The Practice and Challenges of Continuous Assessments in Physical Education in the Case of Borecha Woreda Secondary and Preparatory School Buno Bedele Zone Oromia Region

Exploring the Challenges of Continuous Assessments in Physical Education

by Asnake Tekalign*, Wondimageg Damissie, Tesfaye Demena, Md Babul Akhtar,

- Published in International Journal of Physical Education & Sports Sciences, E-ISSN: 2231-3745

Volume 14, Issue No. 2, Apr 2019, Pages 179 - 185 (7)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


The purpose of study is to make a survey on the current status of continuous practical assessment in physical education in Borecha woreda secondary and preparatory schools. The format of this study will address five main sections. To achieve the intended objective of this study descriptive research method was used. The collected primary data were analyzed in percentage, mean and standard deviations as well as the qualitative data that collected through interview and observation were analyzed qualitatively with text explanations. A research based discussion continuous practical assessment in physical education was the focus on this section. The last section was summarized the main idea of the study with major findings, possible suggestions and recommendation of the study. The needed data was obtained by means of questionnaires distributed to 9 physical education teachers and 222 students in three secondary and one preparatory school. Interview which was designed for physical education teachers and finally observation was used. The data was analyzed using both quantitatively and qualitatively. Accordingly the research revolved the following results. Mostly schools indicate the following problems large class size, shortage of time, lack of teaching aids, lack of availability of a few or no instructional media, lack of awareness about continuous practical assessment, high teachers class load and the students negative attitude towards subject matter. As the result, it is difficult to practice continuous practical assessment in physical education. Therefore, physical education teachers were not carrying to full fill materials and generally they did not show their commitment. If these problems are to be met forth rightly and directly, then careful planning and study are necessary. If success solutions with successful answers are to be arrived at, cooperative action is desired between physical education teacher and students.


continuous assessments, physical education, Borecha Woreda, secondary schools, preparatory schools, survey, descriptive research method, data analysis, questionnaires, interviews, observation, class size, teaching aids, instructional media, awareness, teachers' class load, students' attitude


The process of education should not be haphazard; rather it should be planned and organized. Curriculum may be taken broadly as a plan for the education process. In curriculum planning, there is a continuum consisting of planning at the beginning and implementation at the end. It is at the implementation level that the desired behavioral changes on the part of the learner take place. There are other factors among which are the selection of appropriate teaching methods, teaching material and infrastructure. selection of appropriate teaching methods Regarding to this idea Honey born, Hill and moors (1996:155) stated that ―there are many different styles that can be adopted by teachers, each instructor has his or her own way of presenting information and the style each chooses depends on several variables such as; the teachers‘ personality and ability, the type of activity to be taught, the ability of those being taught ,the level of motivation those being taught ,the age range of the students & environmental factors and so on. Assessment can be defined as any planned technique used to measure, judge or diagnose a student‘s achievement and to make inferences based on that evidence for a variety of purposes, including planning. (Doolittle, 1996) Process assessments focus on the form of the movement, not the successful completion of attempts. Formative assessments provide information to provide feedback to teachers and students about the students‘ progress toward a learning goal. Assessment is crucial for students. Assessment allows students to understand, and interpret information regarding their performance. Utilizing various types of assessment allows each student an understanding of how to improve. Regarding to this idea AEB (2002) stated that three fundamental reasons of assessment: feedback, progress and motivation.


1. What interest of physical education teachers and students in implementing continuous assessment in their PE practical class? 2. What are the major factors that affect teachers activity practice related to continuous practical assessment in physical education? 3. What types of continuous practical assessment techniques do physical education teachers uses during practical physical education lesson?


Design of the Study

A descriptive survey study was employed for the purpose of this study on the assumption that this method was relevant to describe the existing situation. According to Seyum and Ayalew (1989) as cited in Bizuneh (2008) descriptive survey method was more effective to investigate the phenomena and assess the status in their natural settings. In addition to this, the method will be (were) also appropriate to describe the trends that are developed. The major sources of data for this study were primary source which were collected from physical education teachers. Secondary source of data were journals, magazine and internet. The Borecha Woreda has the total of three secondary and one preparatory school. The targets of the study were two subjects namely school teachers‘ and students. Total populations of grade 9-12 students total number is 850 students. The nine physical education teachers from the three secondary schools were taken as a population. The Borecha Woreda has the total of three secondary one preparatory schools. For the purpose of the study, only three secondary and one preparatory school were taken as sample schools. The study samples were physical education teacher and students. Population of the three secondary and one preparatory school was relatively large size; random sampling technique in which the lottery method has been employed from their respective schools. 200 (M=120, F=80) students from Siden secondary school, 250 (M= 153, F=97) students from Guba Hora secondary school and 400 (M=188, F= 212) students from Borecha secondary and preparatory school. The sample schools were selected by using purposive sampling technique.. Hence, the select students and all physically education teachers at there were as a study population. Thus, the sample for the study was selected by Kothari (2006) formula. Therefore the samples had drawn proportionally, 10% from each school. 52 (M=31, F=21) students from Siden secondary school 65(M=25, F=40) students from Guba Hora secondary school and 104 (M=49, F= 55) students from Borecha secondary and preparatory school. Totally 222 (M=107, F=115) will be selected and involved for research purpose. Hence, the select students and all physical education teachers at there will be as a study population. The Survey type of descriptive research methods has been used for the investigation in the research. The data instruments were observation (both classroom and practical), questionnaires, and interviews. In the study questionnaires was used to collect information from teacher and students and mainly contained close ended and open ended items. Depending up on the type of question items, choices and rating scale was used in questionnaire. Interview is one of the commonly used instruments for collecting data Kothari (2006) and koul (2002) explained it as a method of collecting data through oral communication (verbally). The data were collected by using questionnaire, interview and observation. The Questionnaire consists set of both open and closed ended questions to be distributing to students, teachers. The study area is located in Borecha District, Buno Bedele zone, Oromia regional state, southwest Ethiopia. This site located at 502km South Western Addis Ababa, capital of the country Ethiopia. Three secondary and one preparatory school will be select for this study. The woreda consists of 34 Kebles. Borecha is bordered by three neighbor Woredas and one zone. Accordingly, it is bordered to the North, by Nonokumba woreda, to the south by Didesa woreda, to the East by Gechi woreda and to the West by Jimma zone (Boreacha Woreda Administrative Office.


This study was both qualitative and quantitative research approach. For quantitative analysis percentage and number was employing. The data collect through interview and observation was analyzed qualitatively to substantiate the quantitative

close ended questions. This helps the researcher to use tables, graphs for interpretation.

Analysis and Discussions on Quantitative Data

Under this section the quantitative data that collected from students and teachers were analyzed in percentages, means and standard deviation and followed with discussions.

Table.4.1.1 Frequency table for sex profile of the teachers

As it was seen in the above table 4.1.1 the gender of the respondents were cleared that of the respondents are male, and are female respectively. This implies that most of the respondents of this research were male respondents.

Table .4 .1.2. Frequency table for age profile of the teachers

As it was indicated in the above table 4.1.2.the majority of the respondents are found within the age category of 26-35 and this , indicates that the most active working age group have been teaching physical education . The second higher age categories found between 36 and 45 .This implies that peoples of different ages of teachers have been teaching physical education..

Table.4.1.3. Frequency table for educational profile of the teachers

As it was seen in the above table 7(58.33) of teachers were diploma holders and 5(41.66%) of the teachers were degree holders. This implies that most of the teachers were below the standard that stetted in the ministry of education.

profile of the teachers

As it was indicated in the above table 4.1.3 the number of the marital statuses of the respondents 8(66.66%) and 4(33.33%) were single, married respectively. Respondents with single marital status are highly engaged in teaching physical education.

Table. 4.1.5. Frequency table for working experiences profile of the respondents

As it was shown in the table4.1.4 the numbers of the respondents are with their working experiences 1-5 years, 6-10 years, and 11-15 years respectively. The highest number which is with their working experience between 6-10 has been teaching physical education in the school.

Table.4.1.6.Frequency table for sex profile of students

As it was seen in the above table14.1.6 the gender of the respondents were cleared that of the 107(48.19) of respondents were male students and 115(51.8%) were female students respectively. This implies that significant numbers of the respondents of this research were near to each other in gender.

Table.4.1.7. Frequency table for age profile of students

The majority of the respondents are found within the age category of 15and 17 years and this indicates that the youngest age group has been learning. The students of different ages have been learning in the secondary school.

Table 4.1.8. Analysis on teachers’ responses

In the above table 4.1.8 the analysis were done in means and standard deviations on items like, numbers of days in which the assessment have been given, the teaching loads of teachers per week, frequencies of assessment that were given in interview, frequencies of assessment that were give through reflection, the level at which the responses of the responded had indicated that The responses of the respondents had indicated that 4.00 of mean and 0.000 stander deviation had indicated as the presence of practical assessment for a month. The central tendency of the mean scores for these variables that designed as the choices items was 2.5. The mean scores above the 2.5 were considered as the high, very high and extremely high based on ascending mean scored that observed for this item. The mean score that observed for a month had been become 4.00 mean score therefore the assessment were given on the monthly base not in regular base. The responses of the respondents had indicated that 3.66 of mean and .500 of standard deviation had indicated as teaching load per week was 17 and above. The central tendency that helped the teach to say and low for the scored mean value for the given choices of items were deiced on the basis 2.5 as the central value.3.66 mean score was the value that obtained from the mean values of sample respondents. Therefore, it was clear that teaching load per week was 17 and above since the mean scores observed as the high value. The responses of the teachers had indicated that.3.44 of mean and 0.726 of standard deviation had indicated frequency of assessment was with interview. The central tendency for the items of choices for this variable was 2.5. The mean score of the assessment was 3.44. The assessment with interview was sometimes given in the physical education assessment. The responses of the teachers had indicated that 3.22 of mean and .833 of standard deviation had indicated that the frequency assessment was with The responses of the teachers had indicated that 3.11 of mean and .600 of standard deviation have shown that the extent at which teachers get help from school administrators. The mean value scored on the 3.11, the frequency at which the school administrators‘ motivate teachers was sometimes. The responses of the teachers had indicated that 3.11 of mean and 1.166 standard deviation had indicated that the frequency of assessment was with quizzes. The mean score for this variable indicted 3.11 mean score. The frequency of assessment was given with quizzes was sometimes.

Table.4.1.9. Analysis on teachers’ responses

Six items were designed and delivered for the sample respondents of teachers and data were collected and analyzed in the above table 4.1.9 focusing on frequency of assessment with class work, frequency of assessment with self assessment, frequency of assessment with peer assessment, frequency of assessment with other, frequency of assessment with homework and Frequency of assessment with presentations . The results of the analysis had been presented with the items by means and standard deviations. The responses of 2.88 0f mean and .781of standard deviation of the respondents had indicated as Frequency of assessment was with class work. The mean score for this variable observed was 2.88. Frequency of assessment that was given with class work was when necessary. The responses of 3.889 mean and .927 of standard deviation had indicated as frequency of assessment was with self assessment. This implies that frequency of assessment that was given with self assessment was sometimes. The responses of 2.88 of mean and 1.166 of standard deviation had indicated as frequency of assessment was with peer assessment. This implies that frequency of assessment that was given with peer assessment was when necessary. The responses of 2.88 of mean and .333 of standard deviation had indicated as frequency of assessment

assessment that was given with other was when necessary. The responses 2.77 of mean and .666 of standard deviation had indicated as frequency of assessment was with homework. This implies that frequency of assessment that was given with homework was when necessary. The responses of 2.55 of mean and 1.013 of standard deviation had indicated as frequency of assessment was with presentations. This implies that the frequency of assessment that was given with presentations when necessary. The responses of 1.22 of mean .440 of standard deviation had indicated use of continuous practical assessment plan for practical lesson. This implies that the continuous practical assessment plan for practical lesson was not done properly. The responses of 1.22 of mean and .440 of standard deviation had shown the presence of providing of feed back to students. This implies that providing of feed back to students was not done properly and the responses of 1.11of mean and .333 of standard deviation had indicated the presence of students‘ absence during practical session was very low. Table.4.1.10.Analysis on teachers’ responses Three items were designed to collect data on the presence of course that had been taken in continuous practical assessment, the presence of using different types of continuous practical assessment and the reasons for why feedback had not given. Based on the collected and presented data in the above table, analysis was made on the responses of teachers. On the basis of the analysis made in the above table the results of the analysis were identified in means and standard deviations as follows. The responses of 1.00 of mean and .000 of standard deviation had indicated the presence of course that had been taken in continuous practical assessment. The responses of .777 of mean and .440 of standard deviation had indicated the presence of using different types of continuous practical assessment and the responses of .44 of mean .881 of standard deviation had indicated the reasons for why feedback had not given. The other instrument that had been used by the researcher was observations. The observations on the theoretical lesson were conducted in the class room and observations on the practical lessons were conducted on the field. The class room situations were so good in that the theoretical lessons were taught. The students‘ participations on the oral questions were very low. On the list of the formal assessment record except very few students the results of the students were recorded in the mark list of teachers. The numbers of continuous assessment that used by the teachers was not as expected and the assessment was given was low. The observations that were conducted for this study were field observations when teachers had been teaching the practical lessens. The first that observed was the suitability of field and the material used for the practical field assessment. The field was not well arranged for the students and this makes the practical assessment. Teachers have appropriate continues practical assessment planning and Continues practical assessment are related to the lesson object. Formal assessment was employed by the teachers. The numbers of formal assessment was not done on the regular base weekly. Therefore, the numbers of assessment that were given for practical and theoretical lessons were not as expected.


The objective of this study was to assess the practice and challenge of continues assessment in physical education in case of Borecha woreda secondary and preparatory school. Therefore, descriptive survey design in this descriptive survey method the quantitative and qualitative approaches were used. Quantitative approach was used for the data that were collected through questionnaire and qualitative approach was used for the data that were collected through observations. Quantitative and qualitative data were collected through questionnaire from students and from teachers through observations were conducted in the class room and field. The collected quantitative data and qualitative data were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively for this study. The result of this study had shown that the interest of students and teachers were at medium level towards the continuous assessment. The second research question asked was to assess the major factors that affect teachers activity practice related to continuous practical assessment in physical education. The finding of this study had indicated that the major factors that had affected the by the teachers was not as expected, sometimes students were never informed about the assessment. The third research question asked was to identify the roles of practical continuous assessment to evaluate students in physical education. The result of this study had shown that the continuous assessment was very important for the progress of students‘ achievement.


Perception of students and teachers on assessment studding how students perceive assessment is significant for it can be a powerfully source for the problems that are intervened in to the assessment process. However, the findings of this study had indicated that the interest of students and teachers were at medium level towards the continuous assessment. Many factors can affect the perceptions of students about assessment applied in P.E. classroom and practical class on the field. There were factors that had affected the continuous assessment of physical education in the secondary schools according to the finding of this study. These factors were: the students‘ participations on the assessment activities was very low, the numbers of continuous assessment that used by the teachers was not as expected, sometimes students were never informed about the assessment before the assessment was given for the students and the rate of getting information before the assessment was low and the numbers of formal assessment was not done on the regular base weekly as well as the field was not well arranged for the students and this makes the practical assessment difficult. They were three domains that the physical education teachers consider to design the continuous assessment in the physical education in the secondary schools. These were cognitive domain, affective domain and the psychomotor domain. Psychomotor- the performance component; exploring one‘s environment and gaining skills throughout the process the students to show the steps of different practical physical exercise


Based on above the findings the following recommendations are given: The study recommends the principals, the managements of the school and the physical education department heads should create conducive environment for the good perception of students and teachers on assessment. Continuous assessment is ongoing and helps thee teacher to find out what the learners have learned. Therefore, the physical education teachers should Continuous assessment activities that are designed to ask learners to think, express their thoughts, and demonstrate their skills help learners to get a deeper understanding than if they were simply memorizing information for a test. Therefore, the physical teachers should consider the three domains, the cognitive domain, affective domain and the psychomotor domain while they will be designing the continuous for the physical education subjects in the secondary school.


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Corresponding Author Asnake Tekalign* Department of Sport Science, College of Natural Science, Jimma University P.O. Box 378, Ethiopia