A Comparison of Job Satisfaction between Female Physical Education Teachers and Female Coaches
A Comparative Analysis of Job Satisfaction among Female Physical Education Teachers and Coaches
by Dr. Hemlata .*,
- Published in International Journal of Physical Education & Sports Sciences, E-ISSN: 2231-3745
Volume 13, Issue No. 4, Jul 2018, Pages 10 - 12 (3)
Published by: Ignited Minds Journals
The purpose of the study was to compare the female Phy.Edu. Teacher and Female Coaches in relation to their job satisfaction. The sample consisted of 60 female respondents (females and government and private sector) were selected for the study “t” test are applied to analyze the data and the result showed that some significant difference of job satisfaction were found between female physical education teachers and coaches according to government and private sectors. According to the study female coaches are more satisfied than the physical education teachers in their to their jobs.
job satisfaction, female physical education teachers, female coaches, comparison, government sector, private sector
Human behavior in job satisfaction is directly influenced by various environmental forces and internal qualities of the individual such as their attitudes, aptitudes, interests liking and some other personality traits. However, motivated behavior frequently fails to achieve its objective without interruption. Physical or social obstacles intervene causing delay or even complete failure. It is the conceptual framework relating to the target variable included in the study. Scheffer (1957), “Job satisfaction is primarily based up on the satisfaction of need. The stronger the need, the more closely will be a job satisfaction dependents on its gratification. Falzon (1991) found a clear distinction between the nature of male and female satisfaction. The factors affecting the female jobs. Satisfaction were working environment, interpersonal relationship and supervision by boss for men, salary and security of the job is most important. Men more concern with extrinsic rewards (most notable pay) women focusing more on intrinsic rewards i.e. the satisfaction of teaching children. Sharma Satish (2007) conducted a study on comparison of job stress between physical education teachers and other allied subject teachers. This study was conducted on 192 teachers from 8 subjects including 24 from each subject. The study concluded that teachers of physical education have reported lower level of occupational stress which have been found significantly better than other group of teachers. Thus job satisfaction is a set of favorable and unfavorable feelings and emotions with which employees view their work. Main purpose of the study is that female Physical Education Teachers and female Coaches are fully satisfied or not. This is the main purpose of our study to know their satisfaction according to their job and work.
The purpose of the study is to find out the significant difference among that female Physical Education Teachers and female Coaches physical education teachers coaches as related, to their job satisfaction.
1. To compare the level of job satisfaction between female physical education teachers and female coaches.
2. To compare the level of job satisfaction between female physical education teachers and female coaches according to private and government sector.
All the female Physical Education Teachers and female Coaches in Haryana state a random sample of 60 employees (which includes 30 Female physical education teachers, and 30 female coach. “Job satisfaction questionnaire (JSQ) are used for the study.”
Difference of job satisfaction between female physical education teachers and female coaches
Table No. 1 shows that the mean score obtained by Female Phy.Edu. Teachers 49.41 is less than that of the mean score of Female Coaches 51.65. It is observed the significant “t” value for the difference of mean at 5% level of significance is .014 which is less than 0.5. Hence we conclude that there is no difference in mean score obtained by Female Phy.Edu. Teachers and Female coaches at 5% level of significant.
Table No.2 Difference of job satisfaction between female physical education teachers and female coaches according to government sector
Table No.2 shows that the mean score obtained by Female Phy.Edu. Teachers 49.16 is less than that of the mean score of Female Coaches 51.21. It is observed the significant “t” value for the difference of mean at 5% level of significance is .079 which is more than 0.5. Hence we conclude that there is a difference in mean score obtained by Female Coaches and Female Phy.Edu. Teachers at 5% level.
Table No.3 Difference of job satisfaction between female physical education teachers and female coaches according to Private sector
Female Phy.Edu. Teachers 50.70 is less than that of the mean score of Female Coaches 51.64. It is observed the significant “t” value for the difference of mean at 5% level of significance is .278 which is more than 0.5. Hence we conclude that there is a difference in mean score obtained by Female Coaches and Female Phy.Edu. Teachers at 5% level.
1. Difference of job satisfaction between Female physical education teachers and Female Coaches is accepted. Hence we conclude that there is no difference in the job satisfaction level of Female Phy.Edu Teachers and Female Coaches. 2. Difference of job satisfaction between Female physical education teachers and Female Coaches according to government sector there is no difference in the Mean Score is rejected. Hence we conclude that there is a significant difference in the job satisfaction level of Female Coaches and Female Phy.Edu. Teachers. Female Phy.Edu Teachers have more hectic schedule than the Coaches. 3. Difference of job satisfaction between Female physical education teachers and Female Coaches according to private sector there is no difference in the Mean Score is rejected. Hence we conclude that there is a significant difference in the job satisfaction level of Female Coaches and Female Phy.Edu. Teachers. Female Coaches has less burden than the Female Phy.Edu Teachers, they are getting equal salary and also getting other incentives.
1. For future research in this area a large sample should be undertaken including two or more states. 2. The studies may be conducted by considering teaching competencies of Science/Arts/Commerce/background at B.A., B.Sc., and B.Com. 3. The performance appraisal of Female Phy.Edu Teachers and Female Coaches should take place time to time and there rewards, promotions and other incentives should be given according to their appraisal results. 4. Similar studies may be conducted in the other states.
Andrew E. Clark (2009). The economy general vol. 119, issue 536, page 430,447. Falzon (1991). Found a clear distinction between the nature of male and female job satisfaction. John S. (2009). “Job Satisfaction and gender segregation”, Oxford University Press. Schalfer (1957). Job satisfaction is primary based up on the satisfaction of need. The stronger the need, the more closely will be a job satisfaction dependents on its gratification. Sharma Satish (2007). Conducted a study on comparison of job stress between physical education teachers and other allied subject teachers.
Corresponding Author Dr. Hemlata*
Assistant Professor, Physical Education, M.K.J.K.M. Rohtak, Haryana