Study on Low Popularity of Indoor Games in Bhopal

Exploring the Factors Influencing the Low Popularity of Indoor Games in Bhopal

by Dr. Sangeetika Mishra*, Dr. Sanjeev Mishra,

- Published in International Journal of Physical Education & Sports Sciences, E-ISSN: 2231-3745

Volume 14, Issue No. 1, Jan 2019, Pages 181 - 184 (4)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Presented study on low popularity of Indoor Games in Bhopal gives an introductory overview about games and sports, where we have given the details like difference between sports and games. Then we discussed about various elements, characteristics and types of sports. Then outline of history of games in India get briefly communicated. After that we moved to the main focus of the study that is Indoor games. We have also spoken about organization and institutions and their facilities which promote Indoor sports.


low popularity, indoor games, Bhopal, introductory overview, difference, sports, games, elements, characteristics, types, history, India, organization, institutions, facilities, promote


An Indoor game can be classified into three main features as: 1) Board games 2) Games that demand voluntary movements of body 3) Card games Board games like Chess, ludo and snake and ladder and many more are registered as being too old and boorish in nature to the youth of the day. The younger‘s are more fascinated and engaged with brain games they can glue with indoors all the time such as computer games, mobile game monopoly, solving a business riddle, so on and so forth. The kid of all ages and adults like Indoor game with body movement like Table Tennis, Badminton, Swimming etc. because it allows them to run and be active and it has a competitive aspect. These Indoor game works in whole body movement builds endurance and helps to develop motor ability.


• Bowling alley • Billiards • Squash • Carrom • Chess • Table-Tennis • Boxing • Futsal – Variant of Football (Indoor game) • Badminton • Swimming • Combative Sports • Martial arts • Yoga • Role ball skating


• To know about the status of all indoor sports and games • To be acquainted with the level of recognition of Indoor games • To understand the benefits of Popularity for a indoor games • To evaluate the reasons behind low attractiveness of indoor sports and games • To study about the initiative taken by various agencies for promotion of indoor games and sports


H01: Male and female differ in their opinion on interrupting factors to Indoor game H02: Male and female show a higher choice of outdoor games over Indoor games


The method of data collection of present study is divided into primary and secondary level. At primary level data was collected through scheduled questionnaire filled by various players (both Indoor and Outdoor) of Bhopal city, whereas secondary data was collected through the various sources such as Internet, magazines, journals and government, private and research publications.


Madhya Pradesh is divided into ten divisions and these divisions cover 51 districts. Bhopal division has been chosen for the proposed field work on the basis of convenience, i.e., Convenience sampling. From the survey area 200 respondents were selected and questionnaire was given to them from the respondents answer. Respondents here consists of the players for both indoor and outdoor games and sports.


• The study is limited to 4 major Districts of Madhya Pradesh • Secondary Data was collected through Internet, Journals, Newspapers, magazines and entire study is based on such data. • Popularity can be affected by various other factors as well but we have considered only few


1. Outdoor V/S Indoor Game, by tanyakaushal30, August 2012 Games, even if it is in a room or in a field, games be able to make you relax and take your stress from office works, assignments, and largely to take away problems. They are very entertaining, but still they have their difference that can make the two types of games very special. Indoor games are usually things that are fun to do even inside the house, halls, rooms, etc. it is usually the board games, relays, card games and other fun games you can do without getting all sweaty and tired because of the sun. Indoor games can be played even if the place is not that spacious like outdoor games that you have to use a field or court just so you can properly play the game. The mostly it takes a lot of people to play a single game, balls, bats, and other rackets are usually used in outdoor games and unlike indoor gaming, outdoor games are good for people who are proactive and are in much of very tiring and exhausting sports just like basketball, soccer, baseball, football and many more. Indoor games can be very interesting because it uses our mind to think and find a way to win, even if outdoor games use also our minds to think, our body does the effort more. Similarities of the two types are it does enhance our senses and our body, games are good to our health and in addition, we gain more friends.

2. Benefits of Indoor playgrounds for children’s, by Nicolas Breedlove.

There must have been plenty of times when children will have been holed up in the house due to inclement weather like rain or snow, venting their displeasure at the parents and throwing tantrums, releasing pent up energy. This is the time when investing in a children‘s indoor playground will prove to be a boon as the little ones will be happiest when they investigate every corner of the playground with their friends. It will be like a fantasy come true for the children and for you it will spell fewer arguments. Indoor playgrounds have become a popular option for any parent that wants a place to let their children exercise and run loose. . These playgrounds are equipped with slides, obstacle courses, interactive toy set ups, play rooms, ball pits and other interactive games, proving to be extremely popular among children and parents alike 3. Indoor Sports in India, by Devendra Bhardwaj

The Indian sports persons have perform far away recovered in Indoor games like Billiards, Chess and Table game like carom. Billiards has the unique four world champions in Wilson Jones, Michael Ferreira, Geet Sethi and Manoj Kothari. Wilson Jones, the pioneering hero, won the world billiards championship twice in 1958 and 1964.GeetSethi won the world professional title four times in 1992, 1993, 19958 and 1998E. Manoj Kothari won the world amateur billiards title in 1990. Satish Mohan, Subhash Agrawal, Ashok, Shandilya and Devendra Joshi are the other prominent cueists to perform creditably. Om Agrawal was the lone Indian to win the world title in snooker in 1984 in Dublin, Ireland.


Analysis of the survey along with testing of hypothesis. The major focus of study to find out why Indoor sports are less popular and what can be done to improve the situation. Male and female differ in their opinion on interrupting factors to Indoor games.

0.05 level of significance. Hence, Male and female differed in their opinion on interrupting factors to indoor games. Male and female differ in their opinion on interrupting factors to outdoor games The stated hypothesis was tested by using Chi-Square test. The calculated value of chi square at 1.43 stood significant with its p value higher than 0.05 level of significance. Hence, Male and female did not differ in their opinion on interrupting factors to outdoor games.


Male and female show a higher choice for outdoor games over Indoor games The stated hypothesis was tested by using Chi-Square test. The calculated value of chi square at 15.847 stood significant with its p value lower than 0.05 level of significance. Hence, Male and Female respondents showed a higher choice for outdoor games over indoor games.


► The existing figure for a role of low popularity of Indoor games in Bhopal is out of a 200 respondents. It is marked that the ratio of males and females in the category has drastic response towards the urge for an indoor game consisting of only 167 males compared with 33 females. ► Out of the noticeable individuals it is found that the followers for the sports are: sports personnel, sport coaches of various training centres and little interest being shown by members of the public towards indoor games. ► The findings available is based on the specific categorization of the individuals according to their age discrimination because that provided a clear—cut indication and a precise knowledge to maintain a positive research analysis of the obtainable figures, respectively. ► There were in total four different districts only around Bhopal region targeted for collection of data under various sources so that accurate ground reality with adequate resources is helpful for the research thesis.


Based on the research hypothesis for a low popularity of Indoor Games in Bhopal city the testing phase of the games has been found to be under a very modest interest among males and females collectively advocated. The drastic change for acceptance of games always is a challenging criteria due to its twisted variations based on public‘s mentality and a touch of ease towards indoor games. The calculated value is the value to define the overall future of the views public will have towards the games. Sometimes the opinions were interrupted due to factors hampering up the decisions individuals had game.

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Corresponding Author Dr. Sangeetika Mishra*

Assistant Professor, The Bhopal School of Social Sciences, Bhopal