Psychological Study on role and Importance of Yoga among Kabaddi Players

The Psychological and Physical Benefits of Yoga in Kabaddi

by Kapil H. Khalasi*,

- Published in International Journal of Physical Education & Sports Sciences, E-ISSN: 2231-3745

Volume 14, Issue No. 2, Apr 2019, Pages 154 - 156 (3)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


A team game with no hardware, inhale holding act, which tones up the mind these are two outstanding highlights, which make kabaddi a remarkable team game 'Kabaddi is genuine regular man's game, with just system of Tag Game-a game of touch. It needs no exceptional outfit, exorbitant gear reservation of club. Kabaddi favors body improvement with a strong quality stamina and perseverance as a result of its extraordinary component Can't holding advances cardiovascular continuance and obstruction. Fine adaptability and dexterity is produced as one needs to move quicker in such a little territory of 20'- - 30' [10-12mts]. Player’s eyes and body movement move toward becoming quicker. Psychological real weights of holding penny make one to control mind and movement. Psychologically he needs to focus on his response time with appraise vitality and space. His physical movements are connected with the close movement of his adversary, as a team with his partners. Socially the game of Kabaddi might be assembled as aggressive however it is normally game of test between single individual [The raider] and the gathering of seven players.


psychological study, role, importance, yoga, kabaddi players, team game, inhale holding act, mind, outstanding highlights, Kabaddi, regular man's game, tag game, touch, body improvement, strength, stamina, perseverance, cardiovascular endurance, resistance, flexibility, agility, psychological weights, mental control, reaction time, energy, space, physical movements, adversary, teamwork, competition


Kabaddi is a game of speed, strength, strategy and, generally importantly, lungpower. In the first place you'll require twenty-four individuals split into two groups of twelve. Just seven players per team are on the playing field in the meantime. The rest of the colleagues are holds that can "sub in" later. The two teams go to inverse sides of the field, which is separated in two equivalent areas. Flip to see who goes first. That team starts out on offense and the two teams interchange offense/safeguard each turn until the point that the game is finished. Here's the place it gets intriguing. The culpable group conveys their "plunderer" to the adversary side of the field, where he should endeavor to touch however many contradicting colleagues as could reasonably be expected before returning securely to his side of the court. The catch? He should do the greater part of this while telling "Kabaddi, Kabaddi, Kabaddi, and Kabaddi..." repeatedly and in one long breath. Also, the best part is: we're not influencing this to up! This is a REALSPORT! In the event that he makes it back to safety in one breath, everyone he labeled needs to leave and the offense gets a point for every one of them. Likewise, they may "resuscitate" a partner that was beforehand labeled out for every foe that gets the boot. On the off chance that the pillager doesn't make it back, the shielding group gets a point and the bandit needs to leave the field until the point that he can be "resuscitated". On the off chance that a group prevails with regards to getting the whole other team out, they score a "lona" and get an additional two points. Play at that point proceeds by putting all players on the two sides back on the field. The team with the most focuses after two 20-minuterounds winsthe game.Of course the protectors endeavor to hold the poor plunderer down so he comes up short on "Kabaddis" all alone turf. These bigger chaps are known as "plugs". To make things all the more fascinating (and reasonable) each team can just have four stoppers on the field on the double, and just a single plug can endeavor to stop a plunderer at any given time. Other current varieties of the game thrive all through the worldtoday, including an adaptation called "Gaminee" where players can't be resuscitated. Rather the game is over when one of the teams is totally wiped out. Concerning the game‘s history? While there are no genuine records anyplace, there is clearly solid proof some place that proposes Kabaddi was created around 4000 years ago to enable Indian warriors to build up their self-protection abilities (also their articulation of the word Kabaddi skills). Today the game is played around the world. (Indeed, there's an American Kabaddi team.) There's even an official Kabaddi organization, the Kabaddi Federation of India (KFI), established in 1950 that directs play and principles and keeps a pack of records and stuff. Not prepared for the big leagues? Attempt the Amateur Kabaddi Federation (AKFI).


The sport has a long history dating back to pre-historic times. It was probably invented to ward off

dramatized version of the great Indian epic, the "Mahabharata". has made an analogy of the game to a tight situation faced by Abhimaneu, the heir of ' the Pandava kings when he is surrounded on all sides by the enemy. Buddhist literature speaks of the Gautam Buddha playing Kabaddi for recreation. History also reveals that princes of yore played Kabaddi to display their strength and win their brides. The game, known as Hu-Tu-Tu in Western India, Ha-Do-Do in Eastern India & Bangladesh, Chedugudu in Southern India and Kaunbada in Northern India, has undergone a sea chance through the ages. Modem Kabaddi is a synthesis of the game played in its various forms under different names.


Researchers have given one month training to Kabaddi player daily one hours. All the player practice following asana's: sarvangasan, dhanurasan, pchimotanasan, powenmukkasan, mattsaasn, nvkasan, bhujangasan, shalbasan, vakrasan, ardhramchindrasan, vrrushasan, utkttsan. Along with these asana's trainer teach them trataka, kapalbhatti and pranayam. In pranayama anulom vilom, ujiiai, shiali and AUM jup. At the end of program yoga nidra as a relaxation technique has take. In pranayama purak, recehak and kumbhak are important. It helps to improve CANT which is Atama of Kabaddi game. Coach and player comments about yoga training:- The coach have commented that normally CANT for adult and junior boys can be range from 20 to 25 seconds. But with the above training the cant improves up to 25 to 30 seconds. The players show more positive relaxed and flexible approach towards game. They told that they feel fresh and this training helps to improve our physical fitness.


The Risks Many athletes take anabolic steroids at doses that are much higher than those prescribed for medical reasons, and most of what is known about the drugs' effects on athletes comes from observing users. It is impossible for researchers to design studies that would accurately test the effects of large doses of steroids on athletes, because giving participants such high doses would be unethical. This means that the effects of taking anabolic steroids at very high doses haven't been well studied.

Men May Develop

• Prominent breasts • Baldness • Shrunken testicles • Infertility • An enlarged clitoris • Increased body hair • Baldness

Both Men and Women Might Experience

• Severe acne • Increased risk of tendinitis and tendon rupture • Liver abnormalities and tumors • Increased low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol (the "bad" cholesterol) • Decreased high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol (the "good" cholesterol) • Hypertension • Heart and circulatory problems • Suppression of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis • Prostate gland enlargement • Aggressive behaviors, rage or violence • Psychiatric disorders, such as depression • Drug dependence • Infections or diseases such as HIV or hepatitis if you're injecting the drugs • Inhibited growth and development, and risk of future health problems in teenagers


• Yoga training helps to improve the raider cant. • Yoga training helps to improve physical and mental skills. • Yoga training helps players to look in to him; it leads to development of sportsman sprit.


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Corresponding Author Kapil H. Khalasi* Assistant Professor in Physical Education