How to Use AI and IoT to fight Terrorism

Exploring the Role of AI and IoT in Combating Terrorism

by Yadu Muntha*, Dr. G. D. Singh,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 17, Issue No. 1, Apr 2020, Pages 71 - 72 (2)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


Fighting terrorism is one of the challenging aspects for civilization. Having ability to foresee the future threats can make the lives of humans more easy and safe. Terrorism has always been biggest challenge and we have always fight back it back united. Since the future is all about AI and technology has been advancing day by day, it’s very necessary that we also unite with AI and IoT to fight the terrorism together.


AI, IoT, terrorism, future threats, civilization


Living safely and in peace has always been a central aim of human civilization. Hence, terrorism becomes biggest problem and challenge for society. It goes without a saying that building something takes so much more time than to tear it down. Terrorist attack in any form causes so much harm in terms of lives, infrastructure, money and growth. Attacked region/area looses it‘s vitality and people affected have to suffer lifetime in aftereffects. Over the past decade, terrorists killed an average of 21,000 people worldwide each year. Looking at a vast numbers, it‘s very essential that it can be controlled and also removed from the roots. Technology like AI and IoT can be useful in our constant fight against terrorism and it can be advantageous for us as well. Acts of terrorism are heart cramping. The attacks destroy many lives and families. 95% of terrorism occurs in the Middle East, Africa or South Asia. While countries like Europe and America only share 2%. (


According to the Oxford dictionary, terrorism is defined as, “the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.” They act on the point of region or political. To prove their worth they usually seem to take action on a massive level taking multiple lives at a time. Terrorism can be categorised based on victim, the method and the purpose. Activity of violence targeting a group on larger scale usually counts in terrorism. The world has been victim of such unlawful activity since a long time. For steady growth of the world and civilisation, it is very important to fight it back with all we got and try to extinct such unlawful activities.


AI is artificial intelligence or machine intelligence. A living human can detect the unusual and anticipate it by a human brain. Talking about the regular machines, it can only adhere to a certain level. While artificial intelligence can perform better making intelligent decisions. Certain programs and inputs with learning algorithms stand AI different than other machines. Many invented devices with AI have significantly helped many industries revolutionized and change the outcome. AI can be used to reach the sophisticated social engineering and detect the activities before the attack. Just by monitoring the internet, many events can be observed. AI can also be used to prevent the spreading of fake news. As social media is widely used among internet lovers, an algorithm can monitor the activities to specifically detect particular based sharing and take it as spam. The content of terrorists can be captured at a faster speed, within some minutes from social media and can be deleted with the help of AI. While having political events, this kind of system can be so useful to avoid fake information spreading and many terrorist activities can be prevented


The innovation has brought change to almost every area that we touch today. And the same can be done to our security and the fight against terrorism. Combining quantum computing with AI can bring can be detected with the help of AI. Huge data analysis by systems helps us to find the probable place and time of terrorist activity before happening. Data cluster analysis can even provide you a population group and estimated region. Having a strong reach, social media platforms can use AI to detect terrorism following ways:

• Tracking content:

AI in social media platforms can watch content that being uploaded on it and can track any unusual content that is trying to manipulate a mass. Multi-language input can also be detected and can be removed from further spreading. Facebook and Google have built a good spam detection algorithm. And it also can be used against terrorism.

• Image identification

It can detect flagged and spammed images to prevent getting similar kinds of images uploaded.

• Data analysis:

Channel data analysis and detection can help identify terrorists profile and their activity across multiple social media platforms. Mass data can be accurately analyzed by AI with speed faster than ever. Central digital databse also help in traffic analysis, criminal activity monitoring and much more. It collect and thoroughly analyse the data of terrorist activity happened, and intelligently club it with different data to learn and predict the future targets. The data store in relevant format is very useful teaching the algorithm and helping it advance. AI and IOT gave birth to many new technologies which has proven to be useful predicting different activities across the globe. Same way it posses the power to save the world from terrorist attack. Internet of Technology has enabled cities to create an integrated infrastructure which can generate real-time data and feed it to AI based system to predict the crime before it happens. Together AI and IOT has shows power that can be very helpful in our fight against terrorism.


While not a panacea, AI and IoT can help reduce terrorism and terrorist activity for the betterment of mankind. Using its global level with a combination of all resources from different countries can create an impact on different levels. This combination is going to be the future against the terrorism landscape, terrorism free. With so advancement in technology and criminals using in their fever doesn‘t leave us with many options but to use AI to fight it. That is the best option to dive deeper and finds the root and destroys them once and for all.

RESOURCES: Col.Y. (Heb.), ―The Journey Towards Clarifying the Perception and Implementation of Intelligence and Operational Superiority in the Digital Era,‖ Modi‘in Halacha VeMaaseh, Big Data and Intelligence, May 2018 Rick Delgado, ―How Big Data is Aiding in the Fight against Terrorism,‖ Data floq,

Corresponding Author Yadu Muntha*

Research Scholar