Study on Standing Broad Jump and Medicine Ball Throw on the Performance of Cricketers

Comparative Analysis of Motor Fitness in Cricket and Softball Players

by Dr. Ajay Dubey*,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 16, Issue No. 2, Feb 2019, Pages 1245 - 1250 (6)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Fitness is one of the most significant parts of individual performance limit. Be that as it may, request of various sports is to some degree unique in relation to each other. The interest of physical fitness may not be equivalent for cricket players and softball players, because of the size of play field, length and nature of these ball games. Keeping on see in the present study the specialist has expected to watch the distinction in engine fitness and its segment between two gatherings of players. Each gathering comprises of 12 quantities of subjects. To gauge the Motor fitness of the players Barrow Motor capacity test (short structure) were led through standard strategy. In the wake of gathering the information to watch the distinction between the gatherings T test was directed. Based on the outcomes following end were drawn. In spryness cricket players were superior to softball players. In the event of leg touchy quality cricket players and softball players were pretty much equivalent. In arm and shoulder quality softball players were superior to cricket players. In complete fitness cricket players were superior to softball players.


fitness, performance, cricketers, standing broad jump, medicine ball throw, motor fitness, sports, players, agility, leg explosive strength, arm and shoulder strength


Cricket is the most well known game in ward nations and an unmistakable among the most popular games on earth. The performance of cricketers is improving step by step, old records are broken and new records are shaping; scores are arriving at new statures, it is because of high force preparing of the players which help them to perform well. Today is the cutting edge serious cricket time. Each cricketer is in race to exceed expectations others, and cricket rivalries have become essential method of human articulations as they are one of the significant capacities by which national and worldwide acknowledgment and renown is picked up. From its extremely basic structure, cricket has risen in to exceptionally sorted out action of Indian culture and it has gotten a mind boggling social and social marvel. Sports has allowed a large portion of our social Institutions including instruction, Economics, Art, Politics, Law, Mass Communication and International Diplomacy. Physiological framework is exceedingly adequate to work out. Every task has measure Physiological Segments and wellbeing, for the task oblige, amazing working of the reasonable framework. Association in efficient program of preparing realizes attractive changes in the Physical and Physiological factor, adding to the advancement of utilitarian capacities, which improve the competitor's performance in sports. In Cricket, batting and bowling require oblige a novel arrangement of capacities, and it is noticeable games in a couple of Western countries. Basic activities associated with cricket, batting and bowling incorporate standing for significant stretches of time, twisting, stooping and hunching down. These activities can consume countless calories every hour and are a low to direct paced fitness action. Anthropometry, Physical Fitness, and Physiological profiles have a central impact in execution in various Games and sports. A few games may not be influenced by body, physiological Profile or Physical fitness yet they might be greatly influenced by mental Status, for example, Chess. Each game has its particular prerequisite to perform better in it. There are various models when physical make-up and physiological profile, make distinction in performance for instance Michael Phelps in Swimming, Michael Jordan in Basketball, Usain Bolt in Athletics and undoubtedly Sunil Gavaskar and Sachin Tendulkar in Cricket batting abilities, while Glen McGraw, Shoib Akhtar, Bret Lee, and Shane Bond assume a crucial job in Cricket Bowling. This offers the friendly exchange: 'For what reason are these worldwide cricketers so fit if the physiological solicitations of cricket are obviously so smooth?' One possibility is that these specific gatherings of contenders are phenomenally fit in a

cricket. Hence their clearly high wellbeing may essentially mirror a dominating inherited physical enhancement, critical to achieve achievement in cutting edge overall games, including cricket. Then again, It was assumed that common force and perseverance fitness might be obliged to adjust to the repeated unusual muscle choking influences required in turning and in bowling and which may speak to shortcoming and threat of mischief in cricket, the fitness of cricketers might be extended and their peril of damage diminished by increasingly specific offbeat action working out software engineers.

Strength of Upper body in Cricket

Johnston and Ford the aftereffects of concentrates on strength and power profiles of cricketers have, hitherto, been equivocal and appear to need consistent or face legitimacy. Johnston and Ford for instance, estimated chest area strength and power utilizing a medicine ball throw and planned press-up tests. There were stamped contrasts among batsmen and bowlers; the batsmen were unrivaled in the planned press-up tests; however the bowlers delivered more noteworthy in reverse throws. Be that as it may, the hugeness of these outcomes and their connection to performance is vague. There is no examination on explicit handling positional requests, nor have regularizing information for each handling position been set up. In any case, apparently extraordinary strength prerequisites might be required for various handling positions (for example the throwing requests of an outfielder, slip defender).

Explosive Power in Lower body in cricket

Leg strength and power are significant for cricket Players as they add to the speed and spryness required for handling. Be that as it may, there has been little research on the lower-body strength profile of cricketers. Johnstone and for tried lower-body strength and hazardous power utilizing a counter-development jump and rehashed vertical jump test, The creators recommended that tests, for example, the countermovement jump give a sign of moderate stretch-shortening cycle performance, and found that there were unimportant contrasts among bowlers and batsmen. (Bourdon) likewise prescribed a progression of tests for profiling the physical fitness of tip top cricketers; the lower-body tests incorporated a vertical twofold leg jump, stomach strength organize test, straight dash speed (10, 20 and 40 m) and a run 3 deftness test. While the stomach arrange test is praised as especially significant for quick bowlers, the creators noticed that batsmen and defenders would profit by great The leg-power requests of handling are minimal seen; be that as it may, a study contrasting cricketers and rugby players found no critical contrasts in leg press, seat press and 35 m dashes. For instance, there is little rationale in utilizing just a vertical jump test when research and perception show that defenders need to move every which way and thus need multi-directional lower-leg strength and power. Accurately surveying the multi-planar development capacity of defenders should prompt better preparing projects.

Running between the wickets in Cricket

English expert bowlers to be quicker when contrasted with batsmen in a run-athree run test, in spite of the fact that the extent of the thing that matters was little. Regardless, these outcomes show that there are sure cricketers who are unrivaled in the run activity of the run-athree. This is significant, as explicit speed tests can be utilized to depict between competitors of various capacity levels. Regardless of the significance of the run-a-three for cricket, there has been no investigation of rates that are really accomplished during this activity. This is in spite of research expressing that better group activity competitor‘s end than show higher running speeds in explicit trial of speed. Besides, characterizing the areas of the run-a-three that add to unrivaled performance would be of extraordinary advantage to cricket and strength and molding mentors. Along these lines, this research will archive the speeds accomplished by quicker and more slow batsmen during the run-a-three, utilizing the standard run-a-three testing convention.


Standing broad jump was seen as the most extreme even separation shrouded in one countermovement jump. Preceding testing, all members finished a satisfactory unique warm-up standard as controlled by the mentor as a component of their typical warm-up. Competitors were situated on the long jump track, playing out the flat jump tests from a standing position. Members started each jump with a descending countermovement and a touchy arm swing and arriving in sandbox. Members performed two fruitful jumps. Testing method guaranteed that none of the members stood by over 5 minutes between testing preliminaries.


1. Both feet together behind white line

3. Jump off and land with both feet together; Do not move till reading taken


1. Double jump when taking off 2. Step over white line on starting 3. Jump off with one foot after the other 4. Land and shift feet 5. Sit on mat after jump (Not counted)


Throwing is a significant part of handling in the game of cricket (14,15). Despite the fact that the ability of bowling (including the utilization of a straight arm) is utilized to convey the ball to the batsman, when hit, the defenders generally utilize the overhead throw to restore the ball back to the wicket guardian or stumps. Right now, overhead throw is crucial for influencing run-outs (whereby the batsman is rejected for neglecting to finish a run) and to keep the restriction from scoring runs. Higher speed throws are especially important as they lessen the time wherein the resistance needs to finish a run, affecting the basic leadership of the restriction about whether a run can be finished securely and improving the probability of influencing a run-out. Strong strength and power have been entrenched as significant determinants of throwing speed in overhead throwing sports, for example, baseball, water polo, and European handball. Proportions of strength and power have been altogether connected with throwing speed (4,7,21), while mediations including the improvement of strength and additionally power have been appeared to increment throwing speed over these sports (8,11,15). The impact of strength and power on speed gives a practical strategy through which performance can be improved in overhead throwing competitors. In spite of the significance of throwing speed to effective results in the game of cricket, be that as it may, just 1 study to date has investigated the connection among strength and additionally power and throwing speed in a gathering of cricket players (30). Despite the fact that this study found huge power creation contrasts among quicker and more slow throwing cricketers during a slash revolution development, it utilized moderately hardly any strength as well as power measures. Albeit a few similarities exist among baseball and cricket players regarding the throwing movement utilized, critical are required to throw a ball of more prominent mass than baseball players (156 versus 142 g; around 10% distinctions). This spots cricket players on an alternate piece of the power speed range, which may change the overall impact of strength and power on throwing speed. Moreover, critical contrasts exist between cricket players and baseball players as far as throwing performance and biomechanics (5,10). Cricket players have been appeared to have a lot of lower maximal throwing speed (MTS) and exactness abilities (16), and throw with expanded elbow flexion and decreased shoulder outside turn in the arrangement period of the throw (5) contrasted and baseball players.


Handball is an Olympic game with a popularity for fitness which is uncovered in the most significant play activities which are throwing, bluffing, run, jumping and blocking. Maybe this is the reason various investigations have focused on breaking down players' fitness. The tests utilized have for the most part been a long way from explicit and disconnected to the exact attributes of cooperative people (Calleja et al., 2012; Vaquera, 2013). The handball activity which has been most considered is presumably the throw as from a hostile perspective, it is the one which best predicts the group's performance (Román, 2010; Wit and Eliasz, 2016; Laguna, 2013), which is the reason its significance has been underlined by various creators (Eliasz, Janik and Wit, 2011; Sánchez, 2012; Fleck et al., 2013; Párraga, Sánchez and Oña, 2011; Gorostiaga et al., 2015; López, 2015; Granados et al., 2017). There are numerous kinds of throw which can be ordered by the diverse examination factors. Two of the most utilized groupings think about the direction of the ball and the engine performance of the throw. As to the previous, throws can be partitioned into direct, skip, rolling, or heave (adjusted from Oliver and Sosa, 2016; Antúnez and Ureña, 2012) while with respect to engine performance the throws can be characterized by whether the player is standing or jumping and the last additionally isolated into suspended, forward and horizontal jump shots. As to the particular throws utilized in the present study, they were immediate standing throws. This kind of throw is depicted beneath (Torrescusa, 2010) The achievement of the throw relies upon two major variables: speed and exactness (Van Muijen, Joris, Kemper and Van Ingen Schenau, 2017; Bayios and Boudolos, 2016; Wit and Eliasz, 2016; Párraga et al., 2011; van lair Tillaar and Ettema,

distinctive body fragments and (c) the muscle strength and (d) power of the arms and legs (Joris et al., 2012; Van Muijen et al., 2017). The significance of the last two components referenced clarifies the enthusiasm for assessing them, despite the fact that by and large mentors have utilized throws with a medicine ball, which are exceptionally broad and ineffectively approved tests (Mayo and Pardo, 2011; Moreno, 2013; Torres et al., 2013). Throws with a medicine ball have additionally been utilized as a preparation strategy for explicitly improving throwing speed in handball (DeRenne, Ho, and Blitzblau, 2015; Van Muijen et al., 2017; DeRenne et al., 2017; Cardoso and González-Badillo, 2018). The examination of the connection between this sort of general throwing tests with a medicine ball and explicit throwing tests in handball comprises the beginning stage for the present study. The investigation of throwing speed and precision was completed with the most present day, institutionalized and approved hardware and techniques (Bretagne, 1980; Prokajac, 1980; Joris et al., 2012; Mikkelsen and Olensen, 2012). In these examinations on throwing which were completed in specialized circumstances progressively like those of the genuine game, the proceeded with nonappearance of resistance and thusly basic leadership is amazing. Notwithstanding, a few creators have expressed that subjective variables and basic leadership impact throwing speed (Fleck et al., 2016; Pardo, González and Mayo, 2017; Párraga et al., 2011) and a few examinations affirm this in handball (Rivilla et al., 2018) and water polo (Van der Wende, 2015; Vila et al., 2009). Right now study by López (2015) which presumes that there is no distinction in jump throwing speed with and without restriction, is deserving of note (López, 2015). Concerning the relationship among general and explicit throwing tests, a few investigations show a moderate connection (r>0.60) between muscle strength and power and throwing speed (Gorostiaga et al., 2015; Marques et al., 2017) in handball players, being more prominent (r=0.80) in ladies handball players (Granados et al., 2017). The relationship has likewise been shown between throwing speed and most extreme strength in the seat press (Hoff and Almasbakk, 2010) and between throwing speed and isokinetic strength in the chest area (Fleck et al., 2011). Conversely, a few creators found a nonattendance of connection between throwing speed and isokinetic muscle strength in the inner and outer shoulder rotators (Bayios et al., 2011; Dauty et al., 2015). In different sports like cricket, senior and junior players got solid relationships among top throwing speed and the chest pass and standing vertical jump (Pyne, Duthie, Saunders, Petersen and Portus, (Kane, 2013), in spite of the fact that right now a few examinations have discovered deficient explicitness of overwhelming medicine ball throws according to the development designs (Newton and McEvoy, 2017), placing into question the utilization of these general tests for ability spotting right now (et al., 2015).


1. The study to analyze general and the Specific Speed fitness profiles of Bowlers and Batsman 2. To analyze the relationship of general and explicit cricket speed and physical tests 3. It is recommended that these tests ought to be made essential tests in any physiological and Physical evaluation of cricket players.


The study was led on chosen physical fitness segments for example speed and power of school level male cricket players. The vital information was gathered with the assistance of two tests. Standing broad jump test was utilized to survey the dangerous power of the legs and 30 yards run test used to quantify the speed of cricket players. Complete 50 subjects were chosen for this study, 25 Bowlers (Spin and Fast both) and 25 Batsman (Wicket Keepers were considered as Batsman) from cricket match-up as test for the study. The subjects were enrolled according to encounter every one of the players were had understanding of playing least 3 years of BCCI, University and school Matches. Essential Permission was taken from Goa Cricket Association, and separate mentors of the group.

Test and Procedure

For estimation of chose physical fitness factors Of Bowlers and Batsman on cricket players standard physical fitness test Protocols was used. Information of subject's were gathered beginning of the period in the long stretch of August-September 2014.Two testing sessions were finished by every one of the subjects, independently by 48 hours. The main testing included general speed testing 20 meter run, followed with run-a-three and other two fitness test. The subjects didn't wear any defensive rigging or other important types of gear during the tests the tests were directed when they were

between 18-22 years. Every one of the subjects got an away from of the study, including the hazard and advantages of cooperation, the whole Test on Players was led at BITS Pilani Goa Campus Cricket Ground, The subject were permitted to expend water and sports drinks all through the testing sessions. Estimations were recorded in decimal standard.


The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) rendition 16.0 was utilized for every one of the investigations. One path Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was applied to discover the intra-bunch contrasts and where the 'F' proportion found noteworthy at that point Scheffe's Post-hoc test was applied to discover the heading and level of contrasts. The 0.05 degree of centrality was set for the investigation of the outcomes.

Table 1: Mean & SD of District, State and National level Male Cricket Players with regard to Speed and Power

Table 1 showed the Mean and SD estimations of Speed and Power among school level male Cricketers. While looking at the methods, it uncovered that National Level Cricketers have preferable Speed and Power over their Counterparts.

Table 2: Mean and Standard Deviation table of Batsmen and Bowlers of Goa State cricket team in 20 meter dash

From above engaging table we can see that mean and standard deviation of batsmen and bowlers in 20 meters. Batsman has better timings in 20 meter run. To research whether they are fundamentally unique, further information is exposed to autonomous example t-test.


It is concluded that noteworthy bury bunch contrasts have been found among school level cricketers concerning the factors speed and power. National and State level cricketers had essentially preferred Speed and Power over region level cricketers. and dangerous power and strength in hitting the ball has gotten a key physiological and physical attributes of the present day-player. Thus it is basic that general test like 20 meter run can be utilized for checking and ability distinguishing proof purposes need to recreate the requests of the game as intently as could be expected under the circumstances and it is suggested shoulder strength, leg strength and run-a-three tests ought to be made key tests in any physical evaluation of cricket players.


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Corresponding Author Dr. Ajay Dubey*

Assistant Professor, Government Girls P.G. College, Etawah