Emotional Intelligence in Physical Education in College Students Living in Urban and Rural Areas

Exploring the Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Physical Education in College Students Living in Urban and Rural Areas

by Hari Mohan Sharma*, Dr. Akash Tiwari,

- Published in International Journal of Physical Education & Sports Sciences, E-ISSN: 2231-3745

Volume 15, Issue No. 1, Apr 2020, Pages 11 - 13 (3)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Descriptive and inferential statistics (t test) were used to make sense of the obtained data (Mean, Standard Deviation, etc.). Gender seems to have a significant role in the development of both emotional maturity and a will to succeed, as shown by these findings. There was no discernible difference in sportsmanship between city and rural dwellers. The extent to which a person is self-aware, socially adept, and able to regulate their own and others' emotional responses, as well as apply this knowledge to their own decision-making and that of their teams, may be indicators of their emotional intelligence. The author provides a critical evaluation of the present status of the mixed and ability models of emotional intelligence before shifting focus to the link between EQ and openness to new experiences.


emotional intelligence, physical education, college students, urban areas, rural areas, descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, gender, emotional maturity, will to succeed, sportsmanship, self-awareness, social adeptness, emotional regulation, decision-making, teams, critical evaluation, mixed models, ability models, EQ, openness to new experiences


Emotional intelligence refers to a person's capacity to recognize and take control of their own emotions, as well as those of others, in order to deal with stressful situations, convey meaning in their communications, show empathy, work through difficulties, and prevent or resolve conflicts. The term "IQ" is familiar to everyone, and the results of IQ tests are often used to evaluate pupils. One's IQ is one indicator of future success in school and the workplace. However, the term "E.Q." has recently gained traction in the modern lexicon. Those are emotions I have for a certain person or item. Every human has a wide range of feelings, some of which are happy and others bad. Anyone has to be able to manage their feelings and express them appropriately. In light of this, the present study's investigator set out to assess the emotional acuity of secondary school pupils. There is now a debate regarding the best way to measure emotional quotient. Over the last two decades, several instruments have been created in tandem with distinct conceptualizations of emotional intelligence. There is a great deal of variety among these emotional intelligence measures in terms of both content and manner of evaluation, and this means that various instruments may be used for different objectives. Emotional quotient has to be measured with a reliable and valid psychometric instrument for this investigation.


S. Yücel et.al (2019) examined the demographics and emotional ntelligence of the 2018-2019 student population at Balikesir University's School of Physical Education and Sports. The results showed that people's emotional intelligence evolved with age in terms of their ability to recognize and manage their emotions, with discipline in terms of their ability to self-evaluate their emotions and social skills, and with age once again in terms of their level of life satisfaction. Furthermore, there was no correlation between the subjects' emotional quotient and their overall pleasure.

Pandey and Venugopal (2018) Examine the effects of eight weeks of proprioceptive training on the quickness of male kho-kho players. Fifty professional male kho-kho athletes, ages 25Each group included 25 participants; the control group had 25 and the experimental group had 25. participants were chosen at random for this study. The ages of the participants ranged from 14 to 18. A proprioceptive training program lasting eight weeks served as the independent variable. The study used a repeated measure group design due to the long intervals between data collection. The evaluation was place at the start of the program (at the baseline), after 4 weeks of intervention, and after 8 weeks of treatment. The Illinois Agility Test was used to compare the two groups' quickness. Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) significance threshold was set at a value of 0.05. SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) was used to examine the data. Proprioceptive training led to better results for men kho-kho players on the Illinois agility test. Mean scores were significantly higher before, during, and after the intervention for the experimental group compared to the control group (p .05). Charan Singh (2015) The current research aimed to examine the differences in emotional intelligence between Haryana's rural and urban female pupils. Three hundred female college students were randomly picked from three distinct institutions. The districts of Bhiwani, Sirsa, Hisar, and Rohtak were the only ones chosen for this analysis. The "Emotional Intelligence Scale" developed by Hyde and Pethe (2005) was used to evaluate the participants. There were no statistically significant differences between rural and urban students' levels of self-awareness, empathy, or emotional intelligence, but there was a significant difference in the two groups' levels of self-motivation, or emotional intelligence. Compared to their urban counterparts, Haryana's rural girls score higher on measures of emotional intelligence, including self-motivation, emotional stability, managing emotional intelligence, commitment intelligence, and value orientation.

Sankara Pitchaiah Podila (2018) Studies of Emotional Quotient (EQ) have shown a disparity between rural and urban pupils, as well as a connection between EQ and students' places of residence. Researchers consistently found that pupils in rural settings have higher levels of EI than their urban counterparts. Low numbers of research have shown urban pupils with high EI. The purpose of this research is to compare rural and urban postgraduate students' (n=826) emotional intelligence (EI) at Acharya Nagarjuna University. The data for EI and its four subdomains (IAA, IEA, IAM, and IEM) were gathered using Mangal's Emotional inventory scale. The dynamic between EI, gender, and location was also investigated. The results show that male students from rural areas and female students from urban areas both have higher levels of emotional intelligence.


Sampling Method and Sample Size

Purposive sampling will be used to pick the study subjects (n = 60 men, n = 60 females, n = 59 from rural regions, and n = 59 from urban areas). The fundamental goal of this research is to provide insight on the ways in which differences in gender and geographic location affect the development of emotional intelligence and sportsmanship.

Hypotheses: H2: Students living in urban areas develops significantly better sportsman personality than students living in rural areas.


Table 1 shows that the average score on the self-awareness component of the emotional intelligence scale was 15.06 for rural students and 13.90 for urban students. A statistically significant difference (t=2.63) exists between the two sets of data. Table 1: Comparison of Haryana's rural and urban kids' correlations between Empathy scores and other measures of emotional intelligence Insignificant = NS Table 1 compares children from rural and urban areas on an emotional intelligence scale designed to measure empathy. Statistical analysis reveals a very discernible divide between the groups. (t=3.90).

Table 2: Subject-level Emotional Intelligence descriptive data

Table 2 shows the average, standard deviation, and t-ratio of students' emotional self-motivation in both suburban and urban schools. The average score for students from metropolitan areas was 17.97, while students from suburbs were 15.06. That said, there is a statistically significant split between the two groups (t= P 0.05).


Female students in rural areas were shown to have lower levels of emotional intelligence than their urban counterparts. Students from outlying places, where women have been shown to be less volatile emotionally and more grounded academically than

intelligence. Students in rural locations, especially females, were shown to have higher levels of emotional intelligence for relationship management than their urban counterparts. Students from rural areas had higher levels of commitment intelligence than their female counterparts from urban locations. On the subtest measuring value orientation, students from rural regions outperformed their female urban counterparts. Finally, this study contributes to the growing body of literature on EQ by exploring the correlation between EQ and elite sports performance. The degree to which one's emotional literacy corresponds to their intelligence. Transitional phases that occur just before a person reaches their full potential. The amount of self-discipline and emotional maturity that may be attained via the cultivation and use of one's emotional intelligence is something to which we should all strive.


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Corresponding Author Hari Mohan Sharma*

Research Scholar, Shridhar University, Rajasthan