Effect of Contrast Load Complex Training on Endurance and Dribbling Ability of Inter – Collegiate Football Players

Enhancing Endurance and Dribbling Ability in Male Intercollegiate Football Players through Contrast Load Complex Training

by Sijo T. F.*,

- Published in International Journal of Physical Education & Sports Sciences, E-ISSN: 2231-3745

Volume 14, Issue No. 2, Apr 2019, Pages 40 - 43 (4)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Thirty intercollegiate level male football players were selected from different affiliated colleges of MG University . The selected subject were randomly divided into two group ( 15 in each group). Group one was considered as contrast load Complex Training Group and other one is Considers a Control Group which was not given any training. The variables are endurance and dribbling ability. The intensity for the high load training load training group was increased and decreased alternatively. The training was given 5 days a week for 6 weeks. Pre- test was conducted for all the two group before giving the training and post test was conducted after 6 weeks of contrast load complex training group was increased consistently. The intensity for the Complex load training. The statistical technical used was ANCOVA. The result of the study showed that contrast load complex training improved endurance and dribbling ability, after 6 weeks of training program among the male inter- collegiate football players.


contrast load complex training, endurance, dribbling ability, intercollegiate football players, MG University, training program, ANCOVA, male


The Contemporary history of the world‘s favorite game spans more than 100years. If all began in 1863 in England, when rugby football and association football branched off on their different courses and the football association in England was formed being the sports first governing body. International Matches were being staged in great decades, the teaching of sports in general and of football in particular has evolved from a traditional technique- based approach into something more flexible and adaptable to both the needs and characteristics of the player and above all to the changing nature of the game itself. The aim of this research analysis the influence of high load training and endurance and dribbling ability of inter collegiate football players. Football is quite simply the most popular sports in the world. A game was humanity comes alive with one goal. It inspires and enthuses millions of people all over the world. The federation of International de- football Association (FIFA) is probably the single largest organization in the world. With the establishment of the football association in England in 1863, Football has evolved into fiercely competitive sports requiring the highest levels of physical fitness, technical skill, courage and endurance, According to baechle and Earle, Complex training is a combination of high intensity resistance training followed by polymeric‖. However a somewhat more detailed definition is provided by Ebben who states: ―Complex training alternates biomechanically similar high load weight training exercise with plyometric exercises, set for set in the same workout. An example of complex training would include performing a set of squats followed by a set of jump squats‖ As in the case of plyometric training, complex training appears to have its origins in Eastern Europe. Certainly this is the argument put forward by Chu: ―Complex training was developed by the Europeans. To blend the result of heavy weight training with what they call shock training and what we call plyometric. ―Note that in some programmes, the plyometric or explosive drill precedes the strength exercise. Comlex training activates and works the nervous the fast twitch muscle fibers simultaneously. The strength exercise activates the fast twitch muscle fibers (responsible for explosive power). The plyometric movements stresses those muscle fibers that have been activated by the strength training movement. During this activated state, the muscles fiber to perform like fast twitch fibers.


► Training Thirty intercollegiate level male football players were selected from different affiliated MG University during the academic year 2018-19. ► The criteria for inclusion and exclusion of the subject will be as follows. ► The players who are regular practitioner of football will be included in the experimental.

► The players suffering from known serious health problems are to be excluded. moreover players having illness as related by clinical investigation will be excluded prior to the study. The selected subjects were randomly divided into two groups. (15 in each group) Group I was considered as Contrast Load Complex Training group, group II was considered as Cotrol Group which was not given any training. The dependent variables are endurance and dribbling ability. Endurance was measured by 12 minutes run/walk test, dribbling ability was measure by monitoring total time of dribbling. Each training sessions started with light warm up and ended with cool-down exercises. The intensity for the high load complex training group was increased consistently. The training was given 5 days a week for 6 weeks. The training schedule for group I and II are:

Table I Contrast Load Complex Training Group Schedule Week Weight training Plyometric exercise set Repetition Intensity *Rest was for 2 minutes in between sets and duration was for 45 minutes for each session.

pretest was conducted for all the groups before giving the training and post- test was conducted after 6 weeks of training. The statistical technique used was ANCOVA. when the study was significant , the scheffe‘s post- hoc test used find out the paired mean difference. The level of Significance to test F- ratio obtained by the analysis of co variance was fixed at 0.05 level of confidence.

Table 2: Analysis of co- variance of pre, post and adjusted means of endurance.

The adjusted posttest means on Contrast load Complex training and control group were 2574.51 and 2203.98 respectively and the obtained F ratio of 37.91 was greater than the required table value of 3.21, which indicates that test was significant at 0.05 level of confidence for the degrees of freedom 2 and 42. The results of the study indicate that there was statically significant difference in endurance. Further to determine which of the paired means had significant differences scheffe‘s post hoc test was applied.

Table 2.1 : Scheffe’s post hoc test for the difference between the adjusted posttest paired means of endurance

Table 2.1 indicates that the mean difference in dendurance contrast load complex training group and. it is higher than the confidence level of 103.89.11 required for significance at 0.05 level. The mean difference in endurance between contrast load complex training it is higher than the confidence interval of 103.89 required for significance at 0.05 level. The mean difference in endurance between complex load training and control group is 172.86 , it is higher than the confidence interval of 103.89 required for significance at 0.05 level. This clearly indicates that there is better improvement in the High load complex training group than the control group. It may be concluded from the result of the study that 6 weeks of training increased endurance significantly for High load complex training group than the control group.

adjusted means on dribbling

The adjusted posttest means on high load training. Control group were 15.72 and 16.72 respectively and the obtained F ratio of 28.99 was greater than the required F ratio of 3.21, which indicates that test was significant at 0.05 level of confidence for the degrees of freedom 2 and 42. The results of the indicate that there was statically significant difference in dribbiling. further, to determine which of the paired means had significant difference Scheffe‘s post hoc test was applied.

Table 3 Scheffe’s post hoc test for the difference between the adjusted post – test paired means of dribbling

Table 3.1 indicates that the mean difference in dribbling between contrast load complex training group and group is 0.14, it is lesser than the confidence interval of 0.30 required for significance at 0.05 level. The mean difference in dribbling between contrast load complex training and control group is 0.94, it is higher than the confidence interval of 0.30 required for significance at 0.05 level. The mean difference dribbling between complex training and control group is 0.80, it is higher than the confidence interval of 0.30 required for significance at 0.05 level. This clearly indicates that there is better improvement in the contrast load complex training group than the control group. It may be concluded from the results of the study that 6 weeks of training increased dribbling significantly for High load complex training group than the contrast load complex training group.


Football is the most popular sport in the world. Scientific methods of sports training are required to attain greater heights in the game of Football. Training is usually defined as a systematic process of repetitive progressive exercise or work, involving the 1987). The performance of a footballer is largely depended upon his or her football specific physical fitness and improvement in football specific physical fitness happens only when the general physical fitness is improved. The contribution of physical fitness towards sports performance is indirect. But it Should never be overlooked that specific physical fitness depends largely on the general physical fitness (Hardayal Singh 1983). Complex training, one of the most advanced forms of sports training, integrates strength training, plyometrics, and sport-specific movement. It consists of an intense strength exercise followed by a plyometric exercise. According to Ebben and Watts: "High load weight training increases motor neuron excitability and reflex potentiation which may create optimum training conditions for subsequent plyometric exercise. Also, the fatigue associated with high load weight training may force more motor units to be recruited during the plyometric phase, possibly enhancing the training state.& quot; The results of the study reveals that there was a significant improvement in endurance and dribbling ability after the completion of 6 weeks of complex training program among the male inter-collegiate football players as compared to the control group. Further the study revealed that there was better improvement due to high load complex training programme on endurance and dribbling ability than contrast load complex training programme.


Based on the analysis and results of the study the following conclusions were drawn. 1. Contrast load complex training and improved endurance and dribbling ability after the six weeks of training programme among the male inter-collegiate football players. 2. Six weeks of contrast load complex training improved endurance and dribbling ability complex training among the male inter-collegiate football players. 3. Six weeks of complex training improved endurance and dribbling ability better than control group among the male inter-collegiate football players.


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Corresponding Author Sijo T. F.*

Guest Faculty, Micheal‘s College, Cherthala, 11th Mile, Mayithara P O, Alappuzha Dist, Pin-688539, Kerala, India
