Yoga Practices, Importance and Its Impact on Anxiety and Perception of Hockey and Basketball Players

Exploring the Effects of Yoga Training on Female Hockey and Basketball Players

by Bipin Babu Singh*,

- Published in International Journal of Physical Education & Sports Sciences, E-ISSN: 2231-3745

Volume 14, Issue No. 1, Jan 2019, Pages 1 - 7 (7)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


The aim of the present examination was to research the impact of yoga training on muscular strength, muscular perseverance, flexibility and agility of female hockey and basketball players. For this reason, an example of forty female hockey players of age extending from 18 to 25 years were chosen from various schools partnered to Guru Nanak Dev University Amritsar. Further, the subjects were purposively isolated in two gatherings. First gathering, assigned as experimental gathering (N1=20) and the second one as control gathering (N2=20). Every one of the members were educated about the destinations and procedure of this investigation and they volunteered to participate in this experimental examination. The examination was limited to the factors muscular strength, muscular perseverance, flexibility and agility. The aim of this paper is to define yogic practice, anxiety and Perception of the hockey and basketball players. Yoga is a method for living with an aim of a healthy personality in a healthy body. In this view the agents have endeavored to discover the impact of asana on mental factors of Women College players of Hockey and Basketball. For this, achievement players were randomly assigned into two gatherings one experimental and the other, control gathering. Each game comprised of 100 players, and were additionally partitioned into 50 each for experimental and control gathering. Experimental gathering practiced yoga asanas for a time of about a month and a half alongside routine training program. While control gather was not given any mediation, they played out their normal training under the cooperation of their mentor.


yoga practices, importance, impact, anxiety, perception, hockey players, basketball players, muscular strength, muscular perseverance, flexibility, agility


The most important advantage of yoga is physical and mental treatment. Indians have given incredible importance to „yoga ‟ and „physical exercises‟ not exclusively to avert or fix the physical ailments/illnesses yet to stay in shape moreover. The incredible old Rishis, Vedas and Purans additionally have given much importance to physical fitness. Generally master Shiva is viewed as the Original organizer of yoga. It is trusted that this mystery divine Science of life, uncovered to illuminated sages in reflection, was right off the bat described by Lord Shiva to his significant other Parvati for "Upliftment of mankind". Hiranyagarbha has been proclaimed as the absolute first instructor of yoga. Yoga is an old study of physical, mental and spiritual development. Yoga has turned out to be progressively mainstream in Western societies as a methods for exercise and fitness training. Yoga is extreme for creating amicability among body, psyche and spirit. Yoga asana is methods for moving and additionally holding the body in an alternate position. Yoga asana has a few exercises or stances that do some amazing things for fitness and wellbeing. Changing generally in application and style, these exercises (stances) tenderly stretch and investigate all parts of the body. Yoga asana help physical strength, stamina and flexibility, enhance blood course, improve posture and muscle tone and give more prominent forces of fixation and poise. Through the practice of yoga, we end up mindful of the association between our passionate, mental and physical dimensions On the other hand pranayama is one of the five standards of Yoga or breathing and exercise which advance appropriate breathing.The extreme objective of yoga is to make it workable for you to almost certainly intertwine the gross material (annamaya), physical (pranamaya), mental (manomaya), scholarly (vijnanamaya) and spiritual (anandamaya) levels inside your being. In a Yogic perspective, legitimate breathing is to convey more oxygen to the blood and to the mind, and to the control Prana or the indispensable life vitality. The association of these two Yogic Principles is considered as the most astounding type of purification and self-restraint,

order that prompts internal and external association, congruity and delight. Yoga is undoubtedly connected with certain meta-physical thoughts, yet the practice in itself does not ask any religious or spiritual reception. Indeed, even receptive rationalists can practice yoga, for incredible advantage. With the practice of asanas we end up mindful of what is, or what sensations exist right now in the body, and comparing to that exist in the mind which implies we wind up mindful of what places us in contact with numerous feelings that have been overlooked.

1.1 Importance of Yoga in Sports

Yoga has both preventive and restorative advantages. It has been demonstrated helpful for both physical and mental fitness. The numerous physical advantages of yoga are, it enhances flexibility by losing the joint portability, it builds muscles strength, spine, and remedies awful posture. Yoga will build stamina of a player and makes balance and furthermore animates the organs of the endocrine system, enhances digestion and elimination, enhances flow and heart condition. This is useful to the players to accomplish better performance. With the practice of asanas we wind up mindful of what is, of what sensations exists right now in the body, and comparing through that exist in the brain. This is getting to be mindful of what places us in contact with feelings that many have been overlooked or demined. The great paradox of mindfulness is that when we turned out to be genuinely mindful of what is, things start to change. For no other explanation than this, asana practice can be an awesome counteractant to the stores of present day life. Yoga has both preventive and restorative benefits. It has been appeared offer both physical and mental benefits to the body and the brain. The numerous physical benefits of yoga are, it enhances flexibility, losing the joint versatility, assemble the muscles strength, spine and rectifies the posture. Additionally enhances the physical conditions like awful posture alignment for instance scoliosis, swayback, awful knees and so forth it enhances digestion and elimination; expands course; enhances heart conditions which are useful to the players to accomplish the superior. Yoga assumes an important job in providing unadulterated blood to nerves, cerebrum, and spinal rope and heart muscles. This enhances an individual's effectiveness, expands body mindfulness and soothes perpetual pressure. Numerous western Studies have demonstrated that it can ease the indications of a few normal and conceivably hazardous illnesses, fatigue, diabetes, asthma, and obesity. Yoga creates fearlessness, dimension of anxiety and self-conviction. These elements are significant to perform at their pinnacle level.

1.2 Anxiety

The medical meaning of anxiety depicts it is a state comprising of mental and physical side effects realized by a feeling of trepidation of an apparent risk. It additionally proceeds to express that anxiety can contrast as indicated by the circumstance and the individual. Connected to the brandishing field this implies a golfer for instance may experience more anxiety playing in a national tournament contrasted with a club competition. In the meantime a club competition may draw similar nerves in another individual. Psychologists for the most part separate between two kinds of anxiety. Quality anxiety identifies with a part of personality in which nervousness is a steady personality characteristic in an individual. State anxiety then again alludes to impermanent sentiments of anxiety in a specific circumstance. In this way an individual with a restless personality may discover a wide range of ordinary assignments stressful contrasted with somebody who just gets nervous in extraordinary situations. Anxiety is a gentle dread response toward some improvement. It is common in even the best of competitors because of the immense pressures related with pro athletics. Anxiety is a typical reaction of a life form towards a physical danger or mental distress, which creates a large group of substance and hormonal responses in the body. It has two segments; physiological and mental which are intervened by synapse system. Specialists find a way to discover the dimension of sports anxiety through SCAT Questionnaire strategies and to discover some answer for the equivalent. Yoga creates self-assurance and self-belief. Anxiety is a mental phenomenon that influences the general conduct of an individual, and consequently on game success also. This impact can be positive and steady or negative and inhibitory. Positive or steady effect of anxiety among competitors will result in more noteworthy assembly of the accessible powers and capacities that will at present lead to expanded inspiration, steadiness and fixation in a successful sports competition. Negative or inhibitory impact of anxiety among competitors will decrease the potential powers vital for successful play, lessening the intensity of focus, diminishing the inspiration, followed up by the sentiment of inadequacy, doubt and question in their own capacities. Furthermore, that surely implies poor game outcomes or thrashing.

1.3 Perception

The applied structure for an investigation of the perception of risk in game exercises is the prevailing way to deal with risk perception, known as the psychometric paradigm, presented. This model

by mental, social, institutional and social components. The paradigm is as of now being used as a speculation; it applies to wearing exercises just and how individuals see risk in each game. Then again, the psychometric paradigm has been reprimanded on the grounds that it overlooks the social and political setting in which a network restricts perilous or substantial scale technologies. For example, contended that risk perception cannot be seen separated from the perplexing social structure in which risks are imbedded. Moreover, underscored that network opposition to technical undertakings is formed by individual experiences and reactions, yet in addition by social gathering conduct, institutional structure, and political contemplations. These arguments highlight the significance of relevant factors in defining risk perceptions. Numerous specialists were drawn towards the hypotheses and upheld by the early perceptual engine development as it significantly upgrades the job of physical education. Perception is engaged with all intentional muscular movement, aside from reflex activity. There is next to no proof to demonstrate an immediate connection between learning explicit perceptual engine skills, and figuring out how to peruse and compose. To get data, tangible info like sight, sound, contact, smell, taste just as familiarity with a body position, all these go about as the parts of perception. For any official movement, every one of their faculties are utilized in incorporated habits in complex engine action. By ordinary taking part in a given movement perception can be moved forward.


Elferink-Gemser, Visscher, Lemmink and Mulder (2007) - recognized performance characteristics that could help predict future elite field hockey players. They gauged the anthropometric, physiological, technical, strategic, and psychological characteristics of 30 elite and 35 sub-elite youth players toward the finish of three back to back seasons. The mean age of the players toward the finish of the principal season was 14.2 years (s = 1.1). Rehashed measures investigations of covariance, with standard of performance and measurement occasion as components and age as a covariate, demonstrated that the elite players fared superior to 57 the sub-elite players on technical and strategic factors. Female elite youth players likewise scored better on interim endursince limit, inspiration, and confidence. Future elite players seem to have magnificent strategic skills by the age of 14. They additionally have great explicit technical skills and build up these together with interim endurance limit superior to sub-elite youth players in the resulting 2 years. Boardley and Kavussanu (2009) - Inspected the impacts of apparent motivational climate and of whether the impacts of apparent character-building competency on game 49 practices are intervened by good disengagement; and (c) whether these connections are invariant crosswise over game. Field hockey (n = 200) and netball (n = 179) players finished surveys evaluating the aforementioned factors. Basic condition displaying demonstrated that authority climate effectsly affected prosocial and negative consequences for antisocial conduct towards colleagues, while performance climate positively affected antisocial conduct towards partners. Seen character-building competency positively affected prosocial conduct towards rivals and negative consequences for the two antisocial practices; these impacts were interceded by good disengagement. No impact was found for prosocial conduct towards colleagues. The model was to a great extent invariant crosswise over game. The discoveries help our comprehension of social effects on prosocial and antisocial practices in game. Kozasa, et al., (2008) - assessed Siddha Samadhi Yoga program. It is only reflection is related with pranayama (breathing exercises). 22 volunteers with anxiety grumblings were assigned to two gatherings: 14 went to the yoga gathering, and 8 went to a holding up rundown or control gathering. They were assessed before the mediation and multi month after it on the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, the Beck Depression Inventory, Tension Feelings Self-assessment Scales, and the Well-acting naturally assessment Scales. It was reasoned that, a noteworthy decrease in scores on anxiety, melancholy, and strain was found in yoga gathering, just as an expansion in prosperity in comparison with the control gathering. Sabin, Ebersole, Martindale, Price and Broglio (2010) - inspected SEBT performance in division I, university basketball 46 competitors (men = 9, women = 7) and in a healthy nonathlete control gathering (men = 7, women = 9). Every member played out the SEBT with their predominant £ind non prevailing appendages on steady and temperamental testing surfaces while coming to in the front, average, and back headings. No huge contrasts came about between the predominant and non-prevailing appendages (p > 0.05). Huge contrasts were found between the basketball and control bunches every which way (p < 0.01) and the normal achieve score (p < 0.01) with the control assemble achieving 6-7% more distant than the basketball gathering. A critical principle impact for gender (fallen crosswise over gathering and appendage) was available the back way (p = 0.02). The SEBT performance in the average and back headings and the normal score were essentially (p < 0.01) decreased amid testing on the unsteady surface. These outcomes propose that athletic status might be a factor to think about when deciphering SEBT achieve performance. Future

bsilance. Extra research may give knowledge into the job of utilizing a flimsy surface with the SEBT as a component of damage risk assessment and its utilization in distinguishing appendage contrasts among harmed and unharmed appendages. Zemkova and Hamar (2010) - the investigation assesses the impact of 6-week consolidated agility-balance training on neuromuscular performance in basketball players. Subjects isolated into experimental (EG, n = 17) and control gathering (CG, n = 17) experienced a consolidated 48 agility-balance training (in length of 30 min) for a time of about a month and a half (4-5 sessions/week). The two gatherings performed response errands like game-like situations, anyway EG on wobble sheets and CG on stable surface. Preceding and after the training psirameters of agility, balance, speed of step commencement, strength separation exactness, and hazardous intensity of lower appendages were assessed. Results demonstrated that a joined agility-balance training enhanced unique balance under visual control as well as in eyes shut conditions. Training likewise expanded run-out speed that feasible added to better agility performance, decreased ground contact time amid drop hop, and enhanced the capacity to separate the power of muscle withdrawal amid rehashed bounces. Be that as it may, such training has been observed to be deficient to enhance both straightforward and multi-decision response time, and bouncing performance. Then again, control gather neglected to demonstrate any noteworthy improvement in analyzed abilities with the exception of enhancement of hopping performance (Pact, D CM J 85 SJ). It might be presumed that balance exercises performed all the while with response undertakings speak to a powerful methods for improvement of neuromuscular performance in elite athletes.


1. To define the yogic practices on women hockey and basketball players. 2. To briefly describe the role of yoga in sports. 3. To analyze the impacts of yoga practices on anxiety of women hockey and basketball players. 4. To experiment the impact of yoga practices on perception of women hockey and basketball players 5. To compare the impact between hockey and basketball women players 17-25 were chosen for the examination. Despite the fact that Howard dolman device perception measurement was taken for perception test and SCAT test were embraced to test anxiety in the players. Each gathering comprised of 100 subjects each in Hockey just as in Basketball, further isolated in 50 each for the experimental and control gathering. Experimental gathering practiced yoga for about a month and a half while the control amass was not given any intercession; they played out their normal training under the communication of their mentor. The mediation program was proceeded for a time of about a month and a half and included three sessions for every seven day stretch of 60 - a hour and a half-length. The whole test were disclosed and exhibited to the students by the specialists and further tests were implemented with the assistance of aides. The investigation of information demonstrates that yogic asanas effectively created perception and conquered player's anxiety practices.

4.1 Selection of Variables

The specialist looked into the accessible logical writing and diaries and talked about with specialists. The specialist thought about the criteria of feasibility and accessibility of the instruments and the significance of factors to the present investigation. 4.2 Variables Selected for Yogic Asanas Practice. Also the selection of asanas is based on the basic that all the parts of body should involve in performing asanas.

4.2.1 Standing postures

Vrikshasana, Thrikonasan, Garudasana

4.2.2 Sitting postures

Paschimottanasan, Shashankasana, Vajrasana

4.2.3 Laying down postures

Bhujangasana, Dhanurasana, Sarvangasana, Halasana, Savasana. Naukasana Purvathasana

4.2.4 Meditation (Independent variables)

factors was tried for significance of contrast by T test. The distinction of starting and last score was considered and the distinction in the mean increase was tried by T-test and 0.05 scales were tried to locate the significant contrast. The outcome is delineated in table 1 to 4.

Table 1: The Yoga Practices impact’s on Anxiety of Hockey and Basketball Players Figure 1: Yoga Practices impact’s on Anxiety

Dimension of anxiety in experimental gathering of hockey players before the yoga practice was 20.14 ± 2.6 and after was 19.24 ± with mean distinction 0.9 ± 1.4 which is profoundly significance with t=4.63, P=0.000<0.01; in control gathering, in pre-test 19.24 ± 2.3 and in post-test 19.94 ± 2.2 with mean contrast 12 ± 0.9 with t=0.97, P=0.335>0.05 was not significant. Dimension of anxiety in experimental gathering of basketball players before the yoga practice was 20.22 ± 2.4 and after was 19.58 ±2.3 with mean contrast 0.5 ± 1.3 which is factually significant with t=3.70, P=0.001<0.01; in control gathering, in pre-test 20.04 ± 2.4 and in post-test 20.00 ± 2.6 with mean distinction 0.4 ± 1.3 with t=0.22, P=0.828>0.05 was not significant.

Among Hockey players change in the experimental gathering 0.90 ± 1.4 was significantly higher contrasted with control bunch 0.12 ± 0.9 with t = 3.39, p = 0.001. So yoga is successful in hockey players. Among basketball players change in the experimental gathering 0.64 ± 1.3 was significant to contrasted with control bunch 0.04 ± 1.3 with t = 2.38, p = 0.019. So yoga is powerful in basketball players. It tends to be inferred that the yogic practices may have in all likelihood helped the experimental gathering to lessen their anxiety for both the games.

Table 3 Yoga Practices impact’s on Perception of Hockey and Basketball Players

Figure 2Yoga Practices impact’s on Perception

Dimension of perception in experimental gathering of hockey players before the yoga practice was 2.54 ± 1.4 and after was 1.73 ± 1.0 with mean difference 0.8 ±0.75 which is profoundly significant with t= - 7.45, P=0.000<0.01; in control gathering, in pre-test 2.48 ±

gathering of basketball players before the yoga practice was 2.51 ± 1.6 and after was 0.81 ± 1.2 which is measurably exceptionally significant with t= 6.13, P=0.001<0.01; in control gathering, in pre-test 2.71 ± 1.9 and in post-test 2.66 ± 1.9 with mean difference. 0500 ± 0.26 with t=1.38, P =0.174>0.05 was not significant.

Table 4 Comparison of Yogic Practise impact’s on Perception between the Hockey and Basketball Players.

Among Hockey players change in the experimental gathering 0.8000+-1074 was significantly higher contrasted with control gathering - 0.340 ± 1.43 with t=3.45, p=0.001. So yoga is successful in hockey players. Among basketball players change in the experimental gathering 0.7060± 0.8140 was significant contrasted with control bunch 0.0500 ±0.2565 with t=5.43, p=0.000. So it can infer that the yogic practices may have no doubt helped the experimental gathering to enhance perception for both the games. It tends to be inferred that the yogic practices may have in all probability helped the experimental gathering to enhance their perception for both the games.


It is presumed that 8-week of yoga training can significantly enhance muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility and agility among female hockey players, which at last enhances their dimension of sports performance. Presently a days it has been seen that yoga can assume a critical job in all circles of life including sports. In this examination it was discovered that the yogic practices aggregate enhanced the members' physical parameters (balance, coordination and response time), psychological parameters and hockey and basketball playing capacity. Yogic exercises aggregate beat than the pressure reducing exercises gathering and control amass on co appointment and response time. Stress reducing exercises amass have significant differences among the control bunch on all the needy factors (anxiety, perception). The experimental gatherings specifically yogic practices and stress reducing exercise bunches had no significant difference towards enhancing the members' physical parameter psychological parameters and hockey and basketball playing capacity. selected yogic Exercises on Balance and perception of college level players”, Journal of sports and sports science. 28(5): pp. 12-18. 2. Elferink-Gemser, M.T., Visscher, C, Lemmink, K.A. and Mulder, T. (2007) - "Multidimensional performance characteristics and standard of performance in talented youth field hockey players: a longitudinal study", Journal of Sports Science, Feb 15; 25(4): pp. 481-9. 3. Kozasa, E.H., Santos, R.F., Rueda, A.D., Benedito-Silva, A.A., De Omellas, F.L. and Leite, J.R. (2008) - "Evaluation of Siddha Samadhi Yoga for anxiety and depression symptoms: a preliminary study", Psychol Rep., Aug; 103(l): pp. 271-4. 4. Boardley, I.D. euid Kavussginu, M. (2009) - "The influence of social variables and moral disengagement on prosocial and antisocial behaviours in field hockey and netball", Journal of Sports Science, Jun; 27(8): pp. 843-54. 5. Sabin, M.J., Ebersole, K.T., Martindale, A.R., Price, J.W. and Broglio, S.P. (2010) - "Balance performance in male and female collegiate basketball athletes: influence of testing surface", Journal of Strength Conditioning Research, Aug; 24(8): pp. 2073-8. 6. Zemkova, E, and Hamar, D. (2010) - "The effect of 6-week combined agility-balance training on neuromuscular performance in basketball players", tJoumal of Sports Medicine Physical Fitness, Sep; 50(3): pp. 262-7. 7. Pauline, M. and Rintaugu, E. G. (2011) – “Effects of Yoga Training on Bilateral Strength and Shoulder and Hip Range of Motion”, International Journal of Current Research, 3 (11), pp. 467-470 8. Damle, S. (2012) – “Effect of Yogic Practices for Development of Physical Fitness of College Girls”, Physical Education, 10 (12), pp. 51-52. 9. Volga, H., Marandi, S. M., Kelishadi, R. and Zahed, A. (2013) – “A Comparison between Yoga and Aerobic Training Effects on Pulmonary Function Tests and Physical Fitness Parameters”, Pak J Med Sci, 29 (1), pp. 317-320.

College Women Basketball Players”, Star physical Education, 2 (2), pp. 1-5.

Corresponding Author Bipin Babu Singh* Physical Education Teacher