Assessment of Coach-Athlete Relationship among Team Game Female Athletes

Exploring the Coach-Athlete Relationship in Team Game Female Athletes

by Dr. Lakhveer Kaur*, Dr. Dalwinder Singh,

- Published in International Journal of Physical Education & Sports Sciences, E-ISSN: 2231-3745

Volume 14, Issue No. 1, Jan 2019, Pages 17 - 22 (6)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


The present study was designed to assess the coach-athlete relationship among team game female athletes. Three hundred (N=300) female subjects were selected from different games; one hundred (n=100) from basketball, one hundred (n=100) from handball and one hundred (n=100) from football who had been participated in the Panjab University, Chandigarh’s inter-college competitions, with their age ranged between 17 years to 28 years. Coach-Athlete Relationship Questionnaire (CART-Q, 2003) developed by Sophia Jowett & Nikos Ntoumanis was used to collect the required data. One-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was employed to see the significant differences among team game (Basketball, Handball and Football) female athletes with regard to coach-athlete relationship. Where 'F' value found huge, Least Significant Difference (LSD) Post-hoc test was utilized to discover the bearing and level of contrasts. The dimension of noteworthiness was set at 0.05. Critical contrasts were found among group diversion female competitors on the sub-variable for example commitment, closeness, complementarity and on the variable coach-athlete relationship (total) (p<0.05).


coach-athlete relationship, team game female athletes, assessment, female subjects, basketball, handball, football, Panjab University, Chandigarh, inter-college competitions


The coach–athlete relationship plays an important role in providing happiness and welfare. It can provide sources of help during difficult times, during emotional crises and transitions (Jowett, 2005). A coach‟s administration style relies upon the way he/she connects with his/her competitors and on his/her basic leadership forms. A coach‟s instructiveness regarding his/her coaching behaviour is aimed at improving athletes‟ performance by emphasizing and facilitating hard and strenuous training, educating them in the skills, systems, and strategies of a specific game, clearing up athletes' jobs and their common connections, and organizing and planning athletes' exercises (Baric and Busic, 2009). Mentors are in charge of building up athletes' psychological, physical, specialized, and strategic capacities, and notwithstanding these obligations, they are additionally expected to win (Becker, 2009). Mentors can impact different viewpoints like impression of stress, competitor execution, and view of mentor competitor condition. Most mentors don't understand the extent of their impact on a competitor; a mentor may just see himself as or herself as a tutor or somebody who basically shows the essentials of a game, however actually mentors affect significantly something other than how well a player performs. Coaches have the ability and power to influence the psychological well being of athletes (William, 2015). The coach is, in a way, an expert whose task is to lead the athlete to reach the full extent of his or her capabilities and achieve the best results possible. It is therefore, important to stress that the coach is responsible not only for the physical, technical- tactical and theoretical-methodical preparation and the development of motor coordination, but also for the formation of a suitable motivation level and exerting a pedagogic influence on the contestants (Watach-Bista, 2014). Coaches hold a place of respect and authority, but still feel reachable enough for athletes to open up and view their coach as a role model or mentor. A solid mentor athlete relationship is critical not just for the competitor's development as a constructive, moral and good individual, however for the team‟s performance all in all. Gorden (2009) stated that a good coach will study the performance of an athlete during both competition and training, generating information from which comments can be made, focusing on both the positive and negative aspects of the performance. The coach‟s analytical role is crucial to the development of the performance. A coach might have a wonderful scientific understanding of training principle and responses, yet be unable to organise sessions efficiently within a coherent training plan. Therefore, the coach must have the ability to implement and establish optimal conditions for training and competition. The coach

consideration, the present study was designed to assess the coach-athlete relationship among team game female athletes.


• To ascertain the significant differences among team game female athletes on the variable coach-athlete relationship.



Total three hundred (N=300) female athletes who had participated in inter-college competitions were selected as subjects through random sampling technique. They consist of Basketball (n=100), Handball (n=100) and Football (n=100) game female athletes. The age of subjects was ranged between 17 to 28 years. Tool Coach-athlete Relationship Questionnaire (CART-Q, 2004) created by Jowett and Ntoumanis was utilized to think about the mentor competitor relationship among team diversion female athletes.

Statistical Application

One way (ANOVA): Analysis of Variance was connected to discover the hugeness of contrasts among team diversion female athletes with respect to the variable coach-athlete relationship. Further, Post-hoc test Least Significant Differences (LSD) was connected to think about the heading and level of contrasts where 'F' value was discovered critical. The level of significance was set at 0.05.



Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) results among team game female athletes with regard to the sub-variable commitment

It can be seen from table-1 that significant differences were found among team game female athletes (basketball, handball and football) as the P-value

therefore, Least Significant Difference (LSD) Post-hoc test was employed to study the direction and degree of differences between paired means among team game female athletes of basketball, handball and football with regard to the sub-variable commitment from the variable coach-athlete relationship. The results of LSD Post-hoc test have been presented in table- 2.

Table-2 Analysis of Least Significant Difference (LSD) Post-hoc test among team game female athletes with regard to the sub-variable commitment

Result from table-2 revealed the significant differences between basketball and handball and handball and football team game female athletes, as the P-values .000 and .000 respectively were found smaller than 0.05 level of significance on the sub-variable commitment.

The results in table-2 showed insignificant difference between basketball and football team game female athletes, as the P-value .155 was found more than the 0.05 level of significance on the sub-variable commitment. The graphical portrayal of mean scores concerning the sub-variable duty has been displayed in figure -1.

Figure-1 Graphical representation of mean scores with regard to the sub-variable commitment among team game basketball, handball and football female athletes

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) among team game female athletes with regard to the sub-variable closeness

It can be seen from table-3 that significant differences were found among team game female athletes (basketball, handball and football) as the P-value (Sig.) .000 was found smaller than 0.05 level of significance (p<0.05) with regard to the sub-variable closeness. Since the P-value found huge, consequently, Post-hoc test Least Significant Difference (LSD) was connected to examine the heading and level of contrasts between combined means among team game female athletes of basketball, handball and football with regard to the sub-variable closeness from the variable coach-athlete relationship. The outcomes have been introduced in table-4 of LSD Post-hoc test.

Table-4. Analysis of Least Significant Difference (LSD) Post-hoc test among team game female athletes with regard to the sub-variable closeness

Result from table-4 revealed the significant differences between basketball and handball and handball and football team game female athletes, as the P-values .000 and .000 respectively were found smaller than 0.05 level of significance on the sub-variable closeness. The results in table-4 showed insignificant difference between basketball and football team game female athletes, as the P-value .269 was found more than the 0.05 level of significance on the sub-variable

figure-2 of mean scores as to the sub-variable closeness.


Graphical representation of mean scores with regard to the sub-variable closeness among team game basketball, handball and football female athletes

Table-5 Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) results among team game female athletes with regard to the sub-variable complementarity

It can be seen from table-5 that significant differences were found among team game female athletes (basketball, handball and football) as the P-value (Sig.) .000 was found smaller than 0.05 level of significance (p<0.05) with regard to the sub-variable complementarity Since the P-value found huge, along these lines, Post-hoc test Least Significant Difference (LSD) was utilized to consider the course and level of contrasts between matched means among team game female athletes of basketball, handball and football with regard to the sub-variable complementarity from the variable coach-athlete relationship. The outcomes have been introduced in table-6 of LSD Post-hoc test.

Post-hoc test among team game female athletes with regard to the sub-variable complementarity

Result from table-6 revealed the significant differences between basketball and handball, basketball and football and handball and football team game female athletes, as the P-values .000, .039 and .000 respectively were found smaller than 0.05 level of significance on the sub-variable complementarity. The graphical representation of mean scores with regard to the sub-variable complementarity has been exhibited in figure-3.


Graphical representation of mean scores with regard to the sub-variable complementarity among team game basketball, handball and football female athletes

Table-7 Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) among team game female athletes with regard to the variable coach-athlete relationship (total)

(Sig.) .000 was found smaller than 0.05 level of significance (p<0.05) with regard to the variable coach-athlete relationship (total).

Since the P-value found huge, in this manner, Least Significant Difference (LSD) Post-hoc test was connected to contemplate the bearing and level of contrasts between combined means among team game female athletes of basketball, handball and football with regard to the variable coach-athlete relationship (total). The aftereffects of have been introduced in table-8 LSD Post-hoc test.

Table-8 Analysis of Least Significant Difference (LSD) Post-hoc test among team game female athletes with regard to the variable coach-athlete relationship (total)

Result from table-8 revealed the significant differences between basketball and handball and handball and football team game female athletes, as the P-values .000 and .000 respectively were found smaller than 0.05 level of significance on the variable coach-athlete relationship (total). The results in table-8 showed insignificant difference between basketball and football team game female athletes, as the P-value .373 was found more than the 0.05 dimension of hugeness on the variable coach-athlete relationship (complete).The graphical representation of mean scores with regard to the variable coach-athlete relationship (total) has been exhibited in figure-4.

Graphical representation of mean scores with regard to the variable coach-athlete relationship (total) among team game basketball, handball and football female athletes


It is evident from the results that significant differences were found among team game female athletes on the on the sub-variables i.e. commitment, closeness, complementarity and coach-athlete relationship (total). It has been obtained that handball team female athletes were demonstrated significantly better on the above said sub-variables than basketball and football game female athletes. Olympiou et al. (2008) demonstrated that athlete's immediate and meta-impression of their association with the coach were exceedingly connected with the apparent coach-made persuasive atmosphere. The significance of this relationship originates from the way that coach impact athlete's lives in a plenty of various ways. A coach can impact the environment in which an athlete performs; for instance an inspirational atmosphere is said to be made by the coach from the view of the athlete. Rezania and Gurney (2014) expressed that responsibility to the coach is in this way a critical factor in clarifying the significance of the coach-athlete relationship for athlete's execution. Mansouri et al. (2014) stated that behavioural communication between coaches and athletes is an important issue in the field of sports and the evidence suggests that most athletes have achieved great successes as a result of having a basic relationship with their coaches. Jowett and Ntoumanis (2004) stated that commitment is an independent rational aspect that broadly refers to coaches‟ and athletes‟ intention to maintain their athletic relationship over time. Jowell and Cockerill (2003) explained that, irrespective of the level of performance, the better the perception of the athlete about the quality of its relationship with the coach, the better will be the player's trust in the abilities and limit of the gathering to effectively play out an errand. Short et al. (2005) found that medallists feel nearer and progressively dedicated to the coach, exhibiting that they see in the relational condition short-term, yet additionally long-term, strong personal and affective bonds of social support. It is concluded from the above results that significant differences were found among team game female athletes on the sub-variables i.e. commitment, closeness, complementarity and on the variable coach-athlete relationship (total). Handball game female athletes had exhibited significantly better on the sub-variables i.e. commitment, closeness, complementarity and on the variable coach-athlete relationship (total) than their counterpart basketball and football game female athletes.


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Corresponding Author Dr. Lakhveer Kaur*

Assistant Professor in Physical Education, Panjab University, Constituent College, Sikhwala