The Relationship between Personality Trait and Sport Performance

The impact of emotional intelligence and locus of control on athletic performance

by Hari Mohan Sharma*, Dr. Akash Tiwari,

- Published in International Journal of Physical Education & Sports Sciences, E-ISSN: 2231-3745

Volume 16, Issue No. 1, Jan 2021, Pages 28 - 31 (4)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Understanding and controlling one's own emotions, as well as those of oneself and others, are key components of emotional intelligence. Sports are able to arouse powerful emotions due to their competitive character. The importance of emotions in sports achievement cannot be overstated. Emotional intelligence may be a key to success for both athletes and coaches. Some mental aspects have been shown to be associated with improved athletic performance. There are several factors that people feel contribute to sporting success. Athlete success or failure often comes down to a single aspect, and that factor is locus of control. The capacity to do exceptionally well in a certain game is an example of an internal locus of control. Those who put their faith on external factors like God, destiny, or chance to determine their success on the field are said to have an external locus of control. Therefore, it is assumed that locus of control is a significant mental role in athletic performance.


personality trait, sport performance, emotional intelligence, athletic performance, locus of control


Physical educators and coaches in the area of psychology are interested in any evidence suggesting that an individual's personality affects their choice of and participation in sports and other physical activities. Physical and mental growth are both aided by participation in sports and other forms of physical and mental activity. Sports and physical education have always had as their primary goal the promotion of personal development and the acceptance of good social standards. Even though athletes are different from the average person, it doesn't mean sports build positive personality characteristics. It's likely that those who engage in athletics and sports, or who help others who do, wind up being the best socially adjusted members of society. The correlation between personality characteristics and athletic ability has long been a focus of research in the discipline of Sport Psychology. The effect Though many studies have described athlete personality features and the influence of personality on sport, the consequences of sport participation on personal development also need further study. The psychologist works with the athletes to determine their weak spots and then provides them with the required training and motivation to strengthen those areas. One psychological strategy that might help athletes perform at their best is mental rehearsal. Without proper psychological training, most players struggled with a wide range of issues, including self-consciousness about making mistakes, anxiety about how well they were performing, trouble focusing, low motivation, and difficulty working through injuries. The use of psychological training in competitive settings is on the rise, with the goal of assisting players in overcoming mental blocks, boosting self-assurance, and reaching their full athletic potential. This is the case in many different athletic disciplines, such as biathlon, ski jumping, athletics, and gymnastics. When it comes to high-stakes competition, mental toughness is frequently the deciding factor between success and failure, happiness and disappointment.


İbrahim Dalbudak et al (2019) The study's goal was to evaluate the similarities and differences between students at the Ege University Faculty of Sport Sciences and the State Conservatory of Turkish Music with regards to their emotional intelligence and aggressive tendencies. The top athletes and creatives from Ege University (n = 211) volunteered for the study. Questionnaires were employed in this study. Pek lter's (Kiper's) "Inventory of Aggression" and Tatar, Tok, and Saltukolu's (Turkish researchers) "revised Schutte Emotional Intelligence Scale" were used to quantify the study's variables. Analyses such as correlation, dependability, and frequency tables were employed in this investigation. SPSS 22.0 was used to conduct a series of statistical tests, including a paired and unpaired t-test, one-way analysis of variance, Tukey's test, and a correlation analysis. As a result, while there was a positive association between EQ and both destructive and passive

intelligence and aggressive inclinations, and it will be a major contribution to the areas of conservatory and sports science. Jenny Meggs et al (2018) In this study, 114 very successful The questioned triathletes had a mean age of 28.81 (SD = 3.45), and all but one were men. The connection between MT, self-appraisal of performance, and emotional immersion was studied. Participants also completed a subjective performance assessment form and a Mental Toughness Questionnaire. According to Pearson's correlations, there was a positive relationship between Global MT and both subjective performance ratings and the individual components that make up Dispositional Flow. Linear regression analyses have shown that subscales of the MT may explain the directionality of people's dispositions. The subjective criterion ratings did not help the regression model. Collectively, these findings provide credence to the hypothesis that MT might aid athletes in achieving the mental and emotional control necessary to achieve flow state and thus perform better in endurance events like ironman and triathlon. The results are discussed in terms of triathlons and "ironman" competitions. Adel Mirzaei (2013) The purpose of this essay was to look at how one's character characteristics affect how well one does in sports. This research used a descriptive correlational approach. Information was gathered via interviews and surveys administered in the field. A total of 229 amateur football and futsal players from the 2010-2011 season in Ardebil city were included in the analysis. The sample size was considered to be representative of the whole. The NEOFive Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI; Costa & McCrae, 1992) was used to evaluate the athletes' personalities, while the coach's assessment was used to evaluate their performance (Piedmont et al., 1999). The stepwise regression study suggested that from among personality components only Conscientiousness had positive significant association with athletic performance. Conscientiousness was also shown to be the only significant predictor of athletic success. Allen, M. S. (2013) The role of character in competitive sports is examined here. Before speculating on how sports engagement could contribute to personality development, we discuss the existing work that has studied personality impacts on athletic achievement and population-based disparities. We next describe how personality factors into sports relationships and team dynamics, before closing with some thoughts on the real-world implications of personality studies and potential future research directions. Our analysis reveals that personality is a significant predictor of athletic achievement over time and highlights distinct personality characteristics between those who do and do not engage in development of interpersonal bonds within a team and the success of its collective efforts. We argue that studying how genes and the environment work together might help us learn more about how one's character shapes their likelihood of engaging in and succeeding at physical activities. Implications for the field of applied sport psychology are outlined as a conclusion. Mark S. Allen (2014) There is now solid evidence that some personality qualities may be used as predictors of sports achievement and physical exercise engagement. In this article, we discuss recent research that has expanded our knowledge of these connections, and we suggest future lines of investigation that might help advance personality-trait research in physical activity and sports. Our analysis uncovered some interesting new results from recent research. Recent research into the topic of sport performance has shown that certain personality qualities are associated with things like an athlete's long-term success, their social interactions, and their mental state just before, during, and after a game. New research show that personality characteristics are linked to things like how much time people spend sitting at leisure, how well they maintain their strength and mobility as they age, and how likely they are to engage in harmful (addictive) exercise activities. Physical exercise has been linked to a shift in outlook and behavior. We suggest directing greater attention on teenagers.

Bhawna Baghel (2021) The purpose of this research was to examine the differences in Big Five personality characteristics between college-aged single women and married women who participated in sports. Four hundred Indian female athletes from a variety of sports and regions were chosen at random. The Mann-Whitney U test and the t-test were used to analyze the data. When comparing married and single female athletes, the results show a substantial difference in qualities like agreeableness, neuroticism, and openness, but no difference in extraversion or conscientiousness.


Research Design

A descriptive qualitative method will be used in the survey. The Athletic Student Club will use this to give more information by compiling a detailed database of the characteristics of its athletes.


Popular spectator sports in India include Kusti (wrestling), Football (soccer), and Kabaddi (a contact sport). Kolhapur is considered the wrestling "capital" of India. Due to the city's long association with the really took off. His wrestling academies, known as Akharas, drew athletes from all across India and the subcontinent to competitions in and around Kolhapur. Since then, a plethora of other Taleems—the Gangavesh Taleem, the Shahupuri Taleem, the Motibag Taleem, etc.—have come to dominate Kolhapur's wrestling scene. More than seventy aspiring wrestlers sign up for each category.


The fundamental goal of this research is to provide insight on the ways in which differences in gender and geographic location affect the development of emotional intelligence and sportsmanship.

Data Collection The fundamental goal of this research is to provide insight on the ways in which differences in gender and geographic location affect the development of emotional intelligence and sportsmanship.


Demographic Profile Intermediate and Advanced Sportsmen Table 1 The Role of Gender in Sports Graph 1 Gender N = 60 Women N = 60 Men

The gender distribution of the study's athletes was broken down into frequency values in Table 1. There were sixty female competitors and sixty male athletes.

15-20 male 60 21-26 female 60 total 120

Graph 2 Age

Table 3 reveals that all 120 participants were between the ages of 15 and 20, and that 60 were male and between the ages of 21 and 26.

Table 3 Distribution of Athletes by area wise Area wise N

Urban areas 59 Rural areas 59 Total 118

Self-awareness, empathetic understanding, self-motivation, and emotional stability are all hallmarks. Managing Relationships with Integrity, Commitment, and Values


In this study, we show that EQ enhances physical performance. Emotional intelligence is characterized by rational emotional thinking and the adept application of one's emotional and intellectual knowledge. The inherent emotional component of competition makes competitive sports a highly heated environment. One's capacity to control and channel their emotions may determine how far they go in their sport. The failure of the sports industry to investigate the impact of EI on players may have far-reaching consequences, such as lower levels of employee satisfaction and loyalty, higher rates of employee turnover and absenteeism, and so on. Books, as well as the sports magazine The Sport website and print

intelligence, character traits, and mental health of athletes and non-athletes.


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Corresponding Author Hari Mohan Sharma*

Research Scholar, Shridhar University, Rajasthan