A Comparative Study on Sports Achievement Motivation and Mental Toughness of Individual and Team Game Players

A Comparative Study on Sports Achievement Motivation and Mental Toughness

by Abhishek Goyal*, Dr. J. P. Sharma,

- Published in International Journal of Physical Education & Sports Sciences, E-ISSN: 2231-3745

Volume 13, Issue No. 8, Nov 2018, Pages 39 - 41 (3)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


In the current study to compare the sports achievement motivation and mental toughness between the individual and team game players who used to take part in inter-college matches and tournaments. For this study, the investigator selected twenty five (25) individual game players and twenty five (25) team game players of Lakshmibai national institute of physical education, Gwalior (M.P.) Thus, the total numbers of subjects were 50 only. The age group of the subjects was ranged from (20-25) years. To measure sports achievement motivation and mental toughness between individual and team game players, a questionnaire (SAMT) developed by Kamlesh (1990) and the mental toughness questionnaire developed by Dr. Allan Goldberg (2004) was used to evaluate the sports achievement motivation and mental toughness of the subjects. For the present study, the mean value, standard deviation, and independents ’t’ test were applied to analyze the data. The result of the study reveals that there was a significant difference between mean sports achievement motivation scores of Individual games (27.24) and Team game (26.36) players, and there was a significant difference between mean mental toughness of individual game (19.04) and Team game (20.12) players.


sports achievement motivation, mental toughness, individual players, team players, inter-college matches, tournaments, questionnaire (SAMT), mean value, standard deviation, independent 't' test


Sports achievement Motivation for sports success was seen in behavioural psychology as a psychological factor. Achievement motivation in competitive sports was found to be rewarding. It is an innate force that employs an athlete in the tasks that are tough to accomplish. In general, sports and physical activities are performance-oriented. Personal success can be evaluated against specific standards at teams and individual events. One reason for the variability in the behaviour of athletes is that athletes perceive situations in various ways, due to different sport excellence requirements. (Sandhu, 1992) As we can see, motives influence decision-making, and practice is more effective and efficient when athletes are highly motivated. At the same time, it is expected to improve skills and develop athletes more in sports of interest. However, not all athletes have the same motive, nor are they equally developed. So, motivation influences the player performance standards alongside other psychological factors, such as aggression, aspiration, anxiety, or many more; but unfortunately, the research in this area remains raw. This variable is still related to sportsmen's performance by researchers. How much motivation or how much does performance affect? Or how much does an experience influence motivation increase? Or is there a connection between sports performance and performance motivation this is a question that needs to be answered immediately. Sports performances have always been psychologically influenced (Crespo. 2002). The motivation was treated by Taylor (1994) as the basis for the success pyramid of sport. Recently, sport psychologist researchers who try to understand the psychological factors and their impact on performance in the sport have drawn much attention to the concept of mental toughness. The evolving basis of knowledge to achieve victorious mental toughness (including cognitive, affective, and behavioural components) is seen as multidimensional and an important psychological structure. Based on research, Bull et al. (2005) observed that differences in mental toughness for each individual, from one sport to the other also exist. One of the more important determinants of


2.1 Subject

To compare the sports achievement motivation and mental toughness between the individual and team game players who used to take part in inter-college matches and tournaments. For this study, the investigator selected Twenty five (25) individual game players and Twenty five (25) team game players of Lakshmibai national institute of physical education, Gwalior (M.P.). Thus, the total numbers of subjects were 50 only. The age group of the subjects was ranged from (20-25) years.

2.2 Tool

To measure sports achievement motivation and mental toughness between individual and team game players, a questionnaire (SAMT) developed by Kamlesh (1990) And The mental toughness questionnaire developed by Dr. Allan Goldberg (2004) was used to evaluate the sports achievement motivation and mental toughness of the subjects. The data was collected from the various college players who used to take part in inter-college matches and tournaments.

2.3 Administration of Questionnaire

A questionnaire with necessary instructions will be provided to the respondents. In order to provide the questionnaire, the appropriate instructions will be passed on the subject.

2.4 Statistical Techniques

For the present study, the mean value, standard deviation and an independent ‘t‘ test was applied to analyse the data.


The values of descriptive statistics and independent t test between two different groups i.e. individual, and team game were presented in following tables and figure.

Table 1 different groups Mean SD of Sports Achievement Motivation and Comparison of t-test Between Means of individual game and team game players.

Figure 1 means and S.D. of sports achievement motivation and mental toughness of different groups.


Table-1 Gives information regarding the mean, standard deviation, and t-value of the sports Achievement Motivation of Individual and Team game players. It can be seen that there were significant differences in Achievement Motivation of Individual and Team game players. The Mean of Achievement Motivation of Individual game group and Team game group players were 27.24 with standard deviation 1.83 and 26.36 with standard deviation 2.34 respectively. ‘t‘ test result displays in table 1 from that it can be seen that the t-value (1.479) appeared a significant at 0.05 level of significance. Much of the study conducted before on sports achievement motivation but this study is different from others. Kumar, parmod (2018) conducted study on sports achievement motivation between individual and team game players. The result shows in this study was the individual game players mean achievement motivation was 20.36 whereas mean achievement motivation of Team player was 29.27 and which was higher than the Individual game players. Also, Haldar, asim, k., et.al (2020) conducted a similar study on sports achievement motivation between male and female swimmers. The result found from this study that the sports achievement motivation of male group player was 23.60 whereas mean sports achievement motivation of female player was 21.44 the result


motivation is higher than female group. Table 2 display the assessment of mental toughness Individual and team game players shows, the mean score of mental toughness in Individual game players 19.04 with standard deviation 2.47 whereas mean score of mental toughness in Team game players 20.12 with standard deviation 1.81. t-test result displays in table 2 that was significant at 0.05 level of significance. It can be seen from table 2 that the mean score of mental toughness of team game players was higher than the Individual game players. Pinto, elroy (2018) conducted similar study on mental toughness between Individual and Team game players. The study result shows that the team game players mental toughness (mean=21.92) whereas Individual game players mental toughness (mean=20.57). The mental toughness of Team game player was higher than the Individual game players. Also, in the Graphical representation (Fig.1) indicates similar trend of this study. On the basis of findings of current study, we can conclude the following conclusion: ► There was significant difference between mean sports achievement motivation scores of Individual games (27.24) and Team game (26.36) players. ► There was significant difference between mean mental toughness of individual game (19.04) and Team game (20.12) players.


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Corresponding Author Abhishek Goyal*

Research Scholar, Department of Physical Education & Sports Sciences, IGIPESS, University of Delhi, New Delhi, India abhisek.gyl@gmail.com