New Era of E-Learning: Challenges and Solutions
Exploring Innovative Solutions for Continuity in Education
by Ms. Pooja Rawat*,
- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540
Volume 17, Issue No. 1, Apr 2020, Pages 162 - 166 (5)
Published by: Ignited Minds Journals
Background This Covid-19 disease is declared as a pandemic situation all over the world and it gives a challenge to all sector especially to education sector. Due to all restriction made up by the government for control and prevention of the disease this make a huge change in the learning method of the educational sector. These changes for the undefined period of time. Methods In this paper we want to identify that scope of online educational trainings and classes through that can deliver the knowledge and how it can be beneficial for the students, teachers, institutions and all knowledge-based industries. Descriptive study this theoretical integration shows that how this pandemic situation changes the teaching-learning methodology. Conclusion This Paper Concludes teaching and learning is not discontinuing in this situation still there are many ways e.g. Online teaching, Webinars, E-Quiz, E-Library or free Courses of renowned institutions through that learning is unstoppable. These innovative solutions utilizing technology bridge the gap between learner and educator in these unparalleled circumstances.
E-Learning, Challenges, Solutions, Covid-19, Pandemic, Education sector, Online educational trainings, Online teaching, Webinars, Technology
In the previous century, we witnessed an extraordinary technological advancement ─ specially, in the fields of computing and communications ─ changing our lives and our perspective of the world in an unconceivable way. The computing and communications revolution, while improving quality of our life, has also brought in its wake a number of challenges. The world has become a big village. The global village view of the world presents us with a number of arduous challenges including the ones due to the following facts:
- The patterns of trade, competitions and technological innovation are changing at an ever-increasing rate.
- There is exponential growth of acquaintance, again, at an ever-increasing rate.
- There are world-wide social concerns for freedom and general quality of life.
- Demand for universal access in respect of opportunities for relevant and quality education ─ especially for economic survival and advantage.
Through this paper, author is trying to focus on various issues and challenges in implementing E-learning system. E-learning is a very broad area of research in terms of education system. In this paper, it starts with an introduction on E-learning system and followed by some definitions on E-learning and distance tutoring. This is all about the discussion on issues and challenges in different areas of E-learning domain. It introduces analysis and recommendations to overcome these challenges and finally tells about future scope of e-learning.
Challenges Faced by Students: 1. Adaptability
Students find it difficult to adapt to an online learning environment immediately after traditional classroom learning. Due to the sudden change,
2. Technical Issues
Many students are not well equipped with a high internet connection that is required for online learning. Due to this, they face problems in going live for virtual learning and other platforms that require internet connection.
3. Computer Knowledge
Lack of computer education is a major concern in today‘s world. There are many students who still cannot operate basic computers with MS word and PowerPoint.
4. Time Management
In many cases students find difficulty in managing their time with online learning. Online learning is completely new for them and requires intensive work.
5. Self- Motivation
Students start losing hope once they find difficulty in online learning. It requires motivation to complete tasks and engage students with their learning.
6. Distraction
Learning from home is an amazing experience. You might expect things around you to be like a school campus. But at home things are different for example, you might want a massive classroom, parks, playgrounds, canteens, friends, teachers around you to guide and learn.
7. Learning Styles
Most of the students have learned in the physical classroom. Online learning can make you adapt to different styles of learning. There are some students who can adapt to these styles quickly but what about the students who need more time.
8. Communication
Students lack effective communication skills during online learning. Teachers give assignments for improving reading and writing skills but there is a possibility that they might not be able to write so convincingly that educators understand the concept behind their assignments.
9. Virtual Engagement
Online classes help teachers to provide reading material, assignments, communication via email, live chats or messages and delivering content by live sessions, presentations, recorded videos or lectures
10. Feedback
Every student needs feedback for their performance during the learning process so that they can improve their learning abilities. Research reveals that the students hardly visit their assignments to check their suggestions and comments.
Nowadays adaptive learning is using AI to adjust the content according to distinct needs. It helps in providing personalised courses to recognize their weaknesses and strengths for better learning consequences. Students should be provided access to support devices that can help them solve technical problems via call, email or live chat. You should pay attention to your educator during the process of resolving the matters. Time management is the most important factor in online learning. It needs time and effort for improved learning outcomes. You should know the factors that can affect your timings during the learning process such as Avoid Disruptions – Try to avoid distractions that can affect your learning. There are many platforms that can engage you for entertainment and communication. Create To-Do List – You can prepare a list of activities on an everyday basis. Try to break down large activities into smaller ones for better learning outcomes. Use this list to tackle each task Pursue Help – To manage time during online learning seek help from your parents, friends and families. Evade Multitasking – Do not try to take up multiple tasks at the same time. Complete one task at a time as it can make your work less effective and productive. Include Yourself – You should show up for all the activities and learning during the sessions. Make sure that you log in every day, check for the status and appear in all the sessions and discussions. Plan Time for Learning – You have to stick to a study plan for effective learning. Take a break and resume back to learning with the same interest and enthusiasm. Stay Positive – Make sure that you are positive towards online learning. Make use of the time in Understudies should educate guardians and companions concerning the hour of web based realizing so that there will be no interruptions from their side. Limit the examination zone for others to come during live meetings and video calls. To improve learning results, it is essential to comprehend the learning styles. You can learn through connection, visual introductions, and sound classes or composed notes You ought to get mindful of the significance of correspondence for better learning. Web based learning upgrades your learning experience. It gives a stage to correspondence and communication with others. Thusly, you can gain from them and improve their insight and abilities. In the event that you have any issues in correspondence, at that point look for help from instructors and companions. You can speak with your instructors in private to clear questions either through virtual learning stages or calls. Your educators could possibly assist you with trip unmistakably. You can move toward your educators for criticism identified with your presentation. Educators can give your customized direction for development and distinguish your shortcomings and qualities.
As education is going on online, many educators are being asked to teach their students from home. We know that all the teachers are not aware of online learning and their process as most of them are into traditional classroom teaching. There is a saying for every problem, there is a solution. So let us not only see the challenges but also find solutions to overcome them.
1. Engaging students
As students are moving towards online learning from traditional classrooms, it becomes difficult for teachers to adjust to a new learning platform.
2. Time Commitment
If the course content is thought in person then you might not really understand the time commitment. It is still difficult to convert those learning into effective online format. Teachers should be given some time for proper planning of the content and methods to deliver to the students. Teachers are not able to deliver the effective content in time.
3. Communication
The more detailed the syllabus, the easier to communicate to the students. Sometimes teachers are not given enough time for the preparation of content for their students and also there are students
4. Assessment
Assessment is the most important part of online learning for students as well as teachers. And it causes stress to students at times. So whenever there are assignments or projects, teachers might face a lot of questions from the students.
5. Feedback
Every student needs feedback for their performance for improvement. Teachers find it difficult to give feedback to all students individually. Sometimes few students get benefited from it and others don‘t.
6. Learning Management Systems
Teachers experience a hard time in expressing their content to students, especially assignments and assessments. There have been problems with understanding the level of difficulty in terms of course content among students.
7. Teaching Methods
We know that most of the teachers follow typical classroom-style teaching methods, as they use to teach with only blackboard and books.
8. Fear of Cheating
Sometimes teachers might feel concerned about the risk of cheating in online learning. They feel that students can cheat to get better results in the tests and assignments.
9. Technical Issues
Many teachers struggle with technical issues that are unavoidable and cause stress. They become helpless if something technical errors come in the middle of the live session or communicating with students.
10. Course Content
The course content was designed earlier with respect to traditional classrooms. But with the shift to online learning, it requires redesigning of course which can take a considerable amount of time and energy.
How to overcome the challenge
You need to comprehend that internet learning has a ton of focal points as for instruments and fascinating stages to draw in understudies with regards to learning. Attempt to incorporate those instruments and numerous sorts of learning approaches, for example, digital broadcasts,
strategies (tests, tests, tasks and ventures) learning exercises and joint effort for better learning results. Utilize an inviting tone for speaking with your understudies to build up compatibility. You can set updates for tasks and activities in your learning the executives framework. Send it to your understudies multi week before the accommodation cutoff time. Give adaptability for the understudies when they request not making up to their cutoff times. You should perceive the need of staying in touch with the understudies and comprehend what sort of exercises can achieve your objective. Lead conversations for explicit substance for the understudies with the chance to tackle the issue and adapting adequately. You should comprehend the kind of inquiries understudies may pose and plan FAQs for the normal inquiries. Ensure that you give appropriate tasks and lead tests at ordinary spans. This can assist you with evaluating them dependent on their exhibition. You ought to see that it is so essential to give input for the understudies for their development and improvement. Ensure that you give customized direction to all the understudies so they can chip away at their learning capacities. You ought to have a comprehension of the solid learning the board framework and web advances that can help your teaching method. Think and exploit the preparation and workshops went to during educator preparing. Apply the techniques for viable instructing and the executives frameworks. Most significant thing is to get settled in a virtual homeroom. Discover various types of instruments that make instructing and appraisal basic and simple. You can create many instructing techniques that can improve their learning, for example, leading various exercises, model making, discusses, bunch exercises, virtual visits, bunch conversations, pretend and so on There are numerous dependable approaches to upgrade the trustworthiness of web based learning. You ought to permit understudies to take tests as per their comfort. Try not to drive for tasks or any tests except if they are prepared. You should contact specialized help for taking care of issues that can cause deterrent in the learning interaction. Ensure you redesign your PC with applications and programming that can help in a viable learning measure with a high velocity web association. You should comprehend the course substance and how to fit it into your online course. Ensure you adjust a few changes regarding exercises and tasks for a superior comprehension of the ideas.
According to the study, learning contents and learning communities got the highest priority in e-learning research. In these areas, lots of development has to be made. As technology is growing day by day, learner interest in E-learning increases very rapidly. Now researcher has begun to to study learner behavior, learning style by their online activities and search criteria. In support of e-learning on the web, a new version of World Wide Web called Web 3.0 has been proposed as a possible future consisting of the integration of high-powered graphics (Scalable Vector Graphics or SVG) and semantic data. There have also been discussions around 3-D social networking systems and immersive 3-D internet environments that will take the best of virtual worlds (such as Second Life) and gaming environments and merge them with the Web. Web 3.0 based e-learning services will be having constructive impact on education.
E-learning is a complex system with multiple forms and different level of interest of learner. To make e-learning system to more interactive for learner, researchers need to take decision at every level of learning cycle. A Decision Support System (DSS) is an interactive information system that provides models, data manipulation tools and information. DSS helps to make decisions in semi-structured and unstructured situation by offering such approach, education system could play much better for student centric operation towards positive improvement of his performance.
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Corresponding Author Ms. Pooja Rawat*
Assistant Professor, Vivekananda Global University, Jaipur, Rajasthan