact of visual engine practices on the powerful visual keenness and security point of female b-ball players ' confinement[3]. Laura Bates (2018) et al. Using a novel contextual analysis of an adolescent wheelchair ball group in Auckland, New Zealand, we explore youth encounters in recreational games places with physical disabilities. They call the' empowering spots' this game makes, which can improve the wealth and social concern of disadvantaged youngsters. Semi-organized sessions with the participants and facilitators of the party revealed measured and cultural challenges relevant to encouraging youth-situated sports, just as those faced by and by colleagues. They also distinguished the physical wellbeing and social benefits experienced through wheelchair ball association. The content, social and emotional aspects of wheelchair b-ball meetings with participants illustrate the extent of the game and its peers and environments to testify to the nature and place of young people on the planet. We expect that clear, detailed teenage games create inspiring places that promote the social inclusion, stability and enjoyment of life for young people[4]. Wubshet Arbeitkneh, (2018) et al. The purpose behind the exam was to explore the relationship of selecting physical fitness factors with the precision of male Basketball players were selected as subjects who were participated in university and project and club basketball tournament. The age of the subjects were ranged between 18 to 25 years. The shooting accuracy of basketball players were selected as dependent variables. The independent variables selected for this study were leg strength, shoulder strength, agility, balance, speed, cardiovascular endurance and power. Data were collected from the seven independent variables in relation to shooting accuracy of basketball players. To determine the relationship between dependent variable and independent variables Pearson‗s product movement correlation was used. The level of significant was set at 0.05. There were statistically strong positive and negative significant relationship between leg strength, shoulder strength, agility, balance, speed, cardiovascular endurance and power with basketball shooting accuracy[5]. Akuthota, (2015)Scientific investigations have established the central nervous system as the primary locus of activity, from which all limb motions radiate. Therefore, improved limb strength performance may result from a more robust core. [6] Sever O , (2016) When it comes to the kinetic chain, the core is where everything revolves around. To recruit and adapt motor neurons, recruit neuronal pathways, and strengthen the core is a win-win.[7] Lee BC, (2017) it is hypothesized that basketball players' abilities would improve if they had a stronger core. Strong core muscles provide a stable platform for athletes during fast, varying movements, improve the stability and control of athletes' dynamic and static postures, and increase the success rate of performing skills, all of which are essential for basketball players who must constantly change their body positions and maintain control and balance when using offensive skills.[8] Allen S , (2015) Strong core muscles provide a stable platform for athletes during fast, varying movements, improve stability and control of athletes' dynamic and static postures, and increase the success rate of performing skills. This is especially important for basketball players, who must constantly change body positions and maintain control and balance when using offensive skills.[9] Zhang, (2014)There is strong evidence that core training helps athletes better manage their limbs during conflict, more effectively transfer their upper and lower body strengths, and use less energy overall.[10]


Basketball game has been described as an intermittent sport that needs a comprehensive ability percentage and victory, every team has to have players who can accurately shoot in all periods of the game and under different physiological or psychological pressures. Therefore, the novice players of Basketball must give importance to these two importance aspects. Although there are many strategies available with us for improving fitness.


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Corresponding Author Jagjeet Kour*

Research Scholar, Swami Vivekanand University, Sagar, M.P.