Effect of Transcendental Meditation on Improvement of Concentration of Hockey Players

Examining the Impact of Transcendental Meditation on Concentration and Game Performance of Hockey Players

by Prof. N. L. Mishra*, Dr. Sanjeev Mishra, Mr. Rohit Tiwari,

- Published in International Journal of Physical Education & Sports Sciences, E-ISSN: 2231-3745

Volume 13, Issue No. 3, Jun 2018, Pages 103 - 105 (3)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Concentration is more important than the morning in physical existence. Because in every game, along with the ability to take decisions, it is also necessary to focus on it.Which along with the ability of the player's game, also increases his ability. Reduction in anxiety and rise in happiness-inducing pleasant feelings. This study has been designed to train Hockey player concentration through Meditation. Impact of Meditation on Hockey players concentration .To serve the purpose of this study, a total of 16 regular male Hockey players pursuing graduation have been chosen as sample. Mindfulness Meditation and Concentration Meditation for duration of six weeks, The result is based on personal observation


transcendental meditation, concentration, hockey players, game performance, anxiety reduction, happiness-inducing feelings, mindfulness meditation, sample size, personal observation


Man‘s-life is a continuous flow of activity. Today's man is be as all the time, which he has forgotten to take care of his mental and mental health. In today's life, mental, spiritual, social and physical health is the only thing.Life is the key. Every player, no matter what sport he is from, but he must be healthy in every aspect. Only then he can increase his work efficiency and sound than they are good sports man. Things from the outer world enter our minds through the sensory organs in our bodies, and vice versa. Components of physical fitness can be developed through exercise or yogic practises. Transcendental meditation is such a meditation, with the help of which every person can keep his mind self and balanced. Before the transcendental meditation, Maharishi Mahesh Teyagi ji had given it. Through which we can tolerate and concentrate our mind. He gave this attention to the country of India and also to many foreign countries. Yoga does not generate health on its own; rather, it develops an internal environment that enables the person to reach his or her own state of dynamic balance and health on his or her own own. It is said that any exercise, which is not done for minimum 3 to 5days in a week, has no optimum effect on health. To do physical workout at health clubs, Gyms and yoga institutions etc. The reasons are mostly, lack of time. That‘s why these exercises may not be ideal for the executives. The ideals programme for them would be, a programme which is of short duration in nature, it is more feasible because yoga can be performed anywhere even by staying at home, while traveling, in hotel, in a guest house or at friend‘s place, as does not require any preparation like wearing track suits, shoes with long laces and is easy to adopt. Today, meditation is more popular as a method of good and work discipline than as a philosophical theory. This approach is widely used in the treatment of stress and certain illnesses. Psychology and medicine, as well as yoga philosophy, have the solutions to all of a player's concerns and provide a scientific approach to transcend their troubles and pains. Transcendental meditation is very balanced and full of impact in every way. The anthropogenic condition of the players with a balanced criterion to improve their work and play provides. Yoga has its own method of strengthening the weak portions of the body when performed under proper instruction and wisely. Yogic asanas, meditation, pranayama and kriyas have been found to be the most beneficial because they not only strengthen

and inspire the mind, leading to a balanced development of human personality. Top athletes from a wide range of nations engage in a variety of yogic practises. Yoga has been mentioned in several ancient scriptures, such as the Vedas, Upanishads, and the Bhagavad Gita. However, the formal and comprehensive philosophical foundation of yoga was provided by the Indian philosopher Patanjali. Patanjali's Yoga Sutras present the science and philosophy of yoga in a methodical and coherent way that is both scientific and objective.


There are various kinds of Meditations:- ⧫ mindfulness meditation ⧫ spiritual meditation ⧫ focused meditation ⧫ movement meditation ⧫ mantra meditation ⧫ transcendental meditation ⧫ progressive relaxation ⧫ loving-kindness meditation ⧫ visualization meditation


• CONCENTRATION: - ability to maintain focus. • CONFIDENCE: - believe in one‘s abilities. • CONTROL: - ability to control emotional regardless distraction.

• COMMITMENT: - ability to continue working to agreed goals.


According to Stanford University academics, we spend 45 percent of our waking hours buried in thinking. These kinds of ideas often come from one of two places for students: either focusing on the past or anticipating the future. The first can lead to feelings of melancholy and despair, while the second can lead to feelings of tension and worry. Meditation can assist you in letting go of the endless "what ifs" and "what ifs that could have been." Relaxation, according to 1. Reduce stress, anxiety, and depression 2. Increase focus and learning concentration 3. Improve memory and attention span 4. Build stronger immune system and greater physical/psychological resilience 5. Allow better sleep A major objective is the goal of all forms of transcendental meditation, although some are more effective than others for different persons. Some include:


Focusing on your breath while paying attention to your thoughts is how this technique works. It's not about being immersed; the goal is to just be aware of how you're feeling.


Focuses attention on a single thing, such as a word, a breath, or an object. Focusing on one thing at a time can help to keep your thoughts from straying and keep you from becoming distracted.


Meditation does not necessitate a period of complete stillness. Yoga and tai chi, which include slow, repeated motions focused on your breath, can help you calm both your mind and your body. It is necessary to save a significant thought for Transcendental Meditating at all times. It's been shown that setting aside a few minutes each day can decrease distractions while increasing devotion.


This is a person's capacity to concentrate on a single task at a time. Lack of focus on the part of the player reduces the effectiveness with which their playing talents may be used to the task. It‘s a collective process of bringing new thoughts and ideas in over to bring improvement in the game in strategies of an Hockey players. There is exceeding concentration formed in the Hockey players.


A sample of sixteen Hockey players doing undergraduate was selected to analyze and observe the various factors of sports psychology conducted on them.

• To find out the mental health of Hockey players in undergraduate level. • To find out the general well-being of Hockey players. • Psychological interventions for promoting the mental health & well-being of Hockey players. • To improve performance. • Enhance player motivation. • Improve player self-confidence.


Students at the 16-college are encouraged to practise meditation. When it comes to mental skills, hockey players should work on developing traits like confidence in one's own abilities, focus, determination, and the ability to remain calm under pressure. It helps to improve performance of players.


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Corresponding Author Prof. N. L. Mishra*

Professor & Dean, Faculty of Art, MGCGV, Chitrakoot, Satna (MP)