Study on Personality Traits and Self Esteem in Sports Participants

The relationship between personality traits, sports participation, and athletic achievement

by Jyoti Prakash*, Dr. Ramesh Chand Kanwar, Dr. Tryambak F. Gulhane,

- Published in International Journal of Physical Education & Sports Sciences, E-ISSN: 2231-3745

Volume 14, Issue No. 2, Apr 2019, Pages 230 - 234 (5)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


The present study investigates whether the Big Five personality traits are distinctive among differing sports populaces. A sample of 881 male competitors and non-competitors finished a self-report survey estimating their personality traits. The Exploratory Structure Equation Modeling (ESEM) approach is received to test estimation invariance and mean contrasts among gatherings. The outcomes show that competitors who had encountered the most accomplishment in their game scored higher than non-competitors in every personality measurement of the Big Five, except for receptiveness, while less effective competitors scored higher than non-competitors just in extraversion and suitability. The more effective competitors demonstrated higher suitability, good faith, and passionate solidness than the less fruitful competitors. Singular game competitors were seen as more vivacious and open than group activity competitors. The present findings help explain the connections between personality traits, sports participation and athletic achievement.


personality traits, self esteem, sports participants, Big Five, competitors, non-competitors, Exploratory Structure Equation Modeling, estimation invariance, mean contrasts, athletic achievement


Sport brain research is a part of brain science that the extent of their exercises is the study and advancement of learning systems regarding the fundamental engine capacities, physical capacities and engine abilities at various ages. The interim, one of the personality traits that little consideration has been paid to is hostility and its impaction participation in sports. Meaning of animosity is characterized as any type of conduct that plans to hurt different creatures. In the field of sports brain research, considers have sought after the assessment of the mental attributes cooperation, for example, self-esteem and performance (achievement and disappointment). As per, Self-esteem is characterized as our convictions and how fruitful viable and significant challenge is finished. Sports self-esteem has sway on inspiration and participation in singular sports exercises and keep up powerful associations. Self-esteem is certainly not a general sense however an uncommon highlights identifying with the various areas of conduct and status. For instance, a little youngster's self-esteem or self-dependence in the field of wellbeing social, athletic might be huge, be that as it may, for his accomplishment in the course may not be a lot of dependence on self-esteem. Indeed, even with regards to the person's self-esteem may fluctuate in their study, look at the social connections and self esteem and burdensome manifestations among competitors and non-competitors. The outcomes demonstrated that competitor understudies had higher self-esteem and social connections in noteworthy level just as essentially less discouraged than were no Sport. Research has indicated that individuals who take an interest in sporting exercises, their self-esteem is more than the individuals who don't take an interest in sports exercises in an examination, analyzed the viability of b-ball group win and lose on self-esteem and enthusiastic reaction of the spectaculars and inferred that when the group is champ, the degree of their self-idea and positive feelings increments and their negative feelings is diminished. Self-esteem, age, and participation in sports were analyzed by. The outcomes demonstrated that there is no centrality between the degree of self-esteem in more established on-competitors and more youthful on-competitors. Additionally, there was no noteworthy distinction between the degree of self-esteem in the two competitors and non-competitors youngsters. More established competitors and contrasted with more seasoned non-competitors had higher self-

fit. People with higher self esteem, are commonly upbeat and have high vitality, while low self-esteem, have a bringing down influence conduct. By fortifying the abilities of the physical body, there is a decent idea. Without any of the mental advantages, taking part in sports can be almost no advantage and may even prompt the loss of self-esteem. The findings show the differential effects of heterogeneity. A lot of results which are progressively various, affirm connection and positive impact of the performance and exercise on self-esteem subjects detached gatherings of kids to grown-ups. Another arrangement of findings have considered the effect of self-esteem on athletic achievement, and have affirmed the positive relationship between's these two factors. Class III investigations have demonstrated no impact of activity on developing self-esteem analyzed the connection between self-esteem and athletic achievement in football and wrestling. Results demonstrated a positive relationship between self-esteem and athletic achievement of grapplers. There is a positive connection between athletic accomplishments of footballers. Self-esteem and accomplishment of achievement in football is more than self-esteem and achievement in wrestling. In the event that the competitor looked with circumstances with passionate responses isn't outfitted with an effective adapting technique and little capacity to comprehend and deal with their feelings and others, may encounter undesirable feelings and unsavory feelings. This mode additionally expands animosity, stress and loss of mental prosperity in competitors and in the accompanying competitors will be away from their genuine performance. Studies have demonstrated a huge connection between self-esteem and self-impression of one's body. The self-esteem in individuals who are getting a charge out of sound body is more than individuals who are influenced. Perceptions demonstrate no critical contrasts between competitors and non-competitor understudies' self-esteem, and understudies in physical training with other scholarly teach.

Personality continuity and sport participation

The customary research focal point of social hereditary enquiry was to evaluate the size of hereditary and ecological effects on conduct. The most persuading proof for inherited commitments to personality has originated from twin, family and reception contemplates. These investigations have exhibited that monozygotic (indistinguishable) twins are more comparable in personality than are dizygotic (intimate) twins, that received kids are progressively comparable in personality to their organic guardians commitments to human personality are currently settled. Studies have over and over shown that grown-up personality traits show considerable hereditary commitments (in the district of half), that common situations (for example family pay, child rearing style) contribute practically zero fluctuation in watched traits, and in this manner, that non-shared conditions additionally substantially affect personality traits. Additional proof for hereditary and ecological impacts on personality has originated from longitudinal investigations. As anyone might expect, the writing focuses to the job of hereditary factors in keeping up personality steadiness all through the life expectancy, and one of a kind ecological variables acting to advance personality change. Personality progression has likewise been appeared to increment with age. A complete meta-investigation of 152 longitudinal examinations indicated test-retest connection coefficients of .31 in adolescence, .54 in college years, .64 at age 30, and .74 between age 50 and 70 . These qualities were moderately steady for every one of the five measurements and bolster the thought that personality is increasingly factor in youth and immaturity. Later research has upheld these findings however propose that personality progression may level at a previous age – around early adulthood. Models that gauge hereditary and natural impacts have contributed generously to the hypothetical standards fundamental personality improvement. Quality Environment corporations are obvious when natural contrasts are appeared to direct 18 the impact of qualities on personality traits or when hereditary contrasts are appeared to direct the impact of ecological contrasts on personality traits. For example, young men conveying the low-movement variation of the monoamine oxidize A (MAO-A) quality have been appeared to show withdrawn conduct in pre-adulthood and early adulthood, yet just on the off chance that they had been exposed to serious parental abuse. In another study, young people conveying the low communicating (LG or S) alleles of the serotonin transporter quality (5-HTT) have been appeared to show burdensome side effects if and just in the event that they detailed having encountered earlier idiographic pressure. These are only two models from the developing field that is starting to reveal how quality and ecological information sources join to make singular characters.

Personality Traits and Self-Esteem in Sport

Albeit, as indicated by, mental looks into of competitors' personality are in a specific emergency in the field of sports brain science, there is a huge group of research with findings on distinguishing contrasts between personality traits of competitors in various sports. These looks into demonstrated that more elevated levels of extraversion in contrast with competitors taking part in singular sports. At that point, competitors taking part in group activities have lower level of uprightness than competitors taking an interest in singular sports. Likewise, competitors taking an interest in high-hazard sports have more elevated levels of extraversion and lower levels of uprightness than competitors taking an interest in generally safe sports. Consequences of meta-examination indicated that high-hazard sport participants had more elevated levels of sensation chasing, extraversion and impulsivity and lower levels of neuroticism, affectability to discipline in contrast with people who don't attempt such exercises. When contrasting competitors and non-competitors, findings demonstrate more significant levels of extraversion and more elevated levels of enthusiastic soundness in populace of competitors than in non-competitors, just as higher receptiveness to encounter. Further, it was indicated that karate experts have low neuroticism and high honesty, contingent upon their degree of authority, with the goal that more experienced competitors have more steady personality than those less experienced. In one study on Tunisian competitors, the outcomes uncovered that self-esteem was higher in a gathering of competitors taking an interest in singular sports than in competitors taking part in group activities, while forcefulness was higher in group activities than in singular sports. When contrasting degrees of animosity in individual non-forceful sports like tennis, moving, swimming with singular battle sports, results uncover that non-forceful sports involve more significant levels of self-esteem and verbal animosity, antagonistic vibe, and outrage. Different examinations showed opposite outcomes, guaranteeing more elevated levels of animosity in battle sports than in other individual sports. Despite the fact that a few examinations show no distinction in self-esteem between individual and group competitors, more elevated levels of self-esteem are significant notable of better adapting systems in sport pressure the executives. As per a writing audit which demonstrated blended findings in this field, we have tried contrasts in personality traits and self-esteem in competitors partaking in two gatherings of sports, in group activities and in battle sports.

Personality Traits

Structure of competitors' personality was frequently subject of sport clinicians' looks into. Understanding personality structure, essentially, is to decide noticeable people's aura: explicit, which control conduct of one kind circumstance, and general, which are in the base of conduct in wide class circumstances. Engineering of competitors' personality is altogether extraordinary contrasted and non-competitors. Yet, it isn't been affirmed that arrangement of personality traits progressively arranged to be effectively occupied with elite athletics or a particular structure and association of personality auras gain and create during long haul participation in sports exercises . In connection to this predicament is common thought that there is a shared reliance in connection between sports and personality structure: some personality traits decide achievement of the sport, and sport impacts as arrangement and advancement of explicit qualities, that further conduct become indistinguishable parts of personality competitors. Personality is commonly estimated utilizing a self-report poll on which respondents show their emotions or practices, yielding estimations of traits, for example, neuroticism, nervousness, extraversion, strength, decisiveness, affectability, scruples, and appropriateness. Personality either predicts or is identified with numerous things, including performance inspiration, authority, and occupation performance .The Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16PF) is an exhaustive proportion of typical range personality saw as compelling in an assortment of settings where an inside and out appraisal of the entire individual is required. From the earliest starting point, Cattell proposed a staggered, various leveled structure of personality: the second-request worldwide measures depict personality at a more extensive, applied level, while the more exact essential components uncover the fine subtleties and subtleties that make every individual exceptional, and are all the more dominant in anticipating genuine conduct. Because of its logical inceptions, the 16PF Questionnaire has a long history of exact research and is installed in a settled hypothesis of individual contrasts. This survey is broad collection of research extends backs over 50 years, giving proof of its utility in clinical, directing, mechanical hierarchical, instructive, and inquire about settings. A moderate gauge of 16PF research since 1974 incorporates in excess of 2,000 distributions. Most investigations have seen the 16PF as among the best five most usually utilized typical range instruments in both research and practice. The measure is likewise generally utilized universally, and since its commencement has been adjusted into more than 35 dialects around the world. In this manner, the point of the present study investigates the distinction of the personality traits of competitors in individual and group activities.


Self-esteem is presently a family unit idea and high self-esteem is viewed as something that causes positive result in life when all is said in done and in explicit circumstances. Self-esteem as a build has had many shifting definitions and methods for estimating, however it in this paper it alludes to an

connections. At the point when we hear competitors clarify their ongoing achievement or disappointment in the media they frequently credit this to either high or low self-esteem. In extraordinary cases we may see a sports group that has been losing the majority of their matches in a season, begins winning again after an adjustment in the board, and an expansion in self-esteem is frequently referenced as a contributing component to this change. The conviction that higher self-esteem causes positive results has along these lines brought about mediation programs in certain regions with the expectation to build self-esteem . A significant number of these mediation programs have been coordinated towards improving school performance. Be that as it may, discovered little proof for a beneficial outcome in a meta investigation, despite what might be expected they found that a portion of the understudies with low evaluations really performed more regrettable after the intercession. There is by all accounts meager help to the presumption that higher self-esteem causes better performance, while it can make individuals endure longer in an assignment when coming up short. This would be helpful for competitors since most sports require some type of repetitive practice headed for authority. Despite the fact that there is little proof of a causal connection between performance and self-esteem, thinks about show that these elements are here and there associated. Numerous specialists expect that self-esteem impacts influence and conduct of people.

The present study

The motivation behind the present study was to investigate the relationship among Big Five personality traits and contribution and achievement in sorted out sports, a setting that has gotten little consideration in the huge exhibit of physical movement. The present study plans to beat the greater part of the impediments of past research to determine clearer and progressively legitimate ends on the relationship between personality and sports participation. Specifically, as asserted by, the present research gives definite data about the impact size identified with populace based contrasts. In addition, in accordance with late recommendations, the ESEM approach has been embraced to test estimation invariance and mean contrasts over the gatherings considered. • In light of the most steady outcomes from accessible writing, the accompanying theories were created: • It was normal that non-competitors would have lower levels of extraversion, principles, and passionate strength than competitors. • It was normal that individual-sport competitors would report more principles, receptiveness, and passionate security than group activity competitors.


1. To study the some differences between Sports and no Sport‘s life satisfaction 2. To examine the links between sports participation and self-esteem


The reason for this study was to decide whether there is a noteworthy relationship among preschool sports participation, self-esteem, and joy. The subsequent reason for existing was to decide whether there are measurably noteworthy contrasts in self-esteem and bliss among understudies with pre school sports participation and understudies without preschool sports participation. Research demonstrates that sports and physical movement legitimately influence people's wellbeing physically, inwardly, and rationally. Consequently, it is basic to advance sports and physical action all through one's lifetime. Self-esteem and joy were inspected in this study to decide undergrads' earlier sport understanding and their conceivable relationship with these components. A measurably critical connection was found in self-esteem in the individuals who took part in sports before school and those that didn't. At the end of the day, college understudies who showed having earlier sport experience additionally demonstrated having more elevated levels of self-revealed self-esteem. No noteworthy contrast was found for bliss in the individuals who partook in sports preceding school. In particular, the individuals who detailed having pre-school sport experience reported more elevated levels of self-revealed bliss than those without earlier sport understanding, despite the fact that it was not factually critical. By and large, results from this study were predictable with existing writing.


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Corresponding Author Jyoti Prakash*

Research Scholar, Gondwana University, Gadchiroli