An Analysis upon Physical Fitness Ability in Hockey/Football Players: A Review

Comparative Analysis of Physical Fitness in Intercollegiate Football and Hockey Players

by Amandeep Kaur*,

- Published in International Journal of Physical Education & Sports Sciences, E-ISSN: 2231-3745

Volume 14, Issue No. 1, Jan 2019, Pages 88 - 92 (5)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Fitness is the way to make an amazing most. Exercise is a significant key for an absolute fitness, standard exercise is important to create and keep up an ideal wellbeing. The motivation behind this examination was to look at the physical fitness variables among intercollegiate level men football and hockey players. To achieve the objective of the momentum investigate thirty Intercollegiate Football and Hockey Men Players who were dynamic in sports age gone from 18 to 28 years of age haphazardly chosen players of Haryana.


physical fitness, ability, hockey, football, players, review, exercise, health, intercollegiate level, men


Physical fitness is the ability to do every day errands with power and sharpness, without undue fatigue and with plentiful vitality to engage in recreation interests and to meet crisis situations. Physical fitness is checked by execution, and this exhibition depends on a composite of numerous elements. The most regularly referenced fitness elements are speed, control, endurance, balance, adaptability, co-appointment and precision. Physical fitness is the most significant factor for the advancement in the general life just as, field of sports if the residents of the nation need to improve in any field might be sports or general life. Physical fitness is basic. It is consequently the duty of each nation to advance physical fitness of its natives on the grounds that physical fitness is the essential necessities for the undertakings to be under taken by a person in his life. There isn't any estimation of physical fitness and no single method for accomplishing it. Be that as it may, there are four significant characteristics which add to in general fitness; they are speed, quality, stamina and adaptability. "The accomplishment of complete fitness relies on consolidating these four principle strands quality, speed, stamina and adaptability" The 11 parts of general fitness are included 5 segments that are considered the "most significant" for being sound and physically fit and 6 segments that are more skill-related. The 5 parts of physical fitness that are most significant, straightforwardly identified with one's wellbeing, and can be legitimately estimated are: cardiovascular endurance, touchy quality, solid endurance, adaptability, and deftness. These Health-related parts of physical fitness are utilized to gauge customers 'fitness levels so as to recommend the proper exercise program for every person. At that point there are 6 parts of physical fitness that are more skill-related or potentially sports - related. These include: nimbleness, balance, coordination, control, response time, and speed. These skills - related parts of physical fitness are legitimately identified with sports and every day exercises. Physical fitness is the center of sports. Physical fitness of a player is affected by age, sex, diet and condition. Genuine co-arrangement of these components can lead a player to the zenith execution. In combative games like Football physical fitness accept a basic activity. All things considered physical fitness is the prime model for endurance, to achieve any goal and to have a sound presence. Physical fitness can be recorded by means of cardiopulmonary adequacy test like Physical Fitness Index (PFI %) which is an astounding pointer of cardiopulmonary efficiency. The American Alliance for Health, Physical, Education Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD) recommended this test to consider prosperity related physical fitness program in youth. Physical fitness has been portrayed from various perspectives. It is a multidimensional thought that has been described as a great deal of parts that people get that relates to the capability to perform physical development. It is incorporated skill related, prosperity related and physiologic fragments. Effect of movement to have a nice physical fitness is remarkable since out of date Vedas. Physical fitness of a player relies upon the idea of his game and furthermore outer conditions. Different physical fitness components, for example, speed, endurance, dexterity and quality develop with the congruity of training burden and game's inclination. Court and field games like handball, football, volleyball, basketball and hockey help in creating quality and speed of the players while different games like boxing; acrobatic, wrestling and so on create deftness and intensity of its players better. Physical

dexterity and quality develop with the coherence of training burden and game's tendency. Court and field games like handball, football, volleyball, basketball and hockey help in creating quality and speed of the players while different games like boxing; acrobatic, wrestling and so on create dexterity and intensity of its players better. Speed is the ability to move rapidly over the ground or move appendages quickly to snatch or toss. Speed isn't exactly how quick somebody can run (or cycle, swim and so forth.), however is subject to their increasing speed (how rapidly they can quicken from a stationary position), maximal speed of development, and furthermore speed support (limiting deceleration). Development speed requires great quality and power, yet in addition a lot of body weight and air obstruction can act to slow the individual down. Notwithstanding a high extent of quick jerk muscle filaments, it is fundamental to have productive mechanics of development to upgrade the muscle control for the most practical development procedure. Research has demonstrated that speed can be upgraded by fortifying the muscles. One of the most significant bio motor abilities required in sports is speed, or ability to travel or move rapidly. From a mechanical perspective, speed is communicated through a proportion among reality. The term speed consolidates three components: (I) response time; (ii) recurrence of development per time unit and (iii) speed of movement over a given separation. Research Studies have uncovered that response time is autonomous of speed. In spite of the fact that it is additionally realized that physical training effectsly affects both response time and speed, the connection between response time and speed has not been widely researched in the writing. In the physical instruction field a few sports exercises like field games (football and hockey) and long separation running need oxygen consuming ability to play out the action in a superior way. The vertical hopping ability and adaptability is significant for the basketball and volleyball players to demonstrate a superior playing execution. Nimbleness additionally moderately helps the players in driving the game easily. The world as far as observer sports. It is quick, brisk and forceful. They are considered as strenuous games in light of the fact that the games requests a high level of fitness just as insight and sharpness of brain, speed, deftness, bouncing ability which are the fundamental characteristics for the players. To accomplish the most ideal presentation, the training must be detailed by the standards of per iodization. The training actuated changes saw in body composition. Sports and games in current occasions have taken a distinct shape in examination with the youthful and informal plays of old occasions. Today sports are getting to be proficient; players are winning a great denied. Notwithstanding the battling mentality between the contenders, sports bring the various countries closer and set up fellowship and kinship between the individuals of various nations. Physical fitness is the ability to complete day by day undertakings power and sharpness, without undue fatigue, and with plentiful vitality to engage in a relaxation time interests and to meet the better than expected physical anxieties experienced in crisis situations. Physical fitness is the ability to complete sensibly well different types of physical exercises without being unduly drained and incorporates characteristics critical to the person's wellbeing and prosperity. Sports are basically that part of human action, which reinforces the incorporation of the body and the psyche. Fitness is significant at all levels of the game, while being fundamental for top level players; it is gainful for tenderfoots who will improve both their viability and delight through great norms of fitness. Fitness empowers a player to adapt to the physical requests of the game just as allowing the proficient utilization of his different specialized and strategic capabilities all through the match. Speed is highly fundamental in all the ball games, football and handball hostile and guarded player are to have great speed so that however trades of positions are uncommon. It might be expected of them if time requests. Deftness is the physical ability that empowers an individual to quickly alter body position and course in an exact way. Readiness is the ability to alter course rapidly and successfully, while moving as right on time as conceivable at max throttle. The crude man might be the very idea of his every day exercises, assemble a solid body superior to the humanized man in present day cultivate apparatus world, the change for the physical exercises are less a direct result of the creation of PC thus numerous different gadgets the interest in the physical movement is to kept up a decent wellbeing. The world wellbeing association has characterized wellbeing as a state of complete physical mental as social prosperity. Physical training field serves a great deal for a person to be sound individual. Fitness is the way to make an amazing most. Exercise is a significant key for an absolute fitness, ordinary exercise is important to create and keep up an ideal wellbeing. The starting point of football can be found in each edge of topography and history. In England football truly started to make stride. Everything began England. The plays of football need highest level of cardio respiratory endurance. Basketball game plays fundamental quality requirement for speed and deftness. The reason for study was to discover football, hockey and basketball players of speed and cardio respiratory endurance. Motor fitness has been characterized as a status or readiness for execution with required for huge muscle movement without undue fatigue (Barrow). It incorporates the limit of individual to move proficiently and with quality and power over a sensible time allotment. Motor fitness is, just a restricted period of physical exercises which incorporates, in any event average limit in wide assortment of essential' s. Motor exercises, balance, adaptability, spryness. Power and the movement are adequate in any game. For instance in swimming it will turned into the ability to swim and ability to spare life. In average skill, the running, hopping, climbing, creeping and tossing are the essential skills which make major and all these are highly identified with aggregate fitness in some way and these can't be isolated into separable parts for advancement.



In the present examination 90 (45 Football and 45 Hockey) players having a place with Haryana of various levels of investment was chosen as subject. They are partition in three classifications i.e. first level (state/between school) second level (intervarsity/national) and third level (international) has a place with Haryana state. Every one of the subjects had over 5 years of training age. These players are as yet dynamic entertainers amid gathering of information. They are in the age group of 18 to 28. The examiner was discover the relationship among variables with the distinctive level of interest. The information identified with motor fitness was gathered with the Barrow motor ability test (1957). The group comprised of examiner and four to five collaborators (physical training educators, mentors and senior Players was reached the Principals of organizations, Director of sports, secretary of Football/Hockey Association and so on. The motivation behind the examination was disclosed to them and in the wake of guaranteeing that the players (subjects) was available in all the test things.

Statistical Tools -

To discover the connection between the motor fitness segments and execution in Football and Hockey game was set up for everything by registering Pearson Product Movement Method of co-effective of correlation was utilized. To achieve the goal of the investigation which is to contrast motor fitness variables and distinctive level of cooperation to test the speculation and.05 level of criticalness was utilized for test the significant correlation.

Table 1: Correlation of Barrow motor ability of Football/Hockey players Between State and National

Table - 1 demonstrates that the correlations of Football/Hockey players among state and national players, Ball put, Push up, Sit Ups, 50 m Dash, 600 Run/Walk are positive yet not significant at.01 level of centrality. Just Zig Zag run, has negative and significant correlation among state and national players at.05 level of significant.

Table 2: Correlation of Barrow motor ability of Football/Hockey players between State and International

Table - 2 demonstrates that the correlations of Football/Hockey players among state and international players of Ball put and 600 Run/Walk are high positive and significant at.01 level of importance and Zig Zag run, Push up, Sit Ups, 50 m Dash, are positive however not noteworthiness at.01 level of essentialness.

Table 3: Correlation of Barrow motor ability of Football/Hockey players Between national and International

Table - 3 demonstrates that the correlations of Football/Hockey players among national and international players, and 600 Run/Walk are frail positive and not significant at.01 level of criticalness though Ball put and Sit Ups has powerless negative correlation among national and international Football players at.05 level of significant.

training period surely have positive impact on physical fitness and can be utilized to segregate appropriately higher and lower level Football players. Estimations of PFI are generously superior or higher than standardizing esteems for comparatively aged untrained people inferable from training. This investigation has possessed the capacity to support the way that upgraded motor abilities assume a vital job in enhancing combat execution, and adding to short and long haul strength of athletes. Football athletes routinely lessen their body mass to contend in chosen weight classes and to streamline their capacity amid combat. The body mass recorded in this examination associates with information esteems announced in past investigations and have been prescribed to encourage execution and keep up great wellbeing.


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Corresponding Author Amandeep Kaur* BPE, BPED, M.SC (Sports Science)