A Study on Different Nature of Sports and Athletic Intelligence

Investigating the Intelligence of Touch Sportsmen

by Mr. Vichitra Kumar*,

- Published in International Journal of Physical Education & Sports Sciences, E-ISSN: 2231-3745

Volume 13, Issue No. 2, Apr 2018, Pages 100 - 104 (5)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


The aim of a study was to figure out the level of intelligence among touch sportsmen. Full touch sports such as Football, Judo, Wrestling and Kabaddi. To gather details, connections were approached to all who participated at the regional and Inter University levels. Through this research, it was found that touch sportswomen had a higher degree of intellect through contrast with their male colleagues. It was also observed that boxing matches, Kabaddi and Judo are of similar intellect but it was noticed that wresting participants had lower skill rates in contrast with these teams.


nature of sports, athletic intelligence, touch sportsmen, football, judo, wrestling, kabaddi, degree of intellect, male colleagues, boxing matches, skill rates


Through the sense of football, the analysis of human behaviour and intellect attracted more minds, because most people believe that physical exercise has little to do with a person's thinking process. That theory is wrong as work into human cognition has shown that-emotional, affective and motor systems are so intertwined that learning about one without thinking about the other is incomplete. The word 'thinking' comes from Cicero's Latin Language, which encompasses all cognitive functions. This was thought to be innate in the human being (and probably animals) in this desire to learn. Each man was born with a growing cognitive ability conveniently known as intellect. Much like the principle of energy in science, the word "knowledge" is often just a fitting name to describe a cerebral capacity to respond in an extremely complicated world, which is inherent and the sponsor general. Research on the Olympic Champion's psychological traits find that certain competitors had "sport knowledge" among other attributes. Arthur Ashe, Tennis player: "It's best to be loosely and psychologically strong," Bruce Jenner, a decathlete gold medalist says, "I've really thought my main advantage isn't my athletic skill, it's my intellectual skills. "The opportunity to interpret the play in home intelligence is to still be in the right position at the right time to snatch the goal. Some people have found game knowledge a mystical skill, which can't be calculated for some time. There is another related point above. In the sport sector, knowledge is seen as a major factor in athlete success excellence. There is also the definition of competitive knowledge any moment that the best success of sports is addressed Athletic intellect is the capacity to blame the entire body or portions of the body for fixing the challenges, doing something or creating anything. Through competition, an competitor has to allow the best use of his whole body. In other terms, we may conclude that you have to be clever enough to maximize the usage of your body. The Latin term intellect is the "intelligere," which is typically the quality or skill, to comprehend or interpret. The one and most significant attribute that distinguishes human beings from animals is intellect. The level of intellect played an significant part in a person's standing. A individual may achieve a high intelligence role. Man has been interested in many sports since ancient times but the background of sports of all countries participating in sports depends on their community and needs. Sports have been structured and controlled more and more in today's world. The importance of sport has been so high that it is now viewed as a way to describe the role of a country in the international order. Today, the athletic strength, democratic philosophy and operational capacity of the nation has been demonstrated by the Games and World Cups in various sports. In the new age, the USA, China, Germany , Russia etc. are focusing on improving and retaining their place in the field of sport. It not only has been done by such countries but also by any small or big nation. Therefore, sports are the representation of strength and control. This is why countries have developed programs to find emerging talent. Throughout sporting colleges, they feed them properly. We make every attempt to make sportsmen great. They are also able to generate the best foreign athletes, such as the Olympic and World Championships etc. This ensures that the countries are ranked highest in the

hard to concentrate on the factors that help make sportsmen stronger. A variety of fields are increasingly being active, including sports psychology, sport science, sports biomechanics, sports kinesiology and psychotherapy. Such topic areas have become a study hub for athletes, instructors, teachers and experts in physical education. Each performer today is good, but sometimes he / she can't achieve his / her maximum performance. There will also be an focus on the sources of loss. The explanations for this and other athletes' psychological causes. Psychological aspects have also been proved significant for enhancing sportsmen 's success. For high performances such as desire, focus, inspiration, anxiety, anticipation, visual visualization, concentration, trust, dedication to sports etc., the psychological factors are quite critical. Those and intellect variables continue to increase the success of athletics. Most pédagogues and psychologists have themselves identified the word "knowledge" and have introduced a new element to it every time. There are, however, different opinions among educators and psychologists regarding the concept of intelligence.


The capacity to implement or relate information that affects one's world and to conceptually consider as assessed by topic parameters is termed wisdom. Intelligence is a very broad mental power. This requires the opportunity to analyze, prepare, fix challenges, think abstractly, consider complicated concepts, fast thinking and knowledge. Intelligence is not a clever check or bookish intelligence. This extends the mind's capacity to perceive, perceive, look right or fix problems inside our setting. Intelligence is an individual's capacity to use previous knowledge to address new challenges without assistance.


Athletes are defined as people who are educated and carry out in athletics, games or training when physical power, stamina or agility become necessary. Athlete is an athlete participating in particular sports and is scheduled to enhance performance periodically.

Concerns with the "Nature" Position

Although I appreciate Dr. Hopkins for attempting in such a limited period to simplify this complicated dilemma, the described image cannot represent the exact nature of the question. Specifically, many things need to be discussed. 1. The loss of ties between sporting and DNA sequencing. That can be that, "because a stronger effect than expected. The absence of ties between genetic markers and outcomes. In the presence of contradictory findings (such as those investigating ACE alone), empirical rigor requires one to recognize every potential outcomes. 2. Twin study questions. Studies involving the usage of twins to investigate the differential functions of genes and climate in human behavior, has methodological issues. Twin experiments usually evaluate subjects in a particular demographic sub-section; however, "heritability estimates cannot be extrapolated to the limits of social environmental disadvantages;" researchers should exclude inter-individual variability correlated with environmental variables, not include subjects from limits and, as a consequence, inflate the c. 3. Lack of study for elite athletes, hereditary predisposition tests typically analyze the general public and then generalize these findings to elite athletes. The lack of work exploring hereditary predisposition of professional athletes was recognized by Hopkins. Elite athletes have completed several formal and special training courses aimed at rendering behavioral changes necessary for high success. Long-term (> 10 years) results in a loss of knowledge of this form of conditioning on the body. Work that explores the physiological and cognitive limitations of the body in order to respond to stress training will be helpful research to tackle the topic. Given the ample proof of the hereditary connection to key variables' results , it is evident that any output variation can be due to inheritance. Nonetheless, the relative contribution of genes to the success of sports is likely to vary further from the estimated contribution of 50%. For examples, the genetic contribution to inter-individual height variance is about 80%. The contribution of GM characteristics to main output variables therefore seems likely to differ. In addition, inheritance may be characteristic with little difference between persons.


In a quantitative research on the engine health components of basketball and handball athletes, Dar (2016), performed. Through this study , the researchers attempted to equate the engine health of Jammu & Kashmir state basketball players and handball players. In order to accomplish this aim, the researcher chose from five ( 5) secondary parameter assessed in the sample was endurance and distance. The test also revealed that the basketball players were better off than handballers in the motor strength and pace elements. At the field, basketball players are fitter than handball teams. Gangey and Kerketta (2016) also published a analysis of the relationship between chosen engine strength and volleyball players' abilities. Throughout the present analysis , the researchers attempted to investigate how the motor exercise components chosen contribute to volleyball. To this purpose, Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya, Bilaspur (C.G.) was chosen for thirty ( 30) volleyball players between 18 and 18 (28) years. A side-step test, a ball-transfer test and a finger response test from Nelson was used to assess the motor fitness components of the game – endurance, time for balance and response. The evaluation was used to evaluate motor fitness components. The football exam for chosen subjects has also been used to determine the abilities for football. The research showed that there was a close connection between engine fitness components and Guru Ghasidas Viswavidyalaya, Bilaspur (C.G.), volleyball performance. Biswas et al. (2015) have published a report on the subject of the elite Kabaddi players' personality profile. Sports success has been defined from various physical and neural influences. The success in a match is calculated collectively by multiple physiological, morphological and sociological influences. The study of the chosen motor exercise elements between basketball players and kho-khos has been carried out by Chowdhury et. al . (2015). The study's criteria were pace and endurance, and participants belonging to the age range of twenty (20) to twenty-fifth (25) years were selected randomly. Endurance was assessed by an endurance evaluation in Illinois and a 20-meter sprint evaluation calculated pace. Eventually, the analysis showed that the strength of the basketball players and the kho-kho players was important. Cornejo (2014) has done a job with children and youth, working with the issue of physical exercise, personal health, body structure and education. Throughout the research, a link between physical and cognitive activity was explored by discriminating between academic and cognitive output. This research explored the possible mediators / moderators of the connection (i.e. race, age and psychological variables). Devi (2014) acknowledged the connection between women's volleyball skills and motor activity. For this analysis thirty (30) colleagues were chosen for the reason of volleyball. The topics took place in the significant disparity between female volleyball players' speed and stamina. Datt & mane (2013) performed an inter-collegial basketball and volleyball comparative analysis on the speed, power and agility of athletes. This study compared the motor fitness variables power, speed and agility of 15 volley-ball players and 15 basket ballers from the University of Mumbai. The research measured primarily the motor fitness variables intensity, speed and agility. The age of the persons ranged from 18 (18) to 20 (22) years. Agility and strength have been calculated in this study level. The analysis of athletic skill attributes in chosen sport carried out by Kaur & Sharma (2013) showed that achieving cognitive is the top attribute and the second highest functional attribute in competitive sport. Kaur & sharma (2013) In 2012, Biddle and Mohan (2012 ) researched pace among Osmania University's kabaddi and kho-kho teams. The aim of the study was to demonstrate speed output among Hyderabad male and male khokho players. 20 male Kabaddi and 22 male Kho-kho players from different colleges in Osmania have been selected for the study. The study was performed by twenty (20) participants. The research subjects ranged from 19 (19) to 22 (21) years of age. The findings The people were checked for pace in 50 metres. The last inference was that in the contrast with the kabaddi players kho-kho players were fine at pace. Roy (2010) has researched physical and academic education behavior. The experts have recommended rising the academic success of children through regular physical exercise. Prepubescent children also claim that these policies are detrimental to their learning cycle. The research shows that the creation of psychomotors offers a mechanism that can speed up the academic learning of children.


In 1984 Fisher1 conceptualized sport intelligence for the first time; he suggested that an intellectual athlete could check and locate relevant material, recognise play habits and behaviors, use and retain short and long term memory and make appropriate decisions and have clear knowledge of the sport's practical tasks. Sports intelligence Intelligence has the purpose of developing further activity-based programs, with an focus upon research proof of shortcomings to the behaviors of activity participants with mental disability as a

disability and competitive sports skills for athletes with intellectual disabilities (ID). The literature has demonstrated that cognitive abilities will aid excelle in competition, but the exact scale and essence of this partnership remain uncertain. What we definitely realize is the lack of a clear causal relation between intellect and athletic success. Every university professor will be a professional athlete and vice versa if such a partnership existed. It is first of all important to narrow down all principles to explain the connection between intellect and sport efficiency. Skill is a broad concept that encompasses several aspects, not all of which are equally relevant in the field of sport. Of starters, in order to achieve optimum success in a given activity, visual perceptual abilities (i.e. spatial orientation) are likely to do more than literacy and numeracy. Sport efficiency, on the opposite, often appears to involve technological, political, physical and psychological components; intellect undoubtedly impacts the political component in a very wide way and the physical component in a much smaller way. Therefore, in this research intelligence is limited to generic sport knowledge (defined as the collection of intelligence factors which play a part in sports) and the technological and tactical components are the focus of sport success. This research strives for the competitive success of the top players with ID to be illustrated by the effects of sport intelligence. The work will continue to establish registration and recognition schemes for competitors with ID that are evidence-based and sport-specific, and are a big prerequisite for competing in the Paralympics again. A clearer knowledge of the technological and operational capacity of ID competitors in terms of executive ability may help us think the requirements for re-including participants with ID in the Paralympic community or not. The first study investigated the effectiveness of a sports intelligence check for athletes with ID standardized knowledge. This exam consists of 8 subtests: simple answer time, complicated reaction time, clear visual scan, nuanced visual check, Corsi recall check and London tower. The finger tapping test is a feedback examination for vision-movement abilities. On the basis of this reliability test, we find that the psychometric standards for sports intelligence may be used in future for the purposes of athletes being qualified and marked with ID. Among successive study moments, a slight learning effect was detected. The second research was a analysis of the athletic capacities of tennis players with identification relative to tennis players without identity recognition. The research centered on the standard of service return results. The findings showed players with ID was less effective to return the service to a particular destination (A4 paper sheet). This productivity is focused mainly on organizational elements, but it also contributes technologically, physically and with encouragement. The two articles below discuss the third sample. A maximum score of 100% was granted to a technically full mature skill. Players without identification achieved an overall score of 94% for simple strokes and 80% for intermediate strokes, although players with ID only earned 63% for the specific strokes and 53% for the advanced strokes. In the fourth report , two separate scenarios explored the technological potential of professional tennis players with ID: in an off-site evaluation and in the game. The contrast of circumstances is important for our research study, because performance measurements during training was seen as a tool for verifying the sport level of athletes. The tests analysis revealed that, based on the sense in which it was calculated, the players' strategies were not special. With some variables like topspin and flip, there was a clear positive association between the two conditions, but no connection was observed for other variables such as counter, block, and drive. The fourth research focussed on table-tennis players' technical abilities. The distinction of two categories, adjusted with the workout intensity and expertise, showed that players with ID were slightly lower than players without ID. Five consecutive rallies were welcomed to each member starting with the same service form. The average score obtained was 8 points per rally. In all five rallies, both contestants increased their performance, but competitors with ID did not hit half of the points (3.3 points), as compared to players with no ID, who won more than 50% of the points from the beginning (4.3 points). This research has demonstrated specifically that an ID decreases situational competence. The effect of sports intelligence on tactical ability in the sixth and final analysis was investigated in table tennis.


It was concluded that touch sportswomen had a higher degree of intellect relative to their males. This was also observed that Wrestling, Kabaddi and Judo players had the same degree of intelligence but that wresting participants had fewer intellect than other participants. For women's cabaddi and boxing matches, it was also discovered that they were thinkers, but that Kabaddi girl match was smarter as Comair for the female participants for Judo and Wrestling.


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Corresponding Author Mr. Vichitra Kumar*

Assistant Professor, Physical Education, Government Post Graduate College, Bisalpur, Pilibhit-Area off special interest, Athletics (100,200, Long jump) Cricket, Yoga