Application of Information Technologies (IT) in Libraries

Revolutionizing Libraries with Information Technology

by Dr. Zomuana Joute*,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 16, Issue No. 9, Jun 2019, Pages 813 - 814 (2)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Application of information technology (IT) in Libraries has change the concept of information processing and its dissemination. With the introduction of micro information technologies the Traditional System of management was replaced by the modem System information technology. Such IT application was compelled by various factors and there are many areas of computerization in libraries services. This resulted electronic information availability for the networked or automated libraries with this new system library collection may be in a digital or electronic form. The whole concept of library and its services have been changed due to the advent of new electronic information services and use of internet facilities.


information technologies, libraries, information processing, dissemination, micro information technologies, management, computerization, electronic information availability, networked libraries, automated libraries, digital form, electronic form, library services, internet facilities

Abstract – Application of information technology (IT) in Libraries has change the concept of information processing and its dissemination. With the introduction of micro information technologies the Traditional System of management was replaced by the modem System information technology. Such IT application was compelled by various factors and there are many areas of computerization in libraries services. This resulted electronic information availability for the networked or automated libraries with this new system library collection may be in a digital or electronic form. The whole concept of library and its services have been changed due to the advent of new electronic information services and use of internet facilities. Keywords – Library Management, Library Automation, Computerization, Areas of Computerization, I.T. Application in Libraries, Digital Libraries, E-Resources.

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With the advent of modem technologies library functions have been tremendously changes. The application of Computers, telecommunications, computer software, micro forms of storage, media, and human interfaces helps in information storage and retrieval purposes. Information had been exploded and is generated abundantly, such huge amount of information needs mechanized management with the help of I.T. Information technology has revolutionized the whole concept of information collection, delivery dissemination, storage, retrieval and other its related areas of information management. Libraries working in traditional system have been moving to work with computer software and other micro information technologies. In the process, computerization or automation is now the only answer to library management in systematic organization and dissemination of tremendous flow of information. As well, retro conversion- new phenomena which mechanized library services by changing manual into machines. This resulted availability of uniform catalogues so that, users of different level, different places at different time. By retro conversion, manual cards are converted into the electronic media- i.e. machine readable catalogue cards. In simple words, it is a conversion of manual work into a machine work by using standard data entry format. Such application of Information Technologies in libraries is a must due to the following reasons. 1. Huge amount of information 2. Fast data processing and information retrieval 3. Huge storage capacity 4. Unlimited access of information 5. Fast communication internet/www 6. User friendliness 7. Low cost and saving time Under such computerized system the following areas could be automated to do the following important areas of library services, functions and purposes. This will benefit users efficiently and skillfully, the areas are 1. Acquisition 2. Cataloguing and indexing 3. Circulation and serial control 4. Online public access catalogue (OPAC) 5. CD-ROM Database searches 8. Information retrieval and its dissemination - CAS/SDI 9. Office automation and networking- LAN Through such automation and networked, library could have an access to E-Books, E-Journals and digital information and it may enter into a consortium. Where limited resources as well as resource sharing could be happen, libraries could get the benefit of such whether access to electronic resources and better resources sharing with the facilities of speedy delivery of information and documents. Hence, information explosion and its networked information system greatly shaped the working pattern, nature and environment of librarians. With the advent of INTERNET the roles of librarian and information scientists has dramatically been changed. In this contexts, the focus of library services has been shifted from traditional libraries to digital libraries. Library now becomes electronic digital and virtual due to the use of digital technologies to acquire, store, conserve process and retrieve for remote users. In such digital libraries, all the information is available in computer process able forms and various functions are carried out by using digital technologies. The implication of automation and technological development has led to the changes in the skill, training attitude of librarian and enabled to keep pace with the latest development and change the role and concept of librarians.


In the past centuries libraries have been understood as a ware house of books or documents. In such libraries acquisition, cataloguing and classifying of books, journals and other materials. They are traditionally and manually managed and circulate them to the users. But, due to recent development in information technology, the Internet and www access and management of electronic information resources have led to the development of new era of library, now library became electronic, digital, virtual and paperless-library without wall. So these have led to change in organizing, retrieving, storage and transfer digital contents effectively and efficiently to target audience, information seekers and users. With all these knowledge it is rightly to say that computerization and automation of academic library - College library is the need of hours to satisfy and to cater students in the information age. A brief report, of College library may be hereby presented. Nair & K. Rajasekharan : Editors. 1st edition. ESS ESS publication: 1992: New Delhi. 2. Application of Information technologies - PSG Kumar 2004 Delhi. 3. Computer networks - Andrew S Tanenbaum, Prentice Hall of India 4th Edition. 2005: New Delhi 4. Library Organisation - Krishan Kumar, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd Reprint 1995: New Delhi. 5. Library Organisation: Theory and Practices - R.L Mittal, Metropolitan Book New Delhi Reprint 1987. 6. Proceedings of PLANNER 2003. First convention. Automation of Libraries in North East Region: Trends, issues and challenges. Inflibnet Centre, Ahmedabad in collaboration with North Eastern Hill University 2003 Ahmedabad. 7. Proceedings of PLANNER 2005. Third Convocation. Digital collection Development and E-Journal management in libraries. Inflibnet Centre Ahmedabad in collaboration with Assam University Silchar 2005 Ahmedabad.

Corresponding Author Dr. Zomuana Joute*

College Librarian, Govt. Aizawl North College, Mizoram University