A Qualitative Study on the Causes of Stress and Organizational Approaches towards Employees

Exploring the Impact of Stress on Employees and Organizational Effectiveness

by Sapna .*, Asif Perwej, Dr. Rahul Goyal,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 16, Issue No. 9, Jun 2019, Pages 1153 - 1157 (5)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Stress relies upon the individual and the authoritative administration managing the issue and focusing towards hierarchical viability and organizational effectiveness .Role stress impacts the organizational effectiveness. Role disintegration, job over-burden, Role stagnation and Inter job separation are the most well-known job stressors in an association. Stress can be Eustress or misery. Eustress can rouse a worker to work with maximum capacity or can trouble a representative or demotivate him and along these lines impact on the organizational Effectiveness. Job efficiency improves the hierarchical viability. There is a requirement for the organizations to continue in this opposition. However, recall that people have limited mental and physical assets, and can't generally manage the difficulties they face. Workers, every once in a while, need backing and preparing which has confronted a gigantic mishap because of downturn. Dealing with the pressure is expected to adapt to the exceeding degree of difficulties. Stress the executives is the idea that can be adjusted to diminish the degree of stress. It centers around keeping the feelings of anxiety from exceeding the level where it invigorates and improves the productivity of people.


stress, organizational approaches, employees, role stress, organizational effectiveness, job stressors, eustress, distress, job efficiency, stress management


The concept of stress in life science was defined by Hans Sellie for the first time in 1936. He interpreted stress as the force pressure, or strain excreted upon a material object or person which resist these forces and attempt to maintain and control its original state. Organizations fulfill a greater variety of our socio-economical and personal needs. The study of organizations is vital for managers. Stress is everywhere in our society. While explaining the stress, the researchers have found in the study that it is very difficult to enter the complex area of stress, especially in the area of occupational stress. Stress is an indispensable result of modern life. With the growth of industries, there is quantitative pressure in urban areas. Growth in population and various problems in day to day life are some of the reason for increase in stress. Stress has a harmful psychological and physical effect on the staff. Stress becomes the leading cause of employee turnover and absence. Similarly the stress experienced by an employee can affect the safety of other employees. By controlling disease related stress, individual and organization can be managed more effectively. The physician cannon (1975) related the stress concept to equilibrium tendencies in the body. The endocrinologist selye (1956) adopted this theory. The stress concept was granted a place in psychological jargon after world war II. Physiological response to external or internal environment problem resulting from perception and appraisals of one‘s internal and/or external event (French, Rogers & cob, 1974). Voluminous research conducted in the area has established a strong relationship between role stress and their impact on total organizational outcome. Khanna (1985) in his study investigated the relationship between organizational role stress and its impact upon organizational effectiveness. He predicted that not only sophisticated technology materials and individual behavior and the organizational climate also play crucial role in the determination of the organizational effectiveness. organizational Role Stress on Organizational effectiveness in Large Scale Industries‘ to understanding on how the role stress operates in large scale industry across the management levels through the following. 1. Identification of prominent role stressors for different level. 2. To study the significant differences in experiencing of each type of role stress and the total role stress across the levels. 3. Identification of Impact of role stress on organizational effectiveness. 4. To suggest measures for Improvement of Organizational Effectiveness.


Cobb (1975) has the opinion that If the individual manager can't adapt to the expanded responsibilities it might prompt a few physical and psychological disorders among them Brook (1973) identify that qualitative changes in the occupation make change mental issue among workers. The interpersonal relationships inside the organization and between the department make qualitative difficulties inside the organization to a great extent. Nazneen et. al. (2014) conducted a study on 350 top executives of public and private undertakings to check the level of organizational job pressure and stress resistance level. They found that top executives of private areas are demonstrating elevated level of organizational job pressure and the dominant stressors are role erosion, role isolation and inter role distance job separation while on account of public area endeavors top heads the degree of progressive employment pressure is moderate and winning stressors are identical to the circumstance of private enterprises. Miles and Perreault (1976) identify that four different types of role conflict: a. Intra-sender role conflict, b. Inter sender role conflict, c. Person – role conflict, d. Roll over load. The utilization of job ideas and standards recommends that employment related pressure is related with individual, relational, and basic factors (Katz and Kahn, 1978; Whetten, 1978). The presence of strong companion gatherings and steady associations with supervisors are adversely corresponded with R.C. (Caplan et al., 1964). Bhalla and Sayeed (2013) conducted a study on 150 executives of composed retail area and found that the workers are enduring with elevated level of inadequacy and Bhalla and Sayeed (2013) conducted a study on 150 executives of organized retail sector and found that the employees are suffering with high level of organizational role stress and the dominant stressors are role erosion, inter role distance, role expectation conflict and personal inadequacy and low level of organizational commitment. Further they found negative significant relationship between organizational role stress and organizational commitment. Ivancevich and Matteson (1950) indicate that, ―Absence of group cohesiveness may clarify different physiological and conduct results in an utilize craving such remains together," Workplace relational clashes and antagonistic relational relations are predominant wellsprings of stress(Dewe, 1993; Lang, 1984; Long et al., 1992) and are existed with negative mood depression, and symptoms of ill health (Israel et al., 1989; Karasek, Gardell and Lindell, 1987; Snap, 1992).


The following stressors below are stressors that affect an employee at the workplace. 1. Job role: this exists when the employee is confused on what task he/she should be doing or when the employee has overwhelming amount of work to be through with so little time. Stress could also arise as a results of ambiguity. this example is probably going to happen at any sort of occupation. 2. Underutilization: - it means that the worker has insufficient work to encourage his/her motivation. 3. Responsibility for others: - This increases stress degree, if employees face high responsibility for others. Those who're in price of others at the workplace and people better up the organizational hierarchy are frequently susceptible to more strain because of expectations from their co-workers. 4. Poor working conditions: - these conditions also are major contributors to worry , these include extreme heat, cold, noise and overcrowded

The employees who experience the reaction of stress at the workplace aren't a replacement aspect. They mentioned a sizeable statistical assembly among workplace factor and poor signs and symptoms of fitness or disorder of mental scenario which includes, tension, despair and inflammation. Employees usually feel stress at their jobs thanks to the subsequent reasons. 1. Work overload 2. Misuse of power 3. Inadequate decisions or leader behaviour 4. Overcrowd, noise Work and workplace is itself a stressful phenomenon and therefore various aspects are connected to stress, the factors related to roles in a work environment are namely existence of low level power, role indefiniteness or role dispute. They add that increasing in physical conditions at the workplace like concurrent permanent noise, overcrowd and lack of secrecy are associated to worry. The behaviour of the higher management can also affect the level of stress


Episodic stress is defined as ―a pattern of high s tress followed by intervals of relief‖ whereas chronic stress is defined because the ―stress caused by continual confrontation of stressors without relief. The three categories of physiological, psychological and behavioral consequences are the result of harmful chronic stress. a number of the signs of physiological stress are vital sign , elevated pulse and headaches whereas the psychological symptoms are nervousness, unhappiness and bad temperedness of these emotions can cause lack of concentration, indecisiveness and absenteeism. If individuals can‘t find solutions to their stressors they could find yourself feeling miserable, mad, and sometimes refuse to believe the very fact that they're trapped in an imaginary life. Consequences of persons behavioral exposed to chronic stress are greater alcohol consumption, disrespectful behaviors and restlessness. The opposite consequence of stress is that it can cause many diseases. there's indication that stress might be one among the causes of those diseases; Coronary heart condition, Hypertension and cancer but the extent to which one person is suffering from a stress related disease also depends profoundly on what sort of personality that person has i.e. if that person has A personality or B personality if A personalities as persons who are perfectionists , punctual, easily irritated and competitive, whereas B individuals, sympathetic, are hassle-free and pleased with their work and these sort of personalities are very less exposed to stress.


Productive management of stress includes three steps for both organization and employees 1. Awareness: It helps to know when there's decrease in performance and absenteeism. 2. Determining the source: determine what causes this distress and its consequences 3. doing something productive: Find solutions to existing problems Stress might be considered as an inevitable condition at one point. It complicates things to take care of productivity and also disturb to possess pleasant work and social life. The primary step towards stress management is to spot signs that indicate stress like anxiety, anger, annoyance etc. After these signs are recognized subsequent step is to seek out the causes and find out its impacts. The third and final step is to effectively affect the stressful situation. The difference lies where in problem focused coping mechanism the stressor is directly being tackled; it's either altered or abolished. Whereas in emotion-focused it's only the people that change or find out how to adapt to the stressor during a productive manner. At the top level of management (charge) of managing stress lies on the individual and therefore the followings are a number of the strategies for dealing with stress in reference to workplace. 1. Time management: Schedule tasks accordingly, controlling one‘s time effectively, prioritization of tasks to be handled first. Here effectiveness and efficiency are valued. 2. seeking help: co-workers or manager for improving the performance and Getting assistance is advisable from management,. 3. Emotion-focused strategies: As previously discussed if the stressors can't be avoided learning the way to adapt thereto during a constructive way has relevancy . Common emotion-focused strategies include companionship, relaxation ,exercise and recreational activities. Managers can identify stress within the workplace by discovering work stress complications, by checking frequently the employee‘s health and work fulfillment. Managers also can prevent stress by ascertaining that employees know where to show to once they face with such problems and following abreast of their recovery if health issues arise. Human resource management also can restructure the work provided for the workers, by concentrating on the stress, know-how, method and skills of employees and supply provision and an honest control mechanism. this might be done by adjusting the work surroundings and allocating the task proportionally to all or any employees. Management should confirm that the workers to urge the right training to be ready to perform their job properly and are up-todate and monitor their development. Another organizational approach to worry management might be having a horizontal line of authority instead of a vertical one; this is able to help the workers feel comfortable and convenient to speak with management. It‘s also helpful to create friendly and respectful relationship between managers and employee. When all the strain preventive measures have proved to be unsuccessful and stress has actually occurred and has caused health damages to the worker then this measurement should be taken as further explained above to supply both individual interferences and organizational like medical job restructuring and counseling etc.


Working environment stress assumes a huge part in physiological and mental prosperity of employees. It likewise influences the profitability and execution of organization. The different consequences of working environment stress like physical issues, mental unsettling influences, passionate awkwardness, way of life aggravations and conduct issues lead to upset the atmosphere of the organization. These issues make relational clashes, diminished efficiency, low authoritative duty, expanded truancy and more steady loss and so on. By encouraging the employees with successful preparing, the management can give them stage to take care of their pressure related issues. Yoga, reflection, practice and recreational exercises can give better climate to control pressure. Indeed, even time the employees abilities help to oversee worry in a successful way. These straightforward yet valuable advances can clear the way for improved proficiency of employees and expanded profitability of organization. working conditions like overcrowded working conditions and noise. And Employee‘s stress are often managed by proper time management, seeking help from HRM.. Management plays a crucial role in evaluating and managing the strain level of employees at the workplace and will use different methods to attenuate the strain like conducting training courses to help the employee‘s skills, providing better working environment and ensuring that the workers get proper guidance and consultation when it‘s needed.


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Corresponding Author Sapna*

Research Scholar, Sangam University, Bhilwara, Rajasthan sapnavpa@gmail.com