A Research on the Nutritional Status and Dietary Patterns of Indian Football Players

Exploring the dietary habits and health status of elite Indian football players

by Amandeep Kaur*,

- Published in International Journal of Physical Education & Sports Sciences, E-ISSN: 2231-3745

Volume 14, Issue No. 2, Apr 2019, Pages 194 - 199 (6)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Participation in physical activity is essential for physical and mental health of players. Players taking part in sports have high demands of nutrients due to additional needs of increased physical activity besides growth, development and wellness. The health and nutritional status may be compromised in this population due to lack of proper nutritional counseling. Sports Nutrition in India picked up momentum after the direct of 2010 Common Wealth Games. Be that as it may, thinks about on Nutritional intake of tip top Indian athletes are restricted and there is a basic requirement for upgraded examine around there. This survey paper, along these lines, abridges the dietary profile of athletes of all age bunches with a particular spotlight on Indian athletes. The paper features the announced calorie utilization design, dietary practices, supplement utilization, inadequacies, maladies like metabolic variations from the norm, eating issue, hypertension, FATRED-S and talks about pertinent status among Indian athletes.


nutritional status, dietary patterns, Indian football players, physical activity, nutrients, growth, development, wellness, nutritional counseling, sports nutrition, Common Wealth Games, dietary profile, calorie consumption, nutrient intake, metabolic abnormalities, eating disorders, hypertension, FATRED-S, Indian athletes


Sports nutrition is a specialization within the field of nutrition that partners closely with the study of the human body and exercise science. Sports Nutrition can be defined as the application of nutrition knowledge to a practical daily eating plan providing the fuel for physical activity, facilitating the repair and building process following hard physical work and achieve athletic performance in competitive events, while also promoting overall health and wellness. The basic concept for sports nutrition for athletes requires proper eating strategies and need to have a command of general nutrition as well as exercise science. The second step is to gain the knowledge of how nutrition and exercise science are intertwined, emphasize that physical training and dietary habits are reliant on each other in order to produce optimal performance. The final step is the practical application of sport nutrition knowledge on the individual sports person who is participating in any sport or physical activity. Association football, commonly known as football or soccer is the most popular sport worldwide. Most likely, it is also one of the most dynamically developed sports, which puts high demands on individual physical performance. It is well-known that nutrition plays an important role in the training process. Properly led training should include recommendations regarding macronutrients intake based on knowledge verified by research. Athletes often in an effort to improve performance use a variety of nutritional ergogenic aids to enhance performance. Often, however, it would be sufficient only to adjust the standard diet to meet their requirements. Even though several recommendations have been made over the past twenty years, current reviews indicated that macronutrient intake in soccer is probably still not adequate to fulfill the requirements of players. To better estimate the macronutrient intake, we decided on creating a meta-analysis based on the scientific works published during the first two decades of the 21st century. Our results may serve as an example for people who are responsible for successful training programs in soccer. Nutrition, physical execution and the level of practical limit of the people are interrelated. Any dietary inadequacy that antagonistically influences the wellbeing of the individual is probably going to impede his or her physical execution limit. Subsequently, nutrition and prosperity assumes an essential job in the field of sports and generally speaking execution of a competitor. Distinctive sports include diverse levels of exercise sessions and a reasonable eating regimen to have a general decent wellness status. It has been bolstered by different looks into that great nutrition has an imperative job in keeping up great wellbeing and wellness of the sportsperson with the goal that they can prepare and contend well. Dietary habits for Indian populace have a vast variety because of different social, financial and religious convictions. An expansive number of players and athletes are additionally receiving vegetarianism because of natural, financial and religious reasons. It has been recommended that a veggie lover diet whenever arranged well and comprises of assortment

diet has a tendency to contain organic products, vegetables, nuts, entire grains and vegetables barring a wide range of meat and fish (Fraser 2009). An all around adjusted nutritious eating regimen can upgrade physical movement, athletic execution and recuperation from exercise among sportspersons. Higher intake of protein items or protein particularly got from meat prompts more noteworthy strength. Additionally, meat eating may prompt enhanced solid hypertrophy because of opposition preparing. Vegan athletes having meatless dietary routine had low energy intake and low levels of vitamins and minerals especially B-complex, Calcium, Iron and Zinc. Be that as it may, if veggie lover consumes less calories are arranged including an assortment of foods, they can meet the nutritional requirements of athletes. Various medical advantages including lower danger of death from heart infections, low pulse and lower rate of tumors have been accounted for to be related with vegan eats less carbs. Non-veggie lover athletes have a tendency to devour lesser foods grown from the ground when contrasted with vegans as revealed by Wang and Beydoun (2007). Athletes performing different sports may require least or more percent muscle to fat ratio relying upon the length of their preparation. Quality and spryness which are vital for ideal execution are extraordinarily influenced by body piece (Ackland et al 2012). Body weight significantly impacts the speed, continuance and intensity of the athletes. Female athletes are evaluated to have something like 12 percent muscle to fat ratio to meet general wellbeing requirements, so they will probably pursue veggie lover diet as a measure to accomplish an ideal body weight (Ducher et al 2011). Nonetheless, if calories are confined with the end goal to acquire a specific physical make-up or to upgrade execution, the contrary outcome may likewise be watched. An extraordinary calorie confinement among female athletes may prompt negatively affect vitamins and minerals status prompting more serious danger of amenorrhea and scattered menstrual cycles. A decline in fat and muscle does not have dependably a beneficial outcome on accomplishing the objective of a perfect physical make-up for ideal sports execution. It has been demonstrated by various investigations that protein amid recuperation is improved when the serving of recuperation food contains both starch and protein. Protein needs are specifically identified with caloric intake. Nitrogen balance is enhanced and protein requirements are diminished when adequate calories are expended to keep up energy balance. Be that as it may, if energy intake is low, protein is separated to address energy issues. Likewise, protein as an energy substrate builds protein requirements. protein intake is a noteworthy factor in improving the results of preparing or accomplishing recuperation objectives. Eating protein in the moment recuperation period after strenuous perseverance exercise likewise accomplishes this impact. The boost of continuance exercise serves to make proteins to repair harmed muscle or to make new compounds that will empower the competitor to perform better at his exercise assignments. In the interim, the boost of opposition preparing serves to make new muscles to make the competitor predominant and more grounded. The mission for greatness in game inclines a competitor to attempt over the top preparing loads for more elevated amounts of achievement. This heap reliably enhances execution, yet in addition produces sport related pressure, safe concealment, inclining a competitor to different dangers, one such vital zone being the nutritional status of athletes for which ceaseless nutrition bolster is persistently arranged and implemented for athletic perfection and the athletes' long haul great wellbeing. Nutrition assumes an essential job in sports execution since it encourages a competitor to keep up perfect body weight, body structure particular to sports and quicker recuperation. Preparing and nutrition ought to go as an inseparable unit to accomplish abnormal state of achievements in sports. Satisfactory nutrition improves high-impact limit or Vo2max, decreases weakness, attaches recuperation and gives damage avoidance and conservation of resistance. Nutrition assumes a job in execution, as well as forestalls wounds, upgrade recuperation from exercise, help keep up body weight, and enhance by and large wellbeing. It is essential for all sports people to have a decent working learning, comprehension of exercise science and sports nutrition so that these can help in their own execution potential.


Nutritional and dietary practices of Indian athletes are allegedly subnormal. Skipping of breakfast was seen in State/National level sportswomen, University/State level male and female athletes, Indian aggressive wrestlers, South Indian locale level sportspersons; lunch was being skipped by sportspersons of Coimbatore region and Indian focused wrestlers and supper was skipped by sportspersons of Coimbatore region. The recurrence of skipping went between 3 to multi day/week. Grains utilization was appeared to be low in university volleyball players, weightlifters and sprinters. Organic product intake is low in North and South Indian university Hockey players and game people of Coimbatore district. Vegetable utilization South Indian university Hockey players, volleyball players, weightlifters, sprinters, male expert bushel competitors and sportspersons of Coimbatore area. Utilization of fat was high contrasted with proposed dietary stipends in male expert bin competitors. Fat utilization particularly ghee (100g) is appeared to be high in Indian focused wrestlers. High utilization of nuts particularly almonds (75to 100g) in Indian focused wrestlers , dates (40g), and cashew (50g) in male expert bushel competitors of Dharwad city every day were accounted for. Complex sugars are supplanted by refined starches because of decisions, for example, bread and prepared snacks by South Indian area level sports people. High utilization of low quality nourishments (Chowmein, chilly beverages, and aloo chips) and sleek foods (samosa, bread pakora, bathura and so forth) were common among State/National level sportswomen.

Imperfect protein intake has been seen in Indian aggressive sprinters, boxers and weightlifters, North Indian university female hockey players, sportspersons of Coimbatore area and volleyball players and sprinters when contrasted with recommended dietary remittances amid preparing and in addition rivalries. Adverse energy balance was brought up in the weight control plans of male National level hurlers, State/National level sportswomen, North and South Indian male and female university hockey players and sportspersons of Coimbatore area. Lower sugar intake underneath the recommendations and higher fat intake particularly soaked fat over the recommendations is accounted for on male National level hurlers, male expert container competitors of Dharwad city, Indian aggressive wrestlers, female university kabaddi players and North Indian school male hockey players. High protein intake is seen in South Indian university hockey players and male National level hurlers. Starch intake was appeared to be high in North Indian university female hockey players.

Micronutrient intake is accounted for to be beneath the recommendations particularly iron and calcium. Deficient intake of iron is commonly seen in Indian athletes, as detailed by Ashwini et al (2012) on Indian female fencers (14mg/dl) than the recommended dietary recompenses of iron (30mg/dl). Their serum ferritin esteems were likewise beneath (14.85ng/ml) the alluring reach (20-212.3ng/ml).Similar examines directed on male expert crate competitors of Dharwad city (26.1mg), University/State level male and female athletes, focused sprinters (29.9mg), boxers (32.2mg), weightlifters (36.3mg), wrestlers (19.1mg), sportspersons of Coimbatore area and university volleyball players, weightlifers and sprinters detailed insufficient iron intake contrasted with recommendation (50mg/d). Hemoglobin levels were low when contrasted with the measures in male expert bin competitors of Dharwad city, University/State level male and female athletes and sportspersons of Coimbatore area. Calcium intake recommendations in focused boxers, University/State level male and female athletes, sportspersons of Coimbatore locale, university volleyball players, weightlifers and sprinters. Imperfect niacin intake was accounted for by male expert bushel athletes of Dharwad city, State/National level sportswomen and sportspersons of Coimbatore area. Low thiamine, riboflavin intake has been seen in State/National level sportswomen and University/State level male and female athletes. Nande et al. (2009) revealed bring down intake of folate in University/State level male and female athletes.


Participating in endurance sports requires optimal nutrition, with specific focus on dietary modifications. Targeted fitness development at an early age, especially in adolescence is deemed the foundation for leading an active lifestyle, avoiding potential overweight, reducing motor deficiencies and thus improving the general quality of life. At the time of final performance an athlete is supposed to be well nourished, uninjured, fit, focused and ready to compete. Sports nutrition is not just about calories to achieve weight or body composition goals; nor is it all about protein for muscles or carbohydrates for fuel. Nutritional and eating habits have been of specific interest in sports, especially given their impression on athletic performance. General recommendations need to be suggested by sports nutrition experts to accommodate the specific requirements of individual athlete regarding health, sports, nutrient, food choices and body weight and body composition. Athlete challenges their bodies on a regular basis through tough physical training and competitions. In order to keep up with demand for stamina of their activity or sport, athlete needs adequate fuel for their body on day to day basis. Nutrition is important for an athlete because it provides energy required to perform the activity. The food they take leaves an impact on strength, training, performance and recovery. Not only the type of food is important for sport nutrition but also the time is equally important for what they eat throughout the day. It also has an impact on their performance level and their body ability to recover after workout. An athlete needs to pay close attention about when, what and how much does he eat or drink prior to a game or match. The role of nutrition in sports performance is very important. Proper nutrition must be available prior, during and post competition. Greany and Jeukendrup stated that from fueling to recovery, muscle building weight and making optimal nutrition ensure the best platform for success in any sport. Meals eaten after and before the exercise are the most important in nutrition but we should really be very careful with all that the athlete intake in his body. As a general rule of

protein. Carbohydrates are the main source of energy that provides power to an athlete in exercise regime. Protein is required to develop muscle growth.


Notwithstanding the ubiquity of soccer and the prospering field of soccer-related logical research, the nutritional intake of soccer players has pulled in shockingly little research consideration. A few writers have additionally investigated the intake and nutritional status of vitamins and minerals, yet these articles were excluded in this correction because of the methodological challenges and impediments for a precise assessment and understanding of micronutrient intake data. In the accompanying segments, we will examine the explanations behind the huge fluctuation in energy and macronutrient intake of soccer players, and additionally sexual orientation contrasts in nutritional conduct. Hardly any investigations have broke down energy balance in soccer players, and just two have met the inclusion criteria for this survey. Different investigations directed around there have delivered profoundly factor results, potentially because of the utilization of assorted approachs and experimental plans, and to contrasts in the ages, aggressive levels, and preparing heaps of the players contemplated. A few creators have concentrated on the assessment of aggregate day by day energy use (EE), yet give no data about supplement intake. In these investigations, the systems used to quantify EE incorporated the doubly-named water technique and aberrant calorimetry (resting EE) . Albeit precise, these are mind boggling and costly systems, and are of constrained an incentive with expansive gatherings or for routine utilize. A few investigations have assessed energy consumption amid match-play or preparing without figuring all out day by day energy use, and thus have not been incorporated into this audit. Given the very much documented significance of nutrition in enhancing execution and wellbeing, it is to some degree amazing that the nutritional intake of soccer players, especially male players, has been methodicallly depicted as insufficient. Most examinations have revealed every day CHO intakes lower than those recommended, while the protein and lipid intake of the greater part of players surpasses recommended sums. The announced macronutrient intake solely alludes to food sources, since data about the utilization of supplements was not given by the creators. Hardly any examinations have explored the food wellsprings of the supplements ingested by soccer players. To the best of our insight, no data on the food intake of female soccer players is accessible. and potatoes; drain and dairy items; meat, poultry, and subsidiaries; and oil; which together gave 65% of aggregate day by day energy intake, with a minor commitment from vegetables and organic products .


The numerous connects of eating practice offer a plenty of potential roads through which food choice and supplement intake can be adjusted . In any case, huge numbers of these elements are hard to evaluate and cooperate with different factors. Add to this a profoundly focused game environment, and the image turns out to be significantly more mind boggling. In the accompanying areas, we will investigate the little data accessible because of a portion of these connects on eating rehearses in soccer players. Food different preferences are solid corresponds of eating practice and have been depicted as indicators of food determination and even of supplement intake in a few investigations in various populaces. There is general agreement that understanding food inclinations is fundamental to design powerful nutrition training programs. Be that as it may, to the best of our insight, we are the main gathering to have dissected this parameter in soccer players , and we found no proof of a connection between food inclinations and food and nutritional intake. The players evaluated were teenagers living in their family environment. In this circumstance, the likelihood of choosing foods as indicated by individual inclination is restricted, as dinners are for the most part under the supervision of other relatives, who select the day by day menu dependent on a few elements (e.g., states of mind towards wellbeing and nutrition, food cost, simplicity of planning) unmistakable from the player's food inclinations. Therefore, of the extensive variety of components that impact food choice and supplement intake, food inclinations are not a basic determinant for soccer players. The impact of the family environment has all the earmarks of being more grounded and ought to be borne as a primary concern when structuring and implementing nutritional intercessions for soccer players, particularly for young people. It is important to affirm these outcomes with grown-up players. It has as often as possible been accounted for that the unconstrained nutritional intake of athletes is identified with the physiological and metabolic requests of their game. Numerous creators have portrayed position-related contrasts in the execution capacities and physiological and anthropometric attributes of soccer players. This is identified with the specific action profile of each playing position, which influences the extent of vigorous and anaerobic physiological requests between playing positions are considerably less set apart than those between various orders, they are in any case huge. In their rules for day by day CHO intake for soccer players, Burke and collaborators separate among "portable" and "less versatile" players dependent on the nutritional requests related with their playing position . Be that as it may, there is little data accessible about the food and supplement intake of soccer players in respect to their field position. In addition, a portion of these articles don't give data to the whole group. No data on female players is accessible. Numerous soccer players and specialized staff generally think about pre-and post-amusement dinners as a nutritional need. Menu arranging has along these lines got much consideration as the foundation of a fruitful nutritional technique for rivalry. Be that as it may, much of the time it stays misty whether nutritional recommendations for pre-and post-amusement dinners are connected by and by, particularly for away matches, when set menus are generally offered to the players. Besides, it may be believed that nutritional ampleness would be higher, better appropriated crosswise over suppers, with more consideration regarding post-exercise recuperation nutrition, and so forth., when dinners and feast designs are given contrasted with players who self-select their own food. It merits investigating whether it could establish an option in contrast to the implementation of nutrition training programs. Subsequently, an intriguing inquiry is: to what degree can eating rehearses on match days be credited to the set menus offered, the players' capacity to choose food.


Diet is of great importance to athletes, the key to achieving an optimal sports diet in relationship to peak performance and good health is balance. Athletes must fuel their bodies with the appropriate nutritional foods to meet their energy requirements in competition, training and recovery. If these nutritional needs are not met, there is an increased risk of poor performance and health issues. The use of a nutritional supplement within established guidelines is safe, effective and ethical. Hundreds of studies have shown the effectiveness of creatine monohydrate supplementation in improving anaerobic capacity strength and lean body mass in conjunction with training, but still there is sports specific variation in the food fads and practices indicating the strong influence on coaches and peers. It is vital to educate the sportsmen about the dietary pattern. Nutrition training is expected to enhance nutrition learning and get changes dietary practices. Nutrition-instruction programs are frequently founded on the preface that prevalent nutrition information may convert into better dietary intake. The idea of interpretation of learning into training was bolstered Kingdom demonstrating a relationship between nutrition information and expanded foods grown from the ground intake and lessened fat utilization . Most examinations on supplement intake of tip top Indian athletes report a lacking intake, with brought down biochemical profile, for example, hemoglobin, anthropometry, eating issue, related of poor dietary intake with anthropometry, physiological and execution parameters stays unexplored. Nutrition training is every now and again answered to be ignored in sports programs around the country. There is a scarcity of nutrition instruction mediations among various sports in India. More examinations are should have been done around there and give right data and urge athletes to get sound changes their eating routine.


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Corresponding Author Amandeep Kaur* BPE, BPED, M.SC (Sports Science)