Effect of Physical Exercises, Fartlek Training and Combined Training on Self Concept among Men Trainee Sub Inspector of Andhra Pradesh

Examining the Impact of Physical Exercises and Training on Self Concept among Men Trainee Sub Inspectors

by B. Yaswantha Reddy*, Dr. I. Lilly Pushpam, Dr. Aditya Kumar Das,

- Published in International Journal of Physical Education & Sports Sciences, E-ISSN: 2231-3745

Volume 13, Issue No. 6, Sep 2018, Pages 7 - 9 (3)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


The present study was undertaken to analyze the effect of physical exercises, fartlek training and combined training on self concept among men trainee sub inspector of Andhra Pradesh. The researcher selected sixty four men trainee sub-inspectors were from beachpally, Andhra Pradesh. Their age ranged from 21 to 25 years. The subject chosen for the study divided into four equal groups and designated fartlek training group (FTG), physical exercise group (PEG) and fartlek training with physical exercise programme (FTPEG) and control group (CG).Experimental groups underwent for twelve weeks of training program on alternative days. The data were collected before and after the training period. The collected data analysed with analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). The level of significant was fixed at 0.05 levels. Where ever the ‘F’ ration found significant Scheffe’s post-test was used for find out the significant differences among the adjusted paired mean. The result of the study concluded that FTG, PEG and FTPEG are significantly improved self concept level when compared with control group.


effect, physical exercises, fartlek training, combined training, self concept, men trainee sub inspector, Andhra Pradesh, beachpally, age, experimental groups


The police are people empowered to enforce the law , protect property and reduce civil disorder . Their powers include the legitimized use of force. The term is most commonly associated with police services of a state that are authorized to exercise the police power of that state within a defined legal or territorial area of responsibility. The word comes via medieval French police; from Latin politia "civil administration", from ancient Greek Law enforcement, however, constitutes only part of policing activity. Physical exercise is a planned and expedient activity whose primary goal is to improve the health and physical shape of the participants (Ostojic et al., 2009), and to activate the adaptive process that will produce certain positive changes in the human body (Ţivanovic, 2000). This running is the combination aerobic and anaerobic is accomplished in a varied pace run by interrupting steady, continuous running with occasional faster running of short sprints, one established form of varied pace training is known as fartlek (Hazeldine 1985). "The individual's belief about himself or herself, including the person's attributes and who and what the self is” (Baumeister 1999).


The purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of physical exercises, fartlek training and combined training on self-concept level among men trainee sub inspector.


1. It was hypothesis that there will be significant improvement in self-concept level after the twelve weeks of fartlek training group (FTG), physical exercise group (PEG) and fartlek training with physical exercise programme (FTPEG) when compared with control group (CG). 2. It was hypothesis that fartlek training with physical exercise programme (FTPEG) will be significantly better than fartlek training group (FTG) and physical exercise group (PEG)

of physical exercises, fartlek training and combined training on self-concept level among men trainee sub inspector of Andhra Pradesh. The researcher selected sixty four men trainee sub-inspectors from beachpally, Andhra Pradesh. Their age ranged from 21 to 25 years. The subject chosen for the study divided into four equal groups and designated fartlek training group (FTG), physical exercise group (PEG) and fartlek training with physical exercise programme (FTPEG) and control group (CG).Experimental groups underwent for twelve weeks of training program on alternative days. The data were collected by questionnaire (Muktha Rani Rastogi 1979) Scale as suggested by Martens, Vealey and Burton (1990) four points Likert before and after the training period.


The analysis of data on self-concept has been examined by analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). The level of significant was fixed at 0.05 levels. Where ever the „F‟ ration found significant Scheffe‟s post hoc test was used for find out the significant differences among the adjusted paired mean.

Table: I Analysis of covariance of pre-test, post-test and adjusted post-test on self-concept of experimental groups and control group

(The table value required for significance at 0.05 level with df 3 and 60 and 3 and 59 are 2.76) The table –I shows that there is significant difference in self-concept among the four groups such as fartlek training group (FTG), Physical exercise group (PEG) and fartlek training and physical exercise group (FTPEG) and control group (CG). Since the calculated „F‟ value required being significant at 0.05 levels for 3,60 and 3,59 degree of freedom is 2.76, but the calculate values for self-concept of adjusted post-test „F‟ value is 88.37. This was higher than the tabulated value. Since the obtain „F‟ ratio is found significant, Scheffe‟s test is used as post hoc test.

between paired mean of groups self-concept

The table – II reveals that there is significant difference among pair adjusted post-test means between FTG and CG, PEG and CG and FTPEG and CG. The result of the study clearly showed that there is significant improvement in self-concept due to the influence of FTG, PEG and FTPEG when compared with control group. The pre-test, post-test and adjusted post-test mean values of the four groups have been graphically presented i figure – 1

Figure I: Mean scores of pre-test, post-test and adjusted post-test of self-concept


1. The first hypothesises says that there will be a significant improvement in self-concept after twelve weeks of FTG, PEG and FTPEG as compared with control group. The result of the study shows that there was significant improvement in self-concept after twelve weeks of FTG, PEG and FTPEG as compared with control group. Hence the research hypothesis has been accepted. 2. The second hypothesis says that fartlek training with physical exercise programme (FTPEG) will be significantly better than

exercise group (PEG). The result of the study shows that FTPEG is not better than FTG and PEG. Hence the research hypothesis has been rejected.


The result of the study found significant improvement on self-concept level due to the effect of physical exercises, fartlek training and combined training (physical exercise and fartlek training). The following studies connected with the self-concept Alfermann and Stoll (2000) found that physical exercise improve self-concept and decrease psychosomatic problems. Legrand (2014) found significant improvement on self-concept due to the effect of physical exercise. Karen and Wendell (1994) suggested on the bases of literature that physical activity improves the self-concept level.


1. Self-concept level significantly improved by three experimental groups when compared with control group. 2. Further it was concluded that there is no significant differences exists between fartlek training group, physical exercise group and combined training group [fartlek training with physical exercise group] on self-concept.


1. Alfermann, D and Stoll O. (2000). Effects of physical exercise on self-concept and well-being. International Journal of Sport Psychology, 31 (1), pp. 47-65. 2. Baumeister, R. F. (Ed.) (1999). The self in social psychology. Philadelphia, PA: Psychology Press (Taylor & Francis). 3. Karen J. Calfas and Wendell C. Taylor (1994). Effects of Physical Activity on Psychological Variables. Pediatric Exercise Science, pp. 406-423. 4. Legrand F.D. (2014). Effects of exercise on physical self-concept, global self-esteem, and depression in women of low socioeconomic status with elevated depressive symptoms. Journal sports exercise psychology, 36(4), pp. 357-365. 5. Rex Hazseldine (1985). “Fitness for Sports”. Marlborough: The Crossword Press, p.4. 6. Ţivanovic N. (2000). Prilogepistemiologijifizickekulture (Appendix Panoptikum. 7. Ostojic, S., Stojanovic, M., Veljovic, D., Stojanovic, M., Medjedovic, B., and Ahmetovic, Z. (2009). Fizicka aktivnost i zdravlje (Physical activity and health). Tims Acta, 3 (1), pp. 1-13.

Corresponding Author B. Yaswantha Reddy*

Research Scholar, Tamil Nadu Physical Education and Sports University