Measurement of Awareness among Consumers Regarding Patanjali Products

An examination of consumer awareness and attitudes towards Patanjali products

by Dr. Sushil Kumar*, Dr. Parveen Chauhan,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 16, Issue No. 4, Mar 2019, Pages 223 - 227 (5)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Today, worldwide, the Patanjli Brand is synonymous with safe and efficacious health care. Science and research lie at the heart of product development. Although our scientists have studied more than 10,000 herbs and developed a range of over300 products, we continue on our journey to unravel the mysteries of nature. Patanjali have been used as medicines for a long time. Currently, it is still utilized as important ingredients of a few consumer products including cosmetic products. The study is based on consumer attitudes towards the Patanjali Products with sample size of 150. It was found from the study that majority of the Consumers are aware about the Patanjali products.


measurement, awareness, consumers, Patanjali products, safe and efficacious healthcare, science and research, product development, herbs, consumer attitudes


There are various types of herbals, which grow naturally in Thailand. As other Asian native, Thai people realize how to use herbals for medicine and for other purposes. Patanjali are used more in cosmetic products for several reasons, which are natural origin, low price and user friendly. The cosmeceutical industry has responded these expectations by flooding the market with a diversity of products claiming to be natural (Marcoux, 1999). The new ―active ingredients‖ are derived from nature for unique marketing stories and to reduce the risk of side effect. Today, there is growing consumer demand for personal care products containing natural and/or organic ingredients. In response, there has been a dramatic growth in the sales of natural and organic personal care products in drugstores and pharmacies across the world (Antignac et al., 2011). Marketing personnel are constantly analyzing the patterns of buying behavior and purchase decision. The consumption and purchase related decision as basic purchase or consumption decision, brand purchase or consumption decision; channel purchase decision and payment purchase decision. Therefore; this research aims to study and to study the perception of consumers on the local and imported products.Patanjali Ayurveda is a new approach to improve and accelerate the Herbomineral drug discovery and development process. Traditional knowledge and experience will serve as a powerful search engine and most

importantly will greatly facilitate inventional, focused and safe natural products research to rediscover the drug discovery process at Patanjali Ayurved. Ancient wisdom of Ayurveda has been the basis of modern medicine and will remain as one important source of future medicine and therapeutics at Patanjali Ayurved.

Patanjali Ayurved has excellent expertise & facilities for manufacturing & research- process development of Herbomineral preparations, Organic synthesis, isolation and structure elucidation, Biological screening,, toxicological testing and pharmacokinetics. Patanjali Ayurved is keen to establish harmonization and validation of the complex process of Herbomineral therapeutics.Patanjali ayurved aim to understand Ayurvedic concept of Prakruti from Pharmacogenomics perspective to provide a base for human classification, diagnostics and customized medicine. Global trend leading to increased demands of medicinal plants for pharmaceuticals, phytochemicals, nutraceuticals, cosmetics and other products is an opportunity sector for Indian trade and commerce. Scientifically validated and technologically standardized Herbomineral preparations may be derived using safe path of reverse pharmacology approach based on traditional knowledge database. This may play a vital role in drug discovery, development and therapeutics, in botanical materials into medicines, where standardization and quality control with proper integration of modern scientific techniques and traditional knowledge will remain important. Herbo mineral preparations may vary in composition and properties, unlike conventional phamacetuical products, which are usually prepared form synthetic, chemically pure materials by means of reproducible manufacturing techniques and procedures, correct identification and quality assurance of the starting material is, therefore, an essential prerequisite to ensure reproducible quality of Herbomineral preparations, which contributes to its safety and efficacy. Patanjali Ayurved's effort is to establish and validate pharmacoepidimological evidence regarding quality, safety and practice of Herbomineral preparations (Ayurvedic medicine).


Report on Ayurved & Herbs (2006) conducted by Government of Nepal, states that Patanjali products are considered most suitable products for the health in India. It‟s a sole distributor of the various units of Divya Yog Mandir (Trust) Haridwar, India. Its Products can broadly be categorized into three main ranges- Medicinal Value Products; Food Products (food and Juices); Cosmetic products. Antignac (2011) argued that the new ―active ingredients‖ are derived from nature for unique marketing stories and to reduce the risk of side effect. Today, there is growing consumer demand for personal care products containing natural and/or organic ingredients. In response, there has been a dramatic growth in the sales of natural and organic personal care products in drugstores and pharmacies across the world. Acharya Balkrishna (2012) explored that at present the four manufacturing units in Haridwar have a capacity to process 1,000 tonnes of raw materials, rolling out 500 Patanjali products in medicine, food and cosmetics and toiletries."We are currently processing 250-300 tonnes of raw materials for all categories of products. ―He said. On the future plans, Mr. Balakrishna said there were plans to set up manufacturing units in each State with an investment of about Rs.50 to Rs.100 crore Already 20,000 distributors have been appointed. Gupta and Kumar (2014) studied the customer satisfaction to Patanjali and healthcare products and to investigate the influence of product dimensions on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty as well as to understand the herbal effect of the product. These products are part of the knowledge of indigenous cultures and marginal societies across the globe which has stood the test of time. A comparative study was conducted into traditional healing and Sarish and Jain (2014) revealed that in remote areas where modern healthcare facilities are rare, or inadequate, the majority of the traditional communities follow cultural. Patanjali will provide the know-how and expertise to set up the plant, to commission it and will also supply raw materials for the manufacture of the Patanjali products.

Roberts and Sons (2015) argued that Patanjali is a worldwide pioneer in the field of scientifically validated herbal healthcare. Its reputation is for clinically studied, pure, and safe healthcare products that are based on extensive scientific validation and stringent quality controls. It is the present portfolio of pharmaceuticals, personal care, baby care, well-being and animal health products; it has evolved into a head to-heel‟ herbal wellness company.


This chapter consists of statement of the problem/ significance of the study, objectives of the study, research hypothesis, scope, research design, sample profile, data collection, data analytical tools and techniques, organization of the study and limitations.


► To study the consumer behaviour regarding Patanjali products. In term of scope, the study seeks to provide the initial steps toward understanding of the consumer behaviour of urban and rural in Sirsa district of Haryana and sardulgarh of Punjab state. The study will be helpful to understand the consumer behaviour regarding Patanjali products. It will be help to analyze the effectiveness of Patanjali products.The size of the sample has set as 150. The sample has been taken by simple random sampling technique. The study is based on both the primary and secondary data. Primary data have been collected from the people who using Patanjali products. The data has been collected through well-structured questionnaire/ schedule. Initially, 19 statements were given the questionnaire, but after conducting pilot survey, only ten statements were found to be relevant, therefore only those ten statements were included in the final questionnaire. Secondary data have been collected from the internet websites, economics survey, newspaper, magazines etc. Analysis and Interpretation of data- The collected data is described through frequency distribution, percentage. While entering the data in PASW SPSS 20, SA (Strongly Agree) has assigned the value of 5, A (Agree) has assigned

Patanjali products are made to protect the good state of consumer health as well as provide maximum satisfaction. Table-4.1

Table-4.1: Table shows that maximum respondents are strongly agree (35.3%) and minimum respondents are strongly disagree (2%).

The prices of Patanjali products are less than other products available in market. Table-4.2

Table-4.2:Table shows that 1 respondent is Strongly disagree, 6 are disagree, 47 are neutral ,75 are agree ,21 are strongly agree.

Quality of the Patanjali products are high than other brands, product. Table-4.3 Patanjli Products are more recommendable than others. Table-4.4

Table-4.4:Table shows that respondents are 0 Strongly disagree,3 are disagree , 9 are neutral ,46 are agree ,are 72 strongly agree.

Patanjali products are made according to the specific diseases. Table-4.5

Table-4:5-Table shows that 1 respondent is Strongly disagree,11 are disagree ,49 are neutral ,53 are agree ,36 are strongly agree.

Patanjli provide specific products according to requirement of users such as sugar free tea for Sugar patient. Table-4.6

Table-4.6:Table shows that 1 respondents are Strongly disagree, 14 are disagree ,34 are neutral ,64 are agree ,37 are strongly agree.


Table-4.7:Table shows that 3 respondents are Strongly disagree,9 are disagree ,37 are neutral ,72 are agree ,29 are strongly agree.

Patanjli products have solid image for trust. Table-4.8 Table-4.8:Table shows that 1 respondents are Strongly disagree, 8 are disagree ,44 are neutral ,61 are agree ,36 are strongly agree.34 Patanjali provide promotional scheme time to time for attract new customer. Table-4.9 Table-4.9:Table shows that 3 respondents are Strongly disagree, 12 are disagree ,42 are neutral, 69 are agree ,24 are strongly agree.


The study reveals that most of the respondents are aware of the Patanjali products. The people now are not considering most of the consumers feel that there realizing the need of the customer started providing these products. This study enables the manufactures to know the need and preference of the customers which can be implemented by them to improve their products.


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―Sinha Partha Singh, Namrata‖, ―Ramdev expands empire beyond yoga to FMCG, business poised to touch RS 2 cr this fiscal New Delhi-The times of India.

Corresponding Author Dr. Sushil Kumar*

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Management and Commerce, Jagan Nath University, Bahadurgarh, Haryana (India)