Relation between Recruitment and Selection Policies and Its Impact on Employee

Understanding the Impact of HR Practices on Employee Attrition in BPOs

by Simranpreet Singh*, Dr. Vipin Mittal,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 16, Issue No. 4, Mar 2019, Pages 2123 - 2128 (5)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


The general performance of a company relies upon how its human asset is utilized. For this, associations require powerful Human Resource Management which includes rehearses on labor arranging, staffing, performance evaluation, remuneration, training and improvement. Employee attrition alludes to the measure of development of employees all through an association. High Employee attrition makes various misfortunes the association. Business Process Outsourcing implies moving rehashed non-center and center business processes to an external supplier for cost decrease and service quality improvements. This industry has prospered well in India yet it experiences high employee attrition. This examination examines the impact of HR rehearses to be specific Recruitment and Selection Policies, Induction and Training Programs, Organizational Culture, Salary and Monetary Incentives, Health and Welfare Measures on attrition in BPOs.


recruitment, selection policies, employee, human resource management, labor planning, staffing, performance evaluation, remuneration, training and development, employee attrition, business process outsourcing, external provider, cost reduction, service quality improvements, HR practices, induction and training programs, organizational culture, salary and monetary incentives, health and welfare measures, BPOs


In the corporate world, innovativeness and advancements happens quickly because of the powerful idea of business climate. Different associations are focusing on their center abilities to give adaptability and improved hierarchical performance, and to guarantee the productive utilization of secret weapons. There is solid proof in the writing that outsourcing has developed at a frantic speed in this manner that having a fad impact on a considerable lot of the worldwide customers. As per Kumar and Arora (2012) globalization has constrained associations re-appropriate their creation and services to nations where they track down an upper hand in lower work costs, improve process quality and speed time to advertise (Li and Meissner, 2008). The outsourcers are predominantly associations from US and UK, they re-evaluate the capacities inside regulatory help, inbound call place services, specialized help, deals and advertising the executives, human asset the board and training, framework offices the executives, and different services (Aiswarya, 2013). Business process outsourcing (BPO) is the basic type of outsourcing. It's anything but another administration system, anyway has gotten elevated revenue on account of its possible monetary and vital impact. Dominant part of associations in US and UK have gone to outsourcing and off shoring inner activities, for reasons of cost and quality, yet in addition contracting obligations of explicit business driver to outside associations (Ezigbo, 2012). Data processing and call focus exercises of service associations have moved seaward to Asian nations in record numbers. With its prepared wellspring of English-talking, profoundly instructed, and mechanically prepared laborers, has become the area of decision for business process outsourcing elements of worldwide customers (Kripalani et al., 2003; Pio, 2007). Until now, worldwide outsourcing happens for a wide range of occupations and across most enterprises (Gomez-Mejia et al., 2010), which is assessed that in excess of 3 million positions and US$136 billion in compensation are normal. The worldwide outsourcing business sector like data innovation, monetary services, correspondence, purchaser products/services, and assembling is worth in abundance of US$600 billion every year, including US and UK, are unfurling in the creating scene where an informed labor force is promptly accessible (Lockwood, 2012). In a new examination, BPO is acclaimed as "the new improvement model of endeavors in the new thousand years" due to the yield worth of BPO around the world (Li et al., 2008). The expansion of outsourcing to new re-appropriated and offshored objections, for example, India and the Philippines monetary force (Dumlao, 2012; Budhwar et al., 2006). Besides, it has made a high-speed industry where change can be clearing and continuous (Srivastava, 2009). Starting at 2012, Philippines' IT services and BPO consolidated created USD16 billion fare income while USD20.9 billion for India. What's more, those Asian nations and their resources stand apart as a remarkable model for bringing worldwide labor force into unlimited serious methodology of other country. For example, Philippines were straightforwardly utilized 926,000 full-time employees, while India has given an expected work to 917,000 individuals (BPAP 2009–2013; Economic Times, 2013). Through these bountiful outcomes, the presence of HR can't be precluded.


1. Studies can be made on estimation of attrition costs and the impacts of employee attrition. 2. Studies can be made on execution of maintenance policy and its impact in the association.


Human Resource Management (HRM) is another perspective about how individuals ought to be overseen as employees in the working environment. (Pinnington and Edwards, 2000) In pragmatic terms Human Resource Management incorporates all perspectives relating to the business employee relationship. It is coordinated towards supporting and dealing with an association's labour and processes related with it. Consequently, It is seen as a centre business work which holds key to productive working of an association. As characterized by Edwin B. Flippo "Human asset management is the arranging, coordinating, coordinating and controlling of the acquirement, advancement, resources to the end that individual and cultural destinations are refined". This definition uncovers that human asset (HR) management is that part of management, which manages the arranging, sorting out, coordinating and controlling the work force elements of the venture. Scott, Clothier and Spriegel (2007) have characterized Human Resource Management as that part of management which is mindful on a staff reason for focusing on those parts of tasks which are fundamentally worried about the relationship of management to employees and employees to employees and with the advancement of the individual and the gathering. Human Resource Management is liable for keeping up great human those of the people. Human Resource Management is a key and sound way to deal with the management of an organization‟ most esteemed resources individuals working there who separately and all things considered add to the accomplishment of its goals (Armstrong, 2006). Human asset management (HRM) alludes to the policies and practices engaged with doing the 'Human Resource(HR)' parts of a management position including human asset arranging, position examination, recruitment, selection, direction, remuneration, performance evaluation, training and advancement, and work relations (Dessler, 2006). In this manner, HRM is made out of the policies, practices, and frameworks that impact employees' conduct, disposition and performance. Naturally, the fundamental point of HRM is to serve the corporate technique and accomplish corporate points by developing an elite labour force in an association. This can be attempted utilizing two methodologies, i.e., Hard HRM and Soft HRM, (Story, 1994; Beardwell and Claydon, 2007). • The strength of business needs necessitates that HR are gained, conveyed and abstained from, as per the requests of corporate plans. In such a situation, less consideration is given to necessities of the employees though accentuations are essentially on quantitative viewpoints. This methodology is known as hard HRM. • The second methodology depends on the possibility that a view to accomplish upper hand through the labor force, regardless of the reality whether they are full-time or low maintenance, transitory or contract staff, all potential should be supported and created. For this reason, programs relating to improving the social parts of individuals at work are created and executed. This is alluded to as delicate HRM.



HRM rehearses have been characterized in a few perspectives. Schuler and Jackson (1987) characterized HRM rehearses as a framework that draws in, creates, inspires, and holds employees to guarantee the successful execution and the endurance of the association and its individuals. Moreover, HRM rehearses is likewise conceptualized as a bunch of inside predictable policies and practices planned and executed to guarantee that an association's human resources

In like manner, Minbaeva (2005) saw HRM rehearses a bunch of practices utilized by association to manage HR through working with the advancement of capabilities that are firm explicit, produce complex social relation and create association information to support upper hand. Against this scenery, we presumed that HRM rehearses identify with explicit practices, formal policies, and methods of reasoning that are intended to draw in, create, persuade, and hold employees who guarantee the successful working and endurance of the association. The key HRM rehearses incorporate; human asset arranging, staffing including recruitment, selection and socialization, evaluating, remuneration, training and advancement. HRM capacities and practices are the framework components of vital HRM process. Framework prerequisites comprise of those capacities and exercises are essential for successful management of an association's HR. Associations ought to deliberately use these framework prerequisites to acquire upper hand, especially through their HR and human asset management rehearses. The consequence of adequately overseeing HR is an improved capacity to draw in and hold qualified employees who are roused to perform, and the after-effects of having the correct employees propelled to perform are various. They incorporate more noteworthy benefit, low employee turnover, high item quality, lower creation costs, and more fast acknowledgment and execution of corporate system (Schuler and MacMillan, 1984).


The terms employee turnover and attrition are utilized reciprocally. Actually, number of terms have been utilized for employee turnover, for example, stops, attrition, exits, portability, relocation or progression (Morrell et. al, 2004).According to Ivancevich and Glueck (1989), employee turnover is the net consequence of the exit of certain employees and passageway of others to the association. Singh et al. (1994) likewise characterize staff turnover as the pace of progress in the functioning staffs of a worry during a clear period. Kossen (1991) characterized the staff turnover as the measure of development in and out (of employees) in an association. Employee turnover is the pivot of workers around the work market, between firms, occupations and occupations, and between the conditions of business and joblessness (Abassiand Hollman, 2000). The Webster's Dictionary characterizes the term attrition as "the process or condition continuously worn out". As needs be the attrition process some of the time begins after an individual is utilized in an years. Be that as it may, in the current business and work relations attrition is frequently not a steady process. It is frequently unexpected, fast, abrupt, and at times sensational particularly in close work economic situations where managers rival each other to utilize individuals viewed as appropriate to the positions they have in their associations.

Causes of Employee Attrition

Generally every business unit thrives with the difficult work of employees and advantages to them are conceivable with expanded benefit. Such attitude assists each employee with staying dedicated to work and demonstrate individual just as gathering value with best performance. Each business unit has working climate and each employee stay careful to work for the improvement of the company. Such work environment establishes an inclination in peer climate, where contest makes to search for potential outcomes and openings for self-progression. In business houses, where such climate is missing and apparent perspective on professional success is by and large missing, the employee begins thinking negatively and understands that duration in the company may demolish his vocation. Beginning of such sentiments in employee propels to think for elective work and the finish of such intuition convert into attrition. An employee can comprehend the professional success alternatives in the company inside brief period and states of people working for quite a while similarly situated additionally helps in development view to leave the company at the soonest.. Normally skilled individual stay effortful to achieve position to show his performance, however seniors don't permit to push ahead for utilization of imaginative thoughts for better performance of the company, such individual understands that excess in existing position would destroy its ability and benefiting such freedom to show his performance is troublesome, such circumstance likewise constrains to leave the spot at the most punctual and search other spot, where openness of his ability is conceivable. A few employees express their ability to new company in work performance terms and furthermore ready to yield target level of accomplishment. Such issues are generally regular in business sector, where the individual standing firm on some foothold doesn't permit new contestant to demonstrate its value, as such circumstance may destroy his own position. Typically business sector has likewise different obstacles for new individual to uncover novel thoughts, as managers generally abstain from such reasoning and turn down such proposition appearing as non-practical and unfit to prevail in the methodology. Generally creative thoughts and methodology underway, change in fixings and amendment in advertising policies. Ability is additionally generally differed, as there are a few people, stay keen on new tests, however broad perspective on the company stays against such changed example. For the most part, new individual is treated as lacking development and proposed changes are treated as unreasonable may prompt incredible misfortune. By and large, absolute group become against such individual and leaving the spot for such individual gets inescapable. Numerous multiple times, If the business bunch can't confront the serious market with every single imaginable exertion and monetary position begins upsetting, employees like to leave the company at the most punctual. Aside from the unavoidable reasons like abdication, retirement, demise or incapacity, the causes are discovered to be numerous and shifted. The reasons for attrition fluctuate as indicated by the idea of business, the degree of employees and nature of obligation carried by them. All the time, an employee ends up among partners and bosses, incapable to adapt to. Also, an employee may end up absolutely off key in his capacities with the business' useful necessities, neglecting to ascend to the assumptions for the business. The purposes behind employee attrition may differ from outside natural factors, for example, financial conditions that impact the business possibilities and development and which has bearing on the footing and states of business and thus on work levels, (Mobley, 1982, Terborg and Lee, 1984) to factors relating to authoritative related factors like kind of industry, word related class, association size, instalment, administrative level, area, selection process, workplace, work tasks, advantages, advancements and (Mobley, 1982).

Impact of Attrition

Attrition in business sector remains very upsetting, where retirement is the common process and company stays cautious for topping off the opening through advancement or direct recruitment according to strategy choice taken. Indeed, even in the event of advancement, lower position gets empty, which is additionally similarly significant. In any remaining cases, the recruitment process become inescapable at the most punctual as the momentary game plan for appointing the errand to any individual notwithstanding his own undertaking can't proceed for longer length. The heightening in the pace of work turnover is a significant worry for businesses and is unmistakably impacting on hierarchical performance. Customers start to question the management of such an enrolling and connecting new individuals from staff are extensive. He adds that this influences the immediate costs like publicizing, agency charges, paper work and meeting time. Robbins and Decenzo (2001) express that there are many covered up or aberrant costs, similar to the costs caused in training and directing new contestants, just as those they are supplanting and extra time that may must be paid during staff shortages. Different costs may incorporate expanded wastage and misfortunes while new staff gets comfortable. Aside from this,, the genuine cost of staff turnover prompts brought down resolve among different employees who should bear the responsibility, lost income from deals not made, the deficiency of clients who escaped to contenders for better service. The spirit of staff might be brought down in light of the fact that work over-burden, extra time work, substitute faculty and working with less staff than required is tricky. This causes an increment in blunders during the performance of exercises and results in helpless service, unavoidably, client aggravation and low staffing resolve prompts high staff turnover (Cohen, 2000). It should be valued that the impact of staff turnover brings about an additional responsibility for the excess staff part's performance and on hierarchical adequacy. Mathis and Jackson (2007) express that employees need to work additional hours to make up for crafted by those that have surrendered. Steers (2002) states that staff turnover is costly and troublesome. Costly, as it diminishes the yield and problematic, as it necessitates that timetables and projects to be altered. As per Nel, et al. (2004), coming up next are a portion of the components that impact on staff turnover and authoritative viability: 1. Increased client protests about the service. 2. The quality of service is diminishing a direct result of staff shortage. 3. The supplanting staff might be new to the unit and undertaking or obligations to be performed; thusly failure and mistakes may result.


India has perhaps the biggest pool of minimal expense English talking logical and specialized ability. This settles on India one of the undeniable decisions to move to. Dell, Sun Microsystems, LG, Ford, GE, Oracle all have declared designs to increase their activities in India. Others like American Express, IBM and British Airways are

tasks in India. BPO organizations have begun looking past the customarily hot objections like Gurgaon, Delhi, and Mumbai. Urban communities like Pune, Chandigarh, and Kolkata, are gradually arising as the sweetheart objections for both new organizations and furthermore for the individuals who are taking a gander at developments. For example, GE, the BPO pioneer heavyweight, rather than expanding its current limit in Gurgaon and Hyderabad, liked to move to Jaipur as of late. Msource, the BPO arm of Mphasis-BFL, set out to pick Pune as a base. Spectra mind likewise has begun its middle at Pune. The Indian ITES-BPO industry has drawn in worldwide consideration by its reliable predominant performance. India has made this progress with the assistance of its young skilled pool of graduates who were eager to work in this industry. Through the high packages and refined workplace the BPO associations succeeded drawing in an enormous pool of young people. In spite of the fact that epitomized by call focuses, the BPO business is really an exceptionally complex industry. The idea of the employees, as far as their insight and abilities differs as per the idea of the work done in the BPO business. The normal BPO firm in this way utilizes a to a great extent youthful working class cross-segment of the Indian populace, regularly knowledgeable in English. The age frequently goes between 18 and 24, while the average age at firms utilizing postgraduates will in general be during the 20s. As per the assessments around 80% of the labor force in call communities was beneath the age of 30 years, comprising for the most part of school graduates searching for high-development openings, significant compensations and an incredible workplace (Jha, 2005). Since the greater part of the employees come from the working class; it makes individuals elements of the business unmistakable to the assumptions and goals of this gathering. The most recent decade saw a commotion in the development and advancement of the Indian economy, which was joined by the insurgency in the innovative front and an extreme change in the manner businesses were finished. Rather than being the handyman, the keen associations have now reclassified the method of working and now target being the expert of their centre business. Outsourcing the non-centre processes to focus on the centre ones is the means by which the organizations like to work now. BPO has gotten the conspicuous key decision of the organizations taking a gander at the apparent benefits of cost decrease while improving the quality of service, expanding investor esteem and so on (Shah and Sharma 2006). With the whirlpool of chances the Indian Business Process Outsourcing (Budhwar et al. 2006). With the boat steaming ahead in the worldwide business sectors, India has effectively become the most special objective. Thus a particularly endless stock of chances essentially exhibits a wonder which is no not exactly the renaissance for our Indian business sectors.


Moreover, it additionally traces the significant discoveries drawn as exploration results, ideas in accordance with significant discoveries and a short end. Present investigation was directed to discover the reasons for employee attrition and maintenance strategies followed by IT industry, Delhi , noida sector . Alongside the causes and maintenance strategies, employee inclination towards an association, impacts of employee attrition, factors affecting maintenance and significance of maintenance are additionally done in this investigation. Different components affecting employee inclination towards an association like nature of work, working condition, inspiration, company policies, compensation, relational relationship between employees, between employee and prevalent, HRD rehearses. Reasons for employee attrition like avoidable and unavoidable causes, impacts of employee attrition like constructive outcomes and contrary impacts, factors affecting employee maintenance like compensation, authoritative climate, development and vocation, relational relationship and good help, maintenance strategies followed at various levels, for example, maintenance strategy at passage level experts, maintenance strategy at midlevel experts and maintenance strategy at senior level experts are contemplated. Both essential information and optional information were assembled for the examination. Essential information were gathered from employees and employers of IT firms in and around Delhi , noida sector through talk with plan. Test size for employee is 300 and for boss is 30. Information on employee inclination towards an association, reasons for employee attrition were gathered from employees and information on impacts of employee attrition, factors affecting maintenance and maintenance strategies followed by IT firms to hold their present staff were gathered from employers. Absolutely there are 37 IT firms in Delhi , noida sector , out of that 6 were equipment firms, 19 were programming firms and 12 were BPO firms. Optional information was gathered from registers, books, diaries, magazines, sites, and so forth (2000).Turnover: The Real Bottom Line. Public Personnel Management, 29 (3), pp. 333-342. [2] Bailey, K. D. (1978). Methods of Social Research. New York: The Free Press. [3] Chakravorty, B.(2005, November 15). BPO E-Sat 2005, Dataquest, pp. 22-28. [4] Delaney, J.T., & Huselid, M.A. (1996). The Impact of Human Resource Management Practices on Perceptions of Organizational Performance. Academy of Management Journal 39(4), pp. 949–969. [5] Field, A. (2009). Discovering statistics using SPSS. New Delhi: Sage Publications Limited [6] Gautam, A., & Jain, S.(2016). Performance Management System in Telecom Industry: Comparison of Indian Public and Private Sector Undertakings. International Journal of Research in Commerce, IT and Management, 6(12), pp. 1-5. [7] Hinkin, T.R., & Tracey, J.B. (2000). The cost of turnover: Putting a price on the learning curve, Cornell Hotel & Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 41, pp. 14-21. [8] Israel, G. D. (2013) Determining Sample Size. IFAS, University of Florida. PEOD. Retrieved from %20size%20by%20Glen%20Israel.pdf. [9] Jackson, S.E., & Schuler, R.S. (1995). Understanding human resource management in the context of organizations and their environments. Annual Review of Psychology, 42(1), pp. 237-264. [10] Kumar, N.R., & Krishnaveni, R. (2008). Role of HRD practices in building organizational commitment, Journal of Contemporary Research in Management, April-June, 2008, pp. 59-68. [11] Louis, M.R. (1980). Surprise and sense-making: what newcomers experience in entering unfamiliar organizational settings, Administrative Science Quarterly, 25(2), pp. 226-51. [12] Meyer, J. P., Becker, T.E., & Vandenberghe, C. (2004). Employee motivation and commitment: A conceptual analysis and

Corresponding Author Simranpreet Singh*

Research Scholar of OPJS University, Churu, Rajasthan