A Study of Physical Education Growth and Development in India

Exploring the Evolution of Physical Education in India

by Shafqit Hussain Shah*, Neeraj Sharma,

- Published in International Journal of Physical Education & Sports Sciences, E-ISSN: 2231-3745

Volume 14, Issue No. 2, Apr 2019, Pages 20 - 23 (4)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


It is very confined written about the state of physical education in India. In India researcher works find out, that there is no written record is kept by our culture, whatever we are practicing today is received from our ancestors as our cultural heritage based on tradition and customs. The main objective of this study was to evaluate and peruse the growth and development of physical in India from primeval time to un-till now. There are different activities which are not latest this time but, these were practiced in past days also. The activity like, Yoga, Karate are newly originated but these activities have proven their exact origins in past days also. In India practice of different types of physical activities is not new but these activities cannot prove any type of evidence of such activities that can prove the exact data of their origin and name of originators of these activities in India. As we find the well-established institutions where knowledge of various physical activities is provided with practical as well as theoretical. In ancient India religious places were used for the purpose of sports development. Physical educations in India are discussed under various specific historic periods. Such as Indus valley civilization 3250-2500 BC in this period Majodara, dancing was favorite particularly people took recreation from bronze dancing girl from Majodara National Museum in Delhi. Most of the people recreate themselves by doing these physical activities swimming dancing, mar balls ball and dice were used for game. Vedic period, 2500 BC to 600 BC origin of Suryanamaskar practice Pranayama, Hand wrestling, ball games was popular in this period. Exercise of yoga was advocate for the psychic development. During Ramayana physical and recreational activities mostly performed by people of that particular area. The Hindu epic Ramayana and Mahabharata comprehensively developed the social, religious and political state of the contemporary society. In this physical activity for health fitness and sports to keep ready for war was an essential ingredient Gurukula education. Archery horse riding, sword fighting, mace fighting, hunting etc was popular and important sports of royalty and the army. The Gurukula education was an all round education characterized by athletic intellectual and spiritual curricula. Nalanda and Taksila progress in this period. Nalanda university conduct these physical activities like, swimming breathing exercise and yoga considered an important part of the daily life. In this period physical education was greatly rules by Gupta rulers, their great rules participates many physical activity and rules. Most of the role for the development of physical education played YMCAs of India through the initiative of David MC Conaughy. In 1890, David MC Conaughy a young American from the International committee of American YMCSs arrived in Madras and found the very first YMCA there. YMCA college of Physical education was first Physical Education College of developed in 1920 by Harry Crow Buck. This college is a part of Tamil Nadu Physical education and Sports University. After the establishment of YMCA at Madras we can say that physical education gets its popularity in a specific field. YMCA Madras plays a vital role for growth and development of physical education in India. Now the importance of physical education understands and try to takes part in physical co curricular activity. Physical education and sports is most important gauge and also fundamental section of the education for any country consequently every country should try to make a framework to take action for promotional development of physical education and sports inconsistency, sports is an essential part of every human day to day life for physically fitness. It is concluded that curriculum content is permutated and the curriculum activity of physical education programme helps in the development needs of the professionalism in the country, the programme objectives are particularly helps to develop s institutional goals.


physical education, growth and development, India, tradition and customs, Yoga, Karate, evidence, historic periods, Ramayana, Mahabharata


It can be realized, that in ancient India physical education is often a neglected part of education. In most of the schools across the country. Physical education has no importance during the ancient India. After a hardware of different revolutionaries, India become independence in the year 1947. India is a democratic country and Government of India did different endeavour to improve the Decay status of physical education, which was the result of policies of Britishers. Government of India noticed the importance of physical education or physical activities for the people and took different steps to improvise its rank. There are many welfare that are obtainable s from physical education and there are a few schools that have managed to strike the balance between academics and physical fitness. Ancient India in many ways was similar to ancient china. People in China lived in an environment that was very traditions and culture of India. Buddha‘s prohibition of games, amusements and exercise in ancient of India did not totally prevent participations in such activities. The Indian physical activities such as Charid racis, riding elephants and Horse, swordsmanship, wrestling, boxing, Kabaddi, Kho-Kho, dancing dands, Baithak, Malkhamb, Lazim etc, have been inpracticed from time immemorial. Yoga an activity common in India and involving exercises of posture and regulated breathing was popular. This disciplining of mind and body required the instruction of experts and a person fully trained in this activity followed routine involving eighty four different postures. The physical activities were performed in open places ground because the Indian system of physical education was such that they needed little or no equipment. Besides, the religious/worship places were the institutes of physical culture where the sages and rishis were the Ustads. Schools in India that provides physical education of allround growth and sports from an early age have understood the importance and sports help in the development of bones and muscles. It also help to keep you active, healthy, fit and prevents from obesity. So keeping in mind Indian scholars and researcher focused on physical education. Historical point of view physical education starts after 1820 when a school concentrates on gymnastics, hygiene training care and development of the human body. In the year 1950, over 400 institutes of physical education had introduced. Vedic Period: Most of the written about Aryans who migrated to India from central Asia comes from Vedas. In this period, Archery, Ming Horse-riding, chariot-race were there common sports. Physical activities were not meant for delight sake only they prepare themselves for war as well. The Yoga originates in vedic period. Pranayama was awake as a fearful duty. Pranayama is control of breath prana is breath or vital energy in the body on subtle levels responsible for life or force, and ―ayam‘‘ means control, there is a complete prevention of the breath and it is through the old sages had the superior experience. Epic Period: The manipulation on the Indians can be congregate from the ‘‘ Ramanayana‘‘ and Mahabharata which were developed during this period. Both the‖‖ MAHABARTA AND RAMANAYANA ‗‘revels that, this period was a period of great disturbance and wars. Nalanda Period: Nalanda was a great learning periodwhere more than 6000 students, were perceiving education from different corner of the world. In this period physical education was at its peak, student studied physical education for keeping physically and mentally strong and also maintained good health. It is the duty of everybody to performed Pranayama and Suryanamaskar every morning without any exception, during the whole year. Rajput Period: There was improvement of Hinduism during this period. Rajput feels very proud and was divided into hundreds of families. They did not wants to remain under the control of higher authority and were often at daggers drawn with each other. Pigeons flying compaction: Through them the massages were sent from one place to another .Emperor Akbar had 2000 pigeon carrying the love letters. Boxing was popularized by Govt. the good boxers were brought from Iran Qutub-Ud-Din Aibak seem to have died while playing the game. Hunting was most popular game during Muslim period. People also participate in swimming. The main sports of this period was hunting, swimming, animal fighting. During Muslim period animal fighting was very popular. The growth and development of physical education in India at Modern times goes to pre-Independence days. Y.M.C.A College of physical education Madras established in 1920, by Mr. H.C Buck. Since this college is working to promote and systematized physical education in India. In the year 1914 Vaidya brothers established Sir Hanuman Vyayam Prasarak Mandal,Amaravati basically this college was established only for the development physical education in India. Development of Physical Education in Modern India: In Modern India, the development of physical education was at its top. Govt. of India founded Tarachand committee in the year 1948.

established with the express purpose of suggesting the development of physical education .Founder of National Discipline Scheme was General Bhonsle. He developed National Discipline Scheme in the year 1954, who was deputy minister of Rehabilitation centre. National Plane of Physical Education and recreation was prepared by the centre advisory board of physical education in the year 1956. Lakshmibai College of physical education played a special role for the development of physical education in India, which was opened in 1957. • In the year 1958 sports and youth welfare Deptt. was opened in 1957. • In the year 1960 Koul Kapoor committee was deputed to Rome Olympic. • National Institute of sports of Patiala was established in 1961 at Moti Bagh. • In the year 1965 new venture called as National Fitness corps was set up. In 1970 Rural-sports tournament scheme was launched National sports championship for women were started by Govt. of India in the year 1975. Ministry of Youth Affairs And Sports of GOVT .of India established Sports authority of India on 16 March 1984. National institute of physical education an sports (SNIPES) and sports authority of India developed on May 1987. (SAG) Special Area Game was setup in the year 1985. So, we can say that main development of physical education comes in modern time of physical education in Indian history. Physical education comes in India with the establishment young men‘s Christian association college in 1920, the whole concentration of college was on physical activities. The main focused of college was on intramural sports particularly tracked field and football. But in India, very short has been written about the state of physical education in ancient India. Lots of the historian have given very little volume to the feature of Indian history through Indus valley civilization was at its peak when number of the Europe back in our civilization without doubt, has been that the people never kept the written records of their culture and political adventures. Whatever we have received from our past practice, that is also considered helpful in our day to day for making our physical hurdles easy. Gambling was one of the most favored sports of that they thrust down the Dravidians the native tribes of India. In reality history of physical education in India cannot be studied along with the classification of various periods of political history of India which is divided in following stages:


1. Complete physical and Mental Growth: It is important for every school that provides physical education from an early age, so that everyone have to understand the importance of all round growth. Physical education helps in development of muscle and bones. 2. Growing Feature of sportsmen: Exercise and sports activity helps in the development of child feature and push him or her in a specific game according to their Skeleton system. 3. Escape from Routine: Physical educations in India also provide to preocupied the children from a set routine and provides an escape from the boring hours in a classroom. Short periods of physical activity can be a good way to relieve some of the pressure that is bound in a classroom. 4. Comfort of Tension: Today‘s children are facing different types of pressure and stress in a classroom If a teacher may engaged them in physical activity after class it may reduced their pressure and stress. 5. Confidence Building: Distinction in some kind of sports or physical activity will furnish children with confidence. Reticent children will be able to express themselves through sports and this is one of the main aspects of physical education in India.


To study physical education and sports is not simply to discuss performance, technique or records but to look at some of the unexpressed assumptions held by general population about physical education and sports. A sports been viewed as a diversion from the trials of everyday life. Ask some friends why they are involved in sports, the response will probably do something fun or enjoyment.


Young people are the pillar of any country in the world, 25% population in the world India stands to gain with


happy, enjoyable and healthy life as a member of society, he should regularly involves in games and sports and different exercise programmers to ensure development of physical fitness and learn skills in sports and games, which have a carry-over value. Physical education and sports activities in educational institution should aim to improve health and physical fitness of students and also sports performance. If anybody is physically fit and mentally sound he or she can easily enhance sports performance in any kind of sports activity. Physical education thus comprise and promoting an orderly all round development of human body by scientific technique and there by maintaining extra ordinary fitness of the human being. Thus physical education is very essential for the development of physical fitness of the society as well as the children of schools.


1. Contemporary Health Education and Yoga by Dr. Kanhaiya Kumar Singh 2018 edition. 2. Essential of Physical Education by Dr. Ajmare Singh revised edition 2015. 3. Acharya Bhagwan Dev (1999). Yoga for better, Health Diamond Pocket book–publisher, 1999. 4. Darden A. The new high intensity training. New Delhi, India: Friends Publication. 5. Physical Education – Jul 18, 1975 – NBC – TV News: Vanderbilt Television News Archive‖. Tvnews Vanderbilt.edu. 1975-07-18. Retrieved 2015-08-13. 6. Grimes, G. (2011, November 21). Interview by M Massey (Personal Interview).

Corresponding Author Shafqit Hussain Shah*

PET, Department of Youth Service and Sports Government of J&K India