Job Satisfaction of Elementary School Teachers

A study on job satisfaction and desires of elementary school teachers in Ajmer

by Kanchan .*, Muzammil Hasan,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 16, Issue No. 9, Jun 2019, Pages 971 - 975 (5)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Teachers are the pillars of our nation. Teacher plays an important part in developing the knowledge and skills of youth. Role of teacher in society and in education can change but, the importance of their position remains same. Job satisfaction is only possible if the job fulfills the basic needs of teachers in term of salary and better status. This study was to evaluate the job satisfaction of elementary school teachers in Ajmer. In this research, the sample was made up of 90 teachers of government non- government schools. Results indicate that teachers job satisfaction is medium level. In addition, in order to provide additional information about satisfaction with the current job, pleasure with life in the workplace, desire for job change, and desire for early retirement. The study provides results based on teachers married and unmarried, rural and urban, gender and, teaching.


job satisfaction, elementary school teachers, salary, status, Ajmer


Job satisfaction is a composite of two words: ‗Job‘ and ‗satisfaction‘. The term ‗Work‘, ‗Occupation‘,‘ Job‘ and ‗Position‘ are used interchangeably. Job refers to work role and satisfaction is related to fulfillment of needs and desires. This job satisfaction may be the result of satisfaction, which the employee achieves by performing good in the job.

Job satisfaction is defined as the level of satisfied employees feeling with their job. This goes beyond their daily duties to cover satisfaction with team members and teachers, satisfaction with organizational policies, and the impact of their job on employees‘ personal lives and also the outcomes of students. Job satisfaction refers to a person‘s feeling of satisfaction on the job which act as a motivation to work and do well in job. It is not the self-satisfaction, happiness, fulfillment or self-contentment but the satisfaction on the job. Satisfaction is related to simple feeling state accompanying the attainment by an impulse of its objective. Research workers differently described the factors contributing the job satisfaction and the job dissatisfaction of teachers. The Role of teachers in the society can change, but the importance of their position remains same. To attract and retain the qualities of teachers is a great challenge to the educational institutions. In education, it is important for a teacher is to have a positive approach towards their job. Every teacher must have the potential and clear intention to release their duty with full dedication to derive satisfaction from their work. Job satisfaction is the combination of emotional and psychological experience in their job. Job Satisfaction is the relationship between what everyone expects in accordance to what everyone achieves in their job. Any work cannot be successfully done without satisfaction. School teachers plays very important role in building the nation and budding citizens of the nation. So, job satisfaction is a crucial concept for employees that is not only related to an individual but it is relevant for the society‘s wellbeing. Job satisfaction is one factor that will ensure students‘ performance and productivity of schools. The teachers would get interest in teaching their students effectively when they are satisfied with their jobs. Like India, other countries in the world also trying to improve their quality and standard of education, so that it meets the demand of globalization. Teachers would perform with full capacity, only if they are satisfied with their jobs. So, job satisfaction is an important phenomenon in every sector especially in the teaching profession. ―Job satisfaction is a pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal or one‘s job or job experience‖ - E.A. Locke ―Job satisfaction is the amount of pleasure or contentment associated with a job. If you like job intensely, you will experience high job satisfaction.


The purpose of the study is to examine the factors that are associated with job satisfaction. Using a self –designed survey the study investigates the factor which teachers are satisfied with. additionally, the study investigates weather teachers. Job satisfaction differs significantly in relation to gender, age, marital status, teaching experience, school type, school locations, promotional or leadership position, educational qualification and teacher type (subject specialization). moreover, the study job investigates the factors that contributes significantly to the teacher‘s intention to remain in the job. The present study aims to compare the job satisfaction among private and government school teachers. The role of the teachers in our society is very important. The quality of education is related to the quality of the teachers. Teachers are the architect of the students‘ future. A teacher who is satisfied with their job can perform their work effectively and efficiently. Lastly this study determines: job characteristics, social benefits, and meaningfulness of the job, support from administration and the intention to remain in the job. It is rightly said, ―If a teacher runs, students will walk; if a teacher walks, students will sit; and if a teacher sits, students will sleep‖. Job satisfaction for the teachers is very important for performing his duties in a proper manner, if a teacher get satisfied with his job than he or she think batter for the students and organization because satisfaction leads to motivation, motivation leads to do their job with full enthusiasm and energy. In this study we observe what aspect is important for this job satisfaction of teacher at elementary school so, that by improving those aspect we improve the satisfaction of the teachers and education standard too.


Job Satisfaction Job satisfaction describes how contended an individual is with his or her job. It has been defined as a pleasurable emotional state resulting from the fulfillment of one‘s wants and expectations from his/her job.

Elementry School Elementary school is defined as a period of formal education following pre-school but before higher usually encompasses grades 1-8 and


1. To study of job satisfaction among teachers working at elementary level on the basis of their gender. 2. To study of job satisfaction among teachers working at elementary level on the basis of their marital status. 3. To study the job satisfaction among teachers working at elementary level on the basis of their type of school (government and non-government). 4. To study the job satisfaction among teachers working at elementary level on the basis of their local (rural and urban). 5. To study the job satisfaction among teachers working at elementary level on the basis of teaching experience.


1. There is no significant difference in the job satisfaction of teachers working at elementary level on the basis of their gender. 2. There is no significant difference in job satisfaction of teachers working at elementary level on the basis of their marital status. 3. There is no significant difference in the job satisfaction of teachers working at elementary level on the basis of their type of school (government and non-government). 4. There is no significant difference in the job satisfaction of teachers working at elementary level on the basis of their local of the rural and urban. 5. There is no significant difference in the study of job satisfaction of teachers working at elementary level on the basis of their job experience.


Stratified random sampling method was used for selecting the sample of the study. For the present study the researcher has drawn 89 Teachers, 40 Male and 49 Female government and non -government elementary school teachers.

30 statements. Each statement had five alternatives from which a respondent had to choose any one response. Questionnaire was used to collect the information from sample of the study. Job satisfaction schedule was prepared by researcher and used as a questionnaire for the measurement of the job satisfaction of elementary school teachers.


Standardized tool to be used by researcher keeping view of adopted changes according to the research conducted by the researcher. Validity is one of the main concerns of the research. In this research content validity was tested by the researcher. Reliability is the degree to which a measurement instrument gives the same results each time that it is used, assuming that the underlying thing being measured does not change. In present study the reliability of the pilot testing was 0.88.

The scale had both positive and negative statements. The positive statements carried a weight age of 5,4,3,2,1 and the negative ones a weight age of 1,2,3,4,5. The score gave a quick measure of satisfaction/dissatisfaction of a worker towards his/her job


Looking at the nature of the study and variables in hand, descriptive survey method was adopted in this study. Descriptive research is concerned with the present and attempts to determine the status of the phenomena under investigation.


Statistics is the body of mathematical techniques or process for gathering, describing, organizing and interpreting, numerical data. Since researcher often yields such quantitative data, statistics is a basic tool of measurement of the research. The researcher who uses statistics is more concerned with the manipulated of data, statistics methods goes back to fundamental purpose of analysis. For analysis of data researcher used following statistical techniques, Descriptive statistics (mean, SD), Graphical representation of data, Inferential statistics (product


Figure 1.1 Graphical representation of job satisfaction on the basis of male and female

Figure 1.1 Mean score of job satisfaction male teachers slightly more than the female teachers therefore there is same level of satisfaction among male and female teachers. Figure 1.2 Graphical representation of job satisfaction on the basis of married and unmarried.

Figure 1.2 shows that the mean score of job satisfaction of unmarried slightly more than the married teachers therefore there is same level of satisfaction among unmarried and married teachers.

Figure 1.3 Shows that the mean score of job satisfaction government teachers slightly more than the non-government teachers therefore there is same level of satisfaction among government and non-government teachers.

Figure 1.4 Graphical representation of job satisfaction on the basis of rural and urban school

Figure 1.4 Mean score of job satisfaction rural teachers slightly more than the urban teachers therefore there is same level of satisfaction among rural and urban school teachers.

Objective 1.5 To study the job satisfaction among teachers working at elementary level on the basis of their teaching experience.

In figure 1.5 Shows that the mean score of job satisfaction of 1 to 15 years slightly more than the 16 years onwards teachers therefore there is same level of satisfaction among 1 to 15 years and 16 onwards.


1. It revealed that the government elementary school teachers were more satisfied than non g government elementary school teachers. 2. Male elementary school teachers were comparatively more satisfied than female elementary school teachers. 3. Unmarried elementary teachers were more satisfied than married elementary teachers with their job. 4. Rural elementary school teachers were more satisfied than urban elementary school teachers with their job. 5. The teachers with 1 to 15-year experience teachers were more satisfied than 16 onwards experience with their job


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Corresponding Author Kanchan*

M.Ed. Student Regional Institute of Education, Ajmer