Choreographing Density: An Evaluation of Aravind Adiga’s The White Tiger, Kiran Desai’s The Inheritance of Loss & Arundhati Roy’s The God of Small Things

An exploration of social divide and global issues in contemporary Indian literature

by Ruchi .*, Prof. (Dr.) N. K. Sharma,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 16, Issue No. 9, Jun 2019, Pages 529 - 532 (4)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


This research paper endeavors to demarcate as well as summarize the most important issues as well as the critical explorations for the realization of the Aravind Adiga’s The White Tiger, Kiran Desai’s The Inheritance of Loss and Arundhati Roy’s The God of Small Things. Adiga recreates the India of Light and the India of Darkness, but the novel is about those nuances and paradoxical points where the two meet and overlap. Though the novel presents a picture of India having an extreme divide between the rich and the poor, The White Tiger, says Adiga, is ‘not a social commentary.’ Kiran Desai touches international issues like Globalization, Multiculturalism, Economic Inequality, Terrorism, Violence, problem of Shadow Immigrants in her award winning book. The Inheritance of Loss is sketched as a double edged sword.


density, evaluation, Aravind Adiga, The White Tiger, Kiran Desai, The Inheritance of Loss, Arundhati Roy, The God of Small Things, India, rich and poor, globalization, multiculturalism, economic inequality, terrorism, violence, shadow immigrants, double-edged sword


Aravind Adiga obtained the booker prize for his debut novel The White Tiger in 2008. The White Tiger is breathtaking fictitious exertion which highlights the increasingly amplifying fissure between the prosperous and the underprivileged, the rural and the urban, and the atrocious certainty of an organization that allows a miniature minority to flourish at the disbursement of the noiseless preponderance. Adiga‘s chronicler, Balram Halwai, is amateurish as well as deprived in addition to come from India‘s immense countryside surrounding area. He fulfils his aspiration from beginning to end by assassinating nevertheless with a luscious entwine. The Indian novelists who have been decorated by this advantageous legendary award before Adiga include V.S. Naipaul (In a Free State, 1971), Salman Rushdie (Midnight‟s Children, 1981), Arundhati Roy (The God of Small Things, 1997) and Kiran Desai (The Inheritance of Loss, 2006). Salman Rushdie

also got the Booker of Bookers for his Midnight‟s

Children in 2008 on 40th Year of the institution of the Booker Prize. Thematically communicating, each booker win captures the quintessence of India. Arundhati Roy‘s The God of Small Things (1997) renders regressive moreover old-fashioned societal, masculinity along with social order practices, the rise of God‘s own country as well as their brunt on families along with folks. Kiran Desai‘s The Inheritance of Loss (2006) trails the degeneration of the previous order in a diminutive township, augment of an innovative antagonistic opinionated armed in the hills of Darjeeling as well as the predicament of the Indian migrants in overseas domains in the era of globalization. Arvind Adiga‘s The White Tiger (2008) distinguishes the ever-widening gap among prosperous furthermore pitiable, countryside furthermore metropolitan, in addition to the cruel authenticity of an financially viable coordination that Aravind Adiga resided at the same time as in Sydney with his parents. He obtained his Bachelors degree at Columbia University in addition to; he did his Masters at Oxford. Subsequent to a period in New York, he was in New Delhi as Time‘s journalist, an occupation he relinquish in tardy 2005, in addition to the year when Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao expedited India. Kiran Desai‘s The Inheritance of Loss is first attempt as a twofold edging weapon. The sagacity of loss while parting the motherland is immediately as demanding furthermore frightful as having to abscond a foreign quarters, due to extradition, when one doesn‘t catch the green card. The narratives instigate with adolescent Indian youngster, Sai who continues with her retired grandfather in Kalimpong in the arms of Himalayas. Corresponding scampers the narrative of Biju, the son of Sai‘s chef who feel right to the gloominess division of the immigrants in New York. It is his disheveled dog chronicle that convey in the argument of the individual utilization. Contemporary age of globalization is reined by the acquiring supremacies. Every person requests to get hold of it in addition to those who have it aspiration to augment it. We perceive the identical inclination in Desai‘s characters. Arundhati Roy‘s The God of Small Things can be interpreted as a variety of Ecriture Feminine in the sagacity that it is potentially seditious. Roy has altered not only the area under discussion matter although the technique of bring into being connotation in her narrative. She has resorted to writing from an understanding that has diagonally critiqued all those state of affairs that has constantly slowed down the new-fangled variety of inscriptions. From side to side, the narratives Roy chronicle a miscellaneous humanity which gives details of itself amidst the clamour of the manly the past. Cixous twines that the principal attribute of Ecriture feminine is its enthusiasm to flout the mannish standards in addition to search for innovative relation between the themes in addition to others throughout inscriptions. Consequently this inscription is forever transgressive by it‘s incredibly temperament, rule-transcending in addition to forever tentative. Arundhati Roy The God of Small Things reveals the world of the Ayemenem house as occupied by such indiscretions, both in terms of principles as well as measures. Ammu as well as Rahel together confront Reciprocally, they get married devoid of the blessing of their relatives in addition to go for break up unflinchingly. Arundhati Roy in the narrative has tried to assess critically furthermore undermine flush the behavioral policy moreover prevailing conditions of authoritarian gendered responsibility. Rahel‘s liberation from her educates for intentionally have a collision with her seniors in addition to her reception of her own act that ―she had done it to find out if breasts hurt‖ presents such a transgression. Roy reveals to assess critically yet the association of Christianity as it disregard the physical veracity of women. The narratives move toward in close proximity to Ecriture feminine in its sequence of events blueprint. The narrative formulates a to and fro faction. It goes flipside to twenty three years along with the world is made known from beginning to end, the eyes of Rahel, and the eight years old girl. All over again it fits into the world, to the gloomy present where the life is easy to get to as decomposed as well as depressing. The sequences of events break the linear common sense of male dissertation in the sagacity that the plot does not shift frontward in a sequential technique.


In conclusion, The White Tiger is a gorgeously courageous description of our times in addition to it thumps the probability with its extraordinary influence along with its magnanimous visualization of an India that many may rather not to perceive. Adiga‘s achievement is not only in taking into safekeeping that India which has not misrepresented ever since the Independence (Nehruvian era) nevertheless in addition in construction the nonspecific become visible meticulous in addition to vice versa, not as whole hog excluding as an incorporation of nearly everyone of the unfathomable province that the central character inhabits. Consequently, in The God of Small Things Arundhati Roy incarcerates the exceptionally spirit of Ecriture feminine. She has easily reached in a pertinent approach how narration furthermore environment until the end of time suppress women in excess of their precise to themselves. She has specified herself to remembering herself furthermore in the progression she has articulated

incredibly innovative. Consequently Arundhuti Roy‘s The God of Small Things is a wonderful paradigm of ecriture feminine by discovers imagination which can play a fundamental responsibility to closing stages, the domineering controls of the mannish dialogue.


Ruchi is a research scholar in the faculty of Humanities, Languages & Social Sciences, Shri Venkateshwara University, Gajraula, Amroha, Uttar Pradesh, India. She has published a number of her research papers in the areas of English Literature

and Communicative English globally.


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Corresponding Author Ruchi*

Research Scholar, Shri Venkateshwara University, Gajraula