An examination of Emotional Intelligence disparities between first-year B.Sc. Students choosing Physical Education and BCA students: a Comparative Analysis

The impact of academic disciplines on Emotional Intelligence among first-year college students

by Dr. Anupam Sharma*,

- Published in International Journal of Physical Education & Sports Sciences, E-ISSN: 2231-3745

Volume 18, Issue No. 2, Oct 2023, Pages 15 - 17 (3)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


This research paper explores the dimensions of Emotional Intelligence (EI) among first-year college students in two distinct academic disciplines Physical Education within the Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) program and Computer Applications (BCA). Recognizing the potential impact of educational choices on emotional competencies, the study investigates whether students in these fields exhibit nuanced differences in EI. The focus arises from the divergent curricular emphases, with Physical Education emphasizing physical wellness, teamwork, and leadership, while BCA delves into the complexities of computer science. Emotional Intelligence is contextualized as a crucial factor in academic, personal, and professional realms, encompassing self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy, motivation, and social skills. The objectives involve both analysis and comparison of EI between the two groups of students. The research employed a survey method with random sampling of 40 male students from Holkar Science College, Indore, aged 18-21. Emotional Intelligence was measured using the Emotional Intelligence Scale (EIS) developed by Anukul Hyde, Sanjyot Pethe, and Upindar Dhar (2005). Descriptive statistics and the Independent T-test were applied for analysis. Results reveal no significant differences in the ten factors of Emotional Intelligence between B.Sc. students in Physical Education and those pursuing BCA. The study concludes that, based on the statistical analysis, the chosen academic path does not lead to a significant variance in Emotional Intelligence levels among these first-year students. This finding contributes to our understanding of how different academic trajectories may not necessarily shape distinct emotional competencies during this crucial phase of higher education.


Emotional Intelligence, disparities, first-year B.Sc. Students, Physical Education, BCA students, Comparative Analysis, academic disciplines, dimensions, educational choices, emotional competencies


In contemporary academic discourse, the significance of Emotional Intelligence (EI) has transcended traditional disciplinary boundaries, emerging as a critical factor in academic achievement, personal development, and professional success. This study delves into the intriguing realm of EI, focusing on the nuanced differences that may exist between first-year Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) students opting for Physical Education and those pursuing a Bachelor's in Computer Applications (BCA). The decision to explore this comparative analysis stems from the understanding that the educational path one chooses may play a pivotal role in shaping emotional competencies. B.Sc. students engaging in Physical Education are likely to navigate a curriculum emphasizing physical wellness, teamwork, and leadership, potentially fostering distinct emotional skills compared to their counterparts in the BCA program, who navigate the intricate landscape of computer science and information technology. As we embark on this exploration, it is essential to define and contextualize Emotional Intelligence. EI encapsulates a spectrum of skills, including self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy, motivation, and social skills, all of which collectively contribute to an individual's ability to understand and manage emotions effectively. Given its multifaceted nature, EI is not only pertinent to personal development but is increasingly recognized as a key determinant of academic and professional success. The rationale for selecting first-year students as the focal demographic lies in the pivotal transition they undergo from secondary to higher education. This juncture is marked by not only academic adjustments but also significant personal and social changes. research seeks to unravel the emotional landscapes of these two cohorts, shedding light on whether and how academic choices may influence the development of Emotional Intelligence. By employing a comparative lens, we aim to discern patterns, disparities, and potential correlations that may exist between these divergent educational paths. Such insights hold promise not only for educators but also for policymakers and practitioners seeking to enhance the holistic development of students in higher education. In the subsequent sections, we will delve into the methodology employed for this study, the theoretical framework guiding our investigation, and the potential implications of our findings. Through this exploration, we aim to contribute to the evolving discourse on Emotional Intelligence, offering nuanced perspectives that enrich our understanding of its varied manifestations in the realm of higher education.


1. To analyze the Emotional Intelligence of first-year Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) students opting for Physical Education and those pursuing a Bachelor's in Computer Applications (BCA). 2. To compare the Emotional Intelligence of first-year Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) students opting for Physical Education and those pursuing a Bachelor's in Computer Applications (BCA).


The present research, researcher used survey method for study. The subjects for this study were selected by random sampling, 40 Male students of Holkar science college, Indore (M.P.) ageing 18-21 years. In which 20 Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) students opting for Physical Education and those pursuing a Bachelor's in Computer Applications (BCA) were is 20 in numbers. Emotional intelligence measured by Emotional Intelligence Scale (EIS) developed by Anukul Hyde, Sanjyot Pethe & Upindar Dhar (2005). Descriptive statistics were employed for a comprehensive examination. The Independent T-test was utilized to assess and draw comparisons in the Emotional Intelligence levels.


Table No. 1: first-year Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) students opting for Physical Education and those pursuing a Bachelor's in Computer Applications (BCA). shows the mean, SD, and ‗t‘ value of Emotional Intelligence factor wise.

Significance at 0.05 levels*

Graph No. 1 first-year Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) students opting for Physical Education and those pursuing a Bachelor's in Computer Applications (BCA). show the mean of Emotional Intelligence factor wise. The results related to the hypothesis have been recorded. Mean score of Emotional Intelligence ten factors of first-year Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) students opting for Physical Education and those pursuing a Bachelor's in Computer Applications (BCA) as shown above, Thus there was no significant difference in Self-Awareness, Empathy, Self-Motivation, Emotional Stability, Managing Relation, Integrity, Self-Development, Value Orientation, Commitment, and Altruistic Behaviour between Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) students opting for Physical Education and those pursuing a Bachelor's in Computer Applications (BCA).


The findings of this research provide valuable insights into the emotional intelligence (EI) of first-year Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) students who have chosen different academic paths—Physical Education

second, to compare their emotional intelligence levels. The study recognizes the multifaceted nature of emotional intelligence, encompassing self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy, motivation, and social skills. It highlights the growing recognition of EI as a critical factor not only in personal development but also in academic and professional success. The choice of first-year students as the focus of the study is justified by the pivotal transition they undergo from secondary to higher education, a phase marked by academic, personal, and social adjustments. Investigating EI at this stage provides crucial insights into the formative stages of emotional development within distinct academic trajectories. The objectives of the study were achieved through a survey method, employing random sampling of 40 male students from Holkar Science College, Indore. The subjects were divided into two groups—20 B.Sc. students opting for Physical Education and 20 students pursuing BCA. Emotional intelligence was measured using the Emotional Intelligence Scale (EIS) developed by Anukul Hyde, Sanjyot Pethe, and Upindar Dhar (2005). The analysis involved descriptive statistics and the Independent T-test for comparing emotional intelligence levels. The results indicate that there is no significant difference in the emotional intelligence scores between B.Sc. students opting for Physical Education and those pursuing BCA. The mean scores across ten factors of emotional intelligence, including self-awareness, empathy, self-motivation, emotional stability, managing relationships, integrity, self-development, value orientation, commitment, and altruistic behavior, were found to be similar for both groups. These findings suggest that, at least within the parameters measured by the EIS, the choice of academic path (Physical Education or BCA) does not significantly impact the development of emotional intelligence in the first year of college. This challenges certain assumptions about the potential influence of academic disciplines on emotional competencies. The discussion could delve deeper into the implications of these findings for educators, policymakers, and practitioners in higher education. It may prompt a reconsideration of how emotional intelligence is nurtured within different academic contexts and whether additional factors beyond academic disciplines contribute to emotional development. The study also opens avenues for future research, inviting exploration into longitudinal studies or interventions aimed at enhancing emotional intelligence in specific academic domains. Overall, this research contributes to the ongoing discourse on emotional intelligence in higher education, offering nuanced perspectives that enrich our understanding of its manifestations. study has found there was no significant difference in the Emotional Intelligence between first-year Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) students opting for Physical Education and those pursuing a Bachelor's in Computer Applications (BCA).


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Corresponding Author

Dr. Anupam Sharma*

Sports Officer, Govt. Holkar (Model), Autonomous Science College, Indore