A Study on the Concept of Physical Fitness and Yoga

Exploring the Relationship Between Physical Fitness and Yoga

by Narinder Chib*, Dr. Md. M. A. Nehal,

- Published in International Journal of Physical Education & Sports Sciences, E-ISSN: 2231-3745

Volume 14, Issue No. 2, Apr 2019, Pages 359 - 363 (5)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Yoga is one of the spiritual systems in India which underlines the importance of working with the body to establish healthy behaviors and thoughts. The physical postures, called asanas in Sanskrit, are among all its techniques that got. Once there was a time when people said it's not the winning itself but the nobly competing that really matters, when the place where competitions took place was sacred and the respect between competitors was essential and Physical fitness is the body's ability to function efficiently and effectively in work and leisure activities. In this study we have discussed about the Fitness, Significance of Fitness, physical fitness, yoga, Importance of Yoga, yoga and fitness.


physical fitness, yoga, concept, asanas, healthy behaviors


Physical fitness may be described as the ability to adapt to a person's grueling daily routine. We are able to reach our full potential as a result of it. In other words, the capacity to persevere, to sustain pressure, to keep going in the face of adversity. Physical fitness is the ability of a person's body to carry out routine everyday activities without becoming weary or fatigued, as well as having sufficient reserves of strength and energy to meet any unexpected demands imposed on him. People from all walks of life have become less physically fit as a result of modernization and urbanisation. When it comes to most of our daily tasks, we rely mostly on electric and technological devices rather than physical labour. Physical labour is also avoided since it is deemed beneath one's dignity, which contributes to its diminution. As a result, physical fitness has declined over time as a result of a lack of physical activity. Humans will have to return to their previous ways in order to regain their physical condition. In order for the development of a healthy personality in studentren, they must have access to a wide range of activities that allow them to grow in a variety of ways. As a result, it is critical that schools provide a comprehensive physical education curriculum. Humans have always engaged in physical exercise and mobility. When it came to the battle for survival and for greatness, it played a variety of roles. Fundamental motor skills are honed via the variety of movement patterns used in this role-playing game, which may include anything from basic survival abilities to leisure pleasures to conquering the unconquerable and honing athletic prowess. Despite this, physical activity has always been more thrilling for human expression than any other kind of natural creation. Throughout history, physical exercise has been praised for its health and recreational benefits. It was a place where everyone could have a good time, whether they were young or old. In the context of physical fitness, the ability of a person to carry out the responsibilities of everyday life without becoming exhausted or fatigued is referred to as "organic capacity." Physical education and the goals of physical education must be mentioned since physical exercise is a process through which a person acquires optimum physical, mental, and social competence in addition to fitness.


Physical fitness is the primary goal of Physical Education. Fitness is a concept that's been thrown about loosely as a synonym for health. The term "fitness" refers to a variety of distinct aspects of health. A person's definition of fitness is the ability to live and operate efficiently, intentionally, and comfortably in the here and now so that they may confidently face the inevitable challenges and crises of life.

Significance of Fitness

A player in excellent physical condition is often regarded to be able to work for a lengthy amount of time without fatigue. Speed, endurance, agility, cardiovascular endurance, and leaping ability are all A high level of physical fitness is a prerequisite for success in any sport or athletic event. In order to become fitter, just doing more sports isn't enough. Conditioning is the only way to get to a lower level of fitness. Physically healthy people live longer and perform better than those who are not fit, according to research. In order to be fully fit, a person must possess a range of physical and mental abilities as well as the ability to adapt to their environment socially and emotionally.


To be physically healthy is having the energy and stamina to go through the day's tasks without being tired or distracted, as well as having the stamina to enjoy your free time and prepare for any unexpected emergencies that may arise. The basic definition of "physical fitness" is simply having a fit and healthy body. The physical level of a person indicates where that person belongs in a social group. The goal of physical fitness is to instil a sense of awareness and excitement in individuals about their physical well-being, so that they may go on to lead healthier lives.

• Parts of physical fitness

Speed, agility, flexibility, power, strength, coordination, muscular endurance, cardiovascular endurance, and agility are all components of a person's physical fitness. All of these qualities are intertwined with the body's overall health and functionality. Athletic ability is a separate but equally significant component of physical fitness. Interdependence exists among the many facets of physical fitness and the requisite skillsets. In general, the phrase "physical fitness" encompasses a wide range of attributes, including mental and emotional steadiness, social awareness, the capacity to cope with stress and anxiety, and overall good health. When one talks about being physically fit, it refers to more than just having a healthy body or having strong muscles and stamina; it also refers to being able to perform well in sports or other physical activities. American Alliance for Health, Physical Education and Recreation (AAPHER) defines physical fitness in this way. A person's functional capacity may be measured by their level of fitness. A person's capacity to make the most of his or her potential is what we mean when we talk about fitness. Physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual health are all interconnected and essential to one's ability to do daily tasks.

• Significance of physical fitness

Physical fitness is essential to everyone's well-being. To put it another way, one must have a basic understanding of the human body's structure and function. An understanding of this essential Bodily fitness improves one's mental sharpness, physical well-being, and ability to deal with the stresses of daily life. Improved performance at work is a byproduct of improved physical fitness as well as better health. Employing full-time fitness for the workplace directors has been financially supported by hundreds of American corporations. Every person must be physically healthy in order to go about their daily tasks without difficulty and to participate fully in a variety of activities. Everyone should be physically healthy enough to improve the various components of physical fitness by participating in physical activities. Physical health and nutrition seemed to take precedence over other aspects of daily life because of physical exercise. The process of acquiring and retaining physical fitness. A person's heart and lungs are more efficient if they have increased their physical fitness. There are few additional advantages of physical exercise that contribute to physical fitness and the delay in again process protection of lower back issues, maintaining the body weight, decrease of heart disease and dependence on medicines that encourage sleep. A performer's physical condition is critical to their success. It's important to remember that a person's health and performance are directly correlated to the coordinated operation of a variety of aspects, including physical and psychological abilities, diet, training methods, and tactical planning. Because of this, the outcomes of many sporting events and games are heavily influenced by physical fitness.

• Variables for physical fitness

We looked at shoulder and abdominal strength as well as sprinting prowess, power, agility, and endurance in this research. It is the purpose of this study project to examine the physical fitness characteristics and the impact of physical activities such as circuit training and yogic practice on these variables. As a result, the significance of physical fitness factors must be discussed.

1. Significance of Shoulder strength

A muscle's strength measures how much power it can generate. Putting the shot is a popular sports event due to the need for shoulder strength. Throwing the shot put demonstrates the synergy between strength and speed. The shot put is a good indicator of an athlete's shoulder strength. Muscle mass and strength are conditioned abilities, which means they are highly influenced by the muscle's energy liberation processes. Muscle contraction produces strength, making it one of the most significant motor abilities in sports. Muscle contraction is the driving force behind all sports motions, hence strength is an

skills, and tactical moves. Because of this, the value of strength and strength training cannot be overstated. To be strong, one must be able to act in spite of, or even in the face of, opposition. Muscle contraction alone cannot account for all of a person's strength. It is, in reality, the result of neuromuscular system-induced voluntary muscle contractions. Depending on the nature of the activity, a person's strength might take on a variety of different forms. Strength in weightlifting and throwing is a mix of maximal strength and rapid strength. The term "power" refers to this combination. The term "power endurance" is often used to describe the combination of explosive strength and endurance in volleyball.

2. The significance of strong abdominals

Abdominal strength was also included as a variable in the research. As a group, the muscles of the midsection are referred to as the abdominals. Although most exercises for the midsection entail flexion of the hips, this is not a function of the muscles in the midsection. The quadriceps, as well as the iliopsoas and peroneus muscles underneath them, are responsible for hip flexion. Because classic sit-ups require both trunk flexion and hip flexion, the abdominals are the primary mover muscle grants for the first phase of the activity, while the hip flexors are the response for the second phase of the movement. While exercises that combine trunk flexion and hip flexion are just OK. People who like to develop their abdominal muscles on their own will find a variety of options here. The sleek look is made possible by the tightened abdominal muscles. In addition to strengthening the lower back, sit-ups also engage the abdominal muscles. In order to strengthen the abdominal wall, sit-ups are often utilized as a kind of exercise. Sports and activities benefit greatly from abdominal strength. Any exercise that requires sprinting, leaping, or throwing will be easier for someone who has strong abdominals. In order to function at a high level in the area of physical education, physical educationists must also have a strong abdominal muscle, since they are constantly involved in numerous exercises. The ability to keep a good posture while participating in a variety of sports and games is made possible by having strong abdominals. Abdominal muscle strength is critical for transferring a weight or an inanimate item.

3. The significance of strength

Another aspect in the research is power. Performing well in the standing wide jump shows the individual's explosive strength in proportion to the energy used when leaping, running, kicking, and so on. Explosive speed running up hills, and other such exercises. When doing a standing wide jump, the capacity to unleash one's greatest amount of muscle force is referred to as "explosive power." The distance that the person or our item is pushed through space is used to quantify the explosive force. Standing broad jumps require the athlete to extend their body upwards while doing the leap. In a standing wide leap, the legs are the primary source of propulsion. Field events such as standing broad jump, running broad jump, and high jump need the most explosive leg force.

4. Importance of Agility

In other words, "agility" is defined as the physical capacity of a person to swiftly and precisely shift their body position and direction. Accuracy is a key component of many physical disciplines, including gymnastics. This may be seen in sports such as basketball, pole vaulting, and other motor activities that require precise footwork and rapid changes in body posture. When paired with high levels of strength, endurance, and speed, agility is more effective. The regulated capacity to stop, start, and change direction swiftly and more quickly is a crucial aspect in any physical activity or gaming scenario, and this attribute determines one's performance level and the pace at which they acquire any skill. The initial game score would be ruined if such skill was not present among the players.

5. Importance of speed

An additional variable selected for the research focuses on sprint running a short distance at the highest potential peak speed for 100 meters. As a result, the 100-meter sprint was chosen as the testing method for measuring speed. Athletic coaches regularly sing the praises of some football players' speed, praising their ability to move quickly and respond quickly. One of the most dangerous things an opponent may face is a player who can outrun them. The quick runner in baseball led to hasty throws and tactical shifts in pitching and defense. If a team possesses the speed, a full court press may be an effective defence tool in basketball. The speed selected for the research is based on the individual's ability to repeat a fast-paced movement pattern. A person's speed may be described as their ability to travel quickly from one location to another. Speed may take many forms. a) The rate at which each section of the body moves. b) short-distance running speed (acceleration rate) and most field games, need a high level of speed. Speed of movement and response are not as simple as they first look, despite these commonplace observations. A wrestler's reversal, for example, isn't just about how quickly he can do it; it's also about how quickly he can do it. The shot putters' powerful spring spreads out the throwing circles. Physical performance calls for a wide range of various types of movement speeds, and swimmers and skaters are only two examples. Speed of movement is therefore defined as the rate at which a person can move his or her body or the portions of his body across space.

6. Significance of Endurance

Another aspect in the research is endurance. Sports need a high level of stamina and endurance. At the same time, there's a skill whose significance is often understated in a variety of sports. Endurance is the result of all of the body's and mind's organs and systems working together. Conditional ability: Endurance The processes that liberate energy are the primary determinants. Endurance is important in all sports since it relies on the body's capacity to sustain a particular level of energy production on a biological basis. It is the capacity to do athletic actions, with the appropriate quality and speed, even when fatigued. Endurance Endurance helps athletes perform at their best. It is possible to do a workout at a competitive rate or tempo without the necessary degree of endurance. In sports, you need endurance to perform at your best. It is hard to keep up a steady pace or tempo throughout a workout or a competition without the necessary amount of endurance. Endurance exercise has a positive effect on a wide range of bodily functions. There is evidence that endurance exercises are beneficial for maintaining excellent organic health, boosting resistance to infection, and treating and curing a wide variety of illnesses and metabolic abnormalities. Having the ability to perform relatively heavy, localized activity for an extended period of time with only minor demands on respiration and circulation is a key component of endurance training. The less frequently a muscle performs a movement in competition, over the same range, against the same resistance, and at the exact same frequency and speed, the better it will be at avoiding local fatigue during training. Overloading the muscles causes them to work harder, which results in an increase in performance. More capillaries are involved in this process, which means that the working muscles will get more oxygen and food and that the metabolic waste products of severe activity will be easier to remove.

be improved by a variety of workouts, regardless of their chosen activity.


The sages of ancient India have created and mastered yoga throughout the millennia. Yoga is for everyone, regardless of age or physical ability. The practise of yoga was developed to assist the body and mind in maintaining a condition of equilibrium. Practicing yoga is a good method to be physically fit, mentally aware, and spiritually awake, according to Githananda. Learning to manage one's senses results in an integrated personality that is free of tension and conflict. A healthy, happy and balanced existence may be achieved via the development of one's will power, which stabilizes one's behavioral pattern. The diaphragm is massaged by all asanas that affect the diaphragm, which also massages the abdominal organs. Yoga aids in the maintenance of a healthy body and the development of greater muscular stamina.

• Importance of Yoga Yoga has the power to transform people's outlooks and habits for the better. Practicing yoga while in school may help students become more in tune with their bodies and the importance of taking care of their mental, emotional, and physical health. They may also be taught how to behave in a way that leads to well-balanced personalities. Yoga has a significant impact on a variety of conditions, including asthma, diabetes, hypertension, and respiratory issues. Some forms of yoga have both preventative and curative effects. As a result, yoga was the most focused and dedicated approach to one's personality, and it is possibly the most promising pursuit of man and his nature in general. Yoga, then, should play an important role in our education in order to cultivate a well-adjusted individual for his personal benefit and for the benefit of the society in which he lives.


The sages of ancient India have created and mastered yoga throughout the millennia. Yoga was beneficial to individuals of various ages and backgrounds. The practice of yoga was developed as a technique to assist people keep their bodies and minds in a healthy state of equilibrium. Poses in yoga asanas not only strengthen muscles and the body as a whole, but they also have a significant impact on the neurological system and other systems that influence our overall well-being. To massage both the heart and the abdominal organs, asanas that affect the diaphragm are an excellent choice. As a result, you'll be in better physical form and have more stamina. Most of the efforts to include physical fitness components have

training. This sparked the researcher's interest in exploring various training techniques, exercises, and yogic practices to help school student enhance their physical health.


In this study we have discussed about the Fitness, Significance of Fitness, physical fitness, yoga, Importance of Yoga, yoga and fitness. Fitness, Significance of Fitness, physical fitness, yoga, Importance of Yoga, yoga and fitness. Yoga is the medicine for nearly every problem. As you practice yoga, it does not only help you to improve your physical body but also helps in maintaining your inner peace and relaxing your mind. Thus, there is nothing that yoga will not help. The more you practice yoga, the more you are benefited. If you practice yoga daily you will enjoy a peaceful and healthy lifetime.


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Corresponding Author Narinder Chib*

Research Scholar, Department of Physical Education, CMJ University, Shillong, Meghalaya