An Analysis upon the Attitude of Parents towards Girls Participation in Physical and Sports Activities

The Impact of Parental Attitude on Girls' Participation in Sports

by Sandeep .*,

- Published in International Journal of Physical Education & Sports Sciences, E-ISSN: 2231-3745

Volume 13, Issue No. 3, Jun 2018, Pages 28 - 31 (4)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


This present study planned to assess the parental concerns like back, attitude, weight and motivation on part of their parents with reference to female participation in sports. This study will center on the essential pretended by psychosocial factors affecting why a few girls participate and keeping in mind that others don't participate in sports. In this study an endeavor has been made to talk about a portion of the issues against women's involvement in sports. Independent poll was readied and 200 subjects were chosen with the end goal of study from Delhi. The responses were collected and assessed to get to the parental attitude towards female participation in sports. The discoveries of the study uncover that lion's share of the parents have uplifting attitude towards female participation in sports. Other than this some psychological limitations stops a few parents in demonstrating the inspirational attitude. We have likewise broken down the connection between parents' attitudes towards their children's sporting propensities and their own level of involvement with sports. Moreover, we have dissected the ramifications of these outcomes keeping in mind the end goal to support parental involvement in advancing physical and sports activities.


parental concerns, female participation, sports activities, psychosocial factors, attitude


Prior female competitors were not permitted to participate in sports activities. This reality is obvious by the Ancient Olympic Games (AOG), when females were not permitted to participate in sports activities. Notwithstanding, women did not stay out of this open door for a more drawn out timeframe. Amid the seasons of the antiquated Olympic Games and amid the resurrection of the advanced Olympic Games the attributes of the perfect women and the conventional perfect competitors are relatively inverse, to such an extent that women were scarcely at any point said in conjunction with sport. Women were said to be delicate, elegant, frail and lovely were fits the bill to be great spouse and a decent mother. The participation of female in sports expanded essentially in the twentieth century, especially in the last a quarter century, reflecting changes in cutting edge social requests that underlined sex uniformity. Disregarding the way that the level of participation execution still have varieties limitlessly by country and by amusement, women's recreations have wide affirmation everywhere throughout the world. Presently multi day's women are taking an interest in all sort of expert and beginner sports rivalries. In any case, the level of participation is many less when it checks in incredible and body contact sports. It has never been straightforward for Pakistani women who play sports yet they are battling and endeavoring a lot of endeavors. Pakistani women have leave a mark on the world, and set couple of cases when comes in the field of recreations and sports. The women of our country are appreciating amusements and sports, and also achieving various striking perspectives and opposing social wants. Then again, females have various issues with reference to their participation in sports to reach at first class level. There might be diverse issues that should be distinguished. In this association, family is the major component of any general public, which has coordinate impact on the general advancement of related people. To the extent sports participation is concerned, one might say that there is a positive connection between sports participation and family bolster. In an exploration study, MacIntosh (2012) stated that parents give a fundamental emotionally supportive network to their children in sports participation. In a comparable study, Klein (2007) found that parents make a considerable commitment as far as monetary help to their children in sports participation. Truly, it has been comprehended that the "common request of the universe" comprised of man to the commercial center, lady at home with her family, lady the escort of home life, man the ace of all else, man the balanced scholar, lady the watchman of ethics,

equity between the two sexual orientations tested the establishment of the social request. In 1916 the Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) holds its first national title for Women. Women's opposition in sports has been disapproved of by numerous social orders previously. The expansion has been halfway identified with the drive for more women's rights. In the United States, female students participation in sports was essentially supported by the Act in 1972, forestalling sexual orientation separation and equivalent open door for women to participate in sport at all levels. Weight from sports subsidizing bodies has likewise enhanced sexual orientation balance in sports. Female participation in sport has made considerable progress. Endeavors have been and are being made in getting more females to participate in sports. Be that as it may, significantly more exertion is as yet required to create more noteworthy female participation in the realm of sports. Attitudes with respect to female sport participation are changing as there are females who have influenced sport to some portion of their day by day lives. Concentrating on the above measurements will uncover positive reasons that reason girls to participate in sport and negative reasons that reason numerous girls to pick not to participate in sports. In 1896, Baron Pierre de Cubertin, originator of the advanced Olympics, expressed: "Regardless of how toughened a sportswoman might be, her living being isn't removed to maintain certain stuns." Such generalizations fuelled sex based separation in physical education and in recreational and focused sport, sporting associations and sport media. There are numerous motivations to play sports, including fun, wellness, social communication and stress help. Taking an interest in sports is particularly vital for women since it has various mental and physical advantages that can fundamentally enhance women's wellbeing and improve their personal satisfaction. Any sport can be advantageous on the off chance that you participate routinely. As sports has formed into an unmistakable logical teach in itself and every country is changing with each other to deliver to class players to win trees in worldwide rivalry. Impressive research is creating to recognize factors that will be prescient of accomplishing abnormal state of aptitude in a given sport with legitimate instructing. Sport is a psycho-social activity. It has both psychological and social measurements, other than physical, physiological and specialized angles. Man's enthusiasm for sports is found in all social orders of the world. The vast majority of the countries share a typical enthusiasm for sports rivalry, particularly at specific circumstances amid the Olympic Games, where individuals from all countries concentrate on participation of the competitors and sportsmen is dictated by their psychological variables. In this advanced period of rivalry, the psychological readiness of a group is as much essential as educating the diverse aptitudes of amusement on the logical lines. The groups are readied to play the diversions, as well as to win the recreations. What's more, to win the recreations, it isn't just the capability in the aptitudes, which bring triumph, however more vital is the soul of the players, with which they play and play out their best in the opposition. The utilization of psychological standards to the change of execution in sports has gotten more noteworthy consideration in nowadays. There are sure acknowledged psychological standards, which must be connected, with the goal that the competitors and players can demonstrate their best in their exhibitions. Mentors, physical educationists and sports researchers have constantly communicated an awesome need to find out about those psychological standards, which are useful in enhancing the engine abilities of the players. It is vital to think about the part of response time, development time, enthusiastic wonders like focused tension and some identity characteristics like extraversion and neuroticism of the players amid preparing and aggressive circumstances. The present open doors that are allowed to women today are (apparently) perpetual with respect to government commanding equivalent open doors in educational organizations. So the subject of why the proceeded with difference amongst people participation in sport still exists should be inspected eagerly keeping in mind the end goal to draw nearer to balance. Among others, parental impact is an angle that ought to be dug into as a potential factor in urging more females to participate in sport. Parents are regularly named as the most essential good example in their tyke's lives in different features of growing up. Thusly, their impact (or deficiency in that department) on their children and girls participation in sport, either straightforwardly or in a roundabout way, ought to be inspected top to bottom as a reasonable justification for the proceeded with dissimilarity. In particular, tending to the parts each parent plays in affecting the female's underlying enthusiasm for games. Past research has demonstrated that the maternal good example is probably going to impact little girls more regularly than their male partners in specific parts of life, similarly as the fatherly good example is more able to impact their children. Yet, regardless of whether this is the situation with respect to participation in sport is something that should be additionally explored. Men have truly been the prevailing figures in sports.

The purpose of the study was to discover the parental attitude towards female participation in sports. An independent survey was composed in order to get the significant data that can be utilized for different purposes. The data is to be collected from the diverse wellsprings of information. 200 subjects are incorporated i.e; both male and female parents have been chosen for the present examination from Delhi for the study. Arbitrary Sampling strategy is utilized for the gathering of the information. An independent survey has been utilized for assessing the parental attitude towards the female participation in sports from Delhi. So as to investigate the information, rate and recurrence strategy were connected to discover the level of parents AGREE and DISAGREE with the different proclamations of poll keeping in mind the end goal to assess the parental attitude towards female participation of sports.

Analysis and Interpretation of Data-

To break down the attitude of parents towards female participation in sports, percentile strategy was utilized. The discoveries relating to attitude of parents towards female participation in sports are spoken to in the underneath table.

Table 1: Percentage/frequency analysis of responses of parents for various statements related to the objectives of female participation in sports.


Reasons for Non-Participation:

This study indicated that the following reasons are important when considering females lack of participation in sports. ● The most important reason for not playing sport is the fact that the girls did not enjoy sport and showed little interest in getting involved in sport. ● Some of the girls could not participate in sport as they had to perform household duties. ● Some of the girl‘s parents did not want them to be involved in sports for various reasons. ● Socio-economic status also played an important role because the data showed that sport equipment. ● Some girls did not think that their bodies were ideal for playing sport and this could stem from low self-esteem. ● The non-sport participants also thought that academics were more important than sport. ● The girls also felt that sport was putting a lot of unnecessary pressure on them to perform and do well. ● Some of the girls could not participate in sports because they were involved in cultural activities.

Reasons for Participation:

This study indicated that the following reasons are important factors that make females to take part in sport. ● Enjoyment of sports was chosen as the most important reason for playing sport. ● Wanting a healthy life style was another important reason for the sport participants. ● Sport participants liked to play sport because all their friends played sport. ● For some girls playing sports was important as they were trying to lose weight. ● The support from parents was another contributing and inspiring factor. ● The feeling of competition is a challenge and winning a game is even more fulfilling.


Sports can be a positive ordeal for your youngster's body and psyche. Outside unstructured activities and diversions are basic for each tyke. Give a kid a chance to investigate, run trekking with his companions, urge him to lay, circled, bounce, and so on. These activities are a basic method for venting out physical vitality. Do you know the elements affecting female Participation in Sports? By age 14, girls are dropping out of sports at two times the rate of young men. Through over 25 long stretches of research, the Women's Sports Foundation has distinguished key components which add to this disturbing measurement. Read on to take in more about how these variables impact young lady's sport encounters and why they have to remain in the diversion.


considerable measure of work that should be done to urge more females to partake in sports. Ideally this study may contribute towards some positive changes originating from the Department of Education and Training at national level, at common level and at region level and inevitably channel down to the schools. This study contains data, which can establish frameworks that may sustain girl‘s enthusiasm for sport and in the end have more women speaking to the nation at a global level. Changing pessimistic attitudes of individuals with respect to female sport participation may be one method for advancing females in the field of sports. The depiction of female sport members in the media will be methods for demonstrating the female network that females can be as devoted, as decided and can exceed expectations and also their male partners. The aftereffects of this study have affirmed a portion of the psychosocial factors that have made it unimaginable for the greater part of the girls to participate in sports. This study has accomplished its points, which is to decide psychosocial factors that add to girls partaking in sport. Parental help regarding money, attitude and motivation are considered as exceptionally persuasive apparatuses for their children sports participation. It has been inferred that the respondents had miserable parental help regarding their sports participation. More noteworthy distinction has discovered in regards to the inspirational attitude of their parents about their female children sports participation. It is likewise reasoned that an almost no segment of the populace's parents mindful of the advantages of their female children sports participation.


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Corresponding Author Sandeep*

Research Scholar, OPJS University, Rajasthan, India