India’s Policy toward Nuclear Disarmament in Today’s Strategic Environment

The Evolving Nuclear Dynamics in Asia

by Vinod Malik*,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 16, Issue No. 2, Feb 2019, Pages 1193 - 1195 (3)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


The old order has lapsed and the new order has yet to take shape, hence in this transition phase, the future trajectories can be gauged through the build-up of nuclear weapons in Asia. The nuclear binaries of Cold War have given rise to a more multipolar nuclear order. The dissemination of nuclear power to new actors has led to a more complex matrix and the control has become that much more evasive. The use of sub-conventional war under the nuclear attire has led to what strategists define a stability-instability paradox. There is a constant struggle to achieve a balance of power through nuclear deterrence which nations believe can bring happiness and , no wars and stable atmosphere. If in Lower half Asian the nuclear dynamics of Pakistan, China and India (The China because of its geographical proximity with India and its alliance with Pakistan) are significant factors then in East Asia, it is the ‘Extended Nuclear Deterrence’ of US and the power relation between China and North Korea that impact stability. The lowering of threshold by both Pakistan and North Korea through their strategy of tactical nuclear weapons in case of Pakistan, and the constant endeavour of North Koreans in developing larger ranged IRBM’s , is creating instability in the region. The charade of idealism and realism is much more pronounced in Asia then in any other region. The demonstration of power through the doctrinal caveats in the form of ‘First Use’, and ‘Active Defence’ are more distinct here. The arms build-up and the ambition of rising powers to develop niche technologies and carve a space for themselves are already challenging the current power structure. The emerging nuclear trends are thus the signposts, which can aid in deciphering or decoding the future.


India, nuclear disarmament, strategic environment, nuclear weapons, multipolar nuclear order, sub-conventional war, stability-instability paradox, balance of power, nuclear deterrence, Pakistan, China, East Asia, US, North Korea, tactical nuclear weapons, IRBM's, idealism, realism, Asia, arms build-up, rising powers, nuclear trends