Analysis of Nutritional Status of Indian Adolescent Swimmers

Examining the Nutritional Status of Adolescent Swimmers in India

by Piyush Kumar Chunilal Patel*,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 16, Issue No. 4, Mar 2019, Pages 795 - 800 (6)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Physical activity and great sustenance assumes an urgent job in keeping up great health. Swimming is a low effect activity and a decent exercise which presents physical and mental health benefits. Adolescence, a time of progress among youth and adulthood, involves a significant position in the life of people. The essential drivers of under sustenance in India are its extensive populace, financial contrasts and insufficient access to health offices. Nutritional evaluations among adolescents are significant as they are the future guardians and comprise a conceivably susceptible gathering. Concentrates on the appraisal of nutritional status of adolescents are less in number and a National database has not yet been built up this investigation goes for looking at the dietary intake status of immature swimmers. It likewise thinks about supplement intake against the recommended dietary allowances and its related ramifications on competitor's health. An aggregate of 65 subjects matured between 11 to 18 years was purposively chosen 35 swimmers and 30 non-swimmers. An organized Food Frequency Questionnaire was utilized to gather information. Relationships between's persistent factors, relationship between BMI of swimmers and non-swimmers were determined utilizing ANOVA. The χ² test was utilized to contrast the supplement intake and the RDA of control and experimental gathering. Swimmers were taller, heavier and had higher waist hip proportion to non-swimmers.


nutritional status, Indian, adolescent swimmers, physical activity, nutrition, health benefits, undernutrition, dietary intake, recommended dietary allowances, BMI


Physical activity exercise and great nourishment assume an essential job in keeping up great health. Analysts and other health experts in the 21st century have extraordinarily created worry about the African children and adolescents' nature of every day diets. Lately, a few national and universal activities intended to advance healthy eating have recognized the significance of youngsters' dietary options for both short and long haul health of the population. The understanding of dietary personal conduct standards and way of life of the two children and grown-ups is a fundamental advance in observing and guaranteeing great health. Food decision has a few ramifications on one's prosperity, for example, stoutness and overweight which adds to expanded blood pressure from earliest stages however adolescents. In this way, there is need in building a compelling intercession program to counteract diet-related diseases. Satisfactory and great supplement intake amid adolescence is basic to cover the nutritional shortages endured amid youth required to satisfy the needs of physical activity. A pre-adult swimmer needs explicit nourishment to keep up typical development, cognitive improvement, and physiological development and bolster ideal athletic performance amid preparing, rivalry and post work out. Following the pattern at the 2012 London and 2016 Rio Olympics pre-adult swimmers are exposed to high volume and extreme preparing programs, abnormal state rivalries expecting tip top performance comparing to keeping up great health standard. Deficient vitality utilization can add to poor athletic performance, physical conditioning and recovery. It is vital that pre-adult swimmer's food decisions should be intently checked and explored. In this way, this investigation went for looking at the dietary intake status of the immature swimmers and contrasts the supplement intake and the recommended dietary allowances (RDA) and its related ramifications on their health Nutritional status is presently perceived to be a prime pointer of the health of people. The World Health Organization (WHO) trusts that a definitive target of nutritional appraisals is the improvement of human health. 1 The pervasiveness of under sustenance is a noteworthy general health worry in a significant number of the creating nations in Asia. Because of its tremendous population estimate, financial incongruities, absence of education and developmental systems in this nation. Anthropometry is the singlemost generally pertinent, economical and noninvasive method accessible to scientists for the evaluation of body size and extent. This method has been generally used to evaluate the nutritional status of people having a place with various Indian and non-Indian people group.


Research design

A cross-sectional investigation was completed among territorial swimmers who were younger students matured between 11 to 18 years. Purposive inspecting procedure was utilized. Just those partnered swimmers (experimental gathering) from Bhopal enrolled swimming clubs contending at National Swimming Championships 2017/18 were chosen. Non-swimmers (control gathering) were screened from the network around the Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh fundamental grounds to accomplish the targets of the investigation. A sum of 35 adolescent swimmers were chosen; 15 female and 20 male adolescent swimmers. The control bunch incorporates 30 non-swimmers; 15 female and 15 male adolescents.

Ethical considerations

The subjects and their folks/gatekeepers were informed about the reason for the examination and assent was gotten before the investigation. The examination was affirmed by the Bhopal sports office before the investigation was done. The members were solicited to fill the statistic area from the information structure showing their class/structure, age and sex. Three research colleagues with a degree in either Physical Education or Sports Science/the executives and a specific preparing in anthropometric estimations were utilized for information gathering.


Information were gathered through meeting utilizing an approved Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) changed from NHANES Food Questionnaire and 2012 Youth Adolescent Food Frequency Questionnaire to acquire explicit data focused to accomplish the destinations of the examination. The FFQ included eight food classifications (Bread, oats and grains, Meat, Egg, Fish, Fat rich food, Fruit and Vegetable, Dairy items, sweet food/nibble). This was intended to procure subjective information in regards to the basic food utilization patterns going for assessing the recurrence with which certain food things are devoured amid a particular time span. The whole recurrence factors were coded; never/not Anthropometric measurements Body weight (kg) was estimated utilizing an electronic scale; Seca 710R gauging scale, aligned beforehand (limit: 200kg; accuracy: 50g), and standing stature was estimated utilizing a Seca 220R adaptive stadiometer (estimating range: 85-200cm; exactness: 1mm). Subjects were barefooted when both weight and tallness were recorded. The Body Mass Index (BMI) was determined as body weight (kg)/stature (m²). Grouping of BMI was in as per the World Health Organization (WHO). Waist and hip peripheries and Mid-Arm Circumference (MAC) were estimated with an anthropometric measuring tape at the closest 0.1 cm. Heftiness was characterized and determined in relationship to WHR. Nutrient intake A 24-hour review record was utilized to gather the dietary intake data. The food things reviewed were changed over into their proportionate load of crude food fixings. The by and large nutritional substance adequacy of the diets through mean adequacy ratio (MAR) was determined, mean of the supplement adequacy ratios (NARs) for the intake of vitality in kilocalorie and 11 supplements (starch, protein, calcium, nutrient, iron, phosphorus, retinol, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, ascorbic corrosive). Supplement's adequacy was assessed by an examination between the intakes and recommended dietary allowances (RDA) from food arrangement table for use in Africa, for those not accessible in the previous, was utilized to ascertain vitality and nutrients content.


This was finished utilizing Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) rendition 22.0 programming, where continuous information were communicated as mean ±SD. Relationships between's continuous variables, relationship between BMI of swimmers and non-swimmers were determined utilizing ANOVA where a p-esteem < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. The χ² test was utilized to contrast the nutrient intake and the RDA of control and experimental gathering.


Table 1 underneath shows anthropometric estimations of swimmers in correlation with those of non-swimmers. Height and WHR for both the control and experimental groups are statistically significant.

Table 1 above presents mean of anthropometrical variables among swimmers and non-swimmers. Swimmers were taller, heavier and had higher waist hip ratio to non-swimmers (p< 0.05). Both experimental and control groups had BMI and MAC significant at 1% level.

Table-2: Comparison of mean food intake (g/day) of control and experimental groups

Table 2 above analyzes mean every day intakes of food in male and females. Grains and oats and natural products had been expended much by swimmers than non-swimmers. Females in both control and experimental groups devoured meat protein than their male partners. Vegetables were devoured much by non-swimmers than swimmers. Mean utilization of fish was lower from the subject population. Overall men's mean utilization of food stuffs was higher than ladies however not statistically significant.

Table-3: Macro and Micro Nutrition mean for Male and Female swimmers

Table 3 presents mean vitality, full scale and miniaturized scale nutrients and fiber intakes of the control gathering (swimmers). Revealed vitality intakes were higher than RDA in the 35 contemplating members. Mean of vitality, protein and CHO intakes were significantly higher in the two men and female subjects, be that as it may, their means were underneath the recommended day by day allowances. Regardless of this, their means were significantly measurable at 5% level as 2.2741 and 2.1835 separately. Relatively, mean zinc intake among guys and females was statistically significant at 1% level.

Table-4: Macro and Micro Nutrition mean for Male and Female non-swimmers

Table 3 presents mean energy, large scale and miniaturized scale nutrients and fiber intakes of the experimental gathering (non-swimmers) Mean of energy from protein and CHO intakes were significantly higher in the two men and female subjects than RDA in the 30 contemplate members. Mean of zinc intake among guys and females was 4.4361, which was statistically significant at 1% level.

Table-5: Comparison of Mean Adequacy Ratio (MAR) and Nutrition Adequacy Ratios (NAR) from Swimmers and Non-Swimmers

Table 5 above presents a comparison of MAR and NAR from swimmers and non-swimmers. The nutritional intake in the two swimmers and swimmers apparently was insufficient in calcium (94%; 98%), riboflavin (92.4%; 93.5%), zinc (70%; 77.5%), and absorbic corrosive (95.3%; 94.3%) while intake of iron (0.5%; 1.6%) and protein (8.9%; 12.6%) was discovered sufficient with the exception of couple of swimmers. The mean MAR for the swimmers and non-swimmers were 0.70

Fig-1: Food habits of Adolescent Males and Females

From figure 1 above, dietary intake and food pattern obviously call attention to that the a large portion of adolescent non-swimmers and swimmers are non-veggie lovers. A striking number from the non-swimmers young men and young ladies are non-vegans with a level of 90% and 75% separately, while for non-veggie lover swimmers young men are 75% and young ladies are 60%. From both, the experimental and control groups, vegans are observed to be of a lesser rate. For competitors, a veggie lover diet can be a healthy alternative. Distinctive purposes behind embracing veggie lover diets incorporate social and religious convictions, moral convictions concerning every living creature's common sense entitlement, health benefits, and environmental issues anyway swimmers need to deliberately design their intake to get the protein and minerals they need. Severe veggie lovers may require nutritional enhancements to address their issues for calcium, nutrient B12, and iron.


This cross-sectional investigation demonstrates nutritional status and dietary intake for common swimmer and non-swimmer adolescents. The present investigation results show bothersome diets propensities were drilled by adolescents as indicated by Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI). They devoured much energy-thick food, immersed fats and lacking micronutrient intake. Similarly, swimmers would in general have satisfactory intake than non-swimmers. Results demonstrate that non-swimmers had a higher BMI than swimmers which might be considered as an extraordinary hazard to cardiovascular disease because of their lipid profile. Writing covering BMI and commonness of overweight and corpulence in southern African nations, urban populations are significantly influenced. The experimental and control groups revealed a significant BMI and MAC. Females in two groups significant, men's utilization of food stuffs was higher than ladies; with χ² reflecting 3.4897 and 6.4371 individually at 5% Contrasting MAR and NAR from swimmers and non-swimmers, nutritional intake in the two swimmers and swimmers supposedly was insufficient in calcium (93%; 97%), riboflavin (91.7%; 92.6%), zinc (71%; 78.5%), and absorbic corrosive (94.2%; 95.7%) though intake of iron (0.4%; 1.1%) and protein (8.3%; 12.2%) was discovered satisfactory with the exception of couple of swimmers. The means for groups were 0.71 and 0.75 individually showing that at least one nutrient were lower than the RDA. Notwithstanding that most energy intakes from the subjects were higher than RDA, mean of male and female swimmers on absolute fiber and fat were beneath the recommended day by day allowances however significantly factual at 5% level as 2.2645 and 2.1732 separately. Adolescents demonstrated that they were not expending less water contrasted with different beverages of water even subsequent to instructional meetings. A healthy diet all through is critical to give nutrients that help ideal physical development and cognitive advancement. Adolescents are encouraged to take a decent diet with food things which meet their recommended every day smaller scale nutrients intake Adolescence have extreme worry about their appearance, nourishment and putting on of weight. Weight gain in adolescents is regularly because of the utilization of extensive segments of food, visit nibbling, and high intake of sugary refreshments. To invert adolescent obesity, a blend of conduct and environmental changes which incorporates; food intake, physical activity (PA) and relaxation exercises is required. There is a solid opposite relationship between's the dimension of physical activity and wellness and obesity; that is the lower dimension of PA, the lower dimension of cardiovascular wellness, the more prominent the danger of obesity improvement. Dietary intake of fish by both swimmer and non-swimmer adolescents demonstrate a low significant incentive in spite of to Indian Ocean. This was because of culture, religion and good explicit dietary practices and to some it was simply the reasonableness of the item. Eating more vegetables and organic products as a feature of Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) are related with decreased hazard to cardiovascular maladies, notwithstanding, the greater part families devour vegetables as a health cognizance measure as well as because of financial elements. For certain swimmers who were non-veggie lovers a craving to get more fit was received by the utilization of vegan or vegetarian diet. The veggie lover diet may coincidentally decrease caloric or protein intakes since creature fragile living creature and dairy items are expelled

requirement for salty sweaters changes. In Bhopal custom and culture, an expanded dimension of body fat is related with wealth, health, flourishing and excellence in female partners in spite of its negative health sway. While all people need fat in their diets to give basic fatty acids, that the body can't fabricate, the investigation population's fat intake (saturatedfat, animal products) was higher than the satisfactory macronutrient conveyance run, subsequently antagonistically influencing nourishment change. Fat intake should be in respect to starch and protein intakes and numerous adolescents (swimmers and non-swimmers) expend a lot of fat and insufficient sugar and protein. The full scale and small scale nutrients dietary change patterns may result with the danger of overweight, obesity and other non-transmittable ailment.


The information of Sports sustenance is of foremost significance viewpoint in keeping up the health and to improve the performance of swimmers. The present investigation found that BMI and MAC were significant among the swimmers and non-swimmers. The nutrient intake of the adolescents higher than the RDA figured on individual premise relating to energy, starch, protein, cholesterol, fatty acids, iron, nutrient C and Calcium among the swimmers and non-swimmers (young men and young ladies). A healthy diet all through pubescence and adolescence is essential to give nutrients that help ideal physical development and cognitive improvement. In spite of the fact that it is prudent that small scale nutrients ought to be gotten from food, numerous adolescents don't achieve every day intake suggestions for select smaller scale nutrients from diet alone. Nutritional intake amid adolescents can have long haul life suggestions.


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Corresponding Author Piyush Kumar Chunilal Patel*

Assistant Professor in Physical Education