A Study of Manages of Neck Pain Physiotherapy

Addressing the Challenges of Managing Neck Pain in the Caribbean: A Multidisciplinary Approach

by P. Yashwanth Kumar*,

- Published in International Journal of Physical Education & Sports Sciences, E-ISSN: 2231-3745

Volume 13, Issue No. 5, Aug 2018, Pages 42 - 48 (7)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


This case trial is based on an assessment and rehabilitation of a client of astonishing neck and shoulder discomfort in the caribbean's left arm and hand. The Global Burden of Disease 2010 report shows that the neck pain was the fourth-highest in impairment (measured by Years of Being Living With Disabled, YLD), and that, in St Lucia in 2016, it rated as one of the first-highest causes from 23.9 million in 1990 to 33.6 million in 2010. The aim of the research is to demonstrate the value of rigorous evaluation and care focused on evidence practises and treatment models, the importance of the role and cooperation of a multidisciplinary team of practitioners, the significance of client education, shortcomings of customer capacity and challenges in managing neck pain in the Caribbean.


neck pain, physiotherapy, assessment, rehabilitation, discomfort, Global Burden of Disease, impairment, Years of Living With Disability, YLD, St Lucia


Neck pain is described as neck pain that persists for at least 1 day, whether or not there is pain in one or both upper limbs. In 2008, the Neck Pain Task Force described the neck pain area (Figure 1). The Task Force found more than 300 case definitions for neck discomfort, which is founded on consensus. Persons of neck pain can have associated headache or shoulder pain, but the primary complaint is neck pain.

1.1 Categorisation

The Neck Pain task force recommended in 2008 that individuals experiencing pain should be classified into four groups. This category is founded on the Whiplash category of the Quebec task force. The main distinction between the two classifications is that there was a Grade 0 definition in the Quebec Task Force, which indicates a trauma, but no harm. Grades I to III discomfort is considered non-specific neck pain in the Neck Pain Task Force (Table 1). The degree to which natural existence is interfered, is characterised by grade I and 2 neck discomfort. A individual with grade III neck pain has objective neurological symptoms (such as reduced deep tendon reflexes, weaknesses, sensory deficits) and good results in provocation or mitigation testing. The results are also known as cervical radiculopathy. People with Grade IV neck pain have severe diseases, which corresponds to specific neck pain.

1.2 Incidence and prevalence

In the Global Burden of Disease survey of the 291 conditions surveyed, neck pain was found to be in 21st position in terms of total burden and in 4th position in terms of general incapacity. Low back (first ranked) and neck (fourth ranked) discomfort are the most prevalent of all musculoskeletal conditions worldwide. However, study with persons with low back pain is much greater than research with pain in the spine. In a 2017 report, the global Burden of Disease estimated the age-standard point prevalence of pain in the neck: 3,551/100,000 with a UI of 95 percent from 3,140 to 3,978; and the annual frequency of pain of 807/100,000. (95 percent UI 714 to 913). The frequency and severity of neck pain rose with the age of both women and men. From 1990 to 2018, there was no significant difference in the incidence of neck discomfort. Up to 80% of people will anticipate any neck discomfort in their lives, but much of the times neck pain does not interfere seriously with day-to-day activity and involvement. Grade IV prevalence is marginal, up to 2% in referred cases, whereas the incidence of cervical radiculopathy (Grade III) is from 6.3 to 21 per 10 000 patients. The variance in definitions of 'radiating or radicular signs' in practical and science is responsible for this vast array. Sometimes the concept is not restricted to 'neurological indicators or sensory deficits' it only covers the effects of radiation. According to the Neck Pain Task Force, people who suffer from a Grade III neck pain cannot be considered. The overwhelming majority of people suffer from neck discomfort in grades I or II, which is sometimes measured at 90% of patients. A number of factors show that the risk of discomfort in the neck is raised. The most common predictors

depression), poor mental wellbeing, and smoking. The following factors are most important. Cervical disc degeneration does not seem to be a contributing factor. There was no detailed assessment of the economic cost of the neck discomfort.


The method of diagnosis in the field of physiotherapy includes historical assessment, physical examination and medical imaging if appropriate. The goal of history is to find facts which can warn the patient's forecast and whether the patient is in a separate management plan subgroup. Taking history contributes to an original conclusion that can be confirmed or eliminated by physical exam (or diagnostic imaging). Figure 1 Provides a diagnostic process flux diagram.

Figure 1: Posterior and lateral images of the anatomical neck area used in the neck pain task force 2.1 Red flags

First, a physiotherapist would rule out severe disease or red flags. Red flags are variations of symptoms or indications (warning signals), which may show severe disease that requires further medical diagnosis. The Canadian cervical spine (C-Spin) and the National Emergency X-Radiography Use study became the two well-known screening methods of fractures in patients with neck discomfort following trauma (NEXUS). The sensitivity of both methods is strong according to an overall review; thus, the risk of fracture may be consistently removed for patients with unfavourable results for either type of screening (high Sensitivity and a Negative test rules Out the diagnosis; SnNOut). There have been no assessed red malignant flags. Other established measures in screening include tests of increased cervical insecurity or of insufficient vertebral arteries. The aim of these tests is to distinguish patients who are highly vulnerable to confirmed. Nevertheless, most manual therapists and chiropractors' manuals prescribe that certain examinations be performed.

2.2 History taking

In order to evaluate the patient's prognosis or subgroup as appropriate in the management strategies, the next move is to examine pronostic and differentiating factors (Figure 2).

Figure 2: Flow chart of the diagnostic process Table 1: Grades of neck pain defined by the Task Force on Neck Pain

Grade Explanation

1 2 3 4 Neck discomfort and related conditions with no indications or effects of significant structural diseases or mild interference with everyday tasks. No big systemic pathology indications or symptoms however serious interference with every day practises No big systemic pathology indications or symptoms; however, neurologic signs, such as deeper tendon reflection, fatigue or upper extremity sensory deficits are present. Signs or signs of significant pathology of structure, including (but not restricted to) fracturing, spinal dislocation, spinal cord damage, infection, neoplasm, or systemic illness including infectious arthropathies

History has been seen as a sub-group of patients with neck discomfort due to injuries (formerly a whiplash or whiplash disorder) The distinctive feature is that they have been traumatised (often a car accident). Greater pain severity is linked with a lower prognosis at baseline or consultation. Patients of neck pain in the field of employment (i.e. neck pain from job that reduces during work or work range of work-related prognostic factors. Until now, it is uncertain whether cervicogenic headache patients are a subgroup of headache patients or neck pain patients (i.e. headache which generally occurs after the back of the neck, sometimes aggravated by neck motion). Unfortunately, there are no statistics on forecast and forecast considerations for this subgroup. There is no agreement in the literature as for classification by signs and neurology in patients with or without cervic radiculopathy, except that patients have arm radiation discomfort, sometimes following a radicular pattern. The Neck Pain Task Force defines patients with physiological problems or sensory deficiencies, such as sensory loss or impaired reflection, as described by Necks Pain Task Force. A small sample found that lack of feeling and pain that radiate from the elbow both had high specificity, which is why cervical radiculopathy (high specificity and Positive Trials rules in the diagnosis; SpPIn) may be diagnosed (or controlled). Radiatory signs are considered Grade II neck pressure without these physiological symptoms and senior deficits. Patients of cervical radiculopathy have a good prognosis, with most patients recovering over four to six months. The above categories are like the following categories in Blanpied et al (neck pain with moving control disorders (including whiplashing), neck pain (including headaches) and headaches pain (including pain with radiation pain) and neck pain (including mobility-related disordres) in the practise guidelines.

2.3 Physical examination

Positive checkup, palpation, motion range measurement, intensity measurement of muscles, reflex checking, sensation of tests and specific testing can include physical assessment. The decision of these physical examinations relies on historical results and on the condition or diagnosis the results indicate. This initial diagnosis is to be confirmed or excluded by physical testing. Sadly, nothing is understood about the screening benefit for patients with a general physical test. No evidence is available on the medical importance of specific examinations to distinguish between patients with neck pain and patients with injuries, work-related neck pain or cervical headache. Guidelines advise specific examinations to confirm or exclude the first diagnosis of cervical radiculopathy. Spurling's exam, traction testing, Upper Limb stress checks and shoulder abduction testing are the most well-known specific tests. A few experiments demonstrate the comparatively high specificity of the spurling and pull measure. Specificity for the Spurling test ranges from 89% to 100% and for the traction test 90% to 97%. should be used to exclude cervical radiation (SnNOut). The reproductivity varies between 13 and 93 percent of the individual tests (reported as kappa value). Albeit it is proposed that dermatomas and myo-tomes be tested neurologically, their medical relevance was not evaluated.

2.4 Clinical prediction rules

While several of them have been established utilising unsatisfactory methods or not validated, many clinical prediction rules remain. In a comprehensive analysis, a record 99 predictor models were discovered, three of which promised sufficiently for use in physiotherapy and other primary care environments for neck pain or trauma-like neck pain. One of the successful models has been established for those with neck pain and two for those with wound pain. The age of all three models was one consistent finding associated to the high probability of recovery (, 35 years). Only the trauma-related neck pain models appeared to have an important initial handicap ranking of 32 per cent. Initially designed for persons with severe low back pain but recently modified and validated for persons suffering from neck pain, the Keele Subgroup Targo Treatment (STarT) Back Screening Tool was developed. It helps to reduce the likelihood of recurrent symptoms in individual categories for people with neck pain to a moderate, medium and high level, but the validity of the foreground is low.

2.5 Diagnostic imaging

Different guides suggest that patients with neck discomfort need not be referred to imaging. Nevertheless, medical imaging may be used to confirm or exclude a certain disease – usually a cervical icyopathy (cervical disc herniation). Various imaging methods vary in intensity and characteristic between 27 and 96 percent. A CT scan, with a sensitivity between 96 and 99 percent, will better exclude a fracture. Specific MRI procedures appear valid to diagnose cervical disc herniation between 95 and 97 percent with a sensitivity and specificity. Imaging is often avoided, though, without serious damage, mostly because diagnostic imagery causes a large amount of false positive effects. About 87 percent of the participants identified with a 'bulging disc' and 5.3 percent with spinal cord compression in a sample with 1,211 moderately stable and asymptomatic participants who were diagnosed with imaging via MRI.


In 2008, the Neck Pain task force reported a 50% to 85% recovery from neck pain, showing that neck pain has an episodic and recurring nature. In the

systemic examination. The prognosis was determined from cohort and randomised patients in a check arm that was not treated depending on the survival rate. The pronostics was more favourable than for patients with neck pain without radiculopathy in patients with cervical radiculopathy. Generally speaking, some factor factors that are probably associated with a worse prognosis are identified in the literature. These are previous episodes of neck pain, low back pain, concurrent headaches, poor health, psychological factors (such as anxiety, worry, frustration and depression, etc). However, youngers continue to be associated with an aggressive coping style and a positive disposition.


Manual counselling, activity and education should be recommended as the preferred proof validated physiotherapy therapy in most neck pain protocols on care and management of patients with neck pain. In certain subgroups of patients, massages may be beneficial (inconsistent evidence) and psychological (competence) and multidisciplinary therapy is successful. There is no simple basis for any such treatments.

4.1 Education

Education is a mechanism that allows people to make better choices regarding their behaviour in relation to their personal welfare. According to an assessment by Cochrane, patient education (or knowledge provision) is considered a critical aspect of physiotherapist-patient contact. Regrettably, the study did not prove that education is good in the care of people with neck pain. A more up-to-date study found that standardised education for patients with or without traumatic origin is as beneficial as with other conservative approaches. The education measures that are assessed and advised by the recommendations are: patient reassurance of pain as a non-severe illness; pain and prognosis details, including information that imaging is not recommended; urging patients to remain active; and self-care education, activities and coping strategies (stress).

4.2 Exercise

Physical workouts range extensively from general fitness on the ground or water to special stamina, strength, extension or McKenzie exercises in the body. The last Cochrane study of mechanical neck disease activities showed that a broad range of exercises, from ventilation to intensity and stamina, have been tested. According to the recommendations, assessments, development and evaluations (GRADE), the Level of proof in this study therapy: strength, endurance, and stabilisation workouts were positive for chronic neck pain (moderate-quality evidence), chronic cervicogenesis (moderate-quality evidence) benefited only from strength and endurance exercises (low-quality evidence). The stand-ardised impact dimensions ranged from 0.3 to 0.7 (95%CI 0.1 to 1.3), which may be considered to be limited to medium. In severe neck pain patients no study was conducted evaluating workouts. Latest network meta research has shown that in people with severe non-specific neck pain no specific exercise has been considered superior. Several scientists have hypothesised that motor function variations in deep cervical muscles lead to causing or persisting neck discomfort. In a new systemic study, this theory has been investigated and assessed to determine if motor coordination exercises are more successful than most chronic neck pain interventions. Clinically significant benefit for pain and handicap was observed (standardised effects ranging from 0.33 to 0.58).

4.3 Mobilisation and manipulation

Physiotherapist also provides physical treatment to enhance the movement of spinal articulations and regain movement. Manual counselling consists of several methods, such as mobilizations and manipulation. In the field of motion and in the control of the user, mobilisation means the use of low-grade / velocity, limited amplitude or large-amplitude passive movement strategies. Handling is described as a located high-speed- and low-amplitude force guided at the end of the patient's motion range and beyond their control in specific cervical or thoraxic spinal segments. A Cochrane study and a systematic analysis have considered cervical mobilizations and manipulations in patients with nonspecific neck pain to be similarly beneficial (moderate standard evidence). According to the Cochrane study, cervical manipulations display a low positive (low quality proof) effect, but in comparison with an inaction (moderate quality proofs), thoracic manipulations show a greater benefit that thoracic manipulations are more beneficial than cervical manipulations. This finding could not be confirmed by two studies which contrasted cervical with chest manipulation. A more recent comprehensive study assessing the efficacy of chest manipulation has been carried out. On the other hand, thoracic handling was more beneficial than the normal mobilizations (exclusive evidence) which showed a mean pain differential of 14 mm (95% CI 6 to 22) and 13 mm (95% CI 4 to 22, respectively) in a 100-mm visual analogue scale

4.4 Mobilisation, manipulation, advice and exercise

Instances and manipulations are seldom utilised as a unimodal procedure; they are most commonly provided in conjunction with counselling and/or activities. Combining practise and tampering (moderate consistency evidence), although not all other effects for people suffering from neck discomfort, tend to be more efficient than exercises for acute pain alone (Figure 4, with a detailed forest plot available in Appendix 2 on the eAddenda). Sadly, the impact size (SMD 0.15, 95 percent CI 0.00 -0.30) is minimal and the addition of mobilizations or manipulations into exercises is potentially of no therapeutic benefit.

4.5 Massage

Massage therapy is one of the oldest musculoskeletal pain management techniques. It requires mobilising and handling the body's soft tissues through touch. There is a broad range of approaches falling under the framework of massage therapy. The methods vary in the way the contact is applied and the quantity of pressure applied. Massage procedures typically used as conventile western massage by physiotherapist have been considered useful in the management of neck pain patients (a limited study) in relation to no treatment and placebo.


5.1 Medication

People with neck pain can take medicinal products on-the-call, such as paracetamol or anti-inflammatory medicinal products (NSAIDs). Even though pain relief cannot be prescribed by physiotherapists, it is crucial for them to understand research on related medicines in order to support patients in their questions. The efficacy of paracetamol in patients with musculoskeletal conditions was assessed by a new systematic study, but paracetamol assessment of patients with neck pain was not established. A number of randomised studies for NSAIDs existed for neck pain patients, which found stronger NSAIDs than placebo as muscle relaxants or acupunctures, Although less advantageous than stimulation of the spinal cord and training. Diclofenac gel (a topical NSAID) has been considered more successful in mitigating pain than placebo in (sub)acute pain patients (72 pa- tients) in the only high quality review. An summary of Cochrane's assessments of patients with persistent pain with topical NSAIDs supports this evidence. In this summary, topical diclofenac was seem efficient when composed of placebo, which is above a previously established 10mm threshold of clinical significance (MD 16 mm at a 100 mm visual analogue scale, 95 percent of the CI 12 to 21).

5.2 Surgery

Patients that do not respond to conservative treatment are sometimes sent to secondary treatment for additional evaluation with the chance of receiving corticosteroid injections or surgery. There has been no systemic study of injections of corticosteroid for neck discomfort, although several studies are randomised. Many of these studies assessed the injection of corticosteroids in cervical radiculopathy patients. Just one study associated injection with treatments in physiotherapy (education, electrophysical agents, massage and exercise). No significant variations between injections, physiotherapy alone, or combination injection and physiotherapy in the primary outcome (arm pain) have been seen in these three-arm trials.

Figure 3: Weighed a mean differential in thoracic spinal manipulation in immediate / short term against mobilisation in pain intensity on the neck, calculated on a visual analogue scale of 100 mm. The higher distinction includes both research comparing chest manipulation to some mobilisation, whereas the lower comparison is three experiments comparing chthoracic manipulation with chest mobilisation. Masaracchio et al. Updated.

Figure 4: Standardised mean difference in immediate effect of combined exercise therapy and manual therapy versus exercise therapy alone on neck pain severity. Modified from Fredlin et al.

There are no overall significant variances between surgery or cautious treatment of neck pain patients in a comprehensive study involving nine randomised trials (very low quality evidence). Furthermore, very minor variations in benefits and damages were observed between different surgical procedures and the addition of fusion to previous depression therapies was no added advantage.


The more systemic analyses listed above showed that there was a large range of aim intervention trials, studies with overall minimal sample sizes, a strong proportion of high-risk prejudice studies, and a significant scientific variability between the research. These findings hinder the drawing of firm conclusions and suggest that subsequent study is likely to alter existing conclusions and recommendations. In comparison with low back pain, the strain of neck pain is more or less comparable, and thus more study is required. Neck pain is comparatively understudied. The main research goal was the evaluation of the efficacy and cost efficiency of all the major treatments, a new consensus report from Delphi on research goals for painful neck research. The second most significant priority of study was to assess how research findings would better be translated into clinical practise. Priority 11 of 15 goals includes diagnostic evaluation research 11 Risk stratification research should be carried out using clinical prediction models/laws, including the assessment of the effect of certain rules in risk-stratified neck pain studies. These experiments


Physiologists also encounter in clinical practise people with neck discomfort. This is one of four musculoskeletal diseases that has a significant social burden. In physiotherapy management choices, stratification patients in subgroups or on the basis of the prognosis (restoration prediction) may also be helpful. The recommended evidence-based physiotherapy therapies – typically in conjunction – for several people of neck discomfort are manual therapy, exercises and schooling. The rest of the interventions and practises do not, however, rely on solid evidence and small effect amounts. Clinicians must be mindful of this to be aware of recent findings in the multitude of pathways of study into neck pain control.


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Corresponding Author P. Yashwanth Kumar*

Associate Professor, Department of Physiotherapy, Galgotias University, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India