Comparative Study of Attitude towards Physical Education Games and Sports of Higher Secondary and Higher Education Students of Indore

A Comparative Analysis of Attitudes towards Physical Education Games and Sports among Higher Secondary and Higher Education Students in Indore

by Dr. Dhruv Bhalla*, Dr. Vijay Francis Peter,

- Published in International Journal of Physical Education & Sports Sciences, E-ISSN: 2231-3745

Volume 16, Issue No. 2, Oct 2021, Pages 10 - 12 (3)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


The present study intended to find out the difference between attitude towards physical education and games and sports in higher secondary and higher education students of Indore city. 200 students of higher secondary and 200 students higher education was selected as the subject for present study. The criterion measure for the testing hypothesis in this study is the total scores obtained in the questionnaire. The subjects were instructed to mark the content of each item according to the required questions .there was no time limit for the completion of the questionnaire but the subject was instructed not to consider longing over any statement and responding all the statement in the test independently. To know the attitude of the higher secondary and higher education students towards physical education games and sports, 27 questions were selected for questionnaire in which most questions were found having positive attitude of students towards physical education games and sports. Out of 27 question items, in 16 question items the higher education students were found to be more positive towards physical education games and sports as compare to higher secondary students. Further in 10 question items higher secondary students were found to be more positive towards physical education games and sports as compare to that of higher education students in one item the attitude of the higher education and higher secondary students towards physical education games and sports were found to be equal.


attitude, physical education, games and sports, higher secondary, higher education, students, Indore, questionnaire, positive attitude, comparison


Like most abstract terms in English language, ATTITUDE has more than one meaning derived from the Latin word APTUS, it has on the one hand. The significance of “fitness” can nothing committing as does its by form “Aptitude” a subjective or mental state of preparation from action. One of the chief objective of education is development of desirable Attitude in the students:- it is there or, obvious that the teachers must understand the various dimensions of an attitude. It is also to be kept in view that we are required to attitude towardscolleagues, attitude towards certain ideals, etc. Peak sees attitude as a hypothetical construct that is organized around a conceptual and perceptual nucleus and that has affective properties. The attitude then has referents such as “friends”, enemies”rules”, “success” etc which is conceptual and perceptual. The effective qualities are these felt by the individual as preferences are aversions, likes and dislikes.Another common definition of Attitude is the predisposition of an individual to evaluate some aspect of his world in a favorable or an un favorable manner. The aspect of his world that he evaluates includes symbols, objects, ideas, and people.Attitude refers to the opinions and beliefs that a person holds regarding objects, people activities and social practices and policies. Often the term is identified with prejudices, basis,beliefs or ideas with an emotional ting. Attitude is not inherited that are learned. That permeates our whole life and exercises a great influence on our behavior. They are intertwined with the individual‟s entire personality. Every individual has a wide array of attitudes-attitudes towards health, work, life,food,religion government and many other things,persons and situations. A person may have positive, nutral or negative attitude towards each or any of them. Attitudes are an important variable in class room learning. Theyinfluence what is learned. They determine the direction in which the student‟sstrike. A student may hold in different attitude towards school. He may have a negative attitude towards the teacher or the subject of the students. He may think some subject important and valuable. These are some of the examples of attitudes and they influences learning accordingly.Attitude derives basically from value system and beliefs related to our self,work and relationship with peoples. The way of acquiring

important in determining coaching, competenciessuccess. They tell us what kind of need is dominated in a certain individual at a certain period of time.Physical education is as old as the history of mankind because the very basis of human existences physical activity, whether in an unorganized form or organized one, physical education as such has been a part and parcel of human life right from pre historic times in his un civilized state, man had to be physically stout, resilient and strong. This was absolutely necessary for him to hunt for food and protect himself from the wild animals. During his cave life man often ventured out in search of food. This involved vigorous running jumping over rills. Gorges and streams, andthe throwing crud weapons at the animals. Sophisticated weapons which appeared with the passage of thetime were not available to him.The concept of the physical education has changed considerably in the modern period .today it is being taught as a specialized subject and a lot of value is being included in the subject matter of the physical education. There was a time, when play full activity as separate profession was simply treated as wastage of the time .but in the modern time sport and physical activity are treated asinseparable part of human life as well as dignity and prestige of nation.The modern concept of physical education is now being well understood by Indian policy- makers, that is why physical education has been introduced now as subject in schools from secondary level onwards. To remove the misconceptions about the physical education there is need of awareness among the people, with the help of the awareness people can understood the actual value and importance of the physical education. This study will help to check the awareness in relation to physical education between the higher secondary students and higher education students.Sports are opportunities for children and youth to learn, they provide a “practice field” for life. Learning to work as team teacher young children social skills that will help them in their growth as people, not just as athletes. Foryouth, participating in sports may develop team work, leadership, self confidence, self discipline and coping skills. Sports also can teach youth about sports man like behavior and respect for authority. Infact, according to a survey of teachers and school administrators, youth that participated in evidence from researchers had better grades and behaved better in the class room because of the associate discipline and work ethic. The e is clear children and youth who are involved in physical activities such as sports fare better in school havehigher social skills, are more team orient as determined by fitness standard.


200 students of higher secondary and 200 students higher education was selected as the subject for present study. The criterion measure for the testing questions .there was no time limit for the completion of the questionnaire but the subject was instructed not to consider longing over any statement and responding all the statement in the test independently.They werealso requested to give their free and frank answers subjects were be ensured that the responses given by them on the questionnaire will be kept strictly confidential and not be revealed to anyone.


From the findings it was observed that there is no significant difference in Attitude towards physical education games and sports of higher secondary and higher education students, mostly students have positive attitude.On 6 items the calculated value of chi-square was found to be significant as compare to the 21 items were it was not found to be significant. I.e. on 6 items the attitude of higher secondary and higher education students of Indore city towards the physical education games and sports werefound to be significantly differs but on 21 items there was no significant difference in the attitude of higher secondary and higher education students of Indore city towards the physical education games andsports. Thus it is evident that to make a sweeping statement or broad generalization regarding “there is no significant difference in the attitude of higher secondary and higher education students of Indore city towards the physical education games and sports” will be futile. It means that there are events and facts with whom the attitude differs significantly among higher secondary and higher education students of Indore city towards the physical education games and sports. But there are more statements were such difference exists but not significantly.From the present study, it was found that the attitude of students of higher education was found to be more positive towards physical education games and sports as compare to their counter parts i.e. the higher secondary students. The probable reasons for this could be that the students of the higher education were more mature and more cognized towards the fact of physical education games and sports plays an important role in the holistic development of the human being. They might be aware of benefits of physical education games and sports as discipline and as practical activity. Further the higher secondary students in the age of adolescence it might be possible that they take the physical education games and sports just as for fun or leisure time activity. There might be some students who may take the physical education games and sports as theirfuturecareer. but a s here from the funding so the study the attitude of highereducation was found to be more positive towards physical education games and sports as compare to higher secondary students .the such difference of attitude ma also attributed due to the availability of the infrastructure facility ,sports equipment, lack of proper guidance ,push and pulls and sports as careeroption by higher secondary students and many others. The further researches in this area could dig out deeply so as to find the factual reasons.


Within the limitation of the present study the conclusion may be drawn .there is no significant difference in attitude towards physical education games and sports of higher secondary and higher education students of Indore. To know the attitude of the higher secondary and higher education students towards physical education games and sporst, 27 questions were selected for questionnaire in which most questions were found having positive attitude of students towards physical education games and sports. Out of 27 question items, in 16 question items the higher education students were found to be more positive towards physical education games and sports as compare to higher secondary students. Further in 10 question items highersecondary students were found to be more positive towards physical education games and sports as compare to that of higher education students in one item the attitude of the higher education and higher secondary students towards physical education games and sports were found to be equal.


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Corresponding Author Sendhwa, Badwani, Madhya Pradesh