A Solar Tree

Guidelines for preparing a manuscript for a journal publication

by Luv Sharma*, Priya Joshi, Vinay Panchal,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 16, Issue No. 4, Mar 2019, Pages 805 - 806 (2)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


The abstract should summarize the content of the paper. Try to keep the abstract below 200 words. Do not make references nor display equations in the abstract. The journal will be printed from the same-sized copy prepared by you. Your manuscript should be printed on A4 paper (21.0 cm x 29.7 cm). It is imperative that the margins and style described below be adhered to carefully. This will enable us to keep uniformity in the final printed copies of the Journal. Please keep in mind that the manuscript you prepare will be photographed and printed as it is received. Readability of copy is of paramount importance


solar tree, abstract, paper, journal, manuscript


Now a days oil supply is decreasing therefore energy sources are becoming limited throughout the world. The growing population and energy demand we should take a renewable option of energy source and also we should keep in mind that energy should not cause pollution and other natural hazards. The technology of using Bio fuel is an alternate solution of energy sources, but if we think that all the world‘s vehicles will be powered by bio fuels then the amount of land used for farming must be doubled. Abundant power is produced by Nuclear energy, but many fears from the emission of catastrophes from such sources. In all this Solar Tree proves to be most beneficial source of energy. Solar Tree implementation as alternate source of energy in urban cities. A new idea of a solar tree design us in nano wire solar cell is presented. Nano wires possess high physical light absorption properties which can be improved tremendously Hence we can say that it is a revolutionary urban lighting concept and these technologies lead to the development of high efficiency solar energy. In industrialized countries the energy consumption has been increasing at a very fast rate. Because of increasing energy and growing population one option to fulfill the increasing demand of energy is renewable energy source. Keeping this option in mind we should also take care that energy should not cause pollution and other natural hazards. Therefore nonconventional energy sources such as ocean tides, geothermal, sun and wind are good option. With this alternative energy sources we can fulfill the energy demand in coming future. In all these alternatives solar energy has more advantages for the mankind i.e. Solar Energy is free, inexhaustible and nonpolluting. Solar energy is most advantageous for countries having very less space to produce energy efficiently and having very large population like India. In all these solar tree could be the best option. The efficiency of the plant can be improved by using the technique known as ―SPIRALLING PHYLLATAXY‖. This technique can also be used for system of street lighting, industrial power supply etc. In area point of view, solar tree is more efficient and much better than the traditional solar PV system. Therefore it should be implemented. Solar energy is available in very large amount and also easily available. The solar radiation can be directly converted into solar photovoltaic, solar thermal and solar architecture. The installation of large solar collectors requires a very big space which is the main problem associated with tapping solar energy .This problem can be avoided by installing a Solar Tree requiring less space instead of a no of solar panels. To satisfy pressing environmental and social demands for urban lighting solar tree opens new prospects.


In urban location having large population, the problem of energy supply becomes even more difficult. Renewable energy source can solve such energy problems. Solar energy provides feasible design solutions for urban environment. The Solar Tree can be used for: • Uplifting the public opinion of citizens for renewable resources of energy. • At locations where free wireless internet is available it enables the people for free • Information‘s like important city locations, phone numbers, institutions and addresses which could be accessed by everyone can be provided by several interactive info panels.


Photo-voltaic cells are arranged in Fibonacci series in place of leaves in solar tree which looks is an artificial tree. The amount of energy produced by solar tree is more than an array of solar cells. Solar Tree is made of metal structure and have solar panels at the top instead of branches of real tree. Solar energy is collected by Solar panel and converts it into electricity and uses it for batteries, charging of mobile phones, portable computers and tablets. The panels and lighting use this collected energy. No. of solar panels are used to give the shape of a tree and arranged in a tall tower/pole.


A. Solar Tree Product Applications The Solar Tree is suitable for remote locations or where small foot print such as area lighting, car parks and street lighting are required. With a grid connection or battery store, the Solar Tree is the solution for energy requirements. B. World‘s Best Looking Solar Gadget Charger C. Making Light with Recycle Plastic Bottles D. Applications Of Solar Trees For Industrial Power Supply, House Supply, Street light


To fulfill the increasing energy demand of the people, saving of land, The solar tree concept is very successful one and should be implemented in India to provide electricity without the problem of power cut and the extra energy can be provided to the grid. India as the 2nd largest country of the world in the increasing demand of the energy and try to find a way from which efficient and abundant source of energy cab be available. Also solar botanic trees is a nonconventional source having many advantages of producing electricity as compared to the other sources. It is therefore the responsibility on the shoulders of the youngsters of the earth to think smartly and take the right decision. Everyone should starts as an individual to co-operate with the government to make life favorable for mankind. Photovoltaics: Electricity from Solar Cells, Aatec publications, Third Edition Revised, 2001 2. Jenny Nelson (2003). The Physics of Solar Cells, Imperial College Press, 2003 3. Solar Tree Documentary, http://www.motionlab.at/projects/content-production/solartree-documentary/ 4. Solar Tree Foundation, http://solartree.org/index.html 5. Solar Tree – Artemide, http://www.artemide.us/pdfs/solartree.pdf

Corresponding Author Luv Sharma*

Department of Electrical Engineering, SS College of Engineering, Rajasthan Technical University, Kota, India