Regular Physical Exercise, Yoga Practice and Balance Diet: Beneficial for Overall Health Wellbeing

The Importance of Regular Physical Exercise, Yoga Practice, and Balance Diet in Maintaining Overall Health Wellbeing

by Neeraj Sharma*, Shafqit Hussain Shah,

- Published in International Journal of Physical Education & Sports Sciences, E-ISSN: 2231-3745

Volume 14, Issue No. 2, Apr 2019, Pages 17 - 19 (3)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Regular physical exercise, yoga and Balance diet is very important for every person in the Modern world and also prevent them from many diseases. Poor nutrition, inadequate physical exercise and yoga practice is a risk factor for many diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, obesity etc. In the present society that is moving towards a more sedentary lifestyle, it is very essential for everyone to increase daily physical exercise and yoga practice helps to improve cardiovascular fitness and also control obesity level. Eating right type of nutrition keep the body healthy throughout the life and important for every person at any age. Physical activity and yoga practice are any form of movement or as anas that uses energy. Regular physical exercise, yoga practice and combine with balance diet are the cornerstone of good health and help to prevent malnutrition and diseases.


regular physical exercise, yoga practice, balance diet, overall health wellbeing, poor nutrition, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, obesity, sedentary lifestyle, cardiovascular fitness, eating right, nutrition, physical activity, malnutrition, diseases


Regular Physical exercise and yoga practice will improve the function of lungs and heart to most efficiently burn off excess calories and help to control obesity. Physical activity and yoga practice helps to improve muscle strength, increase flexibility of joints and improve enduranceability. Another main advantage of physical exercise and yoga practice is that it reduces the risk of heart disease, the leading cause of death in overall developing and developed countries. Another, it can decrease your risk of stroke, colon cancer, diabetes and high blood pressure. Regular exercise and yoga practice is one of the very important things for every personto remain fit, healthy and free from diseases and there is no need to visit the doctor, hospitalization and medication. It is very beneficial for every person to enjoy the activity and regenerate the energy; increase the level of happiness in your life, and along with reduces the symptoms of stress, depression and anxiety. Try to find some recreational activities that give you pleasure, fun, energy which help them to maintain good health. Consuming healthy and balance diet throughout life course helps prevent malnutrition and reduce the risk of many diseases. Inadequate physical activity and overeating is highly risk factor for many diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, cancer and diabetes.


Before and after the exercise warm up and cool down is necessary to prepare the body for activity and increase the blood flow of the body and help to minimize the chance of injury. Duration of the warming up is 6 to 12 minutes is sufficient for moderate type of activity like Walking, Jogging, Running, recreational activity with and without ball, participation in games and sports, gym, Swimming etc. It can improve your fitness level and duration of the activity should be 20 to 30 minutes sufficient and after the activity cooling down exercises should be performed such as jogging, flexibility and stretching exercises and these exercise help to lowering the body temperature and remove the soreness and stiffness.


The word Yoga is derived from Sanskrit word ‗‘YUJ‘‘ meaning to yoke, join or unite Yoga is the art and science of improving physical fitness and mental ability that has its origin in India.Regular practice of yoga practitioners experience improved states of well being ,including physically , physiologically and emotionally ( Harinath et al.,2004) . Yoga improve the quality of life at so many levels. Yoga helps to maintain bond between health and beauty. The aim of yoga is balance the mind and development of physical ability of the body. It's also help to gain

properly and efficiently. Yoga practicing not only help to improve the health condition of the human being but it also makes them psychologically, physiologically and emotionally strong. It also helps to reduce our stress, tension and helps us to lead a peaceful life. It develops ability to control our sense organs to function properly. It also help to cures many chronic diseases to benefit health of the individual. The effects are as under: 1. Improve cardiovascular system: Regular practice of yogic asanas and pranayams improve the efficiency of cardiovascular system and strengthens the respiratory muscles and other organs to maximum level. 2. Improve functioning of Digestive organs: Regular practice of yoga asanas and pranayams improve the function of digestive organs. It helps to improve the functioning of digestive glands and it also help to improve the immune system of the body. 3. Physical purity: Various yogic exercises cleans internal body organ. Neti, Dhoti and Nauli etc are such exercises which keeps the internal organ of our body in clean state. 4. Help to prevent disease: Yoga practice prevents many diseases like cold, cough, asthma, gastric problem, constipation, piles, high blood pressure etc. 5. Reduce stresses and tension: Yoga helps in reduce stresses and tension. It helps to freshens our mind and soul completely. Some asanas like Markarasana, shalabhasana, suptasana etc are very effective for releasing the stress and tension. 6. Yoga beautify the body: Everyone in the world want to become fit, because unfit people are usually not liked by anyone. Various exercises are best means for getting rid of this problem. Regular practice of yoga makes the body strong, beautiful and perfect. Mayurasana is helpful for maintaining the facial beauty and keep the face bright.


Regular Physical exercise improves the quality of physical fitness and overall development of the body. It has many benefits, including growth and development, help to prevent aging, strengthening the muscles, development of bones, improve the joints flexibility, improve the fitness of cardiovascular system, and also enjoyment. Regular physical exercises improve the cancer, diabetes and high blood pressure. Regular exercise is one of the very important things for every person to remain fit, healthy and free from diseases and there is no need to visits to the doctor, hospitalization and medication. It is very beneficial for every person to enjoy the activity and regenerate the energy; increase the level of happiness in your life, and along with reduces the symptoms of stress, depression and anxiety. Apart from the health benefits, they also help to individual to stay active and enjoy the environment of one's culture. It makes individual social .When individual choose to exercise outdoor they can congregate in groups, socialize, and appreciate life.


Strengthen Cardiovascular System:-

Many studies have shown that academic pressure in young generation and stress in life increases the risk of cardiovascular disease in latter life but these risks can be reduced with the help of regular physical exercise (Ahaneku et. al., 2000). Inadequate physical activity, yoga practice and balance diet increase the risk of heart attack, stroke and many other diseases. Improves muscles and bones Strength:- It is very essential for life to protect the bones, joints, and muscles, they not only support our body to move but they also help the body tobe able to do our daily activities and be physically active. Strengthening of muscles helpas the individual to increase or maintain the muscle strength. Strong muscles and ligaments reduce your risk of joint and lower back pain by keeping joints pain in proper alignment. Research show that regular physical activity, strengthening exercise for muscles and bones at least moderate intensity level can slow the loss of bone density that comes with age. Preventing Obesity:- Overweight and obesity are associated with increased the risk for hypertension, osteoarthritis, abnormal cholesterol and triglyceride levels, type 2 diabetes etc. Obesity is a major health problem all over the world. Balance diet practiced, regular physical exercise and yoga play a very significant role in controlling your weight. Regular exercise and balance diet can help to reduce body fat. Ccardiovascular exercise of moderate intensity will help the individual to reduce and maintain the weight with the sufficient period of 5-7 days per week.


Nutrition is very important thing for keeping the body healthy at any age. Nutrition means eating proper


prevent malnutrition in all its forms as well as range of non-communicable diseases and condition( WHO,2015). Many research shows that People who take balance diet enjoys their lives more, live longer and are at a low risk of disease. By eating right food, reducing our intake of fat and sugar, along with regular physical activity, we can also maintain a healthy body and also avoid chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease. Balance diet deal with all the various factors of which food is composed and the way in which proper nourishment is brought about‖ Carbohydrates: a source of energy. Protein: a source of growth and repair. Fats: a source of energy and contain fat soluble vitamins. Vitamins: It is very essential to small quantities to keep the body healthy. Mineral salts: It is very important for healthy teeth, bonesand muscles etc.


Regular physical exercise, yoga practice and combine with balance diet are the cornerstone of good health and help to prevent malnutrition and diseases. Poor nutrition, inadequate physical exercise and yoga practice is a risk factor for many diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, obesity etc. Regular Physical exercise and yoga practice will improve the function of lungs and heart to most efficiently burn off excess calories and keep your weight under control. Nutrition is very important thing for keeping the body healthy at any age.


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Neeraj Sharma*

P.E.T. Department of Youth Services and Sports Government of J&K India