Reviewed Study on Corporate Governance and Its Aspects

Exploring the Impact of Corporate Governance on Economic Growth

by Ankita Sangwan*,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 16, Issue No. 9, Jun 2019, Pages 261 - 266 (6)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


The primary difference between corporate governance enforcement problems in India and most western economies is that the entire corporate governance approach hinges on disciplining the management and making them more accountable, that means the ‘agency gap’ in western economies represents the gap between the interests of management and dispersed shareholders and corporate governance norms are aimed at reducing this gap. However, in India the problem is the stranglehold of the dominant or principal shareholders who monopolize the majority of the company’s resources to serve their own needs. That is, the ‘agency gap’ is actually between majority shareholders and other stakeholders. Corporate governance issues have received substantial amount of attention because of their clear importance for the economic growth of companies and society at large especially after plethora of corporate scams and fiascos in the recent times. The U.S., Canada, the U.K., European Countries, the East Asian countries, and even India for that matter have witnessed severe strain on their economies together with the failure of several leading companies in the last two decades or so. This has resulted in greater emphasis and attention on the corporate governance issues. The aim of this paper is to analyze the concept of Corporate Governance and Previous studies that were done regarding the Concept.


corporate governance, enforcement problems, management, accountable, agency gap, western economies, India, dominant shareholders, stakeholders, economic growth, corporate scams, fiascos, leading companies, previous studies


In the Indian business culture, boards are not as empowered as in several western economies and since the board is subordinate to the shareholders; the will of the majority shareholders prevails. Whereas, in other countries corporate governance norms mainly focus on their board and committees, independent directors and managing CEO. Therefore, most corporate governance abuses in India arise due to conflicting interests of promoters, directors and shareholders. This applies across the spectrum of Indian companies with dominant shareholders PSUs (with government as the dominant shareholder), multinational companies (where the parent company is the dominant shareholder) and private sector family-owned companies and business groups. Multinational companies (MNCs) in India are perceived to have a better record of corporate governance compliance in its prescribed form. However, in the ultimate analysis, it is the writ of the large shareholder (the parent company) which runs the Indian unit that holds sway, even if it is at variance with the wishes of the minority shareholders. Moreover, the compliance and other functions in an MNC is always geared towards laws applicable to the parent company and compliance with local laws is usually left to the managers of the subsidiary who may not be empowered for such a role. Family businesses and business groups as a category are perhaps the most complex for analyzing corporate governance abuses that take place. The position as regards family domination of Indian businesses has not changed; on the contrary, over the years, families have become progressively more entrenched in the Indian business milieu. As per a recent study by the global financial major Credit Suisse, India ranks higher than most Asian economies in terms of the number of family businesses and the market capitalization of Indian family businesses as a share of the nominal grossdomestic product (GDP) has risen from 9 per cent in 2001 to 46 per cent in 2010. In addition to the corporate governance issues arising from the dominant family holding in the Indian business companies, there exists an additional complexity on account of the ‗promoter control‘ in Indian companies. Promoters (who may not be holding controlling shares) usually exercise significant influence on matters involving their companies, even though such companies are listed Promoters may be in control over the resources of the company even though they may not be the majority shareholders and, because of their position, have superior information about the affairs of the company than that accessible to non-promoters. As a corollary, in an organization, promoters and non-promoters constitute two distinct groups that may have diverse interests.


Corporate Governance is a system by which firms are overseen. The phases of improvement of Corporate Governance and its systems synchronize with the advancement of the economy, corporate structure, ownership groups, political and legal advancements of a nation. Academicians, practitioners and analysts have advanced various theories and models depicting various facets of governance and its practices crosswise over various nations of the world. In this procedure, measurements are likewise being created to quantify Corporate Governance and its procedures. In India before the economic reforms of 1992, the improvement of Corporate Governance was moderate yet post liberalization quick walks have been made in its advancement to meet with worldwide practices. Corporate Governance is a lot of procedures, customs, policies and laws influencing the manner by which an organization is coordinated, managed or controlled. Corporate Governance isn't simply corporate administration; it is something a lot more extensive to incorporate a reasonable, effective and straightforward organization to meet certain well-characterized goals. It is a system of structuring, operating and controlling a company so as to accomplish long-term key objectives to fulfill shareholders, leasers, employees, customers and providers and conforming to the legal and regulatory prerequisites, aside from gathering environmental and nearby network needs. When it is polished under a well-spread out system, it prompts the structure of a legal, commercial and institutional system and demarcates the limits inside which these capacities are performed. Adequacy of corporate governance system can't be just enacted by law neither can any system of corporate governance be static. As rivalry builds, innovation accelerates correspondence, the environment where the company works, additionally changes. The markets are interminably inventive. New corporate structures are shaped. New elements are made. New kinds of budgetary instruments with new sorts of risks are presented. In this setting it is critical to update the corporate market practices to guarantee that they react properly to the evolving environment. In this unique environment, the systems of corporate governance likewise need to advance. Corporates pool capital structure a huge influencing the long haul thriving of companies. It shapes a piece of the bigger system of governance for example National Governance, Human Governance and then Corporate Governance. Our previous Prime Minister A. B. Vajpayee portrayed the corporate governance as under: "International business encounters over the couple of years have acquired lime light. Issue still couldn't find a suitable and indisputable solution. Various discussions, exchanges, talks and documentation have comprehensively anticipated corporate governance as multifaceted also multidisciplinary wonders. It includes Board of Directors, shareholders, partners, customers, employees and society on the loose. To develop, an environment of trust and certainty among every one of the segments, however having contending too clashing interests is a praised pronouncement of the corporate governance. On a tree, one may imagine products of more than one assortment and he may wind up in Wonderland. "The corporate governance needs to deal with the enthusiasm of the employees, past, present and future which involves the entire life-cycle including arranging future needs, enlistment, and preparing, working environment, severance and retirement methods.


Dr. Paramjit Kaur & Dr. Suveera Gill (2007/2008) in their study talks about how legal and regulatory system of a country plays a crucial role in creating an effective Corporate Governance mechanism, the development of markets and country‘s economic growth. Authors‘ empirical study underlines the importance of ownership structure both in terms of distribution and their type of large shareholders for corporate governance. They have mapped the ownership structure of Indian companies for six financial years in which they came to a conclusion that in India, ownership of companies is concentrated with Indian promoters. Their study also shows that instead of India having a rigorous Corporate Governance reforms major gaps and lapses can be still seen in the implementation of the same by the government. Bhasin (2012) expressed that Good corporate governance practices help partnerships and its partners; to do as such different review board of trustees systems are required. Research on corporate governance concerning the developing market in much required. Different advantages of following better corporate governance practices are taken note. A corporate governance structure should be created by giving a wide diagram of later corporate governance look into. All parts of corporate governance are significant from board

influenced financial specialist assurance just as affected corporate ventures. The job of review board of trustees and its primary capacity is to shield the inspector from rejection if there should be an occurrence of horrible report. Autonomous review council individuals experience a huge increment in turnover rate after inspector expulsions. Kulkani and Maniam (2014) in their Research concentrate expressed that — Corporate Governance is the arrangement of policies that are made for choosing a company's exhibition and heading. It is a diagram of principles and guidelines for the individuals accountable for an incorporated firm. They are the ones who consent to assume liability towards the shareholders. Corporate governance is a wide term is the present business environment. The legal outfits of corporate governance can be modified to fit the careful decision of every wearer. In this paper, we perceived how significant it is for a company to pursue great corporate governance rehearses. At that point we took a gander at the short history of corporate governance in India and its present economic and budgetary circumstance. At that point the paper began diving deep into the underlying driver of variables that influence corporate governance, for example, ethics, inward governance, and selection of auditors and review board of trustees. India being a rising economy needs to work more on controlling the corporate governance policies. The future of corporate governance is turning into a little clear now, as in the future the speculators would be elevated to act like proprietors instead of just brokers. Free directors will have progressively characterized jobs and obligations. And the incentives said to be offered out to others will be circulated to the shareholders. In long run, a market-situated and shareholder-focused system will form into another developed system as partner arranged system making money itself responsible to the open premium. Indian companies still have the degree to paint a more promising time to come for them. They have to recognize and proceed with the corporate governance reform, and consistently remember that this more promising time to come will have its own arrangement of difficulties. We can reason that, "As legal standards may be, to a critical degree, endogenous to the political economy setting of the systems in which they work and so are the corporate governance rehearses". Li and Nair (2009) Corporate governance has turned into a significant issue for China and India as they normally collaborate with financial specialists from created nations. Different parts of business ethics and its connection to corporate governance can be examined in detail by understanding different issues identified with corporate board of directors and the premise on which they ought to be dissected. Ethics industrialization. A framework for coordinating the standards and practices of US corporate governance to various social techniques ought to be given. Daniela et al (2016) in their Research expressed that in this day and age, a sustainable way to deal with corporate governance can be a wellspring of upper hand and a long haul achievement factor for any firm. Sustainable governance necessitates that the board of directors thinks about economic, social and environmental desires in an incorporated manner, regardless of what ownership structure and formal standards of corporate governance apply to the company: this mitigates the customary contrasts among insider and outcast systems of corporate governance. Past examinations neglected to think about the commitment of maintainability during the time spent corporate governance convergence. Consequently, the point of this article is to fill the hole in the current writing by methods for a qualitative analysis, supporting the international discussion about convergence of corporate governance systems. The article portrays the advancement of pariah and insider systems in the light of the expanding significance of supportability in the board's basic leadership and company's activity to fulfill the requirements of all the company's partners. As per this, a qualitative substance analysis created with a coordinated methodology finishes the hypothetical exchange, showing that maintainability can bring true convergence among pariah and insider corporate governance systems. The article intends to be a hypothetical beginning stage for future research, the discoveries of which could likewise have useful ramifications: the investigation urges the policy makers to interpret the sustainable business best rehearses into laws and proposals, reinforcing the shared impact among formal and substantial convergence. Som (2006) expressed that corporate governance has assumed a significant job in the present economic state of India. India effectively began its move towards open and inviting economy in 1991. From that point onwards it has seen an astonishing upward pattern in the size of its stock market, that is, number of recorded firms was expanding proportionately. On the off chance that India needs to draw in more nations for remote direct ventures, Indian companies must be progressively centered on straightforwardness and ―Shareholders esteem boost‖. In 2014 study done by Rajharia and Sharma complies a history of the corporate governance reforms in India, identifies issues that are peculiar to the Indian context which are not still been addressed in the existing corporate governance norms in the country. Then the researcher look at between the same and analyzing their strength and weaknesses. Sanan and Yadav (2011) expressed that corporate governance practices can be predated to as ahead of schedule as 1961 around the globe, India was lingering behind. It was not until 1991 when liberalization occurred and corporate governance set up an international setting. The most significant activity of 1992 was the reform of Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI). The principle goal of SEBI was to administer and standardize stock exchanging; however it step by step framed numerous corporate governance guidelines and guidelines. The following real change was arrangement of Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) in 1996, which built up the arrangement of laws for Indian companies as to start the demonstration towards corporate governance. At that point two committees Kumar Mangalam Birla and Narayan Murthy under Securities and Exchange Board of India began laying the foundation for formalizing the accepted procedures on corporate governance. In light of recommendations from these committees, Clause 49 was presented as a major aspect of the posting contract for the companies recorded on the Indian stock trade. Be that as it may, because of scandals like Enron, Satyam, WorldCom and so forth constrained the condition 49 to be reformed to incorporate and defeat the issues that made these companies breakdown and break the economies of the separate nations. Nicolas et al (2016) dissects whether powerful boards of directors in tending to shareholder interests additionally demonstrate to be successful in ensuring the interests of the remainder of the association's partners. We measure board viability dependent on the shareholder viewpoint, and test whether it is legitimate for the partner point of view. The curiosity of this paper accurately lies in its methodology, given that it thinks about the two points of view of corporate governance at once. Utilizing the straightforwardness of supportability reports as an intermediary for the partner point of view in an international example of 2366 companies, the paper demonstrates that viable boards are bound to address the interests of both the shareholders and the remainder of the company's partners. Moreover, we propose a proportion of board viability by social affair a few board qualities. Our outcomes add to inquire about on corporate governance and corporate social duty announcing, and it has suggestions for policy makers. Claessens and Yurtoglu (2013) Corporate governance influences enterprises just as nations in various ways, for example, company's entrance to outside financing expands, which prompts greater investment, better development openings and that causes the activity market to thrive. Capital expense decreased unemployment. Riches are created by better distribution of resources and great administration rehearses, which is a direct result of better operational execution. Better corporate governance can be related to diminish financial crises. As these crises, have crushing impacts of any nation‘s economy. On the off chance that corporate governance practices are pursued appropriately this makes better affinity with the partners. We can further observe what critical job does corporate governance plays in the investment procedure. As corporate governance gives property protection and experimental methods of ownership enlistment, it consequently influences the association's capital preparation. For any firm to get assets from the market adequately it must be steady and straightforward in revealing its subtleties. At long last, to viably handle the capital got, any company ought to have appropriate resource allocation, authority distribution, and well-arranged motivating force conspires as a portion of the fundamental advances. Jacob Dolleins Nielsen, study the role of Institutional investors in Corporate Governance, he looks at the two major economies of the world i.e America and Europe and his study of these two economies shows that the role of Institutional investors in both the countries need a more active role in regard to corporate governance issues. Gillan (2006) fraudulent behavior of companies has made nations experience financial emergency. Corporate governance consequently turned into a basic issue for every one of the nations around the globe. From Satyam Computer Limited of India to Enron of the U.S., design is pretty much same. Failure of companies of these enormous sizes made devastation in the business and had caused the economic emergency. The prompt activity that the Indian authority took in light of the scandals uncover how government in developing economies additionally want to advance great corporate governance rehearses. Besides, understanding corporate governance standards and issues is additionally essential to officials of remote multinationals intending to work with India. Claessens, Djankov, and Lang (2010) record the solid nearness of family property in Asia too. Family owners accept a double job as the two owners and directors of the organizations. They will in general be among the most dedicated and long haul investors in the firm, since their riches is interwoven intimately with the firm; they are additionally more averse to take part in a tradeoff as to previous better investment openings than lift current profit. Outer bodies, for example, creditors and suppliers take part in dealings with occupant family administrations for a more drawn out period.

the trust and certainty of the board and the company to the shareholders in the company. As the paper talked about how significant it is for a company to pursue great corporate governance rehearses which are eventually moral as well. Companies need to do substantially more than simply accomplishing the great corporate governance rehearses; it ought to always take a stab at satisfying the best enthusiasm of every one of its individuals. It centers on choosing the administration structure in any association, for example, board of directors, audit committee, shareholders committee, and determination of free auditors and so on. The fundamental issue with governance is that there is no target measure against which it tends to be said on the off chance that it is positive or negative. Here the companies‟ ethics become possibly the most important factor. Pandey and Kaushik researched how Corporate governance gained prominence in the wake of liberalization during 1990‘s in India, how since then law in India regarding Corporate Governance is shaped and codified by different government institutes like SEBI, Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), Ministry of Corporate Affairs. Then the study also explain that how America‘s and United Kingdom‘s issues of Corporate Governance are different from India and how issues and complexities arise due to application of alien corporate governance model. Their paper also compiles a historical evolution of corporate governance reforms in India and with existing research identifies issues that are peculiar to the Indian context. And their paper also suggest the need for robust research in the field of corporate governance which would support the policy formulation in order to make the next generation of corporate governance reforms more effective for Indian conditions. Thus the present study takes an inspiration from the same at tries to reexamine the Corporate Governance from the perspective of sustainability of companies in India. Reddy (2009) feel that the ideal number of board members is seven. The two significant committees are compensation committee and audit committee. Every committee ought to have least of three members. That makes six members with the goal that none of the committee will have more power. The seventh part if chairperson of board. The job of the chairperson is to ensure the board is working appropriately and taking a gander at if the CEO is satisfying his/her duties. Board Profile and Diversity – Board profile alludes to the subject matter the board part brings to the table, though the board diversity alludes to the socio-cultural part of the part. There are assortments of concentrates that demonstrate the need of both adaptable profiles just as diversity. The choices made by the board influence the company in everyday business. Individuals with same attitude will in general help one the board. For the present however US slacks Europe and Asian nations if there should be an occurrence of board diversity. Precisely two decades back, in a spearheading commitment to advanced corporate governance rehearses, Cadbury (1992) put the corporate board in the inside phase of the governance system, with obligation regarding setting the company's vital points, giving the administration and key direction, goal and independent judgment, and authority over the company in the release of its responsibility to the shareholders. The Canadian guidelines around a similar time accused boards of stewardship obligations that secured an expansive range of assignments. In India, the Kumar Mangalam Birla Committee delegated by the capital market controller Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), noticed that "the board of a company gives authority and key direction, target judgment independent of the executives to the company and activities command over the company, while staying consistently responsible to the shareholders.‖


Companies having a place with insider and pariah systems are described through auxiliary contrasts in the inner components of corporate governance, which are principally because of the ownership structure, the board of directors, and administrative incentives. In untouchable systems companies have scattered ownership structures, while in insider systems there is a progressively thought ownership. Sustainable and dependable sourcing is winding up strongly significant for companies contending in international markets. In light of globalization, companies will in general work progressively with suppliers found everywhere throughout the world, with the inalienable points of interest and impediments. In spite of the chance of purchasing merchandise at lower costs and improving cost proficiency, there is a higher risk of feeble authority over a suppliers' behavior. Such risk emerges to some extent from geographical distances between the company and suppliers, which make nearby assessments troublesome and costly. Obviously, all companies have an enthusiasm for anticipating suppliers' wrongdoing, and that does not change from insider to pariah systems. In this sense, sustainable and dependable sourcing has turned into a typical routine with regards to supply chain risk the executives in huge companies and a factor of true convergence of corporate governance systems.

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Corresponding Author Ankita Sangwan*

Research Associate, Department of Law, National Law University, Delhi