The Impact of Sport Expert’s Management for Sport Development in Three Zones in Amhara Region Ethiopia

Examining the Impact of Sport Expert's Management on Sport Development in Amhara Region, Ethiopia

by Daniel Getnet Admit*,

- Published in International Journal of Physical Education & Sports Sciences, E-ISSN: 2231-3745

Volume 14, Issue No. 1, Jan 2019, Pages 36 - 40 (5)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Human resource management can be described as a strategic, integrated and coherent approach to the employment, development and well-being of the people working in organizations. It has a strong conceptual basis drawn from the behavioral sciences and from strategic management, human capital and industrial relations theories. This foundation has been built with the help of a multitude of research projects (Armstrong, 2010). The present study attempts to investigate the impact of sport expert’s management for sport development in Amhara region, Ethiopia. To achieve the stated purpose, the researcher used cross sectional descriptive survey was conducted among 108 sport experts. A head delivered 42 standardized and 7 self administered questioners were used to collect data. SPSS version 23 was used for data entry and analysis. To check its Pearson correlation statistical and multiple liners regression analysis was applied p, 95. The results indicate that human resource management practices selection and hiring, working condition, performance appraisal, reward system, and employees training have low and not satisfactory which means, it did not allow to work with full potential, even if r= (.308, .411, .502, .638, .505) a significant positive correlation respectively, the model fit impact on independent variables contribute 46.2 towards change in the dependent variable and the single effect of each predictors indicated that hiring and selection, appraisal and employee training were B= -.008, B=.081, B=-.053, respectively. Working condition and reward B=.126 and B= .616. Meanwhile, the researcher confirmed through multiple regression each human resources function predict the potential for sports development and in the result, the working condition and reward system has a significant effect on sports development. On the other hand, performance appraisal and employees training have shown insignificant role and remain major challenges for the development of the Amhara region, Sport in Ethiopia. Furthermore the researchers recommend that the office should design and exercise a sound human resource management structure helps for the development of sport.


sport expert's management, sport development, Amhara region, Ethiopia, human resource management, behavioral sciences, strategic management, human capital, industrial relations, selection and hiring, working condition, performance appraisal, reward system, employee training, Pearson correlation, multiple linear regression, independent variables, dependent variable, potential for sports development, major challenges


Human resource management is an integrated, strategies and a coherent approach to employee management and seeks to achieve a competitive advantage through a highly committed and capable work forces to ensure the survival of the organizational success (Armstrong, 2010) still different Approaches of employee managements (Hard & Soft) approches leads organization success through human capital/ different experts (Miller & Stevens, 2012) even though its different (Beer, et al. 1984) contribute to organizational performance thoughts of School (organizational management and resource managers) leads high sustainable organizational success through human capital (Chelladurai, & Madella, 2006; Khasawneh, 2011, Raymond & Noe, 2011, Chandrakumara & Sparrow, 2004) available knowledge, skills, abilities, creativity, good working condition etc to converts to success by expertise available in the organization. There are several important human resource management practices that should support the organization‟s strategy: analyzing work and designing jobs, recruitment, and selection placement, training and development, employee performance evaluation employees rewarding, promotion, and grievance procedure and pension or social security. With effective human resource management practices, employees and customers tend to be more satisfied and the organization tends to be more innovative, have greater productivity and develop a more favorable reputation in the community (Reymond & Noe, 2011). Specifically sports industry must manage their time, energy loss, activities, money, and their experts to reach the goals of their organizations (Unlua 2012) In particular sport organizations must invest in their sport experts for the effective and efficient organizational operations (Khasawneh, 2011) and for Sustainable growth and success because

The linkage between expert‟s management practices and performance were published by (Gardner, Wright & Moynihan, 2011; Huselid 1995) thereafter a large number of researches were conducted on different sectors of different countries. Most of the researches showed significant impact of employee‟s management practices on employee‟s performance. Employee performance is directly linked with performance of the organization. The successful organizations consider the employees management practices as a crucial factor that directly affects the employee‟s performance. (Boselie, et al., 2005), human resource management was taken as a set of employee management practices. In today‟s global environment actual human resource practices are applied by line managers on a daily basis that positively impact employee‟s perception about expert‟s management practices applied to them (Purcell & Kinnie, 2007). The successful implementation or failure of human resource management practices depends on the skills of the managers (Guest, 2011).

Sports development refers to the gradual increase, attainment and advancement of sport from low level strata to a higher level or strata with suitable cognizance and consideration of the indices that enhance the realization and actualization of sports development (Yazid 2014). These indices include: sports policy, sports personnel, sports programme (training and competition), funding, facilities and sponsorship. Sports are a vital and dependable weapon for all kinds of battles; it is today‟s greater marketing instrument for political mass mobilization and for direct governance and anchorage for national and international unity (Kidd, 2008) whereas sport development in a traditional perspective is the provision of basic sports coaching; equipment and infrastructure is the central concern tool for the sport development and acquire all benefits of sport. However the development of sport is essentially a process that makes humans have much access to physical or physical activity and enables or empowers everyone to have the opportunity to grow and develop both physically, mentally, and socially in a plenary manner (Mutohir, et al, 2007). Little research has been conducted on the influence of human management practices for the sports development in Amhara region, Ethiopia. The present study was focused on employee‟s management practices: working condition, reward, appraisal, employees training and selection and hiring contribution to the sports development. Thus the main objective of this study was to investigate the impact of managing sport experts for sport development. And it was answered for the following research questions √ What is the relationship between sport experts management and sport development √ What are the potential sources for sport development in sport expert‟s perspectives?


The Amhara National Regional State is one of the nine regional states of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (FDRE). The region is divided in to 12 administrative zones (i.e. Agew Awi, W.Gojame, E.Gojame, N.Wello, S.wello, N.shewa, S.Gonder, N. Gonder, Middle Gondar, W. Gondar, Oromia and Wag Hemera,) and 3 metro pollutant city (i.e. Gondar, Bahir Dar, and Desie) administration. Howe ever the study was conducted in Amhara National Regional State, three zones which were selected out of 15 zones. These are Agew Awi, W. Gojame and S.Gondar zones. From three zones around 21 Woreda sport and youth office was included. 108 sport experts with age variation Age, 30.3%, between 20 to 29; 52.27% between 29 to 39; 12.13% between 40 to 49; 5.3% above 51 years, educational background, 4.55% MSC, 65.15% Degree, 30.3% Diploma holders and their Specialization 86.32% were sport, in sport, music, art and physical education and 13.63% other; Experience in years 19.96% less <2; 9 %, b/n 3 to 7; 38.63 %, b/n 8 to 12; & 32.5 % , >12 years of service; Position 15.9% was political nominees, 18.7% sport line managers and 65.9% sport experts were the subject of the study.


Descriptive survey this is because the survey design is preferable to conduct research employing large number of people questioning about their attitudes & opinions towards the specific issue, events or phenomena (Marczyk & Dematteo, 2005) specifically Cross-Sectional Descriptive Survey because the data were collected at one point in time from the sample respondents to describe the total population. Analysis of the Study Percent, Correlation & Regression analysis were employed so as to see the status, relationship and effects of the variables were done by using IBM SPSS version 23. During the analysis, the critical value to determine significance is set to be < 0.05 (95 %) and descriptions were made based on the results through tables. Correlation analysis was discussed based on the (Hopkins, et al 2009) standards ( .< 0.1, Trivial; .>0.1----0.3, Small; .> 0.3----0.5, Moderate; .>0.5---0.7, Large; .>0.7---0.9, Very large; .>0.9--1.0) Almost perfect.

Instruments of data collection and its reliability

The research was used the following methods in order to gather the required information from selected questionnaire from 18/06/2010 to28/06/2010 E.C by the researcher.

Table:-1 Instruments of data collection and its reliability

The reliability were shows that, recruitment & selection was measured by 9 items and had a (α = .813), training & development scale measured by 9 items and had (α = .857), employee performance appraisal was measured through 9 items and had (α =.911), reward system was also measured by 7 item scale and had (α =.889), working condition the last human resource management practice of the study was also measured by 7 item and had (α =.878) and the dependent variable sport development was also measured by 7 items and the Cronbach‟s alpha value of (α =.931).


Table 2: The Pearson correlation analysis between sport experts management and sport development (N=108) Correlations

The above table2 shows that the Pearson correlation matrix‟s between all independent and dependant variables is observed that there is a means there is moderate degree of correlation between selection and hiring and sport development,( r=.411**) moderate degree of correlation between working condition and Sport development, (r=.502**) means that there is large degree of correlation between performance appraisal and sport development,(r=.638**) there is large degree of correlation between reward system and sport development and (r= .505**) it means there is large degree of correlation between employees training and sport development.

Table 3: The model fit analysis between managing sport experts and sport development

Table 3 shows, the combined effect of i.e. R2 value (0.462) indicates 46.2% variation in sport development is due to proposed model. That means the predictors has positive impact on sport development. Therefore it is proved that all independent variables together contribute positively towards change in the dependant variables. However the remaining 53.8 percent is not depicted in the model. This variance has highly significant as indicated by the F value (F=17.5388 and P < 0.01) even though it‟s below half.

Table 4:- The ANOVA analysis of predictors and dependent variables

The above table 4 illustrated the ANOVA result the model which can help to show the joint significance of the predictors on the dependent variable the results of F-statistics values of 17.530and significant level 0.000 b indicated that the regression model used is good fit. The result of ANOVA test in regression analysis reveal that the model is statically significant.

Table fife shows, regression analysis of independently the sport experts management on the sports development dependent variable. As the result indicated hiring and selection, appraisal and employee training were B= -.008, B=.081, B=-.053, respectively. Working condition and reward B=.126 and B= .616. These reflect that when the independent variable changes by one then the effectiveness of the dependent variable (sports development) changed with the indicated coefficient. Overall, selection and hiring had the least effect on sports development followed by employees training and performance appraisal respectively. However, the reward system and working condition was a good effect on sports development.


The study revealed that there is a significant positive correlation between human resource management practice (selection and hiring, working condition, performance appraisal, reward system and employees training) and sport development. The research conducted by (Singh 2004, Qureshi et al., 2006) indicates that there is a positive relationship/ correlation between human resource management practice and employees performance similarly the study is consistent with Qureshi et al. (2010), Chen, 2009, Khan (2010), Huselid (1995), Rizov and Croucher (2009), even though the topographic and organizational structure but have positive correlation. Sport experts management practices have an impact of nearly 46.2 percent on sport development. This is consistent with the research done by Chew and Basu (2005) and Khandekar and Sharma (2005) even though the degree, topography is different the study showed human resource management practice and activates have significant impact on the employees performance (Tabui and Nura, 2013), it can concluded that human resource management practice can enhance the employees level of performance which influence the sport development (Khalid, et al., 2014). Thus, this form of analysis could help organizations to realize and be more aware of the importance of human resource practices and the The regression analysis shows that two human resource management practices have the highest significant influence/ effect on sport development during the study period: Working Condition and total reward system. Whereas selection and hiring, employees training and performance appraisal results was not significantly influence to sport development, even if it has positive and significant correlation to sport development.


The overall purpose of this study was to examine the” The impact of sport experts management in sport development” with reference of some selected human resource management practice variables. To show the opinions of the respondent‟s percent were employed, the distribution of sample unite age, the age distribution of the respondents 30.3% (20-29), 52.27% (30-39), 12.13% (40-49) and 5.3% (above 50) years, educational back ground 4.5 % masters, 65.15% degree and 30.3% of them are diploma holders, from them 86.37 % sport science and the remaining 13.63 % specialization in other disciplines and year of service, 19.69 % less than 2 years, 9%(2-5), 38.63% (6-10),and 32.53 more than 10 years work in sport and youth office. In terms of position 15.9 political nominees, 18.7 sport office line managers and 65.9 of them are sport experts were included in the studies. To analysis the relationship between independent and dependent values the Pearson product movement correlation was used. It shows that there is a significant and positive correlation i.e. selection and hiring, working condition performance appraisal reward system employees training have (r=.308**, r=.411**, r=.502**, r=.638**, r= .505**) respectively in sport development. To predict the development of sport the human resource management practice as predictor variable, multiple liner regression was used. The Coefficient of determination i.e. R2 value (0.462) indicates 46.2% variation in sport development is due to proposed model. The first number in the regression equation is the constant term which shows that other variable being zero the effectiveness of internal audit is -.120. The coefficients β1, β2, β3, β4, and β5 were, -.008, .126, .081, .616 and -.053 respectively. These reflect that when the independent variables change by one then the effectiveness of sport development also changed with the indicated coefficients.


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Corresponding Author Daniel Getnet Admit*

Lecturer, Bahir Dar University, Sport Academy, Ethiopia