Self-Leadership: Volleyball Student-Players and Their Achievement

Exploring the Relationship Between Self-Leadership and Success in Volleyball Student-Players

by Dr. Amit Kumar Singh Bhadoria*,

- Published in International Journal of Physical Education & Sports Sciences, E-ISSN: 2231-3745

Volume 14, Issue No. 2, Apr 2019, Pages 297 - 302 (6)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Self-leadership is one of the themes researched in recent years with considerable concern. The growth of self-leadership energy inside the person, the realization of self-affairs and self-determinations, and formation of self-motivation can be defined as self-leadership. The aim of the analysis is to analyze the levels of autonomy of volleyball players and to evaluate their connexon to their success. Data from volleyball players who studied at various universities and played volleyball in 2 were obtained. Turkish University Federation League (n=138 woman 38, male 62). The short version of the Abbreviated Self-Leadership Questionnaire produced by Houghton et al. (2012)1 in Turkey (Sahin, 2015)2 was used as a data collection method for these studies. The survey comprises nine elements which can be seen as a general overview of the global system of self-leadership. Cronbach's Alpha was observed to be .824 for this analysis. The self-leadership of the volleyball players was strong in the outcome of the studies. The variables and ASLQ ratings were not substantially different. There was a poor, negative and important association between the achievement (ranking) of the volleyball players and the ASLQ performance.


self-leadership, volleyball student-players, achievement, autonomy, connexon, self-affairs, self-determinations, self-motivation, Abbreviated Self-Leadership Questionnaire, Cronbach's Alpha


You may assume that the idea of leadership has taken place from the moment the living things started to coexist. Traditionally, in the first half of the 19th century, the idea that could be traced back to the life of humanity was used in scholarly ways. The leadership is an ancient and historical phenomenon. People who are social creatures require leaders in history. Societies or organizations still require representatives. The truth is unavoidable. The ever-increasing technologies, knowledge-sharing platforms and the rising amount of people who generate information indicate that leadership is established. Leadership is one of the several established terms. Any of these concepts are: guiding a party, behaving, making the job more effective by empowering workers, putting a community of people together for a certain goal, keeping citizens in line with orders and directives, recognizing issues and showing participants the possibilities for a solution (Doğan, 2007)3. The self-management can be defined as a mechanism where an individual faces immediate solution alternative with various outcomes and a seemingly impossible answer. The interactions between managers and their workers are very different; since then, the condition has continued to change. The literature notes that more rigorous management will be required in the coming years in organizations (Tengilimoglu, 2005)4, that it will not lose its significance, and that the organizations of today will require successful leaders who recognize the dynamics of the evolving global climate. However, today it is anticipated that the individual will satisfy himself or herself, become an entrepreneur and be helpful in terms of organizations in working life. Leadership ideas are usually graded according to leadership concepts. The most famous leading theories are: characteristic theory (1930s-1940s), behavioral theories (1940s-1950s), contingence theories (1960s), modern / contemporary approaches to leadership (1970s-1980s). When looking at contemporary ideas of leadership, leadership models such as schooling, spiritual leadership, rational leadership, innovative leadership, super leadership, self-leadership etc. seem to have arisen. It will be, now as in the future, an area of leadership function like it has in the past. The substantial literature in the last 30 years has centered on the idea of self-leadership.


Self-leadership is an alternative to more conventional leadership and corporate viewpoints that rely on the power and control of officially hierarchic leaders. Self- entity tends to be more successful as organizations and workers start to regulate themselves and maintain themselves. Self-leadership applies to people's self-direction and control and to their direct roles of self-motivation. Self-leadership is built as an affecting or guiding mechanism. In another research, self-leadership is a self-influence mechanism to attain the maximum encouragement and self-direction required in order to do what is necessary and unavoidable. Self-leadership is a mechanism through which individuals control themselves to gain the self-direction and self-motivation required to act and function in the desired manner. By cognitive techniques, individuals control themselves. Self-leadership consists of unique compartmental and cognitive techniques aimed at influencing person results. The self-leadership reflects on the thoughts and actions of the person. The emphasis is on self-discussion, conceptual images, feelings, opinions, and ideas (Neck and Houghton, 2006)5. In another review that autonomy centered together on actions and awareness. The leadership method is the full technique that focuses on individuals' actions and emotions, and that it is the nature of persons to regulate their conduct and that all they do to direct themselves is a part of that leadership. If the deduction is rendered from all this, "self-leadership may also be described as the presence of the energy of self-leadership inside the person even in the most unfavorable circumstances, the fulfilment of his or her self-conducts and self-motivation." Pearce and Manz (2005)6 state that there are a range of particular fields of self-leadership and realistic techniques. They include self-observation, self-goaling, self-reward, practice, self-work renovation and internal dialogues and mental photography. Centered on the scientific principles of social cognitive theory and inherent incentive theory, autonomy consists of 3 distinct techniques. These methods, though distinct, are complementary to each other. These strategies are: 1. behavior-focused strategies, 2. Natural reward strategies, and 3. Constructive thought pattern strategies. Volleyball and Team Composition- Volleyball is one of the world's best-known competitive sports. It shows the finest of talent, heart, imagination and aesthetics. The game of volleyball has a special role in net play. Competitors utilize the game strategies, methods and control system. The structure also encourages players to communicate themselves honestly and actively. Volleyball is getting more and more nice (FIVB, 2016)7. For the game, up to 12 participants, coaching staff and medical staff may be part of the squad. For FIVB, the Libero. Both the team leader and the coach are liable for their team members' actions and discipline. If the team captain is not in court, the team captain or the coach would nominate a new player to the court, but not the libero, to take over as captain (FIVB, 2016). The captain is the only player allowed to talk to the officials and has the distinctive features of the volleyball game as well the general duties of other sports. Without the coach, the captain can use the coach's authorizations. Therefore, the athlete who is the captain is supposed to have more self-leading characteristics than other players. Positions in Volleyball- Volleyball is one of the top-level squad sports. If the team performs a mistake, the team of the competitor earns a score. The players then strive to play without blame. Although volleyball is a team activity, each player's individual success is much more critical. Any player must aspire to achieve high production and achievement. Each player has various duties on the court throughout the match. The court of volleyball is composed of front row and back row. To these rows is decided the role region of the players and it is named 'location of the players in volleyball.' The players are counted in the front row: 4 (facing left), 3 (facing center), 2 (facing right), 5 (faces left), 6 (faces center) and 1 (facing right). Player roles are often focused on these places. Players in these positions known as setter (2), batter: batter center (3), hitter outside (4) and libero (only back). If the forward players get to the back row and the back players get to the forward line, they do the same stuff in the game due to the players' roles, with the exception of the liberos. Player positions- Setter: This role distributes the ball to many hitters (range from 2 to 3). In an advanced volleyball squad, there is one setter on the field. Middle hitter: These individual hits the ball to strike and blocks to protect in front of the net (position 3) of the court of volleyball. External hitter: This player enters the volleyball court in front of the net (position 4) is typically the main attacker on the side. Weakside hitter: This player struck the ball before the net on the volleyball court's front right (position 2) and is typically not the main assailant. Libero: The Libero is a professional defensive player who can only serve as a back row (not an assault shot) according to the FIVB Glossary (FIVB-Glossaire, 2018)8. This player covers for every back-row player. As already stated, while volleyball is a team activity, the players have different roles based on the characteristics of the volleyball game. Therefore, in this analysis, each player is supposed to have strong self-leading features. Day by day, unique features and awareness of individuals are growing and they want to make good use of their ability. This urge may be accomplished if the individual is self-manager and self-manager.

Lead,' said Hagler (2005). "And 'manage yourself if you want someone to manage.' And the number of more trained and active athletes in this knowledge era grows rising every day. Due to the survey study, many researches have been carried out on self-leadership. In addition to the sources included in analysis, there have been several articles on self-leadership in literature. In comparison, research in the area of self-leadership in sports literature are comparatively small. In several reports, literature has been identified on the leadership or actions of coaches. Few of these experiments have been carried out in recent years. Self-management and self-leadership have been reconsidered: standard review, efficiency, relevance and adaptability evaluation of the self-leadership questionnaire, self-leadership socioemotionally smart: the examination of ties between leadership and socioemotional intelligence, and self-intelligence test. The benefits of self-leadership (Khan, 2015)10, Turkish self-leadership change for educational organizations: research of quality and efficiency, self-leading abilities of Libyan private school principals, partnership, self-leadership discovery through Eastern and Western Societies, self-leadership advantages (Khan, 2015).

Some research on sports and leadership; self-conception of the capacity of women to lead and attain the styles of student sportsmen, variations in self-regulation abilities between talented athletes; the importance of competitiveness and the sport form (Jonker et al, 2010).11

With this philosophical context in mind, I hope this study would add to the literature on sport.


1. To evaluate the extent of self-leadership. 2. To review the accomplishments in tournaments. 3. Determine the connexon with the achievements of the athlete.


This research aims at analyzing the degree of self-leadership of volleyball players and evaluating the association with the accomplishment of athletes. Sample and procedure- Data from volleyball players who studied at various universities and played volleyball in 2 were obtained. League of the Turkish University Federation for Athletics (TUSF) (n=138; female 38%, male 62%). In December 2017, the TUSF 2nd League Community Tournaments were conducted in Eskisehir / Turkey with 13 university completed by 12 university athletes. Both athletes were told by the researcher about the report. The questionnaire was anonymously administered and the interaction was voluntary.

Research Hypothesis

Participants- A study composed of 138 candidates, 53 women (38%) and 85 men (62%). The age range of the participants was 20 years and under 78 (56.5 percent) and 21-25 years, respectively, 60 (43.5 percent). Participants, by students: FSS 44 (32%) and other staff 94 (68%). Position of Squad Captain: Captain 15 (11%) and Non-Captain 123 (89%). Volleyball teams according to the rankings: setter 25 (18%), libero 21 (15%), middle hitter 30 (22%), outward blocker 50 (36%) and weak-side attacker 12 (9%). The competitor's years: five years under 52 (38%), five-10 years 63 (49%) and 11-15 years 23 (17%). Measures- The study provided a Personal Information Type (PIF) to evaluate the characteristics of the participants, such as gender, age ranges, faculty, team captain rank, role and competitor years. The key method for data collection is the Abbreviated Self Leadership Questionnaire (ASLQ), created by Houghton et al. (2012), although the Turkish variant of ASLQ was used for that study as a data collection tool. The Turkish vocabulary, durability and authenticity were adopted by Sahin (2015). His research found that the one-factor model matched well with the three-factor ASLQ model, which followed Houghton et al. (2012) guideline for the usage of ASLQ as an overall indicator of self-leading. And he also noticed that the overall value for the ASLQ was highly associated with the RSLQ. The Turkish variant of Cronbach's ASLQ alpha value has been found to be .75 (Sahin, 2015). The questionnaire contained 9 elements and a Likert-type 5-point scale varying from the extreme disagreement between 1 and 5. The questionnaire was very much positive. The highest score from the ASLQ is 45, while the lowest score is 9. 2.5. Analyses- The computer software SPSS 15.0 was used for statistical analysis in this report. In the study of the data it was used to evaluate whether the effects derived from the variables were usually distributed by Z-test and Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS). The findings of the study have been calculated to be not generally distributed. The Mann Whitney U-Test was used to assess the discrepancy between the two classes; for specific samples the Kruskal Wallis H- value amount has been estimated to be .05. For this analysis, Cronbach's Alpha was calculated to be .824 for both ratings.

The researchers reported the rating results at the end of the competitions and collected them from the TUSF official website (TÜSF, 2018a; TÜSF, 2018b)13,14.


According to the reliability review for this study, the Alpha value of Cronbach was identified in 824. The results of the data collected from the participating volleyball players were provided in the following tables.

Table 1: Scores of min, max, mean and SS

The mean score of volleyball players is 39.25.

The results of the Personal Information Form Table 2: The results of Mann Whitney-U test according to ASLQ

The variables (Gender, U=1883.00, P>.05; age ranges, U=2016.50; P > .05; Staff, U=1953.50, p>.05; and Capitan rank, U=809.00, p>.05) and ASLQ scores have not been substantially different.

Table 3: The results of Kruskal Wallis-H test according to ASLQ

No big difference was found between the variables ([x2(4)=6.278, p>.05]; competition years, [x2(2)=2.931, p>.05]) and the ASLQ ratings. No variation was observed.

scores of min, max, mean and SS for ASLQ

When the overall outcomes of the questionnaire were taken into account, teams with the highest total scores were rated 1st and 2nd of both men and women.

Table 5: Correlation between ranking and ASLQ total score

The association between rating of the volleyball players and the ASLQ scores (r=-.200, p<.05) was poor, negative and important. This result indicates that the volleyball players' ASLQ scores in the top row are rising.


The analysis showed that volleyball players 'self-leadership ratings were high, personal knowledge variables were different from ASLQ scores, volleyball top teams had a high ASLQ score, and a poor, unfavorable and important association between the volleyball players' ranks and the ASLQ scores. It may be seen that relatively little research on the degree of autonomy among athletes occur. The maximum score obtainable from the ASLQ is 45. The volleyball players' total score is 39.25 (Table 1). This finding suggests that volleyball players have a strong self-leadership degree. In a study carried out by Türköz et al. (2013)15 and 167 student athletes, the mean self-leadership score was found to be 3,86. Between personal knowledge variables and ASLQ scores there was no meaningful change. In other terms, there were no major differences between the gender, age ranges, faculty, captain rank, place and year of the participant in the questionnaire. However, by considering the overall ranking of the classes, 'adult pupils have higher scores than 'female pupils;' those that were between ages 21-25 have a higher scores than those that were between ages 'less than 20'; 'SSF pupils have a higher scores than pupils at

pupils have a higher scale than pupils who are not captains;' those that have 'captains' Likewise, there were no substantial variations between views of self-leadership and sex and working time. Türköz et al. (2013) also confirmed that there was no statistical disparity in terms of auto-leadership expectations in demographic characteristics for university students-athletes, such as age, educational level of the mother and monthly salary. But the variables which generate significant differences in the use of perceptions of self-leadership include gender, the position of the involved sport industry, the position in scholastic teams, club and national teams and personal experience in athletics etc. The findings of the ranking indicate that self-leadership is stronger than those of other university team members who hold the highest rankings of both men's and women's groups (table 4). This may be an indication that high self-leading athletes can be effective with their teams. Interestingly, the Eskişehir Osmangazi Men's Team's mean score is big. This may be clarified by their own objectives since the host university team will wish to be domestic champions. The self-goaling is one of the unique aspects of self-leadership and realistic tactics. This may be induced by the usage of the TSL strategies for the accomplishment of objectives that stimulate objectives-fostering qualities in cognitive categories. When the scientific literature on athletics was reviewed, there was no report on team classification and self-management. When the relationship between rankings of volleyball players and the ASLQ was regarded, the relationship between rankings of volleyball players and ASLQ scores was poor, negative and important (Table 5). In other terms, as the top row volleyball teams were often in higher self-leading ranks (such as 1st and 2nd row). These findings indicate that self-leadership and athlete accomplishment are interrelated. Swalley (2004)16 founded that person sports female athletes are slightly more likely to use the competing direct form than squad sports female athletes. And the two women's performers have both demonstrated a clear understanding of communication abilities. There was no important association in the linked study of Torabi etal. (2013)17 regarding success incentive and the self-efficiency of the athletes. And there was no substantial gap in the incentive for success between male and female competitors.


In this study the self-leadership levels of volleyball players are studied. The findings tend to be high levels of self-leadership for volleyball players and high accomplishments for athletes are correlated with self-leadership. started. it is a problem that has drawn interest. Fresh concepts, new insights and new leadership models are still being established. In any region of sport, designing self-leadership techniques should be relevant and this principle should be implemented in active phases. So, the athlete who aims (self-entertainment) for himself, is useful to the club, family, country for national emotions, organization, position of employment, etc. The conclusions of this research are intended to add to sports science and further address a void in literature on self-leadership.


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Corresponding Author Dr. Amit Kumar Singh Bhadoria* Sport Manager, Amity University, Dubai, UAE