A Comparative Study of Endurance and Aggression among Rural area Players and Urban Area Players Raigad District

by Vinod Naik*, Dr. Nilesh Bansode,

- Published in International Journal of Physical Education & Sports Sciences, E-ISSN: 2231-3745

Volume 14, Issue No. 1, Jan 2019, Pages 173 - 175 (3)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Personality and sport has proved a rather more fruitful area of study, and some important differences between the personalities of successful athletes in different sports have emerged. This is perhaps unsurprising when we consider the varying demands of different sports. In the Schurz (1977) study, although relatively few differences emerged between athletes and non-athletes, considerable differences were found between team and individual players. Team players emerged as more anxious and extrovert than individual competitors. Another important distinction has emerged between the personalities of those taking part in high- and low-risk sports. Breivik (1996) administered the 16PF to 38 elite Norwegian climbers and found a distinctive profile characterized by very high levels of stability, extraversion and adventure seeking. In another study, Freixanet (1999) administrated the EPQ to a range of high-risk sports participants, including 72 mountaineers, and a control group of low-risk athletes.


endurance, aggression, rural area players, urban area players, personality, sport, successful athletes, team players, individual players, high-risk sports


This is perhaps unsurprising when we consider the varying demands of different sports. In the Schurz (1977) study, although relatively few differences emerged between athletes and non-athletes, considerable differences were found between team and individual players. Team players emerged as more anxious and extrovert than individual competitors. Another important distinction has emerged between the personalities of those taking part in high- and low-risk sports. Breivik (1996) administered the 16PF to 38 elite Norwegian climbers and found a distinctive profile characterized by very high levels of stability, extraversion and adventure seeking. In another study, Freixanet (1999) administrated the EPQ to a range of high-risk sports participants, including 72 mountaineers, and a control group of low-risk athletes. The mountaineers and other high-risk athletes were characterized by significantly higher levels of extraversion and low levels of neuroticism. Other high-risk sports have also attracted attention. Using the NEO-PI, Diehm&Armatas (2004) compared the personality of 44 golfers (low-risk) and 41 surfers (high-risk). Surfers emerged as significantly higher on the openness scale, meaning that they were more open to new experiences.


Extroverted people are often involved in sports which require a degree of aggression. Aggression can be a negative, although as long as it is controlled, it can also become a positive. There are two types of aggression: Indirect aggression • This means taking the aggression out on an object • For example the ball in golf, tennis or football Direct aggression • The aggression is in the direction of another player • Involves physical contact such as a rugby tackle or in wrestling or boxing Aggression can sometimes be the same as being assertive and determined, in non-contact sports especially, this is usually a good thing. In contact sports, aggression, if uncontrolled, can lead to rule breaking and injuring the opponent. Amsterdam: North-Holland] and the Telic/Paratelic State Instrument. Subjects also completed an Injury Behaviour Checklist giving information on the objective risk of the sports pursued. Risk sportsmen scored significantly lower than safe sportsmen on the TDS total score and on the Serious-Mindedness and Arousal Avoidance subscales, but there were no significant differences in Planning Orientation. Risk sportsmen scored significantly higher than safe on total NDS and on the Proactive subscale but not on the Reactive subscale. Analysis of T/PSI scores showed that both groups remained in their dominant state throughout the time course of the investigation. Risk sportsmen received more frequent and more serious injuries throughout the period of study and both TDS and NDS scores were significantly correlated with number of injuries. Discussion of high-risk sport as a way of meeting arousal, escape addictions and preventing injuries.


1) To examine the Endurance and Aggression among Urban Area Players and Rural Area Players of Raigad District.


1) Urban Area Players have significantly high endurance than the Rural Area Players of Raigad District. 2) Urban Area have significantly high aggression than the Rural Area Players of Raigad District.


For the present study 100 Sample were selected from Raigad District, India. The effective sample consisted of 100 subjects, out of whom 50 Urban Area and 50 Rural Area Players of Raigad District. The age range of subjects was 17-20 years Ratio were 1:1; Non- probability accidental and purposive sampling was used.

Tools :Tripathi Personal Preference Schedule (TPPS):

This test is developed and standardized by Ram Rishi Tripathi. The 225 items are rated on a two ‗ka‘ or ‗kha‘ alternatives. These two sets of co-efficient: one for internal consistency and the order for stability are 76 items and it highly valid.

Procedures of data collection

For data collection first permission has been taken from respective sources than the response has been selected for data collection. Personal data sheet (PDS) has been given to players for collect the preliminary information with respect to subject‘s related variables then standardized test administer to the subjects. Before that rapport was established with subjects. And they have been told that their responses were kept confidential and the information is used for research purpose only.


Independent Variable:

a) Urban Area Players Raigad District b) Rural Area Players Raigad District 2) Aggression


Urban Area and Rural Area Players Shows the mean S.D and t value of “Personality characteristics” Urban Area and Rural Area Players Shows the mean

Result: The results related to the hypothesis have been recorded. Mean of Endurance of the Urban Area Player Mean is 14.73 and Rural Area Players of Raigad District. Mean is 12.03 the difference between the two mean is highly significant (‗t‘= 8.73, df =198, P < 0.01). Aggression of the Urban Area Player Mean is 14.11 and Rural Area Players of Raigad District. Mean is 11.29 the difference between the two mean is highly significant (‗t‘= 7.14, df =198, P < 0.01).


1. Urban Area players have significantly high endurance than the Rural Area Players of Raigad District. 2. Urban Area players have significantly high aggression than the Rural Area Players of Raigad District.

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Corresponding Author Mr. Vinod Naik*

Research Scholar, Swami Vivekanand University, Sagar (MP)