Domestic Violence in Rural Haryana: Issues and Challenges

Understanding and Addressing Domestic Violence in Rural Haryana

by Miss. Nidhi .*,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 16, Issue No. 4, Mar 2019, Pages 333 - 336 (4)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Domestic Violence is global phenomena and one of the central issues for contemporary women’s movements. Not only has domestic violence been acknowledged worldwide as a violation of basic human rights of women, but an increasing amount of research highlights the health aspect, inter generation effect and demographic consequence of such violence. The abuse of women by men is among the most common and dangerous forms of gender based violence. For women, violence is a phenomenon which starts at conception and carries on through their entire life span. In India, Pre-birth selection and consequent infanticide is a common occurrence and the preference for a male offspring widespread. Discrimination continues by way of access to adequate food, prompt medical facilities, burden of housework, care of siblings and so on leading to lack of education and consequent lack of awareness and empowerment and imparting of skills. Domestic violence is violent victimization of women, within the boundaries of family usually by men or his family to whom they are married or with whom they have marriage like relationship. Domestic Violence can be physical, sexual, economic, and psychological. Generally, an important part or power relationship between spouses and their families relates to dowry and its ramifications. The present study was conducted in rural Haryana with a view to understand the various forms of violence prevalent in rural society and their impact on women. It was observed that across cast and class lines women suffer from different forms of violence.


domestic violence, rural Haryana, women's movements, health aspect, intergeneration effect, demographic consequence, gender-based violence, pre-birth selection, infanticide, male offspring, discrimination, access to adequate food, prompt medical facilities, burden of housework, lack of education, lack of awareness, empowerment, skills, physical violence, sexual violence, economic violence, psychological violence, power relationship, dowry, ramifications


Domestic Violence is global phenomena and one of the central issues for contemporary women‘s movements. Not only has domestic violence been acknowledged worldwide as a violation of basic human rights of women, but an increasing amount of research highlights the health aspect, inter generation effect and demographic consequence of such violence. The abuse of women by men is among the most common and dangerous forms of gender based violence.(Heise et al, 1998) The type, frequency, intensity and control of violence against women may vary from time to time or place-to-place but it is there everywhere. (Shrivastava, 1988) Domestic violence is universal problem in both developed and developing societies. In our society, many women are violently treated by their intimate partners while they suffer in silence. The abuse of women by men is among the most common and dangerous forms of gender based violence. (Dobash and Dobash,1980) For women, violence is a phenomenon which starts at conception and carries on through their entire life span. Domestic violence is violent victimization of women, within the boundaries of family; usually by men or his family to whom they are married or with whom they have marriage like relationship. Discrimination continues by way of access to adequate food, prompt medical facilities, burden of housework, care of siblings and so on leading to lack of education and consequent lack of awareness and empowerment and imparting of skills. Adolescence bring with it the complete withdrawal of the title of freedom of mobility, fear of and occurrence of sexual assaults; both within and outside of family. (Mishra, 2007) Violence is ―the intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, or against a group or community that either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, mal development or deprivation.‖ (WHO global consultation on violence and health,1996). According to a WHO report (2002), violence against women cause more death and disability in 15-44 years age group than cancer, malaria, traffic accidents and war combined. Police record in India revel that a woman is raped every 34 minutes, molested every 26 minutes, kidnapped every 43 minutes and killed every 93 minutes. privileges, and makes every decision as the undisputed ―head of family‖. He is addressed and elevated to the position of the annadata (giver of grains) and grihakarta (household authority). The man is practically worshiped. Even in law, the ―father‖ is assumed to be the natural guardian of his children. The fact that he may have abused his wife, and the children, does not adversely affect a man‘s position. Official documents, for instance, a child‘s birth certificate, passport, school/college admissions etc. have to bear father‘s endorsement. Without the father‘s signature, documents are rendered invalid. The privileged position of the father as natural guardian is no longer meekly accepted. In recent years there have been a few isolated attempts in the courts challenging this patriarchal assumption. (Bhattacharya, 2013)


Domestic violence is violent victimization of women, within the boundaries of family; usually by men or his family to whom they are married or with whom they have marriage like relationship. Violence can be both physical and psychological. It indicates threat or aggressive behavior towards her not only to her physical being but towards her self-respect and self confidence. Psychological weapons (threats/insults/humiliating treatment/denial of human existence) rather than physical attack. Physical violence includes all type of aggressive physical behavior by husband or his towards the women‘s body (victim). Sexual violence could include either passive (denial) or active violence. Domestic violence could occasionally be seen in other relations also. (Roy, 2003) NFHS-4 data in India shows that 30 percent of women have experienced physical violence since age 15, and 6 percent have ever experienced sexual violence in their lifetime. 4 percent of ever-pregnant women have experienced physical violence during any pregnancy. 33 percent of ever-married women have experienced physical, sexual, or emotional spousal violence. 1/4 of ever-married women who have experienced spousal physical or sexual violence report experiencing physical injuries, including 8 percent who have had eye injuries, sprains, dislocations, or burns and 5 percent who have had deep wounds, broken bones, broken teeth, or any other serious injury. And the data of NFHS-4 in Haryana, among women age 15-49, 33 percent have ever experienced physical violence and 8 percent have ever experienced sexual violence. In all, 34 percent of women in Haryana have experienced physical or sexual violence. Among those who experienced physical violence since age 15, the most common perpetrator for ever-married women was the husband and for never-married women, it was a mother/step-mother, father/step- Overall, 32 percent of ever-married women have experienced spousal physical or sexual violence from their current husband or, if not currently married, from their most recent husband. Ahlawat (2008) in her study of Simli village, it revealed that almost every household, women suffered from one form or the other from of domestic violence. Apparently, there were large number of cases but only typical cases were selected where women faced violence quite frequently and regularly. In this study data shows that lower cast finds out more physical violence than other cast. Demands for dowry have been another cause of violence another cause of violence across caste lines. Pressure for sex-selective abortions was also observed among higher and backward castes.


In patriarchal social structure the highest position is controlled by males. Women are not concerned in decisions regarding family matters. This discrimination is dissolved in our life in such a way that it is not easy to identify it. But this discrimination is the root cause of all forms of violence against women. Sex ratio is an important indicator of gender discrimination and male dominance. According to census of 2011 the sex ratio in Haryana is 879 per thousand male and is on 31st rank on the basis of sex ratio in India. Through there are various studies to show domestic violence against women in Haryana. But the present study focuses on the prevailing domestic violence even after the Domestic Violence Act.


To examine the forms of Domestic Violence across caste and/Class lines. To find out the cause of Domestic violence. To examine the impact of Domestic violence on respondents. To suggest measures for reducing the occurrence and prevalence of domestic violence.


In this research, we have distributed the female literacy rate of 22 districts of Haryana in high, medium and low levels. In the study, we used multistage random sampling. At the first level, we selected district jind on the base of medium literacy rate of women. Jind district has 4 tehsils and 7 blocks. On the second level, we choose uchana block over 7 blocks by the lottery method of the

random sampling. There are 998 households in the badanpur village. Out of total households we selected 10 percent (104) of married women by the random sampling method. To make the right choice of respondents from all castes of the village, 10% of all cast have been selected for study. In this study we used primary and secondary data. To understand the extent of domestic violence deeply interview schedule were used for data collection.

Table No.:- 1.1 Distribution of respondent on the basis of cast and violence

By analyzing facts from the above table no:-.1.1 out of the total women respondents most of are suffering from mental violence (psychological) and that too 49.12% from general caste 40.90% women suffering from physical violence belong to schedule caste 20% of the total respondent suffering from sexual abuse belong to backward caste and 10.52 respondents suffering from economic violence belongs to general category.

Table No.:- 1.2 Distribution of respondent on the basis of reasons of Violence

According to table no:-1.2 104 respondent have cited more than one reason 47.11% women felt that the drinking habit of their husband is major reason for violence against them. Everything is fine until they are not drink but after drinking they start violence, 31.73% women believes that due to domestic issues have suspecting on her character, where as 14.42% women were facing violence due to property issues. It was sad to found that 4.80% women faced violence because they gave birth to girl child. 32.69 % respondents were facing violence for not obliging their husband and 19.23% were residing in families where their personal tension was the residing in families where their personal tension was the reason for violence.

Table No.:- 1.3

Distribution of respondent on the bases of impact of violent behavior Analysis of the fact of the above table no:- 1.3 out of the total respondent that 38.46 percent faced mental torture, 30.76 percent of women faced physical torture due to domestic violence, 19.23 percent of women get scared and 11.53 percent women have irritation behavior due to domestic violence.

Table No.:- 1.4 Distribution of respondent on the bases of coping strategy

According to table no:-1.4 on the basis of all respondent that 54.80 percent of the women discuss domestic violence treated on them in the family to their parental home, 17.30 percent of the women had victim of domestic violence in the family they talked to neighborhood/friends, only 4.80 percent of the women are those who complain about violent behavior by the family members in the police station, and 23.07 percent women who did not tell anyone about domestic violence and they bared the violence and kept quiet about it.

suggestion to deal with domestic violence

According to table no:-1.5 on the basis of all respondent that 55.76 percent women who believe that it is important for women to be need more awareness to their right in eliminating domestic violence, only 4.80 percent women believed that domestic violence can be reduced when say no violence, and while 39.41 percent women believed that women suffering from domestic violence must report women police station.


This paper brings out some significant data on Domestic violence against women. In this study data shows that which type of violence- physical, economic, emotional, psychological and sexual abuse women are facing across cast line. Who do this violence too them and what are the reasons for the same and how they deal with situation. The major reason that it was found drinking of their partner was the major for violence. Majority of women of general category are facing psychological violence where as physical violence more among scheduled cast women. Most of the respondent felt it is necessary for women to know all the legal provision meant for them and then only they would be able to raise their violence against such issues. All data have reflected very serious consequences of domestic violence resulting in physical pain, mental and psychological anxiety, depression, insecurity. Economic insecurity, social stigma attached with separation is some of the important factors that force women to bear violence. For the sake of their children women have to tolerate all the pains physical as well as emotional. Moreover, women are also discouraged to come back to their parent‘s home as it would bring a bad name to whole family. Women will never escape violence as long as they are uneducated, remain financially dependent and derive their social status exclusively from their role as wife and a mother. Women do not raise voice against inhuman treatment. Even if they rise they are not heard properly. The administration needs to be more sensible to such issues and understand the need to resolve it as early as possible. We have to change our values and belief system, e.g., that women is the possession of a man, that he can correct her behavior, hitting is an appropriate way to discipline her. Women must be aware about their rights to deal with domestic violence. The protection of women. Women should use those laws. Women complain about domestic violence can also use to women helpline number 1091. Women should be use to "Domestic Violence Act 2005" protect herself to domestic violence.


Ahlawat, Neerja (2008). ―Violence Against Women: Voices from the Field‖ in Manjeet Singh and D.P Singh: Violence Impact and Intervention, Antalik Publication, Delhi. Bhatachary, Rinki (2013). Behind Close Door Domestic Violence in India, Sage Publication, New Delhi. Dobash, R.Emerson and Dobash R. (1980). Violence against Wives: A Case against patriarchy, Open Books, Landon. Heise, Lori, Marg Ellsberg and Megan Gottem Oeller (1998). Ending Violence against women, Population Reports Series L. No. 11 Baltimore: Population Information Programme, Johns Hopkins University School of Public Health. United Nations Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against women (1993) Mishra, Preeti (2007). Domestic Violence against Women, Deep and Deep Publication, New Delhi. National Family Health Survey-4, 2015-2016, India and Haryana. Roy, Ashins (2003). Violence against Women, Rajet Publication, New Delhi. Shrivastava, Laxmi (1988). ―Problem of Violence Against women a Multidisciplinary‖ National Seminar on Women and Violence: Various manifestation, at. AN.S. Institute of Social Studies, Patna.

Corresponding Author Miss. Nidhi*

Research Scholar, Department of Sociology, MDU, Rohtak