A Study of Officiating Sports Knowledge Test of Volley Ball Game between State and National Level Officials of Uttarakhand State

A Comparison of Sports Knowledge Test between State and National Level Officials in Uttarakhand Volleyball

by Anant Ravi Darshan Joshi*, Dr. Ramesh Chand Kanwar,

- Published in International Journal of Physical Education & Sports Sciences, E-ISSN: 2231-3745

Volume 14, Issue No. 2, Apr 2019, Pages 190 - 191 (2)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


The present research studies the officiating Sports Knowledge Test of Volley ball game between the State and National level officials of Uttarakhand. The purpose of this study was to compare the State and National level officials of Uttarakhand on their levels of Sports Knowledge Test about the volley ball officiating. For the study, Total numbers of 40 Volley ball officials were selected as the samples for the study from Nagpur district of Uttarakhand. In which 20 were state level officials and 20 were national level officials selected randomly. It was descriptive study. For the data collection the teacher given questionnaire for the proposed study. There were 30 Sports Knowledge Test-based questions on definitions like Volley game history, Technique, Training, Methods, Rules and Regulation in the questionnaire with multiple choice answers. The object was to measure the Sports Knowledge Test levels between the state and national level officials of volley ball game. Descriptive statistics and Independent t,z and annova test was used as a statistical tools. The result shows that there is significant difference between the Sports Knowledge Test of state and national level officials, thus the research hypothesis was accepted. In the Sports Knowledge test, we observe that national level officials got good results as compared to state level officials. Researcher observed that the means scores of Sports Knowledge Test showed that national level officials have high level of ports Knowledge Test as compare to state level officials.


officiating Sports Knowledge Test, volley ball game, State and National level officials, Uttarakhand, descriptive study, teacher given questionnaire, Sports Knowledge Test-based questions, definitions, Technique, Training, Methods, Rules and Regulation, descriptive statistics, Independent t,z and annova test, research hypothesis, means scores, comparison


In what extent and how concretely coaching experience or academic background about the relevant importance of different Sports Knowledge Test domains constitute relevant issues that deserve to be examined. Thus, the purpose of this study is to gain insights into officials Sports Knowledge Test about the value of in the range of domains related to officiating. Because we know that officials Sports Knowledge Test about the game is very crucial in officiating. For example officials is having very poor Sports Knowledge Test about the officiating then definitely he will not get good results from his job. So in this regards the present research want to measure the levels of officiating Sports Knowledge Test between the state and national level officials. Hence the researcher has taken the comparative study of officiating Sports Knowledge Test between state and national level officials of Uttarakhand.


This survey study comes under Descriptive Research. For the same study a total numbers of 40 Volley ball officials were selected, as the samples for the study from the Uttarakhand State. In which 20 were state level officials and 20 were national level officials. It was descriptive survey. For the data collection the teacher has been given structured questionnaire were used. There were 30 Sports Knowledge Test-based questions on definitions like volley ball Game history, Technique, Training, Methods, Rules and Regulation in the questionnaire with multiple choice answers. The objectives of study was measure the Sports Knowledge Test levels between the state and national level officials of volley ball game. Descriptive statistics and Independent t,z & co-relation test was used as a statistical tool.

officials Sports Knowledge Test score. Independent Sample’s’ test of Sports Knowledge Test


It was observed from the above table‘s findings that the officiating Sports Knowledge Test of state and national level officials of volley ball, that there is significant difference between the Sports Knowledge Test of state and national level officials, thus the research hypothesis was accepted. In the Sports Knowledge Test, we observe that national level officials got good results as compared to state level officials. Researcher observed that the means scores of Sports Knowledge Test showed that national level officials have high level of Sports Knowledge Test as compare to state level officials.


On the basis of the findings/results obtained from the above study, the researcher made the following conclusions: • National officials having good Sports Knowledge Test related to Volley Ball. • National Officials are better than State level officials in volley ball Sports Knowledge Test. • Difference between the state and national level officials related to Sports Knowledge Test is significant.


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Corresponding Author Anant Ravi Darshan Joshi*

Research Scholar, Gondwana University, Gadchiroli