Empowering Girls and Women through Physical Education and Sports in Madhya Pradesh

Exploring the Impact of Sports and Physical Education on Women's Empowerment

by Lokendra Singh Narwariya*, Prof. Sudheera Chandel,

- Published in International Journal of Physical Education & Sports Sciences, E-ISSN: 2231-3745

Volume 13, Issue No. 3, Jun 2018, Pages 48 - 55 (8)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Experts agree that sport and physical activity involvement can potentially offer a white range of life benefits for girls and women. Sport and physical activity have not yet been used on a large scale as a strategy within women’s movements. There are, however, already very positive stories to tell from both our programme partners and those programs in network. Based on the experience of these partners we have learned more about how participation in sport and physical activity can empower individual girls and women. The involvement of sport and physical activity can build life skills, confidence etc. In my opinion, empowerment is a process by which people gain power over their lives that is empowerment enables women to do things for themselves in their own interests rather than at the command of others for their benefit. Thus empowerment also involves the ability to resist pressures to conform to gender-stereotyped notions concerning presentation and behavior. It also enables women to be more socially assertive. As such becoming empowered enables to become what they do with their lives. Spots are an integral part of the culture of almost every nation. However its use to promote gender equity and empower girls and women is often overlooked because sport is not universally perceived as a suitable or desirable pursuit for girls and women. The International Day of Action for women’s Health, which celebrates the work of women’s health advocates around the world to improve their communities and the lives of women and girls. The purpose of the research article is to shed light on the benefits which women and girls gain through participation in sports. The word Empowerment refers to increasing the spiritual, political, social, educational, gender, or economic strength of individuals and communities. Today sports and physical activity as a strategy for the empowerment of girls and women has been gaining recognition worldwide. Women could be empowered through education, sports and physical activities and by giving them equal opportunities in different walks of life. A woman is both Mahamaya and Maha Shakti and holds the key of the world. As Swami Vivekananda wrote that it is very difficult to understand why in this country so much difference is made between men and women, whereas the Vedanta declares that one and the same Conscious self is present in all beings. In short, woman empowerment is the breaking of personal limitations. Sports and Physical Education play important and major role in all these segments of women Empowerment.


empowerment, girls, women, physical education, sports, participation, life benefits, gender equity, life skills, confidence, resist pressures


Sport is a vital piece of the culture of practically every country. Notwithstanding, its utilization to advance gender value and empower girls and women is frequently ignored in light of the fact that sport isn't all around saw as an appropriate or alluring interest for girls and women. It is valid in all nations that girls and women are more outlandish than boys and men to partake in sport, and sport keeps on being ruled by guys. It is a slip-up in any case, to accept this is on account of girls and women don't wish to take an interest. Destitution, overwhelming local requests, security concerns, absence of open transportation, deficient sport and entertainment offices, and couple of chances for physical education and skill development as often as possible keep women's participation in physical activity and sport. In the meantime, numerous universal structures bolster women's participation in sport, with some national laws requiring rise to access and open doors for females (Title IX and CDAWS). A little yet developing assortment of confirmation has likewise started to set up sport as a suitable apparatus for tending to gender value on a more extensive scale. Research on sport, gender, and development demonstrates that sport can profit girls and women by: Enhancing health and well-being;

Facilitating social inclusion and integration; Challenging gender standards; and Providing open doors for administration and achievement. Sport projects can improve the empowerment procedure by testing gender standards, decreasing limitations and offering girls and women more noteworthy portability, access to open spaces, and more open doors for their physical, scholarly and social development. By including families, group pioneers, and boys and men in gender education, changes to gender standards can profit men and women alike. Sport can likewise give girls and women effective good examples, authority skills and experience that they can exchange to different spaces, for example, their family life, metro involvement, and support. These useful impacts are selfreinforcing, and may likewise make sporting open doors for girls and women more reasonable after some time. Sport programs furnish girls and women with significant chances to associate and socialize with each other helpfully. Participation in sports benefits women similarly as it does men, creating administration skills, boosting self-esteem and grades, and advancing physical wellness and health. Gender participation in sports is a multi-dimensional subject which needs a survey. Indian government is proposing women empowerment through a progression of welfare measures .Government is convincing all partners in the group to endeavor towards women empowerment in each conceivable way. The government has found a way to augment the women participation in sporting occasions. It has been confining polices which are valuable in connecting this hole. Women inclusion in every single sporting activity will guarantee appropriate spread, multiplication and restoration of sport. Their way to deal with women's empowerment can be considered through sporting occasion is another phenomenon which is being considered by nations over the globe. Women's participation in all classifications of sporting activities can advance the use of functional skill as it empowers them to secure individual competency, group building, identity building and health improvement. This encourages in women empowerment, empowerment of group and socio social inclusion with corroborative results. (Report of the Sports Authority in India - Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports 2013). As of late sport and physical activity as a strategy for the empowerment of girls and women has been picking up acknowledgment around the world. Women Win is the primary International Organization with a sole concentration of offering help for inventive sport and physical activity program for empowerment Sport and physical activity have not yet been utilized on an extensive scale as a strategy inside women's movements. There are, be that as it may, officially extremely positive stories to tell from both our program accomplices and those projects in organize. In light of the experience of these accomplices we have adapted more about how participation in sport and physical activity can empower singular girls and women. The involvement of sport and physical activity can fabricate fundamental abilities, certainty and body mindfulness and may make social systems, which brings about emotional positive life changes for members. We have additionally observed that involvement in sport and physical activity can emphatically change existing gender standards and enable girls and women to move into open spots. Additionally, sport and physical activity programs give chances to unite groups and help to acknowledge development targets identifying with so many issues as peace promotion, conceptive health and gender-based viciousness. Empowering girls and women through sport and physical activity is an essential assessment and research production , which concentrates on the impact of sport and physical activity programs on the on the lives of girls and women around the globe and how these projects are created. Girls and women confront a lopsided number of life challenges, which lessen their capacity to accomplish maximum capacity. Late investigations demonstrate that notwithstanding formal certifications of equity, the general rate of advance for women members, those from the poorest and most underestimated areas of the world has been moderate. Women and girls keep on encountering disparities and hardships in their everyday lives, which keep them from contributing towards both the making of more fair social orders and practical development inside their groups and past. Specialists concur that sport and physical activity involvement can conceivably offer a white scope of life benefits for girls and women. The International Platform on Sport and Department, a stage committed to the topical field of sport and development and started after the primary International Conference on Sport and Development in 2003, underscores or recommended the part of sport in advancing gender value. The stage refers to various advantages for physically dynamic girls and women. As per the present stage, sport involvement can assume a noteworthy part in advancing the physical and mental wellbeing of girls and women cultivating open doors for this authority and life achievement, starting social inclusion and social integration of girls and women, and testing gender standards.

As I would see it, empowerment is a procedure by which people pick up control over their lives that is empowerment empowers women to get things done for themselves to their greatest advantage as opposed to at the order of others for their advantage. In this way empowerment likewise includes the capacity to oppose weights to comply with gender-stereotyped ideas concerning introduction and conduct. It likewise empowers women to be all the more socially emphatic. Accordingly getting to be plainly empowered empowers to wind up what they do with their lives. David Whitson sees the sure feeling of self that originates from being skilled in the utilization of one's body as a type of empowerment. The religious or spiritual social orders, the World Bank, women's activist activity gathering, health and gender analysts' government United Nations and developmental offices have all put empowerment on their plan. The outcome is different significance and translations related with an assortment of strategies. A focal element in empowerment is control which is worried to specialist, mastery and additionally misuse. The empowerment of women through sport and physical activity has been hit by the way that sports women being experiencing a few physical enduring of different extents. Different open doors for women's initiative and limit building can be accomplished through expanding their participation in sport activities. Proof from creating nation‘s shows that some sport and physical activity programs gives chances to women and girls to create initiative and fundamental abilities. In this association the Great English Writer, Marry Wollstonecraft (1759-1797) addresses in his renowned exposition, "A Vindication of the Rights of Women" backing of women's equity and investigates of customary womanliness achieved importance. As per her: Women can't be compelled to be "household" Women are permitted an insignificant education while her partner (men) are energized assortment; this assortment urges men to investigate ; this investigation brings about additional conjugal undertakings; in connection, will fall back on disloyalty also; all of which takes them both more distant from "ethicalness" Equitable laws (for husband and wife) have made a more self-righteous marriage pack that enables men and women to pick their own particular accomplices ( rather than if being directed by family and legislative issues) If husband and wife are on square with levels to each other , then the wife will be a superior mother to her kids .She will show her kids the "prudence" she has procured and give a case of an equitable marriage for them-one where she and her husband are companions

obtain strength of both in their brains (education) and their physical bodies (work out).


Physical Health - The physical health advantages of consistent physical activity are well-settled. Consistent participation in such activities is related with a more drawn out and better personal satisfaction, decreased dangers of an assortment of ailments and numerous mental and passionate advantages. There is additionally a substantial assemblage of writing demonstrating that inactivity is a standout amongst the hugest reasons for death, incapacity and diminished personal satisfaction in the created world. Physical activity may impact the physical health of girls in two ways. To start with, it can influence the reasons for ailment amid adolescence and youth. Confirmation recommends a positive connection between physical activity and a large group of variables influencing girls' physical health, including diabetes, circulatory strain and the capacity to utilize fat for vitality. Second, physical activity could lessen the danger of incessant illnesses in later life. Various 'grown-up' conditions, for example, growth, diabetes and coronary illness, have their inceptions in youth, and can be supported, to a limited extent, by consistent physical activity in the early years. Likewise, consistent activity starting in youth enhances bone health, in this way counteracting osteoporosis, which prevalently influences females. Weight merits extraordinary mention. There is by all accounts a general pattern towards expanded adolescence heftiness in a substantial number of nations, and this expansion is by all accounts especially predominant in girls from profoundly urbanized territories, some ethnic minorities and the handicapped. Stoutness in youth is known to have critical effect on both physical and mental health, including hyperlipidemia, hypertension and unusual glucose resistance. Physical activity can be an imperative element of a weight control program for girls, expanding calorific consumption and advancing fat lessening. In fact, late efficient audits on both the avoidance and treatment of youth heftiness recommend strategies for expanding physical activity. Mental Health - as of late, there has been proof of irritatingly high rates of mental sick health among youths and significantly more youthful youngsters, going from low-self-esteem, nervousness and discouragement to dietary problems, substance mishandle and suicide. Immature girls are especially defenseless against uneasiness and depressive issue: by 15 years, girls are twice as likely as boys to have encountered a noteworthy depressive scene;

Research proposes two courses in which physical activities can add to mental health in girls. Right off the bat, there is genuinely steady proof that general activity can have a constructive outcome upon girls' mental well-being; without a doubt, a few examinations demonstrate that girls may react more firmly than boys as far as here and now benefits. Besides, look into has shown that physical activity can add to the diminishment of hazardous levels of nervousness and melancholy. Confirmation is starting to be assembled for practice as a treatment for clinical sorrow, with contemplates finding that physical activity is as viable a treatment as antidepressants, and psychotherapy. So also, an assortment of nonclinical contemplates have discovered that more elevated amounts of activity were identified with bring down rates of discouragement. A position statement of the International Society of Sport Psychology drew out various mental health advantages of physical activity from the exploration writing, including decreased state tension, neuroticism and uneasiness, gentle to moderate dejection, and different sorts of stress. Educational and Intellectual Development - A scope of confirmation recommends that for some, girls, sports and physical activities are certain highlights of their scholastic goals and achievement. The great investigation of the connection between physical activity and school execution was completed in France in the mid-1950s, in Vanves. Scientists diminished 'scholastic' educational programs time by 26%, supplanting it with physical activities, yet scholarly outcomes did not decline, there were less teach issues, more prominent mindfulness and less non-appearance. Later investigations have discovered improvements for some kids in scholastic execution when time for physical activity is expanded in their school day. A report of three longitudinal examinations accentuates that 'scholarly execution is kept up or even upgraded by an expansion in an understudy's level of constant physical activity, regardless of a decrease in educational programs or extra time for the investigation of scholastic material'. There is significant confirmation of a positive connection between girls' participation in sports and expert educational esteems, in spite of the fact that, at display, it is hard to recognize relationship and causation. Concentrates from the United States report a large group of empowering discoveries including: girls who take an interest in sports will probably make scholastic progress than the individuals who don't play sports; female secondary school competitors communicated a more prominent enthusiasm for moving on from both secondary school and school; female competitors from ethnic minority bunches detailed better school grades and more noteworthy involvement in additional curricular Different investigations have recommended that sports participation can help undermine customary gender stereotyping as far as scholastic fitness, by exhibiting a relationship between girls' engagement in sports and enhanced execution in science and arithmetic. Regenerative Health - Adolescent pregnancy and sexual sick health are real social issues over the globe. In spite of the fact that there is a deficiency of research here, early examinations led in the US have discovered that youthful girls who take an interest in sports have a tendency to end up plainly sexually dynamic further down the road, have less accomplices, and, when sexually dynamic, make more noteworthy utilization of contraception than non-sporting girls. Undertakings are presently in progress in the creating scene that utilization sports participation as a strategy for empowering girls to maintain a strategic distance from high hazard sexual conduct. Social Inclusion-Combating social prohibition, or 'the numerous and changing variables bringing about people being barred from the ordinary trades, practices and privileges of current society', has turned into a concentration of consideration for governments and nongovernment associations as of late. A few essayists have contended that sports reflect as well as add to girls' social prohibition in sports and more extensive society. Surely, the strength of sports as socially esteemed physical activities, and the nearby distinguishing proof of sports with manliness, implies that other, non-manly gatherings can move toward becoming pushed to the edges. Be that as it may, positive sports encounters do appear to can possibly, at any rate, add to the procedure of inclusion by: bringing people from an assortment of social and economic foundation together in a common enthusiasm for activities that are intrinsically profitable; offering a feeling of having a place, to a group, a club or a program; giving chances to the development of esteemed capacities and abilities; and expanding 'group capital', by creating social systems, group attachment and urban pride. Investigations of women's encounters of sports participation have proposed that they can add to a more summed up feeling of empowerment. In numerous settings, youths might be urged to see their bodies as sexual and conceptive assets for men, as opposed to wellsprings of strength for themselves. Physical activities may enable them to build up a feeling of responsibility for bodies and access the sorts of activity encounters generally appreciated by boys. This might be on the grounds that participation augments girls' self-esteem, or on the grounds that being a competitor conveys with it a solid open character. Some female competitors

through sport'. Whatever the reasons, expanding the quantities of girls' taking part in sports and physical activities seems to open up courses through which they can get new group affiliations and start to operate all the more transparently and similarly in group life. In doing as such, girls' participation can test and change social standards about their parts and capacities.


Women first took part in the Olympics of 1900, with 22 women competing in only golf and tennis. Indian woman started participated in Olympics in 1952, since that time, women‘s participation in the games has been slowly, but steadily, increasing. In 2000 Karnam Malleswari became the first women to won an Olypmic medal. In the 2012 London Olympic Games, Sushil Kumar was the flag bearer in opening ceremony and Marry Kom was the flag bearer in closing ceremony which strongly advocates the equality for women. In London Olympics 60 men and 23 women competitors were there to represent India and women won 2 medals out of total 6 medals won by India. Every four years, the IOC organizes a world conference on Women and Sports. The last conference was held in February 2012 in Los Angeles, California. The delegates unanimously approved ―The Los Angeles Declaration," a series of recommendations aimed at promoting gender equality in sport and using sport as a tool to improve the lives of women around the world. Despite these numerous accomplishments, there is still sex discrimination. Even though the 2012 Olympics was the first in which almost every country sent at least one woman, many Muslim countries still discourage female athletes from competing in public. Gender equity will not happen by itself we have to work for it and speak out against discrimination. The following are some recommendations we can use to bring about gender equity in sports. Everything we can do will help. Support Women's and Girls’ Sports-We can support women's sports at any age. Participate in sports yourself. Attend women's and girls' sporting events. Do not be taken in by stereotypes that negate women's athletic abilities and deride women who perform well in sports. Coach, athlete, fan and fundraiser are all roles that can build confidence and initiative, and promote women's leadership. Challenge the Myths-Stereotypes unchallenged are stereotypes accepted. Familiarize yourself with the myths and point out the discrepancies between myth and reality about women and girls in sports. Arm Speak out against Gender Inequity-Remember, you’re in the Majority! Breaking the silence has a tremendous impact. It puts women's issues at the forefront of everyone's mind and identifies them as legal topics to be addressed. At every opportunity-- in meetings, at conferences, and in the classroom -- point out inequalities in women's participation in sports. Don't hesitate: feminists are the majority. Encourage Other Women and Girls-Your visibility to women just starting out in athletics can make a critical difference in their future. Invite women and girls to informational meetings about sports. Encourage them to see themselves as players, coaches-whatever role they would like to play. Offer advice on how they can get their athletic careers started and where to go for more information. Push for Gender Equity Policies-Gender equity in sports applies to three basic areas: participation opportunities, athletic financial aid, and all other athletic benefits and opportunities. Encourage local, state, and national policy makers to take steps towards ending gender bias by promoting and reinforcing gender equity policies and practices in the Department of Education, state education programs, and in educational funding and research. Write to the Office of Civil Rights, your members of assembly, and members of your state government to let them know you want gender equity enforced.

Publicize Discrimination at your College or University-

1. Are men's and women's sports programs funded in proportion to the percentage of men and women students? 2. Are opportunities for participation for women and men athletes proportional to enrollment? 3. Is there an unmet need for a varsity women's sport (such as a club sport whose members want to upgrade to a varsity sport)? If you can prove that participation is not proportional, and that there is an unmet need for more women's sports, talk to the concerned authorities. Develop a Media Strategy-The media is vital to creating change. Never hesitate to contact the media and make them aware of actions, workshops, or other activities. Encourage reporters to cover women's sports in your area. Local radio and TV talk shows should also be encouraged to devote programs to women's athletics. Support women sports reporters and media coverage of women's sports.

We noticed that sexist types of physical education themselves can go about as an obstruction to girls' participation, especially in its customary multi-activity, sport-based frame. This type of physical education has been scrutinized by researchers on two vital checks: for repeating customary gender parts, and for neglecting to accomplish the extensive variety of educational advantages regularly guaranteed for it. Over and over again, when calls are made to utilize physical education as a vehicle for the achievement of critical individual and social objectives, the genuine type of projects and adaptability in their arrangement are given little thought (Lawson, 2009). Building up an option way to deal with conventional physical education, three wide standards can be plot for program development identifying with uniformity of chance, the festival of distinction, and the conceivable outcomes of social change (Flintoff, 2008). Activity that tries to secure equity of chance for girls to be allowed to take an interest in activities of their own decision, including all activities as of now viewed as just for boys, is a fundamental condition for the empowerment of girls in physical education and sport. Such a guideline affirms, against the organic determinist position, that there are no particularly female natural shortages which keep girls from partaking. In the meantime, as a plenty of research has appeared, uniformity of chance isn't adequate in itself since it won't consequently achieve fair advantages for boys and girls. Research by Flintoff and Scraton (2006) recommends that it is additionally fitting to make a move went for recognizing and praising distinction, advancing separate types of physical education and sport for girls, for example, indigenous movement structures, high impact exercise and move, where this is esteemed to be suitable to particular social and religious esteems. One ramifications of such an approach is, to the point that it will now and again be more advantageous to offer singlesex programs, and on different events and in different conditions to offer co-educational projects. The exploration on this issue, when directed on an either/or premise, has been not able demonstrate that one approach is superior to the next. In the meantime it is critical, as per Kidd and Donnelly (2000), that young lady just projects have equality of esteem, regardless of whether this implies the unequal appropriation of assets to build up evenhanded conditions (as far as offices, equipment, educators and mentors, and other framework).


Indian government & nonprofit organizations are taking following steps to improve participate without any hassles. 2. Raising awareness to women on the importance of guaranteeing a safe and healthy environment for women involved in sport. 3. Precise actions must be taken for gender mainstreaming through documentaries, real life achievers galleries short films etc. 4. Taking the support of media in the diffusion of this positive information & making the media to spot light women sport events & highlights their achievements. 5. The establishment of quality physical education programmes through formative schooling period & creating an awareness of young women to the advantages they can get through the practice of sport. 6. The participation of women in sport should be guaranteed of a safe and healthy environment where all kinds of sexual harassment, violence, and controls will have to be banned 7. State & central governments should extend financial support to research within the field of women‘s sport 8. Introducing women sport as a subject of study with theoretical implications will help women to realize the concept of women sport & its significance (Report on World Development Indicators Participation In Education World Bank Report 2014). 9. The feminization of ruling bodies proves to be a main element for a policy leading to stronger diversity within the sport movement. 10. The introduction of quotas in view to assuring the participation of women in ruling bodies appears as an efficient way to eradicate this discrimination. 11. Recognizing and rewarding sporting successes through Award of Excellency to women sports students‘ needs to be enhanced. 12. Government can start capacity building initiatives for selected women athletes & sports players, to identify & accrue the benefits conceived through sporting activities. Gender ratios in sport remain highly unequal around the globe. There is an urgent need to reduce the marginalization of women within the sport milieu and to increase their participation in sport programmes.

Gender dimension within sport policies remains marginal and even insufficient. This integration of gender issues within public actions in favour of sport and the attribution funds must reduce the marginalization of women within the process of sport development, increase their participation within sport programmes, and throughout their implementations.( The Report Of The Sports Authority In India - Ministry Of Youth Affairs & Sports 2013 & 2014).


Women Win supports creative sport and physical activity programs worldwide that empower girls and women. We look to bring issues to light of this strategy through support and to make a social movement around sport for the advancement of women's rights. Since the accentuation of Women Win is on empowerment, any effect assessment that happens must be consistent with strategies that empower girls and women who are engaged with these projects. Evaluative strategies will have three covering objectives: Empowerment of members and their groups Communicating sway Improving hierarchical practice Effect assessment and research are critical to empower Women Win to distinguish fruitful sport strategies to propel the lives of girls and women. In the coming years, Women Win expects to put significantly in building the limit of our program accomplices in affect assessment and research. Through this expanded effect assessment limit, we will have the capacity to better recognize powerful strategies inside sport programs, impart the quickening agents, inhibitors and achievement factors, and in this manner make higher quality, successful and practical projects benefiting girls and women and their groups. Effect assessment and research will likewise enable Women to win upgrade our capacity to recognize and evaluate new imaginative potential sport accomplices. Women Win and our program accomplices/members will cooperate to create methods for surveying how members are and have been empowered. Albeit some quantitative techniques will be utilized to accumulate unmistakable data about projects and members, different strategies will stress information acquired through basic subjective request, for example, participatory learning and action.13 Such assessment strategies tune in to the voices of women and girls as they portray their encounters and lives, the limitations they confront and their organization in deal with gathering information require efficient and thorough scientific strategies to comprehend the information. This does not really mean the subsequent information will be evaluated. Rather assessors will reveal the subjects and affirmations that rise up out of the stories/accounts of the members, give the proof and the counter-confirm for these topics/declarations. This procedure requires ceaselessly examination and investigation of the information until logical synopsis/dialog accurately reflects how members have been empowered and which rehearses empowered them. This dialogical dimension of effect assessment should add to the empowerment of girls and women (as does their participation in sport).


Today, almost certainly, women partake professionally in basically every significant sport, however the Level of participation normally reduces with regards to the more brutal physical games. More measures should be taken to increment and enhance the participation of women and girls in sports for their better enhancement and empowerment. The current accomplishment of Indian sportswomen in the worldwide sporting field ought to be used as a springboard to advance the practical participation of young ladies in sports. We require more Saina Nehwals and Marry Koms. The gender value and uniformity to extraordinary degree rely upon the mental strength of the people. In this conclusion separated from determined physical and mental well-being appreciated by physically dynamic girls and women, a well outlined sport and physical activity can give a decent stage to empower positive life changes. The involvement of the women in sport will decrease their pressure and grow more certainty that will consistently raise their certainty. This circumstance needs a decent foundation from the state itself. The averting social and social hindrances remain as a snag in their development situation. That circumstance should change. At that point the women with their soul in sports can be regenerated. The wellbeing in sports for women is as yet an issue which is being handled with extraordinary imaginative sources of info. In the event that women empowerment needs to take great shape, women ought to be brought out from their kept prohibitive environment and sports can demonstrate a critical basic in empowering women. Government spends parcel of cash on women empowerment and gender value programs. Sport has generous to empower women both economically and socially. Women don't know about the estimations of the sport to their health; henceforth

aftereffect of absence of education. Hegemonic manliness, absence of education, neediness, absence of media scope has developed as the remarkable boundaries to women participation in sport both in towns and rustic territories. Neediness in women groups has made women dormant in sport.


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Corresponding Author Lokendra Singh Narwariya*

Ph.D. Scholar, DAVV Indore, MP
