A Study on the Importance of Physical Education in the Modern ERA

Understanding the Role of Physical Education in Today's Society

by Dr. Vipendra Singh Parmar*,

- Published in International Journal of Physical Education & Sports Sciences, E-ISSN: 2231-3745

Volume 15, Issue No. 1, Apr 2020, Pages 1 - 5 (5)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Physical training is important in today's society. Only physical activity can help people live healthier and better lives. Today there are fresh and new illnesses that have caused great damage to the human body. The life of man has become medically reliant. E.g. digest medication, excretion medicine, sleep medicine, etc. As a result, man is now like a walking robot because of these medications. Is it acceptable to squander this kind of physique in such a condition? How terrible it is that people have a while to repair technology like as cars, freezes, TV, but they have no time to care for their precious bodies. Physical training allows people to properly live their daily lives. Physical education plays a major part in the development of the human being and helps to improve physical, mental, social, emotional and spiritual life. Here the author wishes to convey to our contemporary lives the significance of physical education.


physical education, importance, modern era, physical activity, healthier lives, illnesses, medically reliant, daily lives, development, human being


Physical training, often known as Phys Ed., PE, gym or gym, and physical training or PT training in certain nations of the Commonwealth, is a class that students must attend. It is taken throughout elementary and secondary school and promotes motor learning to improve health and physical fitness in an environment for playing or movement exploration. Furthermore, physical literacy is a phrase dating from the 21st century which originally appeared in sports literature before it was used for physical education. The physical literacy idea includes a range of student situations. Whether it is drive, trust, physical skill, knowledge and pupil comprehension. Teachers use these many ideas to their lesson plans to educate and develop their pupils to their unique achievement and education properly and suitable. It depends on whatever type of programme is taught if the lesson has good impacts on the health, behaviour and performance of pupils. Throughout the globe, programmes in physical education differ. However, there are international organisations that can better comprehend how much a kid should practise on a regular basis. Football, netball, hockey, rounders, athletics and cricket are the most popular PE games. Healthy mind is well-known to us. We have now held our conventional games with one day's video games and computer games. In contemporary technology, people don't have the leisure to play indoor or outdoor games. For man's whole growth and good existence, sport is essential. In the area of physical education, extremely rapid developments are being observed. First, man receives physical training and then social instruction. The foundation of physical education is thus human social education. Today, technical education has developed. Thus in education, extremely profound changes are observed. Education is so reliant on technology that man doesn't spend sufficient time to look after his body, a very important natural gift to man. Man has physical activities ceased because to technology instruments and other amenities. Man used to be healthy through plays and physical activity in different outdoor sports. Now the games on the computer are played thus life is idle. The body is now the storage for many illnesses. Physical education strengthens the immunity of our body and therefore improves the beauty of our body.


Many courses in physical education use technology to support their students. A basic video recording device is one of the most cheap and popular tools. In this manner, pupils may notice the errors in things like a throwing movement or swinging. Studies indicate that kids find this more helpful than attempting to explain and then correct what they're doing. Pedagogues may utilise technology like Video projectors, GPS and games and gaming systems such as Kinect, Wii Fit and Dance Revolution are other technology that may be utilised in the physical education environment. Students may display the correct form or play specific games via projectors. GPS devices may be utilised to activate pupils in an outdoor environment and instructors can employ physical exercise to demonstrate kids how to remain fit in the classroom. In some situations, simulators are an effective method of promoting active use. Along with video projectors, GPS and gaming systems like Kinect and Wii, simulators that are filled with goggles are helpful. A horse-riding simulator would be one typical way for the elderly to benefit youngsters. This simulator enables the user to go around various fields in a rural environment. The simulator has been shown to contribute both to balance and stability. Brain relaxation enables improved cognitive performance, which translates in better testing in the classroom also. The pedometer is another kind of device widely utilised in physical education. This does not necessary monitor how far a person goes, but allows them to know how many steps they take.


Modern study has shown that Aristotle and Socrates' ideas of Greek philosophers are accurate when they regard sports as a full education. Scientifically, sufficient exercise of limbs has been found to be necessary for the discipline of one's intellect. Regular workouts and activities assist your mind and body cope with silent killers of contemporary times, such as stress, strain, concern, anxiety and tension. There are many methods to understand the need for and significance for physical education that outline the different types of demands on different parts of society. From the following points, the necessity and significance for every part of contemporary society of physical education may be understood: • Optimum development of child’s physical growth • Intellectual development • Emotional development • Social development • Personal development • Character building • Physical fitness • Neuromuscular development • Cultural development • Developing leadership qualities • Healthy and safe environment • Development of national integration • Better international understanding The formation of human personality is influenced by sports and activities. It is not less essential than fresh water and food. Interestingly, in most industrialised nations there are many kindergartens and training centres for gaming.


4.1 Helpful for Natural Development

From prenatal stage to the old age, the human body grows naturally. In addition to some physical activities, this natural development increases the body's energy level. With this in mind, even specific body workouts for pregnant women are recommended. Similarly, several kinds of workouts for various ages such as children, teenagers, children, adults and the aged are also offered. This workout is like a scientific addition to natural development. Only excellent physical health and growth make balanced emotional development possible. The use of physical education may be seen as essential.

4.2 Body Charm

The first step towards life's achievement is the beautiful physique. So individuals make such efforts to ensure that the physique is well-figured. The body's attractiveness relies on healthy muscles. The body may be properly moulded by physical activity, just as an experienced sculptor creates a lovely idol by cutting a common stone structure. In the muscles of the body resides the secret of the attractive physique. Sculptures from the very earliest times gave the beauty of the body the significance. Keeping the idea of the lovely and attractive physique in mind, we may also mould our body by exercising our muscles enough. This allows us to benefit properly from physical training.

4.3 Strong and Healthy Body

Through physical education, we may strengthen and improve our physique. It is the pleasure that we receive after a hard physical or mental labour that is significant to a robust physical. In other words, hard labour for a strong person is not weary. Physically, man is not strong and healthy because of physical

society must suffer to a great extent as a lack of efficiency and desire to do so. But the reality is that only hard effort can serenity and pleasure of new life. It is physical labour and effort that enables us to meet all our fundamental requirements. Heavy body is healthy constantly. Powerful, healthy bodies can defend themselves against many illnesses, since their immunity is strong as well. Healthy people may suffer from hardships throughout the season, whether it is hot or cold or wet. Briefly, he may appreciate all things in the wild.

4.4 Boosts the Self Confidence

The benefits of physical training for healthy and strong bodies are unquestionably important. So it is also said that in the healthy body is a healthy intellect. The doorway to the Supreme Soul is a healthy body. Strong and healthy physique may enhance self-confidence and strength. And even the issues are a game for the guy full of self-confidence. With complete enjoyment and peace of mind he may live his life. If this psychological secret, that benefits physical education is disseminated and people are attracted to it, it will become a service to mankind.

4.5 Development of Discipline

Physical training not only promotes self-discipline but also helps external human discipline. Discipline is just as essential as life's nourishment. Individuals with unrestrained conduct reject any limitation and control. But they don't realise that there is limitation to the true freedom. The agony of constraint is the delight of liberty. Physical education is a cornerstone to discipline never fails. Self-discipline arises in people when they focus on the various rules of the games and obey them. This self-discipline is implemented via various hobbies and arts, creating an interest in life. Well-ordered lifestyle helps people to a calm and happy existence.

4.6 Character Building in Life

For becoming a full Indian human being, the presence of the three characteristics - energy, nature and beauty in life is extremely essential. The immediate benefit of physical training is energy and attractiveness, but it also creates an indirect character. Through physical training character may be effectively developed. The process of developing character via physical training is so progressive that it cannot be seen, but may be felt immediately. All of man's vulnerabilities fall like dried leaves off the tree. The ideal shape is formed via excellent character in the culture and civilisation of any country and community. The character is transformed by all the vices such as violence, war, jealously, unhealthy competitions, hate, etc. work. The guy does not do much work or take full rest in the state of relaxation, but he mixes both the work and the rest. Most individuals spend time playing chatting, playing card games and other pointless hobbies by mixing the rest and the job. In lieu of such worthless pursuits, physical education is a new alternative. And it's always a healthy choice. There are fun activities and abilities for playing today. The phrase "One way for two" is valid when people gain physical and entertainment advantages via physical education. Thus physical education is the greatest method to enjoy or to spend time during free time.

4.8 Helpful for Awareness in Society

Physical education is useful in building social closeness. Spirit is extremely essential in the physical education team. Team is like a household. It's a tiny social form. Teams are the centre at which individuals may learn the value of working with others. According to the proverb "With One Hand No Clap," the individual cannot benefit from physical training himself completely. This restriction encourages people to work together. In this way, man develops trust in the emotions of community and unity. This religion is part of the human nature, and links people with their families, societies, nations, and the globe. Unwittingly and inadvertently physical education creates a perfect citizen. And this ideal citizen respires into the open air of restricted narrow-mindedness in society. He generates pleasure for himself and society as well. Through physical education, individuals who are committed to society, the country and the globe may be prepared.


At the beginning of the 19th century, physical education in schools was made a topic (in the shape of German and Swedish gymnastics). His influence was rapidly acknowledged in human health. At the beginning of the 20th century, the main learning objectives for pupils were personal cleanliness and exercise for corporal health. Educator Thomas Wood questioned the sole emphasis on health as being too limited and harmful for the whole child's development. The education community then took Wood's inclusive approach to physical education and included the main educational curriculum basic motions and physical abilities for activities and sports. Over the last 15 years, physical education again has developed into a link between bodily movement and its effects (for example physics and health) and the science of healthy living and the necessary skills to enable children to live an active lifestyle. A leading article was published by Sallis and McKenzie (1991) saying that physical education is content for education via "complete yet physically (2009), which argues that physical training is physical education, also emphasises this viewpoint. The two major objectives of physical education are underlined by Sallis & McKenzie (1991): 1) preparation of children and youth for physical exercise and 2) physical exercise during physical formation. These objectives reflect the lifetime advantages of improved physical education which allows children and young people to remain active adults throughout their lives.


Need and importance of physical education in modern era are as follows: 1. The kid is seen by a physical educator as a shelter of different characteristics of thought, society and physics. By means of different physical exercises which are part of physical training, he attempts to develop all the inherent characteristics. 2. The biological system and the functioning of the body are supported by many physical types of activities. They also enhance the human capacity to fight tiredness, stay active and function well. 3. Physical exercises assist to build several types of child-inherent intellectual abilities. Thus, children may be developed cognitively by means of physical education. 4. Children grow emotionally mature through engaging in many types of physical activity. 5. In general, many players engage in physical activity and when individuals from various backgrounds and societies come into touch with one other, they learn to cooperate as well as coordinate in groups. 6. Group characteristics, team loyalty and strong connections may be created in the participants via participation in physical activities. These characteristics assist develop an individual's excellent moral character. 7. All the participants must master basic skills and regulations of the games in order to participate in any event. They may also be excluded from the game if they don't function according to regulations. 8. The human body is a composition of the muscular and neurological systems and it must be maintained fit and in excellent functioning conditions to maintain the body in good shape. These systems will work correctly if they are coordinated in some way. of the human body's neuro-muscular systems. 9. One player must be chosen as a leading captain for all team sports and activities in which more than one player participates. When a player works as a leader at school level, he acquires different characteristics of self-confidence, intellect and loyalty, helping him not only throughout school but throughout life. 10. The first thing that is taught is for children or any person to engage in all kinds of sports or physical activities to be able not to win but to perform well.


In short, physical education is a need for the hour, and research has shown that there is no other educational topic save physical education that may enhance one's overall wellbeing and is a better preventer of important health issues related to many chronic conditions (e.g. obesity, high blood pressure and high cholesterol). According to the newest study from the National Sports and Practice Association (NASPE, 2012) and the American heart association, the involvement in physical education promotes overall well-being. In order for schools to have a good effect on our children's health, physical education in schools should be provided, be taught by trained instructors and concentrate on healthy behaviour. There are enormously many data concerning the (mainly good) consequences of sports and exercise on physical health, growth and development in terms of physical education and health issues in child and young development. Increased products for the education and development of the person, not just technical skills development. Although the physical advantages of participating in sport are well-known and backed by many scientific data, sport and physical exercise may also have significant educational effects.


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Corresponding Author Dr. Vipendra Singh Parmar* Associate Professor, Department of Physical Education, VSSD PG College, Kanpur