The Impact of Stationary Rehabilitable Cycling on Gross Motor Movements in Day-To-Day Life after Lower Extremity Musculoskeletal Surgery

The Effects of Stationary Rehabilitable Cycling on Gross Motor Movements and Comfort after Lower Extremity Musculoskeletal Surgery

by P. Yashwanth Kumar*,

- Published in International Journal of Physical Education & Sports Sciences, E-ISSN: 2231-3745

Volume 13, Issue No. 6, Sep 2018, Pages 69 - 75 (7)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Stationary cycling provides a rare rehabilitative approach to regenerate lower-extreme surgical tissue, but after all lower-extreme operations cycling cannot take place regularly. Data on rehabilitative cycling after lower limb musculoskeletal operations must be regularly reviewed and summarised. Systematic evaluation of stationary spinning conducted within three months after lower limb musculo-skeletal operations to enhance regular gross motor movements, lower limb discomfort, corporate structure and operative lower extremity operating functions. MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL and Cochrane Reviews have been searched by two separate critics. The Risk of Prejudice has been evaluated by using the SIGN criterion. The SIGN criteria is used. The screening of 3758 papers contained three, two appropriate and one low-quality rated articles. Cycling has been shown to enhance gross motor-related everyday life after hip arthroplasty and partial meniscectomy, and to decrease knee pain after partial meniscectomy. Evidence does not advocate riding in order to enhance body composition and functional action.


stationary rehabilitable cycling, gross motor movements, day-to-day life, lower extremity musculoskeletal surgery, rehabilitative approach, lower limb discomfort, corporate structure, operative lower extremity operating functions, hip arthroplasty, partial meniscectomy


Joint substitution procedures are one of the most often used high-cost procedures, with occurrence rates in the United States of more than one million combined hip- and knee substitutes and 500,000 key overall hip and knee arthroplasties each year. In the future, joint substitute amounts are expected to significantly increase, rendering it the most frequent choice surgical treatment in recent years because of the growing elderly populations and advanced arthritis and an increased need for improved mobility. Therefore, both relevance and use would be required to increase postoperative rehabilitation, including physiotherapy and exercise. Stationary cycling is a rehabilitative approach to use surgical extremity tissue therapy to tailor patterns of exercise to the needs of a person and to the rehabilitation stage. Stationary cycling has also shown to improve proprioception, because common use ranges from encouraging cardiovascular wellbeing to the nonoperative treatment of hip and knee osteoarthritis. General biking has since shown physiological fitness, psychosocial advantages and an increased quality of life. While stationary cycling is usually prescribed for patients with osteoarthritis, complete knee arthroscopy and hip cirgery as the result of their low impact levels, and the lower joint body burden, post-operative therapy varied nationally and globally. The absences in post-operative therapy also led to a substantial heterogeneity in hospital recovery and intake and controversy among rehab providers as regards the prescribing of exercise therapy in post-operative treatment. Although the rates of musculoskeletal operations and recovery of the lower extremity are rising, less attention is given to the importance of stationary cycling for rehabilitation. The position and possible impact of rehabilitative cycling on discomfort, everyday gross motor activity and the lower operating end body and functional measurements remain vague. The rehabilitative cycle results for lower end musculoskeletal surgeries need to be analysed and summarised to get an understanding of the intensity of the data. The aim of this systematic review is to assess the efficacy of cycling initiated in three months after a post-lower extremity of the musculoskeletal surgical process (joint replacement, muscles, bony osteotomy, muscle transfer), as part of a multimodal post-operative rehabilitation programme for persons spanning their childhood or adulthood.

This systemic review involved studies that followed the following criteria: (2) the intervention consisted of rehabilitation cycling in 3 months from postchirurgical procedure as part of a multi modal rehabilitation scheme (1) participating persons who covered childhood or adult hood recuperating from lower limb of musculoskeleton operation (e.g. joints replacement, muscle lengthened, bony osteotomy, Muscular transfers and surgy of fractures); (muscle strength, range of motion, muscle stiffness, and muscle girth)

2.2 Study characteristics

The following conditions are fulfilled by qualified studies: (2) presented in peer-reviewed papers, (3) designs including the following: randomised control experiments or case control studies each with a minimum of 10 subjects as well as meta-analyzes. (1) publication of full-text English studies; (4) published between 1945 and 4 October 2019. The reason for the fact that recent researches show that bias probability is low is the bulk of the literature conducted in English. English only has been used. In order to analyse the best evidence in existing research, both randomised control experiments and case control studies were chosen.

2.3 Information sources

For related publications written until 4 October 2019, computer-assisted literature searches had been carried out. First in MEDLINE and later in other Bibliographical data bases, the search strategies were created. Comprised of Medline, EMBASE, CINAHL, and Cochrane reviews that have been extensively searched for the databases. Search was conducted using a variety of topic headings, headings, and keywords for the lower extremity, shoulder, ankle and knea, following musculoskeletal operating procedure in a lower extremity. These findings then were restricted to low limbs, such as arthroplasty, resection, regeneration and synovectomy. The hunt for keywords such as walking, riding and fitness rehabilitation was incorporated with intervention-specific topic headings. Shortly before the final analysis, the searches were carried out. An indicator of MEDLINE's quest approach. In conclusion, a search manual was conducted to locate other related documents, reference lists of referenced journals and other references. Figure1 provides a flow diagram of the mechanism of selection and explanations for exclusion.

Figure 1: Identification and selection of articles. 2.4 Study selection

The quest technique excluded duplicates of studies and new references. The eligibility of the remaining titles and abstracts was then determined by two qualified reviewers using DistillerSR. Two separate examiners subsequently obtained the complete text of the currently qualifying study and autonomously evaluated for eligibility. Disputes between the two reviewers is settled through debate or, if possible, by a third reviewers to find agreement.

2.5 Data extraction and classification process

The data were extracted in the inclusive experiments to determine the research qualities and synthesise the findings using a generic, pre-piloted formula. Besides the 3 important results outlined above: authors, year of the trial, title, set of studies, average of participant ages, number of participants per type of surgery, number of participants per therapeutic arm, procedure details (frequency, duration and initiation time) and details on the comparator. Two impartial reviewers separately extracted the data and where possible, a conversation or a third reviewers addressed contradictions.

2.6 Assessment of risk of bias

Two independent reviewers used the Scottish Intercollege Guidelines Network (SIGN) to objectively assess qualifying internal validity studies. The studies have been evaluated as being of "good quality ()," "acceptable ()," "poor quality (-)" and "inacceptable" depending on the SIGN criterion. The studies have now been evaluated. The research was considered "poor quality (-)" for instance for randomised control trials, if no real randomization occurred and no cover-up was ensured. Authors demanded missing details to ensure that important assessments were correct

discussion or, where applicable, by a third unbiased reviewer. The "Randomized Controlled Tests SIGN Methodology Checklist 2" was designed for the randomised, controlled experiments and the "Case- Control Studies SIGN Methodology Checklist 4," for which cases-control studies were used. The evaluation of publishing bias and selective reporting of including research were also designed to identify the possibility of bias during studies.

2.7 Reporting

This systemic examination was coordinated and published on the 2009 Declaration of Preferred Reports for systematic reviews and meta-analysis (PRISMA). Intervention reporting in line with the Intervention Description and Replication template was done (TIDieR).

2.8 Data analysis and synthesis

In order to provide summary data, a qualitative synthesis of results has been prepared due to the anticipated heterogeneity of the studies. In order to distinguish facts, consistent information and inconsistent evidence, summative remarks were made and the body of evidence described. Evidence tables have been used.


3.1 Study selection

The primary quest was completed with a total of 5026 posts. 3758 papers were included for titles and abstracts after the removal of 1268 duplicates. 442 full text papers have been checked and a total of three articles selected for extraction and further assessment of the information (Figure 1).

3.2 Study characteristics

Two of the trials are TSR and one are non-randomized TSR of populations comprising unilateral reconstruction of the complete hip arthroplastic plasty (THA) or TKAs, partial meniscectomy and anterior cross-ligament (ACL). For the three trials, the length, frequency and after-op start-up of the stationary cycling procedure varied. In the RCT of Liebs et al., in addition to the day-after-operational physiotherapy, regular bicycle ergometer sessions were initiated at a pace three days a week after the second postoperative week. The cycling duration has not been recorded per session. The physical treatments were monitored and the ergometers were placed at minimum pressure (e.g. 30 W) in order to enhance muscle balance, proprioception and movement. Therapists have raised the height of the saddle to extend the front foot to the brake. In Kelln and others, RCT was initiated by two ten-minute sessions of post-operative one at a weeks, in addition to the standard two-minute sessions, in addition to standard cycling ergometers (Life Cycle 9100, Schiller Park, IL) with a pedal arm system adjustable (Range Maker, Rainbow Rehabilitation, Grayling, MI), with five minutes of rest three times a week. The ergometer spinning in the NRCT was started during the fourth week of post-operation in a hospital therapy environment at three days a week, varying from fifteen to sixty minutes and the healing period from 30 to 60 s from tolerated exercise sets. A total of 24 sessions over eight weeks were performed with programmes adjusted depending on physical condition, recovery pace, inspiration and working schedules. Interventions in the comparison population often differed for the three trials. The Liebs et al. research involved standard postoperative physiotherapy daily in a comparative community practise of training to enhance stamina, posture, flexibility, and gait, and to guide people in daily tasks including moving and transferring. The research by Kelln et al. was performed by the orthopaedic surgeon, but not by guided workout vided in the normal home programme management exercises and by a recovery programme for staircase which is similar to a cycling programme, but consists instead of stairclimbing on a vertical stepping machine StairMaaster 4000PT. Gross engine-related practises for the everyday results Liebs et al. tested the thirty-six-item General Health Survey (PSS-36) and the Lequesne Hip and Knee Score by a revised, validated edition of the West Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC). The surveys consist of patients experiencing pain levels while performance of day-to-day activities such as climbing steps, raising or transporting food or walking fewer than 100 metres. Kelln et al. also tested the daily gross motor activity of low end pain using an antalgia and self-reported subjective Knee Knee measurement form for the International Knee Documentation Committee (IKDC). In the IKDC, questions on knee symptoms and activity range from zero points, which indicate the least degree of operation or the higher levels of symptoms, to 100 points, the gross motor of the everyday living and lower extremity discomfort. Meyers et al. have not assessed daily gross engine activity. The WOMAC pain rating, an auto-reported pain rating of 0-4 for tasks such as cycling, climbing and sleeping have also been tested in Liebs etal. All three experiments assessed the anatomy and functional measurements of the operational lower extremity. The Womac stiffness measurements evaluate joint rigidity on the morning and later in the day Kelln et al. investigated goniometric motion range (ROM), passive knee extension goniometric ROM, knee circumference, and the active knee flexion (ROM) measurements. In the study by Liebs et al (mid-patellar, 10 cm above mid-patella, and 10 cm below mid-patella). Meyers et al. examined the

cm, —22.9 cm far to bottom edge). The Liebs et al., not Kelln et al., also confirmed funding and reported on Meyers interaction.

3.3 Risk of bias assessment

Any of the three experiments contained an intrinsic validity vital evaluation and a partial risk assessment based on the SIGN criterion. The 'Sign Methodology List 2: randomised controlled experiments,' with each component being scored as 'yes,' if one condition is being met, 'no,' if a criterion is not being met or 'can't talk' where it is uncertain, were the trials listed as RCTs. The three studies are RCT. The writers of the studies were contacted during the assessment and one answered and no two replied. After collecting more input from Meyers, a randomization was created, so their care group could be selected on the basis of personal choice. One Liebs et al. analysis and one Kelln et al. study were evaluated to be suitable with low probability of partiality of the three included experiments. Meyers et alanalysis .'s was assessed for poor quality and high bias risk. As the proof review included only three reports, the publishing prejudice and the biassed reporting have not been evaluated.

3.4 Evidence summary

In our experience, this is the first comprehensive study to criticise and synthesise the proof of cycling during surgery in patients with lower-end musculoskeletal operations. A meta-analysis could not be carried out since there were few qualifying research with different focus and results scales.

3.5 Gross motor related activities of daily living

Via the WOMAC Functions Score, the Lequesne hip and knee Score and the SF-36, the Liebs et al. RCT assessed everyday gross motor movements. For the WOMAC physical function level, 0.7 for the Lequesne hip and knee scale, and a minimum of 10 points for the SF-36 PCS score, a minimum clinically significant differential was described as a mean discrepancy of at least 2.6, stratified for a function score of = 1.038.0. The WOMAC physical activity score was observed for the three months and 24 months of postoperatively and the Lequesne hip and knee score 24 months and 12 months after postoperative THA for both statistically relevant and negligible clinical progress. In six and 24 months after operations, statistically relevant SF-36 PCS scores were recorded, but a minimal clinically significant change was not achieved. In contrast to everyday routine physiotherapy, no data was presented to justify the usage of cycling to improve gross motor activity of daily life among patients suffering from TKA. Evidence from Kelln et al. RCT shows that in-stage cycling after partial meniscectomy surgery has resulted in patient-reported changes in the IKDC ratings, with large impact sizes and minor report gross motor-related everyday outcome activity. In summary, there is proof that THA rehabilitative, stationary and partial meniscectomy are being used to improve the normal gross motor functions, however cycling after TKA has been supported.

3.6 Lower extremity pain

The WOMAC pain score for low extremity pain was used by the Liebs et al. RCT, described as a minimum clinically significant discrepancy as a mean difference of minimum 22.87. A minimum clinically meaningful differential was not met though statistically relevant differences in the WOMAC pain score were observed at three months after THA. After TKA there were no statistically or clinically minimally relevant differences in the lower extremity with suffering. Kelln et al. RCT evidence suggests that cycling after partial meniscectomy surgery resulted in reduced symptoms of the knee, swelling, stiffness and the frequency and gravity of the pain shown in large IKDC effects and minimal clinically important differences achieved in two and one week of the postoperative procedure. An average difference of at least 9.8 on the IKDC has become a minimal clinically significant discrepancy. Cycling during partial therapy also contributed to a decrease in antalgia at week 2 after surgery, which showed a progression to accelerated pain relief. Meyers et al. registered no lower extremity pain results in the sample. Summarizing, proof by rehabilitation of stationary cycling is inconclusive with the application of THA and may not help TKA cycling to relieve discomfort after a partial knee meniscectomy.

3.7 Body structure and function measures of operative lower extremities

The WOMAC stiffness score was used by the Liebs et al. RCT to study the anatomy of the body and operative lower extremity function measurements, with a marginal clinical discrepancy of at least 14.52 identified. A minimum clinically meaningful differential was achieved, even though cycling has shown to have positive statistically significant results on the lowering of muscle rigidity at 24 months after THA. Similarly, after TKA there were no statistically meaningful or minimally clinically relevant discrepancies in WOMAC rigidity. There were no variations between cycling and non-cycling groups during partial meniscectomy in knee bending and extension ROM. However, stair climbing led to an improvement in the gastrocnemic girth 12 weeks after surgery compare to stationary cycling. In summary, there are no evidence to boost the structure of the body, functional effects, and the usage of THA stationary cycling does not help


3.8 Adverse events

Five of 99 participatory pants recovering from THA in the cycling category is confirmed to have been hospitalised within three months by Liebs et al. Liebs et al. Three of the five harmful events (hip distraction, other hip complications, general pain), were musculo-skeletal (MSK), and 2 were not linked to MSK (fracture of lumbar vertebrae, cardiovascular problems). Of 104 non-cycling participants healing from THA, a total of five adverse effects with two associated MSK (hip disruption, revision of hematoma) and three related to non-MSK were identified (acute coronary syndrome, appendicitis, unknown). A 1.59fold rise in incidence of MSK-related adverse effects was correlated with the cycling after THA (95 percent CI of 0.27 to 9.33). Five adverse effects, two related to MSK (limited motion range, need to aspire fluid from knee joint) and three did not relate to MSK were registered in the total of 85 participants who were recovered from TKA in the cycling community (two liver problems and one unknown reason). Three harmful effects have been identified in the non-cycling category of 74 participants healing from TKA, neither MSK (burn injury to the leg, hyperthyroidism, unknown reason). A 4,46-fold rise in incidence of MSK-related adverse effects was correlated with cycle after TKA (95 percent CI 0.22 to 91.51). No harmful effects from the cycling category of 16 participants have been identified in the sample by Kelln et al. Meyers et al. confirmed that in the cycling category of 23 participants there were no harmful events. After contacting the authors. To sum up, following TKA cycling can pose a higher risk of adverse effects linked to MSK compared with THA subsequent cycling, partial meniscectomy, or reconstruction of ACL.


More than 5,000 papers had been systematically scanned and three trials had already established the effects of stationary rehabilitation cycles after lower-end musculoskeletal surgeries. The results of these studies were assessed. Two papers of these 3 were classified as acceptable quality with a low chance of partiality: one by Liebs et al, and one by Kelln et al. In total, data was used to enhance the gross motor activity of everyday life after THA and partial meniscectomy and to improve the usage of cyclism and the reduction of pain on lower extremity during partial meniscectomy. For THA, TKA, partial meniscectomy or ACL reconstruction, cycles may increase structure and work results. Based on existing data of lower end musculoskeletal operation, such as THA and partial meniscectomy, cycling has had a beneficial impact on gross engine-related daily activity. In particular, cycling has footpaths. While cycling may contribute to rehabilitation after THA and partial meniscectomy, this positive impact is not seen after TKA. This could be due to increased joint loading and edoema in the operative knee which compensates for the advantages of increased pro-ception and muscle coordination. In contrast to constant passive movements, Liebs et al. speculate that steady cycling after TKA will contribute to an increased knee edoema as a result of a quicker cycling speed, vigorous movement and over-the-court exercise. This could be less influential with smaller knee operations, such as partial meniscectomy. Cycling after partial menescectomy, as shown by increased antalgia yak and IKDC values, may relieve lower extremity discomfort. However, the present evidence to increase lower extremity discomfort after THA and TKA is inconsistent with riding. This discrepancy in the lower extremity improvement of the discomfort may be because individuals were able to change the ergometer pedal arm length independently after partial meniscectomy when riding according to TKA and THA was not possible. Changing the length of the pedal arm would have enabled the healing knee joint to be more protected, resulting in decreased overall pain. This is also shown by the fact that no MSK-related adverse effects occurred after partial meniscectomy in the cycling community and there was increased chance of MSK-related adverse events after TKA and THA. Though some help for cycling is shown for improving the gross engine activity and lower extremity discomfort, minor improvements in body composition and functional results of each musculoskeletal operation are determined in the usage of cycling. Stationary cycling in comparison with non-cycling can result in a can incidence of adverse conditions linked to MSK. This increased risk may be caused, as previously described, by increased joint oedema, effusion and cyclic loading. Since both THA and TKA cycling groups have completed the same cycling recovery regimen, special cycling programme tailoring could be essential to ensure the safety of the surgical joints for various surgical procedures. When analysing the available data, it is crucial to take account of major methodological challenges. Liebs et al. has shown statistical meaning for following cycling in the RCT after THA but Kelln et al. has not stated any statistical importance after partial meniscectomy in the RCT. This may be attributed to the various mathematical analysis methods between the two experiments. Although Kelln et al. used repetitive measurements between groups and did not do after-hoc test, since the groups did not vary significantly, Liebs etal. seem to have performed only the post-hoc tests, without

promised and showed a positive therapeutic influence on normal gross motor activity and lower extremity discomfort, as effect sizes reached 0.73 on week two and 0.97 on one month after the procedure. Kelln et al. speculate that predictive importance will be achieved if a greater sampling size is utilised, and consequently more research is warranted. While the Liebs et al. and Kelln et al. trials have shown overall beneficial benefits of THA and partial meniscectomy stationary cycling, it should be recognised that this is proof dependent on the results of subjective rather than quantitative results. Physiotherapists and subjects often have a high probability of success and diagnosis, which was a common problem with non-pharmacological therapy assessments. It can also be remembered that for certain outcome factors, the research conducted by Kelln et al. identified substantial variations between the two baseline classes. The minimal quality data in this area accessible may be attributable to cycling typically used for warm-up purposes or as a part of a multimodal recovery programme. In addition, cycling plans may be of length, strength, and frequency dependent on success, milestones and objectives. This will make it difficult to record the intervention and compare categories. No research of any nature study found that examined the impact of stationary cycling on paediatric or other musculoskeletal surgeons, such as muscle lengthening or muscle relaxation surgeries, after low extremity musculo-skeletal surgery. Whilst the article was covered by many summary reports, analysis scopes range from the study of physiotherapy after TKA, THA physiotherapy exercises, knee replacement pain relief therapies, land-based physiotherapy after hip arthritis and hip-arthroplasty workout therapy. This systemic study varies from some, as the intervention of concern was based solely on one method of rehabilitation: stationary cycling. This systemic examination often covered all lower extremity musculoskeletal operations, not just one particular operation such as removal of the hip or knife. Interestingly, cycling is often integrated in recovery clinicians during surgery, considering the scant data available. The factors for the frequent usage of stationary cycling may be attributed to their cost-efficiency, the simplicity of treatment and the established health advantages associated with quality of living and functioning for other groups, such as individuals suffering from osteoarthritis. Although stationary cycling is widely used in clinical practise, this systemic examination demon-strengths a requirement for potential high quality testing, such that the effects of stationary cycling after lower extremity musculo-skeleton surgeries are properly understood. Future clinical studies should look at stationary cycling stationary cycling as a result of lower extremity musculoskeletal surgery. 3) target RCTs to involve non-cycling compare groups, 4) include therapy dosage, frequency, severity, progression parameters, and progression reporting for both cycling and comparative groups, and 5) incorporate target therapy results and reviewers. Such systematic review strengths include (1) robust literature searching in four libraries, (2) structured data retrieval methods, (3) a critical assessment for the proof and methodological validity of the included papers, and (4) comprehensive inclusion requirements for evaluating qualifying publications, as well as their exclusion criteria.


This study shows that the function of fixed cycling following lower extremity musculoskeletal operating procedures must be examined through highly-qualitative research. There is little data, the strongest being two RCTs, showing the possible beneficial impact on the subjective experiences of gross driving tasks for adults after THA and partial meniscectomy, as well as increased lower extremity discomfort after a partial meniscectomy. More consistency study is needed to establish facts and assess the effectively stationary cycling to direct patients' post-operative treatment following these procedures, as a result of the increased prevalence of lower extremity musculoskeletal operations.


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Corresponding Author P. Yashwanth Kumar*

Associate Professor, Department of Physiotherapy, Galgotias University, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India