Study of Suryanamaskar on Selected Physical Fitness Components and Skill Performance Variables among Volleyball Players

Exploring the Impact of Suryanamaskar on Physical Fitness and Skill Performance in Volleyball Players

by P. Gomathi*, Dr. A. Rajam,

- Published in International Journal of Physical Education & Sports Sciences, E-ISSN: 2231-3745

Volume 13, Issue No. 8, Nov 2018, Pages 17 - 19 (3)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Human beings are the unique product of their creation in contrast to other forms of animal. They communicate and record their observations, experiences and ideas. In order to activate effectively, Physical education plays vital role and contributes much in the development of one's behaviour. Physical education is an integral part of total education process, is a field of Endeavour that has as its aim, the improvement of human performance through the medium of physical activities that have been selected with a view to realizing this outcomes.


Suryanamaskar, physical fitness components, skill performance variables, volleyball players, human beings


Physical education programme gives many opportunities for development in a group with a common task learning and being stimulated by one another. The basic philosophy of Physical education is one putting to use the natural urge of playing in a group setting for self-realization and social development. Aristotle stated that the quality of life is determined by its activities. According to Williams, Physical Education should aim to provide skilled leadership and adequate facilities which will offer an opportunity for the individual or group to act in situations which are physically wholesome, mentally stimulating and satisfying and socially sound. Yoga is a unique Indian tradition of ancient origin for health and happiness. It imparts both sound body and sound mind to the practitioner. Sun is the basis of life on our earth. This is the axis of our solar system around which all the planets revolve. Almost in all religions the sun is worshiped in one form or the other. Suryanamaskar is one of the most effective yogic practices to maintain the fitness. Suryanamaskar is a set of 12 body postures which are performed serially without any pause. When all the 12 postures are completed, makes one round. Volleyball is a most popular and vigorous as well as strenuous game all over the world. The volleyball players need a very good physical fitness to play the game without any physical hurdle. Every individual player can maintain his fitness level to with stand in the field during the full time play. If any one cannot maintain his core strength, he / she cannot be play efficiently at the core regions. Hence the investigator had taken an attempt to develop the core strength.


Subjects: Total 40 male subjects were selected for this study. 20 boys were under 14 year old school boys and 20 were under 17 year old boys from Dindigul district. Variable Physical Measures are • Muscular Strength • Explosive Power • Speed • Flexibility All the data were collected and analysis of the data was done (Anurodh, 2017), (Shruti, 2018), (Tabussum, 2017). The detail analysis of the entire process is given in part 3 of this paper.

group on the suryanamaskar and core strength training were statistically analyzed and presented (Chutia, 2016), (Mahato, 2016), (Rao, 2015).

3.1 Analysis of Strength

The analysis indicated the results of ANOVA for pre-test scores of the suryanamaskar and core strength training programme and control group. The obtained F-ratio for the pre-test was 0.08. It was found to be lesser than the required ‘F’ ratio of 4.006. By this, it was inferred that the mean difference among the three groups at pre-test on strength was statistically insignificant. Thus the insignificant F- ratio found in the pre-test mean differences provided a confidence that the samples hailed from same population and devoid of sampling bias. In the post-test data analysis, the F- test was applied to test the significance of mean difference if any among the suryanamaskar and core strength training programme and control group on strength. The obtained F- ratio for the post-test was 49.90. The F-ratio needed for significant differences on the mean, for degrees of freedom 1, 58 was 4.006 at 0.05 level of confidence. Since the observed F-ratio on this variable was found to be higher than the F- ratio needed for significance, it was inferred that the mean differences among the two groups on the strength used in the study at the end of the treatment period was statistically significant. The preliminary aim of the analysis of covariance is adjusting the post-test means for the differences in the pre-test means, and adjusted means were tested for significance. The F-ratio obtained from the testing the adjusted post-test means among the two groups’ namely suryanamaskar and core strength training programme and control group on strength was 63.35. The obtained F- ratio on strength among the two groups was statistically significant since they exceeded the needed F- ratio (4.009) for degree of freedom 1 and 57, at 0.05 level of confidence. From this, it was concluded that the strength was significantly influenced by the treatments used in this study. Thus the formulated hypothesis was accepted. Comparison of the treatment effects of suryanamaskar and core strength training programme and control group on strength is present in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Bar Diagram Showing the Per Test, Post Test and Adjust Post Test on Suryanamaskar for Strength 3.2 Analysis of Explosive Power

Comparison of the treatment effects of suryanamaskar and core strength training programme and control group on explosive power is present in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Bar Diagram Showing the Per Test, Post Test and Adjust Post Test on Suryanamaskar on Explosive Power 3.3 Analysis of Speed

Comparison of the treatment effects of suryanamaskar and core strength training programme and control group on speed is present in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Bar Diagram Showing the Per Test, Post Test and Adjust Post Test on Suryanamaskar on Speed 3.4 Analysis of Flexibility

Comparison of the treatment effects of suryanamaskar and core strength training programme and control group on flexibility is present in Figure 4.

Figure 4. Bar Diagram Showing the Per Test, Post Test and Adjust Post Test of Suryanamaskar on Flexibility


Yoga training was given and the improvement of Muscular strength, Speed, Explosive strength and Flexibility are studied for the volley ball students (Singh, 2010). This paper elaborates an extensive analysis of effect of the Yoga training. It is proved that the performance is better when students continuously perform yoga.


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Corresponding Author P. Gomathi*

Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Physical Education, Mother Teresa Women`s University, Kodaikanal, Tamilnadu, India