Effect of Yoga on Players Fitness Related Performance

Exploring the Effects of Yoga on Physical and Mental Well-being

by Vishal Bhaskar Walzade*, Dr. Nilesh Bansode,

- Published in International Journal of Physical Education & Sports Sciences, E-ISSN: 2231-3745

Volume 13, Issue No. 8, Nov 2018, Pages 25 - 30 (6)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


The paper is highlighting the yogic benefits for reaching optimum level of physical fitness of an individual. The human body needs sound relation to nature and its natural remedies which are available in our surround in this seminar I tried to highlight the need of yoga and its benefits for human being to be in physically fit. Exercise is considered an acceptable method for improving and maintaining physical and emotional health. A growing body of evidence supports the belief that yoga benefits physical and mental health via down regulation of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis and the sympathetic nervous system (SNS). The purpose of this article is to provide a scholarly review of the literature regarding research studies comparing the effects of yoga and exercise on a variety of health outcomes and health conditions. Yoga is a procedure to control and advance the psyche and figure to increase great health, adjust of psyche and self-acknowledgement. Fitting comprehension and rehearse one can achieve the ideal level to keep physical fitness. Equalize between activity abstain from food and unwinding will furnish the sound mental and physical capacities.


yoga, physical fitness, benefits, exercise, health outcomes, health conditions, mind-body, hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, sympathetic nervous system, mental health


Yoga that encompasses many techniques including physical postures (asanas), breathing techniques (pranayamas) and meditation (dharana, dhyanaetc) has become extremely popular for its applications in health ranging from better physical fitness to a better quality of life. Yoga‘s influence on the physical and mental preparation of athletes for performance is growing as coaches and athletes begin to recognize the value of yoga techniques and apply them to sport. The relationship between sport and yoga is now developing and flourishing. In fact, previous Researchers have shown that yoga practices may improve body composition, muscular strength, and muscular endurance. Although, increasing number of research on effect of yoga on physical fitness and health in varied population has been published but less is known about its applicability in baseball players. Hence, the researcher has undertaken this study. Yoga is an ancient discipline designed to bring balance and health to the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual dimensions of the individual. Yoga is often depicted metaphorically as a tree and comprises eight aspects, or ‗‗limbs:‘‘ yama (universal ethics), niyama (individual ethics), asana (physical postures), pranayama (breath control), pratyahara (control of the senses), dharana (concentration), dyana (meditation), and samadhi (bliss). Long a popular practice in India, yoga has become increasingly more common in Western society. In a national, population-based telephone survey (n ¼ 2055), 3.8% of respondents reported using yoga in the previous year and cited wellness (64%) and specific health conditions (48%) as the motivation for doing yoga. A growing body of research evidence supports the belief that certain yoga techniques may improve physical and mental health through down-regulation of the hypothalamic– pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis and the sympathetic nervous system (SNS). The HPA axis and SNS are triggered as a response to a physical or psychologic demand (stressor), leading to a cascade of physiologic, behavioral, and psychologic effects, primarily as a result of the release of cortisol and catecholamine‘s (epinephrine and norepinephrine). This response leads to the mobilization of energy needed to combat the stressor through the classic ‗‗fight or flight‘‘ syndrome. Over time, the constant state of hypervigilence resulting from repeated firing of the HPA axis and SNS can lead to dysregulation of the system and ultimately diseases such as obesity, diabetes, autoimmune disorders, depression, substance abuse, and cardiovascular disease. As detailed in Figure 1, numerous studies have shown yoga to have an immediate down regulating effect on both the SNS=HPA axis response to stress. Studies show that yoga decreases levels of salivary cortisol, and diastolic blood pressure. Studies suggest that yoga reverses the negative impact of stress on the immune system by increasing levels of immunoglobulin A12 as well as natural killer cells. Yoga has been found to decrease markers of inflammation such as high sensitivity C-reactive protein as well as inflammatory cytokines such as interleukin-614 and lymphocyte-1B. These studies suggest that yoga has an immediate quieting effect on the SNS=HPA axis response to stress. While the precise mechanism of action has not been determined, it has been hypothesized that some yoga exercises cause a shift toward parasympathetic nervous system dominance, possibly via direct vagal stimulation. Shapiro et al. noted significant reductions in low-frequency heart rate variability (HRV)—a sign of sympathetic nervous system activation—in depressed patients following an 8-week yoga intervention.

FIG. 1. The impact of Yoga has been shown to have significant beneficial effects in these items

Regardless of the pathophysiologic pathway, yoga has been shown to have immediate psychologic effects: decreasing anxiety and increasing feelings of emotional, social, and spiritual well-being. Several literature reviews have been conducted that examined the impact of yoga on specific health conditions including cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, cancer, and anxiety. Galantino et al. published a systematic review of the effects of yoga on children. These reviews have contributed to the large body of research evidence attesting to the positive health benefits of yoga. Many of the studies compared yoga to other treatment modalities, most commonly to exercise, meditation, and traditional medicine. However, little has been written about what distinguishes yoga from other treatment modalities. The purpose of this article is to present a comprehensive review of the literature regarding the impact of yoga compared to exercise on a variety of health outcomes and conditions. acute effects of Fauls' modified passive stretching routine on shoulder mobility during launch on college baseball players. Thirty college baseball players with intact shoulders participated in this study. The passive elongation routine modified by Fauls was performed on the throwing shoulder of each subject. The isolated and complex passive glenohumeral passive internal and external rotation ROM was measured with a protractor and the posterior stiffness of the shoulder was evaluated using the Tyler test method using a carpenter's square. The measurements were made bilaterally. The dominant shoulder showed significant increases in the ROM of the glenohumeral rotation and of the internal and external shoulder complex and significantly decreased the posterior stiffness of the shoulder after the stretching routine. The application of Fauls' modified shoulder passive stretch routine produces sharp gains in shoulder mobility for college baseball players. Escamilla et al. (2012) compared the effects of three 6-week training programs for maximum specific throwing velocity. Sixty-eight high school baseball players aged 14-17 were randomly divided into 3 groups and even training and a control group without training. 3 training groups were Ten (TT), Pneumatic Keizer (KP) and Plyometric (PLY) launchers. Each training group trained 3 weeks (-1) for 6 weeks, which included about 5-10 minutes for warm-up, 45 minutes and 10.05 resistance training for cooling. Casting rate was evaluated before (pre-test) and just after the program (post-test) the 6-week training for all subjects. The analysis of variance of repeated measures two paired-t-test factors was used to evaluate post hoc differences rate release (p <0.05). Compared to previous velocity values launching consequent velocity values were significantly higher in the TT group (1.7% increase), the KP group (1.2% increase) and the PLY group (2.0% increase), but not significantly different in the control group. These results show that 3 training programs were effective for increasing the speed of high-school baseball players, but the results of this study showed that a resistance training program is more effective than another resistance training program to increase the launch speed. Ishida, Murata and Hirano (2006) have compared the kinematic characteristics of the launching movement among young baseball players of different age groups. Forty-four Japanese baseball players between the ages of 6.1 and 12.3 who played baseball regularly, including pitchers and position players, analyzed their three-dimensional throwing actions using high-speed videography. From this sample, 26 players over the age of 9 were classified as a senior group, while the remaining 18 were classified as a junior group. The launchers of larger groups had greater height and body mass and produced greater ball speed than the youth group

launchers of larger groups was similar to that of experienced adult players. However, in the junior group launchers, the horizontal shoulder abduction angle was greater during the arm acceleration phase and the maximum angular elbow extension speeds and internal shoulder rotation occurred later than in the older group. results indicate that players over the age of 9 can acquire a movement of the mature arm, while younger players will use an immature movement. One possible reason why these differences were shown is that official baseball is relatively heavy for youth group launchers; It would be better to use a lighter ball in the practice of throwing. Freeston et al. (2014) was to distinguish markers that could encourage early identification of this sort of exhaustion by contrasting the reaction with explicit scenes of activity dispatch and race. Thirteen junior baseball players were tried twice, 7 days separated with a randomized cross structure. Shoulder proprioception, most extreme tossing speed, and thrwoing precision when a 10-minute explicit toss assault (LAUNCH) or general exercise (EXECUTE) were surveyed. The most extreme dispatch speed was comparatively diminished after the THROW and RUN arrangement (- 1.0 ± 0.4 versus - 0.6 ± 0.2 m • s-1, separately, p ≤ 0.05); be that as it may, the exactness was diminished simply after the THROW (7.6 ± 3.4 cm, p ≤ 0.05). Arm torment expanded essentially more after THROW than in RUN (3.5 ± 0.7 versus 1.4 ± 0.5 km • h-1, separately, p ≤ 0.05). Shoulder proprioception has not changed after each instructional meeting. The outcomes recommend that the dispatch speed is a marker of general weakness, while the precision of the toss and the torment in the arm are indications of arm exhaustion. Shoulder proprioception does not appear to be a touchy marker of any sort of exhaustion. The dispatch rate ought to be checked to quantify by and large weakness levels, while arm exactness and agony ought to be intently observed to gauge arm exhaustion and the danger of damage instigated by tossing. Yang et al. (2013) studied the accuracy of the launch, launch speed, arm rotation rate and maximum external shoulder rotation (MSER) of teenage players after 10 weeks of pitch training with appropriate light baseballs. This study involved 24 teenagers from a lightweight baseball group (group L) and a group of regulating weight baseball (group R) based on their pre-workout launch speed. Both groups received a pitching workout 3 times a week for 10 weeks with 4.4 and 5 ounces baseball. The launching speed of the players, the launch speed, the rotation speed of the arms and the MSER were measured from 10 maximum effort shots using a ball under weight control before and after undergoing a pitching workout. The results showed that L-group players significantly increased launch speed and arm rotation speed (p <0.05) after 10 weeks of 4.4-oz baseball Furthermore, the percentage variation in the launch velocity and the oscillation rate of the L group arm was significantly higher than that of the R group (p <0.05). Therefore, we have come to the conclusion that the 10-week pitching training with lightweight baseball has substantially improved the rotation speed of the arm and the throwing speed of teenage baseball players. These results suggest that the use of lightweight baseball, which can reduce the risk of injury without altering the pitching patterns, has positive training effects on players in the phase of rapid physical growth and development of the technique. Cornell et al., (2016) conducted a study aimed at characterizing heart rate responses in the game (FC) of the baseball field. The HR of the game was recorded by 16 professional baseball pitchers (mean ± SD, age = 22.1 ± 1.3 years, height = 187.9 ± 4.4 cm, weight = 90.5 ± 9.5 kg) for a total of 682 entries (home = 381, distance = 301). All the analyzed HR data were then normalized to the maximum HR expected for the age of the startup program (% HRmax). The mean ± SD group in the% HRmax game among all launchers was 84.8% ± 3.9%, suggesting that the baseball field is predominantly an anaerobic task. An analysis of the variance of repeated measurements of the split split model has identified a significant interaction effect between the position of the game and the voice (p = 0.042). Simple follow-up effects indicated that% HRmax in the game was significantly different in all entries, but only during the start (p <0.001). Specifically, pairwise analyzes indicated that% FCmax in play during the start of the home was significantly (p <0.05) higher in items 1 and 2 than in all other items. Furthermore, the simple follow-up effects indicated that the% HRmax in the game was significantly higher (p = 0.017) during the domestic openings compared to those that had been separated in the 1st inning (87.3% ± 3.6 % vs. 85.8% vs. 3.8%, respectively) Therefore, it is possible that input-dependent psychological factors contributed to the observed changes in the physiological intensity of the game during the innings and that these factors are specific to the position of the game. game. As a result, force and conditioning professionals must prescribe high-intensity exercises when developing conditioning programs for professional baseball pitchers. Erickson et al., (2016) conducted a study to determine if the kinematics of the shoulder and elbow, the speed and accuracy of the launch and the pain change during a simulated baseball game in teenage pitchers. Teenagers aged 13 to 16 have been included. The launchers were excluded if they had undergone shoulder or elbow surgery, at the time they had a known shoulder or elbow injury or were unable to complete the simulated game for any reason. The range of shoulder movement was assessed before and after the game. The speed and qualitative mechanics was measured by these videos. The perceived fatigue and pain were evaluated after each voice using a visual analogue scale. The data were statistically analyzed using an analysis of the variance of the repeated measures. Twenty-eight teenage elite pitchers were included. These launchers, on average, were aged 14.6 ± 0.9 years (mean ± standard deviation), launched for 6.3 ± 1.7 years and launched 94 ± 58 shots per week. Our experimental model worked as expected because the launchers became progressively fatigued (from 0.3 ± 0.6 to 3.5 ± 2.1), they had more pain (from 0.1 ± 0.4 to 1, 6 ± 2.2) and launched a lower velocity (73 ± 5 mph at 71 ± 6 mph) as the tone number increased (P <.001, P = .001 and P <.001, respectively). The flexion of the knee in the release of the ball is progressively increased (49 ° ± 15 ° up to 53 ° ± 15 °) with the tone number (P = .008). The separation between the hip and the shoulder decreased significantly as the number of passages increased, from 90% to 40% with a step of 15 to 40% ± 50% with a step of 90 (p <0.001). The kinematics of the upper limb remained unchanged (P> .271 in all cases, 91% of power for flexion of the elbow in the release of the ball). The external rotation and the total range of motion in the throwing shoulder increased significantly after launch (P = .007 and P = .047, respectively). As pitchers advance through a simulated game, they launch at low speed, fatigue and have more pain. The muscles of the base and leg are fatigued before the kinematics of the upper limb changes. Based on these results, there is the possibility that strengthening the core and strengthening the legs can be useful additions to avoid injury to the upper limbs. Further studies should be conducted that specifically analyze this. Whiteside et al. (2016) examined changes in pitch characteristics in the nine-league Major League (MLB). 129 initial MLB launchers met the inclusion criteria for this study. The type of pitch, speed, movement of the ball, launch position and data from the area collected by the strikes using the MLB, PITCHf / x-ball tracking system were obtained for 1,514,304 launches issued from 2008 to 2014. Compared to the first entry, the proportion of hard shots decreased significantly up to the 7th inning, while the pitch proportions open and out of speed increased. Significant reductions in launch speed, increase in vertical movement, and decrease in release height did not arise after the fifth item and the major differences in all variables were generally recorded between the first and last entries (7-9). The pitchers were more effective during the 2nd inning and significantly worse in the innings 4 and 6. These data revealed that different aspects of pitching characteristics of a starting pitcher showed changes from the baseline from the 2nd to the 3rd inning of a game of MLB, but this model does not reflect changes in its effectiveness. Therefore, these alterations do not seem to provide a reasonable expect significantly harder shots during the first few innings, but more speed and pull out speed, with a decreasing speed, as the game progresses.



• General fitness (a state of health and well-being). • Specific fitness (an assignment situated definition dependent upon the capacity to perform particular parts of games or occupations). Physical fitness is for the most part realized through right nourishment, exercise, and rest i.e., yoga is a practice that having significant part with individual to arrive at ideal level of physical fitness.


• Ashtanga Yoga – Discipline of Mind • Hatha Yoga – Discipline of Body and Prana • Bhakti Yoga – Discipline of Emotions • Karma Yoga – Discipline of Actions • Gyan Yoga – Discipline of Intellect


A baseball game region is inside a 90-degree edge, and is for the most part called a precious stone, because of the focal piece of the playing field: the infield - has a precious stone shape. The outer field stretches out outward from the field as far as possible, genuine or notional. There are three fundamental regions in the field that is a reasonable domain, where the greater part of the moves make put. The second is a grimy region, where a few moves can make put. Everything past this is called dead ball an area, in such a case that this ball enters this territory, all activities stop. As an essential standard, the hitter must hit the ball in a reasonable domain. Lamentably, baseball fields are not constantly checked and you may need to envision (and concur with the other group!) Where is the Territory of Just Ball, Disgusting and Dead? Baseball is a game of skill, timing and power; it characteristically involves extended periods of play, often in challenging environmental conditions. There are several fitness components and skills required for the success in baseball game. Further, the rise in professionalism in sport over the last two decades has had a ripple down effect to virtually every level of sport. No longer does it seem enough to have natural talent and to play sport simply for enjoyment. What is now required on top of talent is the development of

contemporary sporting world, and by fine-tuning these natural abilities so that the full potential of the sportsperson can be achieved. At the higher levels of professional sport this can involve a support team of coaches, managers, trainers, health, fitness and diet consultants and sport psychologists, but the person most responsible for coordinating, or at some levels, assuming, many of these responsibilities, is the coach. The nature of coaching has changed radically in this period, and continues to change at a rapid pace. The use of technology, science, medicine and psychology in training programs has become standard procedure and reveals a willingness by coaches to draw on a broad spectrum of tools to give their team or athlete the winning edge. Increasingly yoga is becoming one of these tools. These terms mean precisely what they state. The field on the left is the piece of the garden that is on the left when you take a gander at the field graph; focus the field is the zone of the outer field behind the respectable halfway point; and the correct garden is the garden region on the right. The pitcher is situated on the pitcher's platter (P) and tosses the ball to the player, which is alongside the house plate (H), 60 feet and 6 inches away. A right mass will be put on the correct side of the home plate (the perspective of the pitcher) and a left hitter to one side of the home plate. When the hitter hits the ball on an ordinary area, he progresses counterclockwise around the bases. Each base (a respectable starting point, a respectable halfway point and third base) is checked, for the most part with a 17 "squared plastic sack loaded up with froth, the separation between each base is 90 feet. Without sufficient bases, players will now and again leave garments or comparable things to check essential positions. For security reasons, the a respectable starting point regularly (yet not generally) comprises of a twofold base, half white and half orange, with orange area in sporadic domain the white segment in the reasonable region. The rebozo is coordinated towards the orange part, the defender utilizes the white part and crashes are stayed away from. Home plate is a five-sided bit of substantial elastic estimating 17" over. The pitcher's plate is a quadrangular bit of substantial elastic estimating 6" by 24". The pitcher must have one foot in communication through this dish. While conveying a field to the player. The activity of the guarded group, recognized as defenders, is to catch or stopover several balls knockout, through the point of keeping hostile performers from progressing everywhere the beginnings and recording runs. Towards this completion, every defender has explicit obligations (and furthermore a particular numeral which is utilized as a type of short-hand in score-keeping): from the pitcher‘s platter besides afterward turns into additional in-fielder, prepared to catch or stopover batted balls and toss to foundations as necessary. The pitcher will regularly revenue tosses at a respectable starting point on balls hit to the principal base player, or back up different in-fielders on tosses rolling in from the out-field. Catcher (2): The catcher genuflects or crouches‘ behindhand home-based plate besides performer swipes then failures or neglects to swipe. The catcher likewise monitors home plate against approaching base sprinters and attempts to label them out before they can achieve the base and score a run. First Base (3): This is frequently a bustling placement, as numerous balls will be tossed to major improper trying to place players obtainable who are successively after home-based to principal. The first base player additionally watches some portion of the correct side of the infield alongside flickered balls hit on the ground or in the air. Second Base (4): the second base player will watch a significant part of the privilege side of the infield and will attempt to catch balls hit noticeable all around or on the ground. She will frequently get tosses made to second base; however the shortstop can do this too. Shortstop (6): the shortstop remains between second and third base and endeavors to stop or catch any ball hit towards left field. The shortstop is likewise in a decent presenting on take tosses at second base or, at times, at third. Third Base (5): the third base player guards the region close third base and will as a rule take tosses made to third. This player needs great reflexes (since the ball is frequently hit hard toward them) and a decent tossing arm, since it's a long toss from third to first base.


The situations in the open field are not unbendingly characterized as the situations inside the casing. The group commander or conceivable beneficiary can put the outfielder, now and then diversely for each player. For instance, if a solid hitter strikes, the grand slams may return, or if a left-gave hitter shows up, outer players may turn on the right-hand field. As a rule, in any case, the left defender (7) will play in the left field, the focal safeguard (8) will play in the focal field behind the second and the correct defender (9) will play in the correct field. The activity of outfielders is to catch or stop the balls hit toward them and return them rapidly and precisely to the infield. nursery worker's glove to stop and catch the balls. These gloves may appear to be awkward at first and even somewhat sissy: male cricket players are frequently enticed not to utilize them. In any case, the gloves are basic in light of the fact that the glove will enable you to make gets that you will never have the capacity to do with your uncovered hands and control the ball rapidly to toss it, which is a fundamental piece of the amusement. Besides, it is against the tenets not to utilize one!


Yoga is a procedure to control and advance the psyche and figure to increase great health, adjust of psyche and self-acknowledgement. Fitting comprehension and rehearse one can achieve the ideal level to keep physical fitness. Equalize between activity abstain from food and unwinding will furnish the sound mental and physical capacities. In fact, players in game due to repeated pitching, the shoulder joint is prone to injuries; therefore, it is essential that player should develop proper shoulder strength. Furthermore, there are several components of fitness that are important for the success of the baseball players, though there are positional differences with different fitness levels. Perceiving the requirements of fitness components that are needed for the successful performance in baseball game the present study was conducted with following: ► The selected attributes of performance related physical fitness of the baseball players. ► The pitching, fielding, hitting, base running and throwing ability which are the essential skills needed for success in baseball. ► Yoga training module considering the enhancement of the selected performance related physical fitness and skills of the baseball players. ► A controlled experiment for evaluating the efficacy of the specific yoga training module on the selected variables so as to exhibit top performance in baseball.


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Corresponding Author Vishal Bhaskar Walzade*

Research Scholar, Swami Vivekananda University, Sagar (MP)