Efficacy of Patients with Tension Headache Physical Therapy

The Efficacy of Physical Therapy in Treating Tension Headache: A Systematic Review

by Yamini Sharma*,

- Published in International Journal of Physical Education & Sports Sciences, E-ISSN: 2231-3745

Volume 13, Issue No. 5, Aug 2018, Pages 49 - 55 (7)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Tension-type headaches (TTH) include disorders with significant effects on life quality and cost-effectiveness. A randomised controlled trial assessment of the MEDLINE searches (from January 2002 to April 2012) was done. Included in adult patients and at least 11 years of age were studies of the English-language types (ETTH) and chronic tension-type headache(CTTH). The first study employing the sentences Effectiveness, Headache and Manual Therapy was conducted out (39 studies). A search has also been carried out that includes treatment phrases such as physical therapy, physical therapy, spinal manipulation (25 studies). Nine of the two searches satisfied inclusion requirements and statistically significant results were analysed The following myophasal releases, cervical traction, neck muscles trigger points and stretching of cervical chest muscles, superfluous heat, massage, connective tissue manipulation and vertebral cyronic mobilisation, spinal manipulation and cervical chestnut-occipital manual traction 8) pressure release and muscular energy in the suboccipital muscle 9) combination of cervical-thorax mobilizations, exercises, and posture correction. Massage focused on releasing the myofascial trigger point activity All studies employed a mixture of several approaches and no therapies investigated individually all studies additionally evaluated elements of TTH beyond pain intensity and frequency.


efficacy, patients, tension headache, physical therapy, randomised controlled trial, MEDLINE searches, English-language types, chronic tension-type headache, effectiveness, headache, manual therapy, treatment phrases, spinal manipulation, myophasal releases, cervical traction, neck muscles trigger points, stretching of cervical chest muscles, superfluous heat, massage, connective tissue manipulation, vertebral cyronic mobilisation, pressure release, muscular energy, suboccipital muscle, cervical-thorax mobilizations, exercises, posture correction, myofascial trigger point activity, pain intensity, frequency

The features, findings and principal findings of the nine assessed research are summed up in Table 1 as follows. A headache treatment for 25 people aged between 18 and 55 years was conducted by Quinn and Chandler in 2002. The course of treatments was completed for four weeks, 2 times per week, and for thirty minutes per session: 3 minutes of preparatory warming of the tissues; 5 minutes of myofascial release; 2 minutes of cervical traction; five minutes of TrP in trapetious, sternocleidomastoid, suboccipital, slénius capitis and elevator scapulae. The corresponding results for frequency (P = 0.009), length of pain ( P = 0.58), and severity of pain (P = 0.19) were retrieved after 4 weeks. Thus, the three steps following the manual therapy have been improved. A comparison study of the effectiveness of two distinct manual therapy approaches has been carried out in TTH patients by Demirturk et. al. in 2002. In the study, 35 patients were randomly bonding tissue handling in group 1 (n=15) and vertebral Cyriax mobilisation in group 2 (n=15). The programme consisted of 20 follow-up sessions over 4 weeks plus 1 month. The following parameters have been measured before and after treatment for the comparison of the effectiveness of the methods and a follow-up month: intensity of headache pain, cervical active motion range and pressure range of the pain. The results of the study showed that in both groups, all parameters improved significantly (P > 0.05). Thus, the measures were enhanced by both treatments. Donkin et. al. conducted a study of thirty patients aged twenty to sixty-two in 2002 in two groups of fifteen people. In nine sessions over 4 weeks the therapy was conducted. Cervical or thoracic spinal manipulation in the first group, and 20 times cervical and chino-occipital manual traction in the second group. The McGill questionnaire, neck handicap index impairment, numeric pain intensity, and cervical movement range (CROM) as well as the daily pain frequency, severity, and duration register were examined for pain. In all daily pain metrics, the first group was also improved. The pain intensity (P = 0,042), pain perception (P = 0,082) and daily pain were increased in strength (P = 0.005) and frequency (P = 0,018) when compared with the second group, while the other characteristics were unaffected. The research shows that the most effective strategy is manipulation without traction. Torelli et. al., 2004 assessed TTH physiotherapy outcomes in 50 individuals aged 18-70 years, 26 ETTH and 24 CTTH-diagnosed. Patients have been treated for eight weeks in physiotherapy: Group 1 with initial soft massage, slowing and light stretching, the introduction of an active shoulder, neck and pericranial exercise daily at-home programme plus 12 weeks of follow-up. Group 2 was observing for 8 weeks, then eight weeks of identical physiotherapy treatment with Group 1. In both groups a significant and equal decrease was shown between the headache frequency before and after treatment (P < 0.001). The findings for the CTTH in comparison to the ETTH were significant (P<0.002). Throughout the trial, the intensity, duration and medication were not altered and there were no changes between chronic headache stress or between episodic tension headache. The research was hindered by the absence of dual-blind structure. The immediate effects on the variability of heart rates (CRT), mood and pressure pain thresholds (PPT) in CTTH patients were studied by Toro-Velasco et al. in 2009. The sample included 11 individuals aged 51 years on average (SD 15). Group 1 received experimental therapy and group 2 received ultrasound treatment with placebo (pressure release, 40 minutes of muscle energy in suboccipital muscles). Evaluation on temporal, suboccipital, electrocardiogram and the PPT. With the questionnaire Mood States, the mood profile was examined The data were gathered immediately and 24 hours after the operation. Paired post-intervention comparisons showed that the treatment group had an increase in HRV (P=0.01) while no changes were found after placebo treatment (P=0.7). There have also been differences between tension-anxiety and hostility and anger (F = 5.3, P = 0.03) (F = 4.6, P =.04). Comparisons by pair demonstrated a reduction in pain intensity 24 hours after MT (P <0.05) but not after placebo surgery (P =0.9). A single session of MT therefore immediately increases the index of heart rate variability and decreases tension in cold and perceived pain in CTTH patients. The Castien et. al. research conducted in 2011 examined the efficacy of MT in CTTH, including 82 randomly allotted subjects: 41 got MT therapy and 41 got medical practitioners' standard care. The MT therapy comprised of 8 weeks of mobilisation, exercises, and posture correction in the cervical and thoracic spine, each taking up to 9 sessions of up to 30 minutes. The assessment was based on headache effects test-6 (HIT-6), algometry, strength of the cervical flexors and cervical movement, as well as pain frequency, usage of medicines and headaches intensity, impact and impairment. Headache effects assessed. At the completion of the 8-week therapy, an assessment was carried out and 26 weeks were followed. For frequencies of MT (−6.4 days, 95% CI −8.3 to −4,5) and length (−5,3, 95% CI −9,5 to −1,2), the severity of headache (−1,8, 95% CI −3,1 to −0,7) were significant variations. After 8 weeks, pain in 87,5% of MT participants and the usual care group were decreased to 50 percent and 27,5% (Table 1). Differences among the groups in the frequency of headachen (−4.9 days, 95% CI –6.95% –2.98) and the effect of pain (P = 0.0 in favour of the group of the MT) were significant statistically after 26 weeks of follow-up. MT has therefore been shown to be more efficient than typical.


This review indicated that manual therapy may be an alternative to TTH therapies and treatments that are not fully efficient. The research demonstrate that massage in combination with cervical exercises, myofascial methods, postural methods, cervical relaxation exercises, cervical mobility, mild and progressive stretching or TrP therapy may reduce pain rate, intensity and length and increase the movement distance. Relaxation and neck drills have been useful only in lowering CTTH pain frequency and not in ETTH. The studies that have been analysed using simply manipulations have shown favourable

However, when paired with massage this treatment looks to be successful. Other authors have out a review of the efficiency of headache manipulation. The random studies comprised 8 and the Jadad scale was used to evaluate the validity of the scientific paper. Six studies and only 3 TTH treatment were included in the research. Since the study was restricted to not having a control group or simply a single blind control, the findings on successful spinal manipulation were not definitive. In keeping with that, Fernandez de las Peñas et al. conducted, on a PEDro methodological basis, an examination of the efficacy of manual pain-reducing treatment. Manual treatment was employed in just six research. Proofs of scale shift according to PEDro from 2 to 8 (mean 5.8 SD = 2.1). Quality and outcomes An review of the trials indicated no beneficial impact on manual treatment in the reduction of TTH: spinal manipulation revealed evidence of efficacy (level 4). (level 3). A systemic assessment of randomised controlled trials (RCTs) to establish the efficacy of kidney and spinal handling for individuals with TTH was conducted by Lenssinck et al. in 2004. A total of 8 RCTs were considered for physiotherapy or spinal handling in adult TTH. These research shows a number of operations, such as chiropractic manipulation of the spinal cord, manipulation of connective tissue or physiotherapy. Only two studies of good quality were regarded, however the outcomes were different. In several of the investigations, Due to clinical heterogeneity and low methodological quality, it seemed impossible to get solid findings. According to this research, either the efficacy of physiotherapy and spinal manipulation in people with TTH is supported or rejected. Table 2 displays many assessments studying the efficacy of MT in TTH.

Table 2: Summary of other systematic reviews of effectiveness of MT in CTTH

are individually useful. MT procedures are the same. However, few research have adopted certain MT-based physiotherapy strategies to treat headache, presumably because of the efficacy of pharmaceutical therapies' alleviation of pain. Therefore, further evidence-based trials are required to establish the efficacy of PT for TTH patients. Furthermore, it is not feasible to determine if equal outcomes would be shown for each therapy alone owing to the deployment of therapies combining numerous procedures. The focus of this analysis was to identify alternative approaches of physiotherapy including manipulative manual therapy and evaluations that are essential in many domains such as quality of life, disability, pain and pain sensation effect and not just pain rate and pain intensity during crises that declines in the majority of treatments. The key weakness of this research is to ignore the danger of bias and reporting distortion.


Cervical exercises, relaxation, massage and postural exercises are useful in lowering TH symptoms such as pain frequency and intense pain and cranio cervical methods, thermotherapy, spinal movements and straying. The cervical range of motion has improved in studies that have utilised joint mobilisation. MT has further improved other metrics such as quality of life, effects and pain impairment, psychological factors. It would thus be appropriate to employ it both to enhance patients' quality of life and lower the disease's socioeconomic costs. However, all the papers evaluated and other prior evaluations include more than two strategies such that one of them is difficult to determine. Studies showing the efficacy of approaches on their own would thus be useful.


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Corresponding Author Yamini Sharma*

Assistant Professor, Department of Physiotherapy, Galgotias University, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India